Friday, October 07, 2016

NEWSBOOK - Ottubru 6, 2016 - Il-Papa jħabbar Sinodu dwar iż-żgħażagħ u l-vokazzjonijiet

Għeżież żgħażagħ,
Hawn aħna mill-ġdid mexjin, wara l-laqgħa mill-isbaħ li kellna fi Krakovja, fejn flimkien iċċelebrajna l-XXXI Jum Dinji taż-Żgħażagħ u l-Ġublew taż-Żgħażagħ, fil-kuntest tas-Sena Mqaddsa tal-Ħniena. Ħallejna jmexxina lil San Ġwanni Pawlu II u Santa Fawstina Kowalska, appostli tal-Ħniena divina, biex nagħtu tweġiba konkreta għall-isfidi ta’ żmienna. Għexna esperjenza qawwija ta’ fraternità u ta’ ferħ, u tajna lid-dinja sinjal ta’ tama; il-bnadar u l-ilsna diversi ma kinux motiv ta’ tilwim u firda, imma okkażjni biex niftħu l-bibien ta’ qlubna, biex nibnu l-pontijiet.
Fi tmiem il-JDŻ ta’ Krakovja wrejtkom id-destinazzjoni li jmiss fil-pellegrinaġġ tagħna li, bl-għajnuna ta’ Alla, għad iwassalna fil-Panama fl-2019. F’din il-mixja għandna magħna lill-Verġni Marija, dik li kull nisel isejħilha hienja (ara Lq 1:48). Din il-parti ġdida tal-mixja tagħna tingħaqad ma’ ta’ qabilha, li kienet tikkonċentra fuq il-Beatitudnijiet, imma timbuttana biex nibqgħu mexjin ’il quddiem. Fil-fatt nixtieq ħafna li intom iż-żgħażagħ, intom u mexjin, mhux biss tagħmlu tifkira tal-passat, imma jkollkom ukoll il-kuraġġ fil-preżent u tama għall-futur. Dawn l-atteġġjamenti, dejjem ħajja fix-Xebba żagħżugħa ta’ Nazareth, huma espressi b’mod ċar fit-temi magħżula għat-tliet JDŻ li ġejjin. Din is-sena (2017) se nirriflettu fuq il-fidi ta’ Marija meta fil-Magnificat qalet: “Is-Setgħani għamel miegħi ħwejjeġ kbar” (Lq 1:49). It-tema tas-sena d-dieħla (2018) – “Tibżax, Marija, għax int sibt grazzja quddiem Alla” (Lq 1:30) – tgħinna nimmeditaw l-imħabba kollha kuraġġ li biha Marija laqgħet il-bxara tal-anġlu. Il-JDŻ 2019 sa jkun imnebbaħ mill-kelmiet: “Hawn jien il-qaddejja tal-Mulej; ħa jsir minni skont kelmtek” (Lq 1:38), li bihom Marija, mimlija bit-tama, wieġbet lill-anġlu.
F’Ottubru 2018, il-Knisja sa tiċċelebra s-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet bit-tema: Iż-żgħażagħ, il-fidi u d-dixxerniment vokazzjonali. Sa nistaqsu lilna nfusna kif intom iż-żgħażagħ qegħdin tgħixu l-esperjenza tal-fidi qalb l-isfidi ta’ żmienna. U naffrontaw ukoll il-kwistjoni ta’ kif tistgħu timmaturaw proġett ta’ ħajja, tiddixxernu l-vokazzjoni tagħkom, mifhuma f’sens wiesa’, jiġifieri għaż-żwieġ, fil-qasam lajkali u professjonali, inkella għall-ħajja kkonsagrata u għas-saċerdozju. Nixtieq li jkun hemm sintonija kbira bejn il-mixja lejn il-JDŻ tal-Panama u l-mixja sinodali.
Fi żmienna m’għandniex bżonn ta’ “żgħażagħ tal-pultruna”
Skont il-Vanġelu, wara li laqgħet il-bxara tal-anġlu u wieġbet bl-“iva” tagħha għas-sejħa li tkun omm il-Feddej, Marija qamet u marret tħaffef iżżur lil kuġintha Eliżabetta, li kienet fis-sitt xahar tat-tqala (ara 1:36,39). Marija kienet għadha żagħżugħa; dak li tħabbrilha hu don mill-ikbar, imma jġib ukoll miegħu sfidi kbar ħafna; il-Mulej żguraha li sa jkun preżenti biex iweżinha, imma f’moħħha u f’qalbha kien għad fadlilha ħafna affarijiet mhux ċari. Imma Marija ma ngħalqitx id-dar, ma ħallietx il-biża’ jew il-kburija jipparalizzawha. Marija mhix it-tip li biex tħossha tajjeb għandha bżonn ta’ pultruna komda fejn tħossha fiż-żgur. Mhix żagħżugħa tal-pultruna (ara d-Diskors fil-Velja, Krakovja, 30 ta’ Lulju 2016)! Jekk ix-xwejħa kuġintha għandha bżonn daqqa t’id, hi ma toqgħodx ittella’ u tniżżel, imma titlaq dritt fil-vjaġġ.
Il-vjaġġ lejn id-dar ta’ Eliżabetta hu twil: xi 150 kilometru. Imma ż-żagħżugħa ta’ Nazaret, imqanqla mill-Ispirtu s-Santu, ma tafx bi xkiel. Żgur li l-ġranet ta’ mixi għenuha timmedita fuq il-ġrajja mill-isbaħ li fiha issa kienet imdaħħla. Hekk ukoll jiġri lilna meta nagħmlu pellegrinaġġ: matul it-triq jiġuna f’moħħna l-fatti tal-ħajja, u nistgħu ngħarblu u nifhmu aktar it-tifsira tagħhom u hekk ninżlu iżjed fil-fond tas-sejħa tagħna, li mbagħad juruhielna aktar il-laqgħa tagħna ma’ Alla u l-qadi tal-oħrajn.
Is-Setgħani għamel miegħi ħwejjeġ kbar
Il-laqgħa bejn iż-żewġ nisa, iż-żagħżugħa u l-anzjana, hi mimlija bil-preżenza tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, u mimlija bil-ferħ u bl-istagħġib (ara Lq 1:40-45). Iż-żewġ ommijiet, u bħalhom l-ulied li kienu qed iġorru f’ġufhom, kważi jiżfnu bil-ferħ. Eliżabetta, milquta mill-fidi ta’ Marija, tistagħġeb: “Hienja dik li emment li jseħħ kulma bagħat jgħidilha l-Mulej” (v. 45). Iva, wieħed mill-ikbar doni li rċiviet il-Verġni hu dak tal-fidi. Li temmen f’Alla hu don l-aktar għoli, imma jrid ukoll jiġi milqugħ; u għal dan Eliżabetta tbierek lil Marija. Hi, min-naħa tagħha, twieġeb bl-għanja tal-Magnificat (ara Lq 1:46-55), fejn insibu l-espressjoni: “Is-Setgħani għamel miegħi ħwejjeġ kbar” (v. 49).
Hi talba rivoluzzjonarja, dik ta’ Marija, l-għanja ta’ xebba mimlija bil-fidi, li taf bil-limiti tagħha imma hi fiduċjuża fil-Ħniena divina. Din il-mara ċkejkna u qalbiena trodd ħajr lil Alla għax hu ħares lejn iċ-ċokon tagħha kif ukoll għall-opra ta’ salvazzjoni li wettaq mal-poplu tiegħu, mal-foqra u l-umli. Il-fidi hi l-qalba tal-istorja kollha ta’ Marija. Il-kantiku tagħha jgħinna nifhmu l-ħniena ta’ Alla bħala mutur tal-istorja, kemm dik personali ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minna u kemm tal-bnedmin kollha flimkien.
Meta Alla jmiss il-qalb ta’ żagħżugħ, ta’ żagħżugħa, dawn isiru kapaċi jwettqu għemejjel kbar. Il-“ħwejjeġ kbar” li s-Setgħani għamel fil-ħajja ta’ Marija jkellmuna wkoll fuq il-vjaġġ tagħna fil-ħajja, li mhux li niġġerrew ’l hawn u ’l hemm bla ebda sens, imma pellegrinaġġ li, imqar bl-inċertezzi u t-tbatijiet kollha tiegħu, jista’ jsib il-milja tiegħu f’Alla (ara Angelus, 15 ta’ Awwissu 2015). Ħa tgħiduli: “Dun, imma jien inħossni limitat ħafna, jiena midneb, kif nista’ nagħmel?”. Meta l-Mulej isejħilna, hu ma jiqafx ma’ dak li aħna jew ma’ dak li għamilna. Bil-maqlub, meta hu jsejħilna, hu jara dak kollu li nistgħu nagħmlu, l-imħabba kollha li għandna l-ħila nuru. Bħax-xebba Marija, tistgħu tagħmlu mod li l-ħajja tagħkom issir strument biex ittejbu d-dinja. Ġesù qed isejħilkom tħallu l-marka tagħkom fil-ħajja, marka li tmiss l-istorja, l-istorja tagħkom u l-istorja ta’ ħafna (ara Diskors fil-Velja, Krakovja, 30 ta’ Lulju 2016).
Għalkemm aħna żgħażagħ, ma jfissirx li aħna maqtugħin mill-passat
Marija kienet ftit iktar minn adolexxent, bħal ħafna minnkom. Imma fil-Magnificat tleħħen it-tifħir tal-poplu tagħha, tal-istorja tagħha. Dan jurina li, għalkemm aħna żgħażagħ, dan ma jfissirx li aħna maqtugħin mill-passat. L-istorja personali tagħna tidħol f’mixja ħafna itwal, f’mixja komunitarja li ġiet qabilna matul is-sekli. Bħal Marija, aħna nagħmlu parti minn poplu. U l-istorja tal-Knisja tgħallimna li, imqar meta jkollha tgħaddi minn qalb ħalel u burraxki, hemm id-driegħ ta’ Alla jmexxiha, jgħinha tegħleb mumenti diffiċli. L-esperjenza vera ta’ Knisja mhijiex bħal ta’ xi flashmob, fejn nagħtu appuntament lil xulxin, nagħmlu performance u mbagħad kulħadd jitlaq lura fi triqtu. Il-Knisja ġġorr fi ħdanha tradizzjoni twila, li tgħaddi minn ġenerazzjoni għall-oħra, u fl-istess waqt tistagħna mill-esperjenza ta’ kull persuna. Anki l-istorja tagħkom issib postha fi ħdan l-istorja tal-Knisja.
It-tifkira tal-imgħoddi sservina wkoll biex nilqgħu dak il-ġdid li Alla jrid iwettaq fina u permezz tagħna. U tgħinna ninfetħu biex niġu magħżula bħala strumenti tiegħu, kollaboraturi tal-proġetti tiegħu ta’ salvazzjoni. Anki intom iż-żgħażagħ tistgħu tagħmlu ħwejjeġ kbar, tidħlu għal responsabbiltajiet għoljin, jekk tagħrfu l-azzjoni ħanina u li tista’ kollox ta’ Alla fil-ħajja tagħna.
Nixtieq nagħmlilkom xi mistoqsijiet: b’liema mod qed “tissejvjaw” fil-memorja tagħkom il-ġrajjiet, l-esperjenzi tal-ħajja tagħkom? Kif tittrattaw il-fatti u x-xbihat li jibqgħu mmarkati f’moħħkom? Xi wħud minnkom, partikularment midruba miċ-ċirkustanzi tal-ħajja, ikollhom aptit “jirrisettjaw” il-passat tagħhom, jużaw id-dritt li jinsew kollox. Imma rrid infakkarkom li m’hemmx qaddis mingħajr passat, lanqas midneb mingħajr futur. Il-perla titwieled minn ġerħa tal-gajdra! Ġesù, bi mħabbtu, jista’ jfejjaq il-qlub tagħna, jibdel il-ġrieħi tagħna f’perli ta’ veru. Kif kien jgħid San Pawl, il-Mulej jista’ juri l-qawwa tiegħu permezz tad-dgħufijiet tagħna (ara 2 Kor 12:9).
Imma t-tifkiriet tagħna ma għandhomx jibqgħu mgeddsa, bħal fil-memorja ta’ xi hard drive. U impossibbli narkivjaw kollox fi “sħaba” virtwali. Irridu nfittxu mezz kif mill-fatti tal-passat nagħmlu realtà dinamika, li fuqha rridu nirriflettu u minnha nisiltu tagħlim u tifsira għall-preżent u l-futur tagħna. Ħidma iebsa, imma meħtieġa, hi dik li niskopru n-nisġa komuni tal-imħabba ta’ Alla li tgħaqqad l-eżistenza kollha tagħna.
Ħafna jgħidu li intom iż-żgħażagħ aljenati u tibqgħu fuq il-qoxra. Xejn ma naqbel ma’ dan! Imma rridu nagħrfu li f’dawn iż-żminijiet tagħna hemm bżonn nirkupraw il-ħila li nirriflettu fuq ħajjitna u nipproġettawha lejn il-futur. Li jkollok passat mhux l-istess ħaġa bħal li jkollok storja. Fil-ħajja tagħna jista’ jkollna ħafna tifkiriet, imma kemm minnhom jibnu tassew il-memorja tagħna? Kemm huma sinifikattivi għall-qalb tagħna u jgħinuna nagħtu sens lill-eżistenza tagħna? L-uċuħ taż-żgħażagħ, fil-midja soċjali, jidhru f’tant ritratti li jirrakkontaw ġrajjiet ftit jew wisq reali, imma ma nafux kemm minn dan kollu hu “storja”, esperjenza li tista’ tiġi rrakkuntata, li għandha fini u tifsira. Il-programmi televiżivi huma mimlija bl-hekk imsejħa reality shows, imma mhumiex stejjer reali, huma biss minuti li jtiru quddiem kamera, fejn il-persunaġġi jgħixu l-ġurnata, bla proġett. Titqarrqux minn din l-immaġni falza tar-realtà! Kunu protagonisti tal-istorja vera tagħkom, iddeċiedu l-futur tagħkom!
Kif nibqgħu kkonnettjati, fuq l-eżempju ta’ Marija
Fuq Marija jingħad li baqgħet tgħożż f’qalbha dawn il-ħwejjeġ kollha u taħseb fuqhom bejnha u bejn ruħha (ara Lq 2:19,51). Din it-tfajla sempliċi ta’ Nazaret bl-eżempju tagħha tgħallimna kif inżommu ħajja t-tifkira tal-ġrajjiet ta’ ħajjitna, imma anki kif norbtuhom flimkien, u nibnu mill-ġdid il-biċċiet imkissra, li, magħqudin, jistgħu jsawru mużajk. Kif nistgħu naħdmu b’mod konkret f’dan is-sens? Ħa nagħmlilkom xi suġġerimenti.
Fi tmiem kull ġurnata nistgħu nieqfu għal ftit minuti biex niftakru fil-mumenti sbieħ, l-isfidi, dak li mar tajjeb u dak li mar ħażin. Hekk, quddiem Alla u quddiemna nfusna, nistgħu nuru s-sentimenti ta’ gratitudni, ta’ ndiema u ta’ affidament, jekk tridu anki tniżżluhom f’xi pitazz, speċi ta’ djarju spiritwali. Dan ifisser titlob fil-ħajja, bil-ħajja u fuq il-ħajja, u żgur jgħinkom tifhmu aħjar il-ħwejjeġ kbar li l-Mulej jagħmel għal kull wieħed u waħda minnkom. Kif kien jgħid Santu Wistin, lil Alla nistgħu nsibuh fil-meded wesgħin tal-memorja tagħna (ara Stqarrijiet, Ktieb X, 8, 12).
Meta naqraw il-Magnificat nintebħu kemm Marija kienet midħla tal-Kelma ta’ Alla. Kull vers ta’ dan il-kantiku għandu parallel tiegħu fit-Testment il-Qadim. L-omm żagħżugħa ta’ Ġesù kienet tafhom tajjeb it-talbiet tal-poplu tagħha. Żgur li l-ġenituri tagħha, in-nanniet tagħha kienu għallmuhomlha. Kemm hi importanti t-trasmissjoni tal-fidi minn ġenerazzjoni għall-oħra! Hemm teżor moħbi fit-talb li jgħallmuna l-antenati tagħna, f’dik l-ispiritwalità li tingħax fil-kultura tas-sempliċi li aħna nsejħulha pjetà popolari. Marija tilqa’ l-wirt tal-fidi tal-poplu tagħha u tinsġu mill-ġdid f’għanja kollha kemm hi tagħha, imma li fl-istess waqt hi għanja tal-Knisja kollha. U l-Knisja kollha tgħanniha magħha. Biex anki intom iż-żgħażagħ tistgħu tgħannu Magnificat kollu kemm hu tagħkom ħalli tagħmlu minn ħajjitkom don għall-bnedmin kollha, hu fundamentali tidħlu mill-ġdid f’kuntatt mat-tradizzjoni storika u t-talb ta’ dawk li ġew qabilkom. Minn hawn toħroġ l-importanza li tkunu nafu tajjeb il-Bibbja, il-Kelma ta’ Alla, li taqrawha ta’ kuljum u tqabbluha ma’ ħajjitkom, taqraw il-ġrajjiet tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum fid-dawl ta’ dak li l-Mulej jgħidilkom fl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Fit-talb u fil-qari miġbur tal-Bibbja (l-hekk imsejħa lectio divina), Ġesù jsaħħan mill-ġdid lil qlubkom, idawwal il-passi tagħkom, anki fil-mumenti mudlama tal-ħajja tagħkom (ara Lq 24:13-35).
Marija tgħallimna wkoll ngħixu b’atteġġjament Ewkaristiku, jiġifieri billi rroddu ħajr, nikkultivaw it-tifħir, u ma niqfux biss fuq il-problemi u d-diffikultajiet. Fid-dinamika tal-ħajja, it-talbiet tal-lum għada jsiru raġuni biex ngħidu grazzi. Hekk, is-sehem tagħkom fil-Quddiesa u l-mumenti li fihom tiċċelebraw is-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni jkunu fl-istess waqt quċċata u punt tat-tluq: ħajjitkom tiġġedded ta’ kuljum fil-maħfra, issir tifħir kontinwu lis-Setgħani: “Afdaw fil-memorja ta’ Alla: il-memorja tiegħu hi […] qalb tenera ta’ kompassjoni, li tifraħ tħassar darba għal dejjem kull ħjiel tal-ħażen tagħna” (Omelija fil-Quddiesa tal-JDŻ, Krakovja, 31 ta’ Lulju 2016).
Rajna li l-Magnificat inixxi mill-qalb ta’ Marija xħin hi tmur tiltaqa’ mal-kuġina xwejħa tagħha Eliżabetta. Din, bil-fidi tagħha, bil-ħarsa attenta tagħha u bi kliemha, tgħin lill-Verġni tifhem aħjar il-kobor tal-għemil ta’ Alla fiha, tal-missjoni li fdalha. U intom, qed tindunaw bl-għajn straordinarja ta’ għana li hi l-laqgħa bejn iż-żgħażagħ u l-anzjani? Kemm importanza tagħtu lill-anzjani, lin-nanniet tagħkom? Bir-raġun, intom ħsiebkom hu kif ħa “ttiru”, f’qalbkom iġġorru ħafna ħolm, imma għandkom bżonn tal-għerf u tal-viżjoni tal-anzjani. Waqt li tiftħu ġwenħajkom għar-riħ, importanti li tiskopru għeruqkom u tilqgħu x-xhieda tal-persuni li ġew qabilkom. Biex tibnu futur bis-sens, tridu tkunu tafu l-ġrajjiet tal-imgħoddi u tieħdu pożizzjoni fuqhom (ara Eżortazzjoni appostolika postsinodali Amoris lætitia, 191, 193). Intom iż-żgħażagħ għandkom is-saħħa, l-anzjani għandhom il-memorja u l-għerf. Bħal Marija ma’ Eliżabetta, dawru ħarsitkom lejn l-anzjani, lejn in-nanniet tagħkom. Jgħidulkom ħwejjeġ li jappassjonaw il-ħsieb tagħkom u jqanqlu lil qlubkom.
Fedeltà kreattiva biex tibnu żminijiet ġodda
Hu minnu li għandkom biss ftit snin fuq spallejkom u allura diffiċli għalikom tagħtu lit-tradizzjoni l-valur li jixirqilha. Żommu sewwa quddiem għajnejkom li dan ma jfissirx tkunu tradizzjonalisti. Le! Meta Marija fil-Vanġelu tgħid: “is-Setgħani għamel miegħi ħwejjeġ kbar”, qed tifhem li dawk il-“ħwejjeġ kbar” ma spiċċawx, imma għadhom jitwettqu fil-preżent. Mhux passat imbiegħed. Li nagħrfu nagħmlu memorja tal-passat ma jfissirx inkunu nostalġiċi jew nibqgħu marbutin ma’ perjodu determinat tal-istorja, imma li nagħrfu l-oriġni tagħna, biex dejjem nerġgħu lura għall-essenzjal u b’fedeltà kreattiva nibdew nibnu żminijiet ġodda. Gwaj għalina u ma jagħmel ġid lil ħadd minna jekk nikkultivaw memorja paralizzanti, li ġġagħalna nagħmlu dejjem l-istess affarijiet bl-istess mod. Hu don tas-Sema li naraw kif ħafna minnkom, bid-dubji, il-ħolm u l-mistoqsijiet tagħkom, qed teħduha kontra dawk li jgħidu li l-affarijiet ma jistgħux ikunu differenti.
Soċjetà li tagħti valur biss lill-preżent aktarx tiżvaluta wkoll dak kollu li tkun wirtet mill-imgħoddi, bħal ngħidu aħna l-istituzzjonijiet taż-żwieġ, tal-ħajja kkonsagrata, tal-missjoni saċerdotali. Dawn tibda tarahom battala minn kull sens, bħal forom superati. Taħseb li tista’ tgħaddiha aħjar f’sitwazzjonijiet hekk imsejħa “miftuħa”, u fil-ħajja ġġib ruħha bħal f’reality show, bla skop u bla fini. Titqarrqux! Alla ġie biex iwessa’ l-ixfqa ta’ ħajjitna, lejn kull direzzjoni. Hu jgħinna nagħtu l-valur li jixraqlu lill-passat, biex nipproġettaw aħjar futur ta’ kuntentizza: imma dan hu possibbli biss jekk ngħixu esperjenzi awtentiċi ta’ mħabba, li jsiru konkreti meta niskopru s-sejħa tal-Mulej u ngħixu skont din is-sejħa. U din hi l-unika ħaġa li tassew tagħmilna henjin.
Għeżież żgħażagħ, nafda l-mixja tagħna lejn il-Panama, kif ukoll il-mixja ta’ tħejjija għas-Sinodu li ġej tal-Isqfijiet, fil-ħarsien matern tal-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija. Nistedinkom tiftakru f’żewġ anniversarji importanti tal-2017: it-tliet mitt sena mis-sejba tax-xbieha tal-Madonna Aparecida fil-Brażil; u ċ-ċentinarju tad-dehriet ta’ Fatima, fil-Portugall, fejn, bl-għajnuna ta’ Alla, sa mmur pellegrin f’Mejju li ġej. San Martin ta’ Porres, wieħed mill-qaddisin patruni tal-Amerika Latina u tal-JDŻ 2019, fil-qadi umli tiegħu ta’ kuljum, kellu d-drawwa li joffri l-aqwa fjuri lil Marija, bħala sinjal tal-imħabba tiegħu ta’ iben. Għożżu intom ukoll, bħalu, relazzjoni ta’ familjarità u ħbiberija mal-Madonna, u afdawlha l-ferħ tagħkom, l-inkwiet u t-tħassib tagħkom. Niżgurakom li ma jiddispjaċikomx!
Ix-xebba ta’ Nazaret, li fid-dinja kollha libset elf wiċċ u isem biex tersaq qrib ta’ wliedha, tidħol għal kull wieħed u waħda minna u tgħinna ngħannu l-ħwejjeġ kbar li l-Mulej iwettaq fina u permezz tagħna.
Mill-Vatikan, 27 ta’ Frar 2017
Tifkira ta’ San Gabrijel tal-Addolorata

miġjub mit-Taljan għall-Malti minn Francesco Pio Attard






Sunday, October 02, 2016

Four Common Tactics of the Devil --- by Monsignor Charles Pope • June 22, 2015 • --- & --- Fr. Elija Vella OFM Conv. - The devil's tactics to distract us away from JESUS --- & --- 7 Principles of Spiritual Warfare - Fr. Mark Goring

John 8:44b ... the devil was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


I discovered this informative topic while reading a back issue of the CATHOLIC VOICE - Omnia possum in eo, qui me confortat - of 12-25 July 2015 - Issue 164.

Then found it in this site.   June 22, 2015


In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in demonic possession. Movies and books, along with human fears and fascinations, are largely the cause. Although actual demonic possession is somewhat rare, it does occur. Each diocese ought to have an appointed exorcist to assess possession. This exorcist, with the permission of the bishop, should use the Rite of Major Exorcism when true and morally certain possession has been determined.

But because actual possession is quite rare, most of us should be looking out for the more common ways that the devil attacks us. His usual tactics are more subtle and pervasive, and we ought not let the exotic distract us from the more commonplace.
One of the key elements in any contest is to understand the tactics of your opponent and to recognize the subtleties of his strategy. In the spiritual battle of life we need to develop some sophistication in recognizing, naming, and understanding the subtleties of the Devil’s common tactics.
A 2011 book by Fr. Louis Cameli, The Devil You Don’t Know, is of great assistance in this matter. Having read it a couple of years ago, I think it would be of value to reflect on four broad categories of the Devil’s tactics, which Fr. Cameli analyzes in his book.
While the four categories are Fr. Cameli’s, the reflections here are largely my own, though surely rooted in Fr. Cameli’s excellent work. I highly recommend reading the work, in which the categories are more fully described.
Here are four common tactics of the devil.
I. Deception – Jesus says, The devil was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks according to his own nature, he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44).
The devil deceives us with many false and empty promises. Most of these relate to the lie that we will be happier and more fulfilled if we sin or deny aspects of the truth. Whatever passing pleasures come with sin, they are just that—passing. Great and accumulated suffering eventually comes from almost all sinful activity. Yet despite this experience, we humans remain very gullible; we seem to love empty promises and put all sorts of false hopes in them.
The devil also deceives us by suggesting all sorts of complexities, especially in our thinking. He seeks to confuse us and conceal the fundamental truth about our actions. Our minds are very wily and love to indulge complexity as a way of avoiding the truth and making excuses. So we, conniving with the devil, entertain endless complications by asking, “But what if this? And what about that?” Along with the devil, we project all sorts of possible difficulties, exceptions, or potential sob stories in order to avoid insisting that we or others behave well and live according to the truth.
The devil also seeks to deceive us with “wordsmithing.” And thus the dismemberment and murder of a child through abortion becomes “reproductive freedom” or “choice.” Sodomy is called “gay” (a word that used to mean “happy”). Our luminous Faith and ancient wisdom are called “darkness” and “ignorance.” Fornication is called “cohabitation.” The redefinition of marriage as it is been known for millennia is labeled “marriage freedom” or “marriage equality.” And thus through exaggerations and outright false labeling, the devil deceives us. We too easily cooperate by calling “good,” or “no big deal,” what God calls sinful.
The devil also deceives us through sheer volume of information. Information is not the same as truth. Data can be assembled very craftily to make deceptive points. Further, certain facts and figures can be emphasized to the exclusion of other balancing truths. And thus even information that is true in itself can become a form of deception. The news media sometimes exercise their greatest power in what they do not report. And this, too, is a way that the devil brings deceptions upon us.
We do well to carefully assess the many ways Satan seeks to deceive us. Do not believe everything you think or hear. And while we ought not be cynical, we ought to be sober. We should seek to verify what we see and hear and square it with God’s revealed truth.
II. Division – One of Jesus’ final prayers for us was that we would be one (cf John 17:22). He prayed this at the Last Supper just before He went out to suffer and die for us. As such, He highlights that a chief aspect of his work on the cross is to overcome the divisions intensified by Satan. Some point out that the Greek root of the word “diabolical” (diabolein) means to cut, tear, or divide. Jesus prays and works to reunify what the devil divides.
The devil’s work of division starts within each one of us as we experience many contrary drives: some noble, creative, and edifying; others base, sinful, and destructive. So often we struggle internally and feel torn apart, much as Paul describes in Romans chapter 7: The good that I want to do, I do not do … and when I try to do good, evil is at hand. This is the work of the devil: to divide us within. And as St. Paul lays out in Romans 8, the chief work of the Lord is to establish within us the unity of soul and body, in accordance with the unity of His truth.
And of course the devil’s attack against our inner unity spills out into many divisions among us externally. So many things help drive this division and the devil surely taps into them all: anger, past hurts, resentments, fears, misunderstandings, greed, pride, and arrogance. There is also the impatience that we so easily develop regarding those we love, and the flawed notion that we should seek other more perfect and desirable people. And thus many abandon their marriages, families, churches, and communities, always in search of the elusive goal of finding better and more perfect people and situations.
Yes, the devil has a real field day tapping into a plethora of sinful drives within us. His goal is always to divide us, both internally, and from one another. We do well to recognize that regardless of our struggles with others, we all share a common enemy. As St Paul writes, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph 6:12). Feuding brothers will reconcile when there is a maniac at the door. But the first step is noticing the maniac, and then setting aside lesser divisions.
III. Diversion – To be diverted is to be turned away from our primary goal or task. And for all of us, the most critical focus is God and the good things waiting for us in Heaven. Our path is toward Heaven, along the path of faith, obedience to the truth, love of God, and love of neighbor. And thus the devil does all that he can to turn us away from our one true goal.
Perhaps he will do this by making us too absorbed in the passing things of the world. Many claim that they are too busy to pray, or go to Church, or seek other forms of spiritual nourishment. They become absorbed in passing, worldly things and ignore the lasting reality that looms.
Anxieties and fears also distract us. Through these, the devil causes us to fixate on fears about passing things and fail to have the proper fear of the judgment that awaits us. Jesus says, Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28). In other words, we should have a holy reverence and fear directed towards the Lord. In this way, many of our other fears will be seen in better perspective, or will even go away altogether. But in this matter of fear, the devil says just the opposite: we should be afraid of the thousands of things that might afflict us on this passing earth, and not think about the one most significant thing that awaits us—our judgment.
At the heart of all diversion is the fact that the devil wants us to focus on lesser things in order to avoid focusing on greater things such as a moral decisions and the overall direction of our life.
Once again, we must learn to focus on what matters most and refuse to allow our attention to be diverted to lesser things.
IV. Discouragement – As human beings, and certainly as Christians, it is good to have high aspirations. But Satan often seeks to poison that which is good. For along with high aspirations we sometimes lack the humility to recognize that we must make a journey to what is good and best. Too easily, then, Satan tempts us to be impatient with ourselves or others. We sometimes expect to reach our aspirations in an unreasonably short amount of time and show a lack charity toward ourselves or others. Some grow discouraged with themselves or others and give up on the pursuit of holiness. Others give up on the church because of the imperfections found there.
The devil also discourages us with open-ended aspirations. The fact is, there is always room for improvement; we can always do more. But here the devil enters, for if we can always do more, then it is also possible to think that we’ve never done enough. And thus the devil discourages us, sowing unreasonable demands within us as to what we can or should do each day.
The devil also discourages us through simple things like fatigue, personal failings, setbacks, and other obstacles that are common to our human condition and to living in a fallen world with limited resources.
In all these ways the devil seeks to discourage us, to make us want to give up. Only a properly developed sense of humility can help to save us from these discouraging works of Satan. Humility, which is reverence for the truth about ourselves, teaches us that we grow and develop slowly, that we do have setbacks, and that we live in a world that is hard and far from perfect. Being humble and recognizing these things helps us to lean more on the Lord, and to trust in His providential help, which grows in us incrementally.
Here, then, are four common tactics of the devil. Learn to recognize and name them. In this way we can start to gain authority over them. Consider reading Fr. Louis Cameli’s book to learn more.
I have compiled here a list of demonic titles and descriptions from the Rite of Major Exorcism that refer to some of these tactics of the Father of Lies. You can view it here: Titles of Satan from the Rite.


Fr. Elija Vella OFM Conv. --- The devil's tactics to distract us away from JESUS

FROM the video -
Fr Elias (Elija) Vella OFM Conv. - Deliverance from the evil one
--- from 11.51 to 29.37


This video is without the interpreter's translation. THE ORIGINAL VIDEO IS - --- Oslobodenie od Zlého 


7 Principles of Spiritual Warfare

Fr. Mark Goring preaches on 7 Principles of Spiritual Warfare:

1) Know who you are

2) Remember that we are at war (we have an enemy who wants to destroy us)
3) Know the tactics of your enemy
4) In spiritual battle you always have to keep your peace
5) Know your weaknesses (your fallen passions - angles of attack) - 7 Deadly Sins: Anger, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Laziness, Lust, Envy
6) We need to have a Holy Spirit inspired specific strategy
7) Remember. Remember the Lord (your first Love). Remember what is most important: union with God. 

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6)

Our Lady at Fatima Herself taught this prayer to the three children, Francisco Jacinta and Lucia, to include it in every decade of the Most Holy Rosary 
"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Your mercy."


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Holy Mass 1st Reading on Saturday Morning of week 25 in Ordinary Time --- [Ecclesiastes] Kohelet 11:9 - 12:8 ... Youth and Old Age - Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth; all is vanity.


[Koħ:11:9] Thenna, o żagħżugħ, fir-rebbiegħa ta' ħajtek,

u ħa tkun ferħana qalbek f'jiem żgħożitek.

Imxi wara t-taħbit ta' qalbek,

u wara l-għaxqa ta' għajnejk.

Iżda kun af li ta' dan kollu jitolbok kont Alla fil-ħaqq tiegħu.

[Koħ:11:10] Ħarrab ukoll minn moħħok it-tħassib,

u żomm il-ħsara 'l bogħod minn ġismek;

għax it-tfulija u ż-żgħożija buffura riħ.

12. Ix-xjuħija

[Koħ:12:1] Ftakar f'min ħalqek f'jiem żgħożitek

qabel ma jaslu jiem  in-niket,

u joqorbu s-snin li tgħid għalihom: "Xejn ma jogħġbuni";

[Koħ:12:2] qabel ma jiddallmu x-xemx u d-dawl,

u l-qamar u l-kwiekeb,

u s-sħab jerġa' jidher wara x-xita;

[Koħ:12:3] meta dawk li jgħassu d-dar jibdew jitriegħdu,

meta l-qalbenin jitgħawwġu,

u jieqfu dawk li jitħnu, għax jonqsu fl-għadd,

u jiddallmu dawk li jħarsu 'l barra mit-tieqa;

[Koħ:12:4] meta l-bibien jingħalqu fuq it-triq,

u l-ħoss tal-mitħna jonqos,

u l-għana ta' l-għasfur jintefa,

u kull għana jieqaf;

[Koħ:12:5] meta kull telgħa tbażża',

u t-triq issir tkexkix,

meta s-siġra tal-lewż tarmi ż-żahar,

u l-ġrad jitqal fil-mixi;

u l-kappara titlef gostha,

għax il-bniedem imur id-dar tiegħu ta' dejjem,

u l-bekkejja jiġġerrew mat-toroq;

[Koħ:12:6] qabel ma l-ħajta tal-fidda tinqata',

u l-musbieħ tad-deheb jitfarrak;

qabel ma l-ġarra fuq l-għajn tinkiser,

u   t-tarjola fuq il-bir tinqasam;

[Koħ:12:7] u t-trab jerġa' jmur fl-art mnejn ġie,

u n-nifs tal-ħajja jitlaq lejn Alla, minn fejn ġie.

[Koħ:12:8] O frugħa tal-frugħat, jgħid Koħèlet, kollox frugħa.


11:  ...Youth and Old Age...

Rejoice, young man, while you are young, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Follow the inclination of your heart and the desire of your eyes, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.
10 Banish anxiety from your mind, and put away pain from your body; for youth and the dawn of life are vanity. 



 1 Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”;

  before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return with the rain;

  in the day when the guards of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the women who grind cease working because they are few, and those who look through the windows see dimly;

  when the doors on the street are shut, and the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low;

  when one is afraid of heights, and terrors are in the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because all must go to their eternal home, and the mourners will go about the streets;

  before the silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel broken at the cistern,

  and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it.

  Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher; all is vanity.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Friday, 16 September 2016 — Father Gabriele Amorth, the famous Italian exorcist who was the exorcist for the diocese of Rome for the last 30 years, since 1986, died today in Rome at the age of 91

John 8:44b ... the devil was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


Indagine ai confini del sacro - Padre Gabriele Amorth, "l'ultimo esorcista"-Published on Feb 14, 2017

Indagine ai confini del sacro - Padre Gabriele Amorth, "l'ultimo esorcista" su Tv2000 (canale 28)


"I, afraid of that beast? It is he who should be afraid of me: I work in the name of the Lord of the world. He is just the monkey of God."
Father Gabriele Amorth, the famous Italian exorcist who was the exorcist for the diocese of Rome for the last 30 years, since 1986, referring to the devil. Father Amorth died today in Rome at the age of 91
Dr Robert Moynihan Letters - Letter #57, 2016: Adieu, Padre Amorth
16, 2016, Friday -- Adieu, Padre Amorth

"I, afraid of that beast? It is he who should be afraid of me: I work in the name of the Lord of the world. He is just the monkey of God."

Father Gabriele Amorth, the famous Italian exorcist who was the exorcist for the diocese of Rome for the last 30 years, since 1986, referring to the devil. Father Amorth died today in Rome at the age of 91

"Stefano Maria Paci: Father Amorth, Satanism is increasingly widespread. The new exorcism ritual makes it difficult to do exorcisms. Exorcists are prevented from attending an audience with the Pope in St. Peter's Square. Tell me honestly: what is happening?
Father Gabriele Amorth: The smoke of Satan enters everywhere. Everywhere! Maybe we were excluded from the papal audience because they were afraid  so many exorcists would be able to chase out the legions of demons that have taken up residence in the Vatican.
Paci: You're kidding, right?
Amorth: It may seem a joke, but I think it is no joke. I have no doubt that the devil tempts especially the leaders of the Church, as he tempts all leaders...
Paci: Are you saying that here, as in any war, Satan wants to conquer the opposing generals?
Amorth: It is a winning strategy. One always tries to implement it. Especially when the defenses of one's opponents are weak. Satan also tries. But thankfully there is the Holy Spirit who governs the Church: 'The gates of hell shall not prevail.' Despite the defections. And despite the betrayals. Which should cause us no surprise. The first traitor was one of the apostles closest to Jesus, Judas Iscariot. But despite this, the Church continues on her way. She is held up by the Holy Spirit and therefore all the efforts of Satan can have only partial results. Of course, the devil can win some battles. Even important ones. But never the war."

—from a 2001 interview between Italian journalist Stefano Maria Paci and Father Gabriele Amorth, published in the June 2001 issue of 30 Giorni magazine


In September 2006, 10 years ago, I received several letters from readers asking me if the new, post-Vatican II ritual of exorcism was as valid and effective as the old, pre-Vatican II ritual. I replied that I knew little about the matter, but would try to talk about the issue with Father Gabriele Amorth, the exorcist of the city of Rome since 1986. Two of these readers flew to Rome to accompany me for the conversation.

We drove over to a section of Rome near the via Cristoforo Colombo and parked the car. As we walked up to the address, located on a city block filled with residential apartment buildings, the music to the song "YMCA" was blasting out over the street from one of the open windows.

Father Amorth (photo below) greeted us warmly and ushered us into his office, which had the appearance of a kitchen, with a sink and stove at one end of the room.

But, since he did not know who we were, having never met us before, he asked if we would agree to answer three questions, and then to allow him to pray over us, one by one, before we began our interview. We agreed.

I was the first to sit down on a chair at the end of the room.

He moved his stole so that half of it was over my neck and shoulder while half remained over his neck and shoulder. Then he asked me the questions.

"Do you attend Sunday Mass regularly, every Sunday?" he asked. "Do you pray the Rosary? Do you go regularly to confession?"

After I gave him my answers, he began to pray over me, reciting a series of prayers, while I sat there. After a time, my eyes slowly closed. He then tapped on my head and then, with his fingers, raised my eyelids to look deeply into my eyes. I still remember the intensity of his gaze, just a few inches from my face. Then he continued to pray and at a certain moment, he finished, and said to me: "I declare you free of any evil spirits."

He asked the same questions and prayed the same prayers over my two companions, each of whom heard him say the same final words, declaring them free of evil spirits.

Only then did we begin a long conversation about the Church today, about his work as an exorcist, and related matters, that continued for almost two hours.

I asked him how the new rite compares to the old rite, and whether concerns about the new rite are legitimate.

He said the new rite is legitimate, but that its prayers are less precise and powerful against the devil than the prayers of the old rite, so he prefers to do exorcisms in the old rite, and does so.

He also said that when he and one other exorcist went to the Vatican to try to gain a hearing for their concerns about the revisions in the rite, only one cardinal came to their assistance: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who defended their continued use of the old rite.

Though now he has passed away, I would like to express thanks to him for the hospitality he showed to me that day, and for the prayers that he prayed over us.


Gabriele Amorth was born in Modena, in northern Italy, on May 1, 1925. He died today in Rome at the age of 91.

He was a Catholic partisan soldier at the end of the Second World War, and active after the war in Catholic Action, the youth movement of the Christian Democratic Party

He was ordained a priest in 1954 at the age of 29. An excellent writer, he published many articles in Italy's leading Catholic magazine, Famiglia Cristiana.
Passionate about Mariology, he became the editor of the Catholic monthly magazine Madre di Dio ("Mother of God"). He was a member of the Pontifical International Marian Academy.

In 1986, the Pope's cardinal vicar for the diocese of Rome, Cardinal Ugo Poletti, named Amorth the exorcist for the diocese.

He was a student of Father Candido Amantini, who for many years was the exorcist at the Scala Santa (the Holy Stairs) in Rome (the stairs believed to be those which Christ walked up to his trial before Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem, brought to Rome by St. Helena in the early 4th century, in about the year 326 A.D.). Today, many pilgrims go to those steps and walk up them on their knees, praying.

In various interviews, Amorth said he had carried out more than 50,000 exorcisms over the years, some taking him just a few minutes, others taking many hours of prayer.

Amorth also said that he had only been faced with about 100 cases of real demonic possession in all those tens of thousands of cases.

Most of the cases, he said, were either "disturbances" caused by the devil, or simple mental illnesses.

In an interview with Stefano Maria Paci of 30 Giorni in 2001, Amorth sharply criticized the post-Vatican II revision of the rite of exorcism.

"The old Ritual should have been amended, not entirely redone," Amorth said. "There were prayers used for 12 centuries. Before canceling prayers so old which for centuries had proven effective, we should hesitate. But instead, no. All of us exorcists, using the prayers of the new interim Ritual, have experienced that they are totally ineffective... The new Book of Blessings has painstakingly removed any reference to the fact that the Lord must protect us from Satan, that the angels protect us from the assaults of the devil. They removed all the prayers that there were for the blessing of homes and schools. Everything should be blessed and protected, but today the protection from the devil does not exist anymore. There are no more defenses or even prayers against him. Jesus himself taught us a prayer of liberation, in the Our Father: 'Deliver us from the Evil One. Deliver us from Satan.' In Italian it has been translated incorrectly, and today we say: 'Deliver us from evil.' We speak of a generic evil, which we do not know the origin of, but the evil which our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to fight is a concrete person: Satan."

Amorth tells Paci that the "greatest victory" of the devil is to persuade us that he does not exist.

In another interview (link), Amorth once said that he believed the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima in her apparitions to Sister Lucy, had not been done fully.

"The Consecration has not yet been made," he said. "I was there on March 25 (1984) in St. Peter's Square, I was in the front row, practically within touching distance of the Holy Father. John Paul II wanted to consecrate Russia, but his entourage did not, fearing that the Orthodox would be antagonized, and they almost thwarted him. Therefore, when His Holiness consecrated the world on his knees, he added a sentence, not included in the distributed version, that instead said to consecrate "especially those nations of which you yourself have asked for their consecration." So, indirectly, this included Russia. However, a specific consecration has not yet been made. You can always do it. Indeed, it will certainly be done..."

Amorth died today in Rome after several days in the hospital of Santa Lucia.

May he rest in peace, and may eternal light shine upon him.


Vade Retro - "L'ultimo esorcista" - Published on May 2, 2012

Puntata del 7 aprile 2012
Padre Gabriele Amorth ci conduce in viaggio tra esorcismi e preghiere di liberazione, passando attraverso malefici, ossessioni e vessazioni diaboliche.


Father Gabriel Amorth, Chief Exorcist of the Vatican - The power of the Rosary
