blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 06/24/22

Friday, June 24, 2022

ROME, 22-26 June 2022 - 10th World Meeting of Families - Decimo Incontro Mondiale delle Famiglie - ROMA, 22-26 Giugno 2022

World Meeting of Families 2022 | Day 1: Festival of the Families with Pope Francis | June 22nd


Festival of Families - X World Meeting of Families



Mission of families highlighted at the Vatican

The World Meeting of Families opened with the Festival of Families at the Vatican June 22.


WMOF22: Concert, 23 June 2022 
From the Lateran Palace,"The Joy of Music" classical music concert performed by the Marchigiana Philharmonic Orchestra, during the X World Meeting of Families

WMOF22: Holy Mass 23 June 2022
From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass presided over by Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell on the occasion of the 10th World Meeting of Families

The Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life is competent in matters that pertain to the Apostolic See regarding the promotion of life, the apostolate of the lay faithful, the pastoral care of the family and its mission according to God’s plan and for the safeguard and support of human life.

From the Paul VI Hall, World Meeting of Families -

Theme: 'Family Love' - First Part


World Meeting of Families: Second Part 23 June 2022  


24 Jun 2022 - Kif għandhom ikunu l-familji Maltin? - 
Kelma ta' ħabib mingħand l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna

Parents share tragedy, forgiveness at Vatican - 24 Jun 2022 

Danny and Leila Abdallah from Sydney are speaking at the World Meeting of Families about forgiveness, a message they have shared throughout Australia after they forgave the drunk driver who killed three of their children and their niece in 2020.


Abdallah Family Talks About Losing 3 Children to a Drunk Driver | World Meeting of Families 
"Forgiveness as the way to Holiness.”

World Meeting of Families: First Part 24 June 2022

World Meeting of Families: Second Part 24 June 2022
From the Paul VI Hall, World Meeting of Families - Theme: 'Vocation' - Second Part


Un libro della LEV alla scoperta della bellezza della vita matrimoniale - 25 Jun 2022 
- Le testimonianze di otto coppie in odore di santità che hanno vissuto in modo semplice per ribadire come questo orizzonte rappresenti una possibilità concreta per tutti gli sposi cristiani. Questo il percorso de ‘La santità nelle famiglie del mondo’, un volume della Libreria Editrice Vaticana presentato a margine del X Incontro mondiale delle Famigloe. La prefazione è di Gabriella Gambino, Sotto-Segretario del Dicastero per i Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita che ha curato l’iniziativa editoriale rivolta ai giovani, ma non solo.

World Meeting of Families: 25 June 2022 
From the Paul VI Hall, World Meeting of Families - 
Theme: 'Paths of holiness'

WMOF22, Santa Messa 25 giugno 2022 Papa Francesco LIS 
Da Piazza San Pietro, Santa Messa presieduta da Papa Francesco in occasione del X Incontro Mondiale delle Famiglie.

X Incontro Mondiale delle famiglie, omelia di Papa Francesco - 25 giugno 2022 
L'omelia di Papa Francesco nella Santa Messa celebrata sabato 25 giugno 2022 in piazza San Pietro.

Pope: Take a chance on love in the family 
During the closing Mass for the World Meeting of Families June 25, Pope Francis said the gamble on starting a family is worth the risk.


Carrying forward the Christian witness to the beauty of the family vocation throughout the world. This was Pope Francis' mandate, closing the Tenth World Meeting held in Rome (22-26 June 2022) and in dioceses around the world. World Meeting of Families: Pope Francis sends a mandate out to the whole world video published on 30 Jun 2022


From EWTN - Playlist:

World Meeting of Families 2022 #WMOF22
