blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 10/27/22

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society - 27-28 October 2022

Caritas, in partnership with the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to UNESCO, will hold a conference on the 27th and 28th  of October 2022, titled: “The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society”.

This conference:

  1. Explore sociological, ethical and political perspectives on women’s leadership and the need to reflect particularly on the participation of women in society at all levels.
  2. Examine key issues affecting women through the lens of poverty and violence, and the way in which they perpetuate a culture of exclusion; analyse the obstacles which these issues present to women in accessing leadership and decision-making positions, and explore how the empowerment of women through education, capacity strengthening and access to resources would help to overcome these barriers; explore examples of good practices from Caritas and UNESCO’s experience in the field.
  3. Propose concrete strategies for how the international community can promote a culture of women in leadership, ensure that grassroots experiences and needs are represented at local, regional and global policy and decision-making tables, and work towards sustainable change and the removal of barriers and injustices faced by women in society.


The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society - 27 Oct, morning This conference is co-organised by Caritas Internationalis and the Holy See, under the patronage of UNESCO. This event will be a mean to raise awareness about the barriers women face in society due to poverty, violence and lack of access to education, to demonstrate how women’s empowerment works to break down these barriers, to propose a way forward for concrete action, and to create the necessary synergies between these organisations and other key stakeholders in order to achieve these shared goal


The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society - 27 Oct, afternoon  


Closure of first day of Caritas conference: The face of humanity, Women in roles of leadership




The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society - 28 Oct, morning  


The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society - 28 Oct, afternoon  


Round-up of final day of Caritas conference on women in leadership

 28 Oct 2022 - Vatican News - English correspondent in Paris, Francesca Merlo, offers her take on the second and last day of “The Full Face of Humanity: Women in leadership for a just society” conference in Paris, where people from around the world continued to discuss the hopes, fears, and solutions for women facing barriers to leadership in society.
