blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 01/28/15

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ir-Rużarju tal-Pjagi Mqaddsin ta' Sidna ĠESÙ KRISTU --- Ir-Rużarju tal-Ħniena --- Rosary of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Rosary of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST  
(This prayer is recited using the beads of the Marian rosary. It starts with the following:)

1. Oh Jesus, Divine Redeemer, be merciful to us and to the whole world. Amen. 
 2. Holy God, Almighty God, Immortal God, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen. 
3. Grace and mercy, oh my God. In time of danger cover us with your most precious Blood. Amen. 
4. Oh Eternal Father, for the Blood of your Son, have mercy on us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the Our Father beads, pray:
“Eternal Father, I offer you the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ to heal our souls.”
On the Hail Mary beads, pray:
“My Jesus, pardon and mercy for the merits of your Holy Wounds.”
To conclude the prayer, pray this invocation three times:
“Eternal Father, I offer you the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ to heal our souls.”


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Ir-Rużarju tal-Pjagi Mqaddsin ta' Sidna ĠESÙ KRISTU
Ir-Rużarju tal-Ħniena 

(Dan ir-Rużarju,  reċitat fuq il-kuruna tar-Rużarju, jibda l-ewwel b’dan it-talb:)
1. O Ġesù Redentur, kun ħanin magħna u mad-dinja kollha. Ammen.
2. Alla Qaddis, Alla Qawwi, Alla li ma jmut qatt, ikollok ħniena minna u mid-dinja  kollha. Ammen.
3. Grazzja u ħniena, O Ġesù tiegħi fil-perikli li ninsabu fihom; għattina bid-Demm Imqaddes Tiegħek. Ammen.
4. O Missier Etern, uża ħniena minna f’ġieh id-Demm ta’ Ġesù Kristu, iben uniġeniku Tiegħek; uża ħniena minna, bil-qalb nitolbuk. Ammen.
 Fuq il-kuruna tar-Rużarju nibdew b'din it-talba; u minnflok il-Glorja, nitolbu:
“Missier Etern, noffrilek il-Pjagi tas-Sinjur tagħna Ġesù Kristu biex tfejqilna l-pjagi ta’ ruħna”.
Fuq iż-żibeġ tas-Sliema u l-Qaddisa, nitolbu:
“Ġesù tiegħi, maħfra u ħniena , f’ġieh il-Pjagi mqaddsa Tiegħek”.
Dan ir-Rużarju jagħlaq billi tingħad għal tliet darbiet din it-talba:
“Missier Etern, noffrilek il-Pjagi tas-Sinjur tagħna Ġesù Kristu biex tfejqilna l-pjagi ta’ ruħna”.

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...Waqt il-Quddiesa, fil-mument tal-Konsagrazzjoni tal-ħobż u l-inbid fil-Ġisem u d-Demm ta' Sidna Ġesù Kristu --- qabel mas-Saċerdot jeleva --- itlob lil Anġlu kustodju jieħu t-talb skond l-intenzjonijiet tiegħek u jaħsilhom bid-demm prezzjuż ta' Sidna Ġesù...waqt li tgħid dan it-talb...

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"The triumph of the Church 
will be hastened 
by devotion to the Five Wounds 
and the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ."
Sr. Marie Martha Chambon