blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: Parafrasi tat-talba tal-Missierna ta' San Frangisk / Paraphrase of Our Father by St Francis

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Parafrasi tat-talba tal-Missierna ta' San Frangisk / Paraphrase of Our Father by St Francis

Parafrasi tat-talba tal-Missierna ta' San Frangisk Missierna: 

l-aktar Qaddis, Hallieq, Feddej, Konsolatur u Salvatur taghna. Li inti fis-smewwiet: fl-angli u l-qaddisin, iddawwalhom biex jaghrfuk, ghax inti, Mulej, int Dawl; theggighom biex ihobbuk, ghax int, Mulej, int Imhabba; tghammar fihom u tfawwarhom bil-hena, ghax int, Mulej, int l-oghla tjieba,tjieba bla tmiem, il-bidu ta’ kull tjieba u minghajrek m’hemm l-ebda tjieba. Jitqaddes ismek: Jalla l-gharfien tieghek fina jsir aktar car, biex inkunu nistghu naghrfu, il-wisa’ tat-tjieba tieghek, it-tul tal-weghdiet tieghek, l-gholi tal-kobor tieghek u l-fond tal-gudizzji tieghek. Tigi Saltnatek: Halli ssaltan fina bil-grazzja tieghek, u thaffifna biex naslu ghas-saltna tieghek, fejn hemm naraw id-dehra cara tieghek, l-imhabba perfetta tieghek, l-ghaqda hienja mieghek, u t-tgawdija bla tmiem tieghek, Ikun li trid int kif fis-sema hekkda fl-art: Biex inhobbuk b’qalbna kollha billi nahsbu dejjem fik; b’ruhna kollha billi dejjem nixtiquk; b’mohhna kollu, billi ndawru fehmietna lejk, u billi nfittxu f’kollox il-glorja tieghek; b’sahhitna kollha, billi nhaddmu l-qawwiet u s-setghat kollha ta’ ruhna u ta’ gisimna f’xejn aktar hlief fil-qadi ta’ mhabbtek. Biex inhobbu lil qrabatna bhalna nfusna billi b’hilitna kollha nigbduhom ilkoll lejn imhabbtek. Billi nifirhu bil-gid ta’ l-ohrajn daqslikieku taghna, billi nsofru ma’ l-ohrajn fit-tigrib u billi ma nweggghu lil hadd. Hobzna ta’ kuljum: l-ghaziz Ibnek, il-Mulej taghna Gesù Kristu. Aghtina llum: b’tifkira, b’fehma u b’qima ta’ dik l-imhabba li kellu ghalina u ghal kull ma qal u ghamel u bata ghalina. Ahfrilna Dnubietna: Ghal hnientek li ma titfissirx bil-kliem, bil-qawwa tal-passjoni ta’ Ibnek il-ghaziz u ghall-merti u t-talb ta’ l-Imqaddsa Vergni Marija u tal-maghzulin tieghek kollha. Bhalma nahfru lil min hu hati ghalina: u dak kollu li ahna ma jirnexxilniex nahfru aghmel, Mulej, li nahfru ghal kollox. Biex hekk, ghal imhabbtek inhobbu tassew lill-ghedewwa taghna u biex bil-hegga kollha nidhlu ghalihom quddiemek, bla ma nroddu lil hadd deni b’deni imma naghmlu hilitna biex fik naghmlu l-gid lil kulhadd. La ddahhalniex fit-tigrib: mistur jew maghruf, li jigi f’salt jew li jissokkta. Izda ehlisna mid-deni: ta’ l-imghoddi, t’issa u ta’ li gej. Ammen 






The Lord's Prayer - a paraphrase by St. Francis of Assisi





The Paraphrase of the Our Father

O Our Father most holy:
Our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Saviour

Who are in heaven:
In the angels and the saints,
enlightening them to know, for You, Lord, are light;
inflaming them to love, for You, Lord, are love;
dwelling in them and filling them with happiness,
for You are Supreme Good, the Eternal Good,
from Whom all good comes,
without Whom there is no good.

Holy be Your Name:
May knowledge of You become clearer in us
that we may know
the breadth of Your blessings,
the length of Your promises,
the height of Your majesty,
the depth of Your judgments.

Your kingdom come:
That You may rule in us through Your grace
and enable us to come to Your kingdom
where there is clear vision of You,
perfect love of You,
blessed companionship with You,
eternal enjoyment of You.

Your will be done on earth as in heaven:
That we may love You
with our whole heart by always thinking of you,
with our whole soul by always desiring You,
with our whole mind by always directing all our intentions to You,
and by seeking Your glory in everything,
with all our whole strength by exerting
all our energies and affections of body and soul
in service of Your love and of nothing else;
and we may love our neighbours as ourselves
by drawing them all to Your love with our whole strength,
by rejoicing in the good of others as in our own,
by suffering with others at their misfortunes,
and by giving offence to no one.

Give us this day:
in remembrance, understanding, and reverence
of that love which (our Lord Jesus Christ) had for us
and of those things that He said and did and suffered for us.

Our daily bread:
Your own beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgive us our trespasses:
through Your ineffable mercy,
through the power of the passion of Your beloved Son
and through the merits and intercession
of the ever-blessed Virgin and all Your elect.

As we forgive those who trespass against us:
And what we do not completely forgive,
make us, Lord, forgive completely
that we may truly love our enemies because of You
and we fervently intercede for them before You,
returning no one evil for evil;
and we strive to help everyone in You.

And lead us not into temptation:
hidden or obvious,
sudden or persistent.

But deliver us from evil:
and to come.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.





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