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Thursday, May 10, 2018

MAY 3 - SAINTS PHILIP AND JAMES, APOSTLES --- Pope at Mass: ‘Transmitting the faith is a birth process’

03 May 2018
Pope at Mass: ‘Transmitting the faith is a birth process’

On the Feast of Saints Philip and James, Pope Francis focuses his homily at Casa Santa Marta’s chapel on the characteristics needed to accompany the transmission of the faith.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

Using the first reading from 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Pope Francis spoke about the transmission of the faith during his homily on Thursday at Casa Santa Marta.

What transmission of the faith is not
Transmitting the faith is not to be confused with proselytism, Pope Francis said. The Church is not about looking for cheering fans; neither is it simply reciting the Creed, which is an expression of the faith. Neither is it merely the passing on of information as if it were as easy as: “Here, take this book, study it and then I will baptize you”, Pope Francis said.

Faith is not given, it is birthed

Rather, transmitting the faith is “rooting the heart in faith in Jesus Christ”, the Pope said. This is the Church’s challenge: “to be a fruitful mother, giving birth to children in the faith.” Grandparents, and parents are especially apt to transmit the faith because they “perfume it with love”, the Pope continued. And he added that care-givers, even if they are foreigners, can also effectively transmit the faith to those whom they care for.

Testimony provokes attraction and curiosity

Quoting Benedict XVI, Pope Francis reminds us that the faith is transmitted when people are attracted by our testimony. At times, that testimony ends in martyrdom. “Testimony provokes curiosity,” he said. It is when others see a consistency in someone’s life that they are led to ask: “Why does so-and-so live like that? Why would a person spend their life in service to others?” “The Holy Spirit uses that curiosity and he goes to work within” the person, Pope Francis said.

The Pope concluded saying, “Transmitting the faith makes us just, it justifies us. The faith justifies us and by transmitting it we give true justice to others”.
The Gospel on May 3
- Feast of St Philip & St James, Apostles - Jn 14:6-14 - San Filep u San Gakbu, Festa

--- To have seen me is to have seen the father ---
Min ra lili ra lill-Missier ukoll.
Ġw 14: 6-14
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
F’dak iż-żmien: Ġesù qal lil Tumas: [Ġw:14:6]: "Jiena hu t-Triq, il-Verità u l-Ħajja. Ħadd ma jmur għand il-Missier jekk mhux permezz tiegħi. [Ġw:14:7] Kieku għaraftu lili, kontu tagħrfu wkoll lil Missieri. Minn issa 'l quddiem tagħrfuh, anzi diġà rajtuh."
[Ġw:14:8] Qallu Filippu: "Mulej, urina l-Missier, u jkun biżżejjed għalina." Ġw:14:9] Ġesù wieġeb: "Ili daqshekk magħkom, Filippu, u għadek ma għaraftnix? Min ra lili ra lill-Missier. Kif tgħidli, 'Urina l-Missier'? [Ġw:14:10] Ma temminx li jiena fil-Missier u l-Missier fija? Il-kliem li ngħidilkom jien, ma ngħidux minn moħħi iżda l-Missier li jgħammar fija qiegħed jagħmel l-opri tiegħu. [Ġw:14:11] Emmnuni! Jiena fil-Missier u l-Missier huwa fija. Jekk m'hux għal ħaġ'oħra, emmnuni minħabba dawn l-opri stess. [Ġw:14:12] Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, min jemmen fija hu wkoll għad jagħmel l-opri li qiegħed nagħmel jien, u akbar minnhom għad jagħmel, għax jiena sejjer għand il-Missier. [Ġw:14:13] U jekk titolbu xi ħaġa f'ismi jiena nagħmilha, biex il-Missier ikun igglorifikat permezz ta' Ibnu. [Ġw:14:14] Iva, jekk titolbuni xi ħaġa f'ismi, jiena nagħmilha.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu.

May 8, 2018 - Pope at Mass: Don't dialogue with the devil, the great liar

At Mass at Casa Santa Marta, Tuesday morning, Pope Francis talked about how to deal with the devil who though defeated and dying is still dangerous.

By Robin Gomes

Never approach the devil nor talk to him: he is "defeated" but dangerous because he seduces and, like a chained angry dog, bites if you go to pat him.  Pope Francis offered this advice in his homily at Mass, Tuesday morning, in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.  

Commenting on John’s Gospel where Jesus says “the ruler of this world has been condemned," the Pope spoke about the seduction of the devil and how to deal with him.

The Pope said that even though the devil is defeated and dying he has a great power and capacity to seduce.  He promises many things, bringing us beautifully packed  gifts, without revealing their contents. 

Dying but dangerous

The Pope compared the devil to a dying crocodile, who hunters advise not to approach because it can still strike you dead with its tail.  Hence the devil is very dangerous, his proposals are all lies and we foolishly believe him. 

The Pope described the devil as the father of lies, saying he speaks well, he can sing in order to deceive and he is loser who moves about like a winner.  His light dazzles like the fireworks but does not last. Instead the light of the Lord is "gentle and permanent".

Never dialogue with the devil

The devil, the Pope said, knows how to seduce us in our vanity and curiosity and we buy everything, falling into temptation.  Knowing that a thought, a desire or move is dangerous and we still go there, it is like approaching the devil who is like a chained angry dog that can still bite.  

Unlike Eve who thought herself  a “great theologian” and fell, the Pope said we must never dialogue with the devil because he wins, he is more intelligent than us. On the contrary, Jesus in the desert responds to the devil with the Word of God, hunts down demons, sometimes asking his name but doesn't dialogue.

Pray, watch, fast

Recalling the advice of Jesus to watch, do penance and fast, Pope Francis said we too must do so but never enter into dialogue with the devil. And in moments of temptation we must approach the mother, like frightened children do.  According to the Russian mystics, in times of spiritual upheavals, take refuge under the mantle of the great Mother of God, the Pope said. 

Jn 16:5-11 -- Unless I go, the Advocate will not come to you - Jekk ma mmurx, id-Difensur ma jiġix għandkom.

Jekk ma mmurx, id-Difensur ma jiġix għandkom.
Ġw 16, 5-11
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: [Ġw:16:5] Issa sejjer għand dak li bagħatni, u ħadd minnkom ma jistaqsini, 'Fejn sejjer?' [Ġw:16:6] Imma għax għedtilkom dan, qalbkom imtliet bin-niket. [Ġw:16:7] Madankollu, ngħidilkom is-sewwa, jaqblilkom li jiena mmur; għaliex, jekk ma mmurx, id-Difensur ma jiġix għandkom; imma jekk immur, nibgħathulkom. [Ġw:16:8] U meta huwa jiġi, juri lid-dinja li għandha żball dwar id-dnub, il-ġustizzja u l-ġudizzju; [Ġw:16:9] id-dnub, filli huma ma jemmnux fija; [Ġw:16:10] il-ġustizzja, filli jien sejjer għand il-Missier, u intom m'intomx se tarawni iżjed; [Ġw:16:11] il-ġudizzju, filli l-Prinċep ta' din id-dinja huwa ġa kkundannat.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

