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Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Miserere: Prayer of Repentance --- PSALM - 51(50) - SALM --- kant mixja neokatekumenali - neocatechumenal way songs

Have mercy on us O God: By Your infinite Grace we have become conscious of our sins. Lead us to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) so that through Your chosen priests, You blot out our sins. Create in us a clean heart O God...

Sung in Maltese

51 (50). Il-qalb niedma u sogħbiena


[S:51:1] Għall-mexxej tal-kor. Salm ta' David,
[S:51:2] meta Natan il-profeta ġie għandu għax hu
kien resaq lejn Batseba.

[S:51:3] Ikollok ħniena minni, o Alla, fi tjubitek;
fil-kobor tal-ħniena tiegħek ħassar ħtijieti.
[S:51:4] Aħsilni kollni mill-ħtija tiegħi;
naddafni mid-dnub tiegħi.
[S:51:5] Għax jien nagħrafhom ħtijieti;
id-dnub tiegħi dejjem quddiemi.
[S:51:6] Kontrik biss jiena dnibt,
u dak li hu ħażin f'għajnejk għamilt.
Hekk jingħaraf is-sewwa tal-kelma tiegħek,
u bla tebgħa jidher il-ħaqq tiegħek.
[S:51:7] Ara, jiena ssawwart fil-ħtija,
u fid-dnub nisslitni ommi.
[S:51:8] Int li tħobb il-qalb sinċiera,
għallimni l-għerf fil-fond ta' qalbi.
[S:51:9] Roxxni bl-ilma, u nissaffa;
aħsilni, u aktar mis-silġ nibjad.
[S:51:10] Agħmel li nisma' l-ferħ u l-hena,
biex għadmi, li int sħaqt, jithenna.

[S:51:11] Dawwar wiċċek minn ħtijieti;
ħassar ħżuniti kollha.
[S:51:12] Oħloq fija qalb safja, o Alla,
u spirtu qawwi ġedded fija.
[S:51:13] La twarrabnix minn quddiemek;
tneħħix minni l-ispirtu qaddis tiegħek.
[S:51:14] Roddli l-hena tas-salvazzjoni tiegħek,
u bi spirtu qalbieni wettaqni.
[S:51:15] Lill-midinbin ngħallem triqatek,
u l-ħatjin lejk jerġgħu lura.
[S:51:16] Eħlisni mill-piena tal-mewt, o Alla,
Alla tas-salvazzjoni tiegħi;
u lsieni jfaħħar il-ġustizzja tiegħek.
[S:51:17] Iftaħli xufftejja, Sidi,
u fommi jxandar it-tifħir tiegħek.
[S:51:18] Għax lilek ma jogħġbokx is-sagrifiċċju;
noffrilek vittmi maħruqa, u ma tilqagħhomx.
[S:51:19] Is-sagrifiċċju tiegħi, o Alla, hu l-qalb niedma;
qalb maqsuma u sogħbiena ma twarrabhiex, o Alla.

[S:51:20] Agħmel il-ġid lil Sijon fi tjubitek;
erġa' ibni l-ħitan ta' Ġerusalemm.
[S:51:21] Mbagħad tilqa' bil-qalb vittmi xierqa,
sagrifiċċji ta' vittmi maħruqa u mitmuma;
mbagħad joffrulek għoġiela fuq l-artal tiegħek.

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Psalm 51 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

Psalm 51

The Miserere: Prayer of Repentance

For the leader. A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone in to Bathsheba.


Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love;
    in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.
Thoroughly wash away my guilt;
    and from my sin cleanse me.
For I know my transgressions;
    my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone have I sinned;
    I have done what is evil in your eyes
So that you are just in your word,
    and without reproach in your judgment.
Behold, I was born in guilt,
    in sin my mother conceived me.
Behold, you desire true sincerity;
    and secretly you teach me wisdom.
Cleanse me with hyssop, that I may be pure;
    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
10 You will let me hear gladness and joy;
    the bones you have crushed will rejoice.


11 Turn away your face from my sins;
    blot out all my iniquities.
12 A clean heart create for me, God;
    renew within me a steadfast spirit.
13 Do not drive me from before your face,
    nor take from me your holy spirit.
14 Restore to me the gladness of your salvation;
    uphold me with a willing spirit.
15 I will teach the wicked your ways,
    that sinners may return to you.
16 Rescue me from violent bloodshed, God, my saving God,
    and my tongue will sing joyfully of your justice.
17 Lord, you will open my lips;
    and my mouth will proclaim your praise.
18 For you do not desire sacrifice or I would give it;
    a burnt offering you would not accept.
19 My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
    a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.


20 Treat Zion kindly according to your good will;
    build up the walls of Jerusalem.
21 Then you will desire the sacrifices of the just,
    burnt offering and whole offerings;
    then they will offer up young bulls on your altar.
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THE GLORIOUS CROSS - Neocatechumenal Way songs --- Is-Salib Glorjuż --- Kant - Mixja Neokatekumenali