Malta Diocese Archbishop Mgr Charles J. Scicluna concelebrated Holy Mass at St John's co-Cathedral in Valletta Malta on December 1st, 2016, on the commemoration of the day when Blessed Charles De Foucauld was killed, hundred years ago, today - his feast day.
Quddiesa fil‑festa tal‑Beatu Charles de Foucauld
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"Id-demokrazija qiegħda tevolvi f'kerdokrazija" - L-Arċisqof
L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa f'għeluq il-mitt sena mill-mewt tal-Beatu Charles de Foucauld
"Democracy is evolving in kerdocracy" - The Archbishop de Foucauld, A Story of Trust
Saint Charles De Foucauld -
Missier, f’idejk nintelaq jiena.
Agħmel minni dak li jogħġbok.
Niżżikħajr għal dak kollu li tagħmel bija:
Jien lest għal kollox, nilqa’ kollox.
Agħmel biss li r-rieda tiegħek isseħħ fija,
u fil-ħlejjaq kollha tiegħek.
Ma nixtieq xejn aktar Mulej.
F’idejk jien nitlaq ruħi;
nagħtihielek bl-imħabba kollha ta’ qalbi,
għax jien inħobbok, Mulej,
u għalhekk inħoss il-ħtieġa
li nagħti lili nnifsi lilek,
li nintelaq f’idejk għal kollox
u b’kunfidenza bla tarf,
għax int Missieri.
Is-Sejħa għall-Aħħar Post. Ħajjet Charles de Foucauld.
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Prayer of Abandonment
Father, I abandon myself into Your Hands;
do with me what You will.
Whatever You may do I thank You.
I am ready for all. I accept all.
Let only Your will be done in me
and in all Your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into Your Hands I commend my soul.
I offer it to You with all the love of my heart,
for I love You, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into Your Hands,
without reserve and
with boundless confidence,
for You are my Father.
Charles De Foucauld was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on November 13, 2005, and is listed as a martyr in the liturgy of the Catholic Church.
Feast day - 1 December