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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Change Your Routine --- Prov 4:20-21, 23 --- Prov 15:1-7, 23

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them [the Words of God] not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.... Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
- Proverbs 4:20-21, 23

[Prov:4:20] Ibni, agħti widen għal kliemi,
iftaħ widnejk għal dak li ngħid jien.
[Prov:4:21] Tħallihomx iwarrbu minn quddiemu għajnejk,
żommhom fil-qiegħ ta' qalbek.

[Prov:4:23] Ħares lil qalbek bir-reqqa kollha,
għax minnha ġejja l-ħajja.
So many people walk around saying things like, "Well, I'm just so tired...I'm so weak...Things are looking so bad." Then suddenly, they think they're going to jerk their faith out from under the table and raise the dead with it. Well, they're not going to do it because spiritual things don't work that way. Faith needs to be taken out from under the table, all right, but not to just use it to get out of a jam and then toss it aside again. Keep it in action every day so it can grow. According to Proverbs 4, God says you must keep His Word constantly in your ears and in your heart. He says to guard your heart diligently. To be diligent means to be "hard-working, industrious, persevering." Why do you have to be so diligent with the Word? Because the devil is diligent with his junk. He's constantly throwing fiery darts at you. He works diligently to make sure the world is surrounding you with fear and sickness and poverty and every other kind of garbage he can use to destroy you. But you can protect your spirit from those things by conditioning yourself to respond to every one of them with the Word of God. Change your routine, and make a decision right now to begin that spiritual conditioning. Start today and make speaking the Word part of your daily life.

by Kenneth Copeland

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:1-7, 23

[Prov:15:1] Tweġiba ħelwa ttaffi l-korla,
kelma iebsa tqajjem l-għadab.
[Prov:15:2] Lsien l-għorrief ixerred it-tagħlim;
fomm il-boloh iferragħ il-bluha.
[Prov:15:3] Kullimkien iħarsu għajnejn il-Mulej,
jgħassu fuq il-ħżiena u fuq it-tajbin.
[Prov:15:4] Lsien ħelu bħal siġra tal-ħajja,
imma lsien ħażin imewwet il-qalb.
[Prov:15:5] L-iblah jistmell tagħlim missieru;
bil-għaqal hu min jaf jilqa' t-twiddib.
[Prov:15:6] F'dar il-ġust hemm ġid kbir,
imma qligħ l-inġust iġib l-għawġ.
[Prov:15:7] Xufftejn għorrief ixerrdu t-tagħlim;
minn qalb il-boloh joħroġ il-qerq.

[Prov:15:23] Jifraħ min jaf jagħti tweġiba tajba;
kelma f'waqtha, kemm hi sabiħa!

Pursuit of His Presence -- Daily Devotional August 16, 2010