blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 12/10/14

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

THE SKY --- ISAIAH 40:25-31 - ISAIJA 40:25-31

The Sky  

Isaiah 40:25-31
‘To whom could you liken me
and who could be my equal?’ says the Holy One.
Lift your eyes and look.
Who made these stars
if not he who drills them like an army,
calling each one by name?
So mighty is his power, so great his strength,
that not one fails to answer.
How can you say, Jacob,
how can you insist, Israel,
‘My destiny is hidden from the Lord,
my rights are ignored by my God’?
Did you not know?
Had you not heard?
The Lord is an everlasting God,
he created the boundaries of the earth.
He does not grow tired or weary,
his understanding is beyond fathoming.
He gives strength to the wearied,
he strengthens the powerless.
Young men may grow tired and weary,
youths may stumble,
but those who hope in the Lord renew their strength,
they put out wings like eagles.
They run and do not grow weary,
walk and never tire.
ISAIJA 40:25-31
[Is:40:25] "Ma' min ixxebbhuni jew tqabbluni?"
jistaqsi l-Qaddis.
[Is:40:26] Erfgħu għajnejkom 'il fuq u araw:
min ħalaqhom dawn il-ħlejjaq kollha?
Imexxi u jgħodd l-eżerċti tiegħu,
u jsejjħilhom b'isimhom wieħed wieħed.
Bis-saħħa ta' qawwietu,
bil-qawwa ta' setegħtu,
ħadd minnhom ma jonqos.
[Is:40:27] Għaliex titkellem Ġakobb,
u int, Iżrael, tgħid:
"Triqti moħbija mill-Mulej,
u mwarrab il-jedd tiegħi minn Alla?"
[Is:40:28] Jaqaw ma tafx, lanqas ma smajt,
"Il-Mulej hu Alla ta' dejjem,
il-ħallieq ta' truf l-art?"
Ma jegħja qatt, u ma jinkeddx,
l-għerf tiegħu ma ssibx tarfu.
[Is:40:29] Hu li jagħti l-qawwa lill-għajjien,
u jkattar il-qawwa lil min hu bla saħħa.
[Is:40:30] Jintelqu ż-żgħażagħ u jegħjew,
fl-aħjar tagħhom jogħtru l-irġiel.
[Is:40:31] Imma dawk li jittamaw fil-Mulej jieħdu saħħithom,
itellgħu l-ġwienaħ bħall-ajkli,
jiġru bla ma jegħjew,
jimxu bla ma jintelqu.