blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 04/16/14

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HOLY THURSDAY - morning Chrism Mass and in the evening starts the Easter Triduum



In the morning the churches open only for community prayers for Holy Thursday morning - The Divine Office, Liturgy of the Hours including meditations.


There are only two Masses allowed on Holy Thursday:

- In the morning the Solemn Chrism Mass, celebrated by the Bishop in each diocese in Cathedral Churches. 

 - and In the evening
when we enter into the Easter Tridium by the Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper.


PRAYERS - Chrism Mass

Priests renew their consecration of their priestly vows to God, and to the bishop, in the presence of their colleague priests and laity as well during the CHRISM MASS on HOLY THURSDAY morning.

The Bishop of every diocese in the Catholic Church, blesses the three Oils -
- Oil of the Sick is used for those who seek anointing - (oleum infirmorum)
- Oil of Catechumens for the Sacrament of Baptism - (oleum catechumenorum or oleum sanctorum)
- The Holy Chrism Oil (sacrum chrisma)  used at the ordination of priests and bishops, and at baptisms, confirmations and the consecration of altars and blessing of churches, is “consecrated.”

These will be used in the administration of the sacraments throughout the diocese for the year.


Siltiet mill-Quddiesa tat-Tberik taż-Żjut fil-Katidral ta' Għawdex 2018: Ippreseduta mill-E.T. Mons. Alfred Xuereb, Nunzju Appostoliku fil-Korea u l-Mongolja. Ħamis ix-Xirka, 29 ta' Marzu 2018

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Papa francesco Messa Crismale videonews 2018-03-29

2017.04.13 Chrism Mass
Pope Francis on truth, mercy and joy

HOLY THURSDAY MORNING GOSPEL --- Lk 4:16-21 -- Jesus at Nazareth - L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi, għax hu kkonsagrani

L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi, għax hu kkonsagrani.
Lq 4, 16-21

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien,  [Lq:4:16] Ġesù ġie f'Nazaret fejn kien trabba. Daħal fis-sinagoga tagħhom, kif kien imdorri jagħmel nhar ta' Sibt, u qam biex jaqra.[Lq:4:17] Tawh f'idejh il-ktieb ta' Isaija l-profeta, fetħu u sab fejn kien hemm miktub dan li ġej:
        [Lq:4:18] 'L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi,
        għax hu kkonsagrani,
        Bagħatni nħabbar il-ħelsien lill-imjassrin,
        nwassal il-bxara t-tajba lill-fqajrin,
        u d-dawl mill-ġdid lill-għomja,
        nrodd il-ħelsien lill-maħqurin
        [Lq:4:19] u nxandar sena tal-grazzja tal-Mulej.'

[Lq:4:20] Mbagħad raġa' għalaq il-ktieb, tah lura lill-qaddej u qagħad bilqiegħda. Għajnejn kulħadd fis-sinagoga kienu msammra fuqu. [Lq:4:21] U beda jgħidilhom: "Din il-kitba seħħet illum, intom u tisimgħu."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

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A Prayer for Holy Thursday

O Lord Jesus, in order that the merits of your sacrifice on the Cross might be applied to every soul of all time, you willed that it should be renewed upon the altar.

At the Last Supper, you said: "Do this in remembrance of me." By these words you gave your apostles and their successors the power to consecrate and to the command to do what you yourself did.

The Mass is both a sacrifice and a memorial, re-enacting your passion, death and resurrection. Help me to understand that the Mass is the greatest gift of God to us and our greatest gift to God.



HOLY THURDAY EVENING (THE HOLY MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER) GOSPEL --- Jn 13:1-15 -- Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet - Ħabbhom għall-aħħar.

Ħabbhom għall-aħħar.
Ġw 13, 1-15

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

[Ġw:13:1] Qabel il-festa ta' l-Għid, billi kien jaf Ġesù li waslet is-siegħa tiegħu biex jgħaddi minn din id-dinja għal għand il-Missier, hu, li kien ħabb lil tiegħu li kienu fid-dinja, ħabbhom għall-aħħar.

[Ġw:13:2] Kienu qegħdin għall-ikel. Ix-Xitan kien ġa webbel lil Ġuda ta' Xmun l-Iskarjota u daħħallu f'rasu li jittradih. [Ġw:13:3] Ġesù kien jaf li l-Missier tah kollox f'idejh, u li hu kien ġie mingħand Alla u kien sejjer għand Alla. [Ġw:13:4] Qam minn fuq il-mejda, neħħa l-mantar minn fuqu, ħa fardal u rabtu ma' qaddu. [Ġw:13:5] Mbagħad ferragħ l-ilma fil-lenbija, u beda jaħsel saqajn id-dixxipli u jixxuttahomlhom bil-fardal li kellu ma' qaddu.

[Ġw:13:6] Mela wasal fuq Xmun Pietru, u dan qallu: "Int, Mulej, taħsilli saqajja?" [Ġw:13:7] Ġesù wieġbu: "Int għalissa ma tafx x'qiegħed nagħmel jien; tifhmu aktar 'il quddiem." [Ġw:13:8] Qallu Pietru: "Ma jkun qatt li inti taħsilli saqajja!" Wieġbu Ġesù: "Jekk ma naħsillekx saqajk, ma jkollokx x'taqsam miegħi." [Ġw:13:9] Qallu Xmun Pietru: "Mulej, mhux saqajja biss, imma idejja u rasi wkoll." [Ġw:13:10] Qallu Ġesù: "Min hu maħsul, ma għandux għalfejn jinħasel kollu, ħlief saqajh, għax hu kollu kemm hu nadif, u intom indaf, imma mhux ilkoll." [Ġw:13:11] Għax hu kien jaf min kien sejjer jittradih; għalhekk qal, 'M'intomx ilkoll indaf.'
[Ġw:13:12] Wara li ħaslilhom saqajhom, libes il-mantar u raġa' qagħad fuq il-mejda; u qalilhom: "Tafu x'għamiltilkom? [Ġw:13:13] Intom issejjħuli 'l-Imgħallem' u 'il-Mulej', u tgħidu sewwa, għax hekk jien. [Ġw:13:14] Mela jekk jien, li jien il-Mulej u l-Imgħallem, ħsiltilkom saqajkom, hekk intom għandkom taħslu saqajn xulxin. [Ġw:13:15] Għax jien tajtkom eżempju, biex kif għamilt jien magħkom, hekk tagħmlu intom ukoll.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


L-Omelija minn Patri Elija Vella OFM Conv. miċ-Ċelebrazzjoni Solenni tal-Aħħar Ikla tal-Mulej - Parroċċa Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar, Malta, 14 ta' April 2022


Papa Francesco messa in Coena Domini 2018-03-29

After the Mass of the Lord's Supper the Tabernacle is empty and the Eucharist is processed to the Altar of Repose, the holy Sepulchre.

Parish churches are open for the visit of the seven churches and the faithful are invited to spend time in Eucharistic adoration while the Sacrament is in repose:
Where appropriate, this prolonged Eucharistic adoration may be accompanied by the reading of some part of the Gospel of St. John (chs. 13-17).
From midnight onwards, however, the adoration should be made without external solemnity, because the day of the Lord's passion has begun.

STAY WITH ME - Ishru miegħi = Isaiah 53:11; Matthew 26:37-44; Mark 14:34-42; Luke 22:42-44

Ħamis ix-Xirka 2020 – Is-Seba’ waqfiet ma’ Ġesù, 9 ta’ April, 8:30pm

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THE EASTER TRIDUUM --- GOOD FRIDAY - Jn 18:1-19:42 -- 'Passion of Our Lord - Il-Passjoni tal-Mulej' - il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira

THE EASTER TRIDUUM --- HOLY SATURDAY MORNING --- & --- HOLY SATURDAY EVENING - Gospels - YEAR A - Mt 28:1-10 ; YEAR B - Mk 16:1-8; YEAR C - Lk 24:1-12 -- Jesus Has Risen - Il-qawmien ta' Ġesù mill-imwiet