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Thursday, July 23, 2015

JULY 23 - SAINT BRIDGET OF SWEDEN - together with Saints Catherine of Siena and Edith Stein were named co-patronesses of Europe.

Reliġjuża: 1303? – 1373
Santa Briġida twieldet fl-Isvezja minn familja nobbli u sinjura ħafna.  Missierha kien Gvernatur
Tilfet ’l ommha meta kellha 12-il sena u trabbiet minn zitha.  Qabel ma għalqet ħmistax iżżewġet lil Ulf Gurmarsson, Prinċep li kellu tmintax, u matul it-28 sena taż- żwieġ hieni tagħhom kellhom tmint itfal li waħda minnhom saret Qaddisa, Santa Katrina ta’ l-Isvezja.
Fl-1335, Santa Briġida inħatret id-dama prinċipali tar-Reġina Blanche, mart ir-Re Magnus II.
Fl-1340, wara l-mewt ta’ binha ż-żgħir, għamlet pellegrinaġġ għall-knisja ta’ San Olaf, fin-Norveġja.  Meta rritornat fl-Isvezja ma ħaditx gost bil-ħajja li bdew jgħixu Magnus u Blanche.  Widdbithom iżda ma tawx kasha.  Talbet u qalgħet permess tħalli l-kariga tagħha biex flimkien ma’ żewġha għamlet pellegrinaġġ għal Campostella (1341 – 1343).  Fil-vjaġġ luraq, żewġha marad.  Meta wasal pajjiżu, iddeċieda li jmur jgħix f’monasteru, u baqa’ hemm sakemm miet fl-1344.
Sa minn qabel ma miet żewġha, Briġida kienet daħlet Terzjarja Franġiskana, u kienet qed tgħix ħajja ta’ qaddisa.  Issa qassmet ġidha lil ulieda u ngħatat għal ħajja aktar axxetika għalkemm baqgħet tgħix fid-dinja.  Beda jkollha bosta viżżjonijiet u rivelazzjonijiet.  Darba waħda wara viżjoni li kellha marret għand ir-Re Magnus u martu u ċanfrithom għall-ħajja li kienu qed jgħixu.  Hu nidem, u bi flusu għen il-monasteru f’Vadstena, li fih il-qaddisa waqqfet l-Ordni tas-Salvatur għas-Sorijiet, magħrufin bħala Briġittini (1346).
Fis-Sena Mqaddsa 1350, Briġida marret Ruma, fejn ħadmet bis-sħiħ qalb il-poplu speċjalment mal-foqra.  Irsistiet ħafna biex il-Papa jirritorna f’Ruma minn Avignon, iżda x-xewqa tagħha ma seħħietx ħlief erba’ snin wara mewtha.  Kienet magħrufa għar-rivelazzjonijiet li kien ikollha u l-profeziji.
Fl-1371 Briġida għamlet pellegrinaġġ għall-Art Imqaddsa flimkien ma’ wliedha Karlu, Bergu u Katarina.  Matul il-pellegrinaġġ kellha sensiela ta’ viżjonijiet tal-ġrajja ta’ Ġesù.
Ftit xhur wara li waslet lura f’Ruma, saħħitha bdiet tmajna, u mietet fit-23 ta’ Lulju 1373.  Ħalliet ħafna opri li fihom kitbet dwar l-esperjenzi mistiċi li kellha.  Il-Papa Bonifaċju IX ikkanonizzaha fl-1391.
Biex wieħed jgħix ħajja f’għaqda qawwija ma’ Alla, ma għandux bżonn jinfatam mid-dinja.  Il-ħafna esperjenzi mistiċi kbar li kellha Santa Briġida mhux biss ma qatgħuhiex mid-dinja imma ġieli kienu huma stess li aktar involvewha fiha, bħal fil-kas tal-papat f’Avignon, l-ammonizzjoni lir-Re u lir-Reġina, il-fondazzjoni ta’ l-Ordni, il-ħidma tagħha mal-foqra, il-vjaġġi u l-pellegrinaġġi.  Kemm inżommu lilna nfusna fil-preżenza ta’ Alla matul il-jum?

From age seven on, Bridget had visions of Christ crucified. Her visions formed the basis for her activity—always with the emphasis on charity rather than spiritual favors.

She lived her married life in the court of the Swedish king Magnus II. Mother of eight children (the second eldest was St. Catherine of Sweden), she lived the strict life of a penitent after her husband´s death.

Bridget constantly strove to exert her good influence over Magnus; while never fully reforming, he did give her land and buildings to found a monastery for men and women. This group eventually expanded into an Order known as the Bridgetines (still in existence).

In 1350, a year of jubilee, Bridget braved a plague-stricken Europe to make a pilgrimage to Rome. Although she never returned to Sweden, her years in Rome were far from happy, being hounded by debts and by opposition to her work against Church abuses.

A final pilgrimage to the Holy Land, marred by shipwreck and the death of her son, Charles, eventually led to her death in 1373. In 1999, she, Saints Catherine of Siena and Edith Stein were named co-patronesses of Europe.

St. Bridget of Sweden and Our Mother Mary
Revelations of St. Bridget

 Revelations and Prophecies Imparted to St. Bridget

The Fifteen Prayers of Saint Bridget of Sweden
 St. Bridget was curious to know for quite some time the number of blows Our Lord received during His Passion, He one day appeared to her and said: "I received 5480 blows on My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, say 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Mary’s with the following Prayers (which He taught her) for a whole year. When the year is up, you will have honored each one of My Wounds."


click over white arrow in middle of video below for it to start.


The words of our Lord Jesus Christ to His chosen and dearly beloved bride, Saint Bridget, about the proclamation of His most holy Incarnation and the rejection, desecration and abandonment of our faith and baptism, and how He bids His beloved bride and all Christian people to love Him.


I am the Creator of the heavens and the earth, one in Divinity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I am the one who spoke to the patriarchs and the prophets and the one whom they awaited. For the sake of their longing and in agreement with my promise, I assumed flesh without sin and concupiscence, by entering the womb of the Virgin like the sun shining through the clearest gem. For just as the sun does not damage the glass by entering it, likewise the virginity of the Virgin was not lost when I assumed Manhood. I assumed flesh in such a way that I did not have to forsake my Divinity, and I was no less God - with the Father and the Holy Spirit, governing and upholding all things - although I was in the womb of the Virgin in my human nature. Just as brightness is never separated from fire, so too, my Divinity was never separated from my Humanity, not even in death.

Thereafter I allowed my pure and sinless body to be wounded from the foot to the head, and to be crucified for all the sins of mankind. That same body is now offered each day on the altar so that mankind might love me more and remember my great deeds more often. But now I am totally forgotten, neglected, despised, and expelled as a king is from his own kingdom and in whose place the most wicked robber has been elected and honored.

I have indeed wanted my kingdom to be within man, and by right I should be King and Lord over him, for I made him and redeemed him. However, now he has broken and desecrated the faith which he promised me in his baptism, and he has broken and spurned my laws and commandments which I prescribed and revealed to him. He loves his own will and refuses to hear me. In addition, he exalts the most wicked robber, the devil, above me and has given him his faith. The devil really is a robber, since he steals for himself, by way of evil temptations, bad councils, and false promises, the human soul that I redeemed with my blood. But he does not do this because he is mightier than me; for I am so mighty that I can do all things with a word, and so just, that even if all the saints asked me, I would not do the least thing against justice.

But, since man, who has been given free will, willfully rejects my commandments and obeys the devil, it is only right that he also experiences his tyranny and malice. This devil was created good by me, but fell by his own wicked will, and has become, so to speak, my servant for inflicting vengeance on the workers of evil.


The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden (.pdf)


 HOLY MASS IN MALTESE on 23rd July 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic 

Quddiesa u Rużarju mill-Kurja tal-Arċisqof -23 ta' Lulju, 9:30am 
(Sena 2020 - Fiż-żmien tal-pandemija tal-covid-19)

 July 23 - Proper Gospel on Feast of St Bridget of Sweden

Jn 15:1-8 -- "I am the vine, you are the branches - Min jibqa’ fija, u jien fih, dan jagħmel ħafna frott"

Min jibqa’ fija, u jien fih, dan jagħmel ħafna frott.
Ġw 15, 1-8

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: [Ġw:15:1] "Jiena d-dielja vera u Missieri l-bidwi. [Ġw:15:2] Kull fergħa fija li ma tagħmilx frott hu jneħħiha; u kull waħda li tagħmel il-frott jiżborha u jnaddafha, biex tagħmel frott aktar. [Ġw:15:3] Intom ġa ndaf minħabba  l-kelma li għedtilkom. [Ġw:15:4] Ibqgħu fija, u jiena nibqa' fikom. Kif il-fergħa ma tistax tagħmel frott minnha nfisha jekk ma tibqax fid-dielja, hekk anqas intom jekk ma tibqgħux fija.

[Ġw:15:5] Jiena d-dielja, intom il-friegħi. Min jibqa' fija u jiena fih, dan jagħmel ħafna frott; għax mingħajri ma tistgħu tagħmlu xejn. [Ġw:15:6] Jekk wieħed ma jibqax fija, jintrema barra bħal fergħa, u jinxef; mbagħad,  jiġbruhom u jixħtuhom fin-nar u jinħarqu. [Ġw:15:7] Jekk tibqgħu fija u kliemi jibqa' fikom, itolbu kull ma tridu, u dan ikun mogħti lilkom.. [Ġw:15:8] B’dan jissebbaħ Missieri, billi tagħmlu ħafna frott, u hekk tkunu dixxipli tiegħi”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


October 12 - soon saint, BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS --- Cyber Apostle of the Eucharist; Jesus' Teachings in his deeds; provider for the poor and the homeless

He’s the 1st saint buried in jeans and a T-shirt, and his heart is on display in N.L. 

25 Oct 2024 - Carlo Acutis is set to be canonized next year, with many expecting he’ll become the “patron saint of the internet.” A relic containing a piece of his heart is touring the northeast Avalon this week.

Soon-to-be-saint Carlo Acutis truly seems to be the saint for our age. He passed away in 2006 at just 15 years old, but he left an incredible legacy of holiness and service that has inspired millions worldwide. Take a look at the remarkable life of this computer-programmer teen who Pope Francis called "a model of holiness for the digital age."
Everything you need to know about Carlo Acutis!

Vatican Officially Approves the Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis | EWTN News Nightly

3 Jul 2024

Di Buon Mattino (Tv2000) - Carlo Acutis diventerà Santo

29 May 2024 Il Beato Carlo Acutis diventerà Santo. Ospite don Tony Drazza, Segretario particolare del Segretario generale CEI


14 Oct 2023 --- Seventeen years ago, fifteen-year-old Carlo Acutis died of Leukemia. In a special interview, his mother discusses his short life and eternal legacy. 

The Life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, As Told by His Mother | EWTN News In Depth October 13, 2023


Blessed Charles Acutis' tomb in Assisi reopens in permanent form 

On October 12th, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the 15-year-old boy from Milan who died on October 12, 2006 from fulminant leukemia. In his short life, Carlo earned the nickname "God's influencer," because of his strong witness of faith. Following his death, thousands journeyed from around the world to the Umbrian city of Assisi where Carlo spent long periods of his life, and where his body now lies permanently exposed.

October 12, 2020 - Pope Francis - words on Carlo Acutis




On October 10th, 2020 - from Shalom World channel

LIVE - Holy Mass and Beatification of Carlo Acutis from the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi

October 10, 2020 - Present for the Beatification Mass celebration, the parents of Blessed Carlo Acutis, Andrea and Antonia, & the twin children who were born four years AFTER their son died




October 10 2020 Holy Mass --- from Vatican News - English channel

From the upper Basilica of St Francis of Assisi, Holy Mass with the rite of Beatification of Carlo Acutis, presided over by Cardinal Agostino Vallini.

Carlo Acutis Beato



 50 Facts about Carlo Acutis

 Carlo Acutis u t-triq tiegħu lejn il-Ġenna

Blessed Carlo Acutis 


Venerable Carlo Acutis: A patron of computer programmers?

Carlo Acutis, il ragazzino servo di Dio - Published on Mar 20, 2017
Carlo Acutis, il ragazzino servo di Dio: ospite di Lucia Ascione la mamma, Antonia Salzano Acutis

Vatican Magazine "Il volo di Carlo" 18-11-2016
In un documentario e in un libro, la testimonianza di vita del servo di Dio Carlo Acutis, giovanissimo innamorato di Gesù e dell’Eucaristia, scomparso a 15 anni. Il giornalista Gori: “Era un trascinatore, con l’esempio ha convertito i domestici indù”.

Vatican contemplates the beatification of tech savvy teen   -
Published on 1 Nov 2013

July 20, 2015
The brainchild of young Servant of God Carlo Acutis, an exhibition on Eucharistic miracles, has collected over 130 prodigious facts testifying to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

There is a red woven thread of wonder that runs through the history of the Church. An extraordinary event that transcends the laws of nature to show us the heart, the summit, and the core of God's great plan.  This crucial fact, the death and resurrection of Jesus, determines our faith.
From the Andes to the Indian Ocean, through all of Europe and the Middle East, Eucharistic miracles are an invisible bond linking people to the mystery and beauty of God's presence.
Cataloguing all the miraculous events, throughout history, where the consecrated Host turned into flesh, and the wine into the blood, or when the Sacred Species was saved from desecration, theft, fire is a difficult task. The exhibition on Eucharistic miracles, thanks to a large collection of photographs and abundant historical descriptions, is unique.
About 136 Eucharistic miracles that occurred over the centuries in different countries around the world, and have been acknowledged by the Church, have been collected by this museum that runs through the panels which "virtually" lead us in the places where the events occurred. Already hosted in all five continents, thousands of parishes, 100 universities in the United States and in major Marian shrines throughout the world, the exhibition is the brainchild of the young Carlo Acutis.
Born in London on 3 May 1991 (where his parents used to work) and died in 2006, aged 15, due to a fulminant leukaemia, Carlo focused his short life on developing a friendship with Jesus. Friendship that granted him the strength to face death with amazing courage: minimizing the pain which doctors described as atrocious and deciding to offer them for the good of the Church and Pope Benedict XVI.
A multitude of moved people took part in his funeral. Whoever knew him acknowledged that they met a special teenager. Self-confident, lively, passionate about sport and a computing expert, Carlo had an ability to make himself close to those who suffer, friends or acquaintances. In each he saw the face of the One who is the centre of his affection.
At just 11 years-old he decided to talk about his special bond with the Eucharist. "The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of Heaven" he wrote. He asked his parents to take him in all the places where the Eucharistic miracles took place. Hence the idea of ​​the creation of this exhibition assumed a primary historical value.
Its organisation took about two and a half years. A long, but worthwhile work. As you can read on the website, “The spiritual effects brought about by the exhibition could not have been predicted before its opening." The initiative’s goodness is underlined by the authoritative foreword of Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, and another from Monsignor Raffaello Martinelli who was, at the time, the Head of the Catechetical Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Some recent Eucharistic miracles were added after Carlo’s death. Among these, there is one which happened in Tixtla, Mexico, October 21, 2006, just nine days after the death of the exhibition’s young creator.  During a spiritual retreat in the San Martin de Tours parish, during the Communion, the eyes of a priest suddenly grew moist with tears. The celebrant approached him and realised that the Host that this priest had taken to give Communion to a parishioner, had begun to pour out a reddish substance.
This caused a sensation and emotion among all the faithful and outside the parish. Scientific research was conducted which ended in October 2012 with the following conclusion: the reddish substance corresponds to AB blood type, similar to that found in the Host of Lanciano and the Shroud of Turin, The blood comes from within, so we must exclude the possibility that someone might have placed it from the outside. The tissue found corresponded to the heart muscle.
In the light of these findings, in 2013 Monsignor Alejo Zavala Castro, Bishop of Chilpancingo, announced in a pastoral letter that "this event brings us a wonderful sign of God's love, which confirms the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist."  He said that the case was a "divine sign”.
It was a sign perhaps that this letter was published on October 12, 2013, day of the seventh anniversary of Carlo Acutis’s death -- the young man who called the Eucharist "my highway to heaven." This exhibition is a testament to his friendship with Jesus that Carlo has bequeathed to us all and for which his beatification cause has started.
To download the free exhibition on Eucharistic miracles:

