blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: JUNE 27 - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - PRAYER --- MADONNA TAS-SOKKORS PERPETWU - TALBA - Feast is celebrated on the second Sunday in July, in Kerċem, Gozo

Monday, May 21, 2012

JUNE 27 - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - PRAYER --- MADONNA TAS-SOKKORS PERPETWU - TALBA - Feast is celebrated on the second Sunday in July, in Kerċem, Gozo

L-E.T. Mons Isqof Mario Grech fil-Festa tal-Madonna tas-Sokkors f’Kerċem, dwar is-solidarjetà mal-immigranti - 8 ta' Lulju, 2018
- text & audio -
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: June 27
The History of the Icon

Talba lill-Madonna tas-Sokkors Perpetwu
Omm ħanina tas-Sokkors Perpetwu, meta nitolbuk għall-għajnuna, minn idejk jgħaddu l-grazzji li Alla jagħtina. Għalhekk Hu għamlek tant setgħana u għanja biex tkun tista’ tgħinna fi ħtiġijietna. Int l-avukata ta’ kull min jersaq lejk u l-faraġ ta’ min ifittex il-protezzjoni tiegħek.

Għinni Madonna! F’idejk jien nerħi ruħi. F’idejk inqiegħed is-salvazzjoni tiegħi. Żommni taħt il-ħarsien tiegħek, u dan hu biżżejjed għalija. Jekk int, O Marija, tħarisni, minn xejn ma nibża’ għax naf li tidħol għalija quddiem Ibnek Ġesu’.
Żomm idejk fuqi, fuq il-familja tiegħi u fuq pajjiżi. Bierek il-ħidma ta’ dawk kollha li qed jagħmlu t-tajjeb u lili agħtini l-grazzja li fil-mumenti iebsa u f’kull tfixkil, nirrikorri lejk u ngħidlek: O Madonna, għinni nimtela bl-imħabba lejn ibnek Ġesu. Omm tas-Sokkors għinni, ħalli qatt ma nitbiegħed minn Alla. Ammen.


O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on thee, for, in all my needs, in all my temptations I shall never cease to call on thee, ever repeating thy sacred name, Mary, Mary.

O what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what emotion fill my soul when I pronounce thy sacred name, or even only think of thee. I thank God for having given thee, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely pronouncing thy name: let my love for thee prompt me ever to hail thee, Mother of Perpetual Help.
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Mother of Perpetual Help your very name inspires confidence. We come before your holy picture in praise and thanksgiving to God seeking your intercession with Jesus, your Son for all the needs of our lives today. We celebrate your holy motherhood as we proclaim Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer.

You answered when called to be the mother of our Lord. Obtain for us the grace to be alive to our baptismal call and especially to embrace the gospel of life and to respect all life on earth.

You wondered as your Son grew in wisdom, knowledge and grace. Intercede for us so that we may welcome the Word of God in our lives and be bearers of the good news to one and all.

You delighted as your Son healed the sick. Intercede for our sick that they may receive good health and that they in their turn may be healers to others.

You enjoyed peace as your Son comforted the afflicted. Intercede for all who suffer so that they may know that we carry their burdens with them and in this way we keep the law of Christ.

You rejoiced when your Son forgave sins. Obtain for us the forgiveness of our sins and lead us to unbind others and set them free.

You suffered at the wounds your Son endured for our salvation. Help us to bind up the broken hearted and to give hope to the downtrodden.

You exulted in your Sons resurrection. Obtain for us the grace to persevere in His way all the days of our life and be granted a place in heaven.

You are the first among all the disciples and saints. We trust in your motherly love and care. Obtain for us all the graces we need to fulfill Gods plan each day in our lives.

Remember, O Most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence we fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. To you we come, before you we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O mother of the Word incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer us.

Presider: Lord Jesus Christ, at a word from Mary, your Mother you changed water into wine at Cana in Galilee. Hear our prayers and grant our petitions in honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Grant wisdom and courage to all our religious and civil leaders, our Holy Father Pope, our Bishops, and all who lead us, we pray...


Reader: Grant peace, unity and good harvests in all the world, especially in places of conflict, war, famine and need, we pray...

Grant married couples the grace of their Sacrament, wives
and husbands a binding love for each other, parents the
grace to welcome and cherish their children, single parent
families unity and strength, and peace and blessings on all
our homes, we pray...

Grant to our single adults fulfillment in their call, to our
young people success in their endeavours and courage to
witness to their faith, to our elderly vitality, security and
contentment in their days, and to the separated and divorced the grace of your Spirit, we pray...

Grant workers confidence in their work, dignity in their
accomplishments, joy in their contributions, a just and
living wage, and to the unemployed, grant gainful work, we

Grant to your Church many labourers for the harvest good
priests, brothers, sisters and laity who will dedicate their
lives to your faithful people, we pray...

Grant eternal life to all the deceased and a place in the
communion of the saints, where every tear shall be wiped
away and where we shall meet You, our God, face to face,
we pray...

Grant to each of us the grace to do justice, love mercy and
walk humbly with You each day of our lives, for whatever we
do to the least of our sisters or brothers; we do to you, we

Mother of Perpetual Help, we who call on Your most
powerful name, thank you for the graces we have
received through your intercession and for hearing our
prayers today: for God, who is mighty has done great
things through you, and Gods mercy is from age to age,
on those who fear him. Amen

May the Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of Mary of Perpetual Help, be with you to defend you, within you to sustain you, before you to lead you, behind you to protect you and above you to bless you all the days of your life. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.