blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 09/24/14

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


(how can I not include this uplifting Gospel video clip !)  JESUS - GOD - MAN --- The second Person in perfect unity in the Holy Trinity

Ġesù wiegħed lil Appostli, l-Ispirtu s-Santu, id-difensur, l-avukat, is-sors ta’ kull kuraġġ, qawwa u enerġija spiritwali. L- Ispirtu s-Santu li huwa Wieħed mill-Persuni tat-Trinità Qaddisa, huwa Alla.  


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  1. L-ilma, 
  2. l-unzjoni (id-dilka taż-żejt),
  3. Is-siġill,
  4. In-nar,
  5. Is-sħaba u d-dawl,
  6. l-id,
  7. Is-saba' u
  8. l-ħamiema.

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1.   L-ilma 

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2.   l-unzjoni (id-dilka taż-żejt)

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3.   Is-siġill

Fejqan permezz tad-Dilka tal-Morda - 1 (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap) 

[Ġak:5:13] Hemm xi ħadd fostkom imnikket? Ħalli dan jitlob. Hemm xi ħadd ferħan? Ħalli jkanta s-salmi. [Ġak:5:14] Hemm xi ħadd marid fostkom? Ħalli dan isejjaħ lill-presbiteri tal-Knisja, biex dawn jitolbu għalih u jidilkuh biż-żejt f'isem il-Mulej; [Ġak:5:15] it-talba tal-fidi ssalva lill-marid, u l-Mulej iqajjmu; u jekk ikun għamel xi dnubiet, jinħafrulu. [Ġak:5:16] Stqarru wieħed lill-ieħor in-nuqqasijiet tagħkom u itolbu għal xulxin, biex hekk tfiqu. It-talba tal-bniedem ġust magħmula bil-ħerqa għandha qawwa kbira. [Ġak:5:17] Elija bniedem bħalna kien: meta talab bil-ħerqa biex ma tagħmilx ix-xita, għal tliet snin u sitt xhur sħaħ ix-xita ma għamlitx fuq l-art. [Ġak:5:18] U meta raġa' talab, is-sema radd ix-xita u l-art għamlet il-frott.   


James 5:13-18 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

IV. The Power of Prayer

Anointing of the Sick. 13 Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, 15 and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.
Confession and Intercession. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. 17 Elijah was a human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land. 18 Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.

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4.   In-nar - li jittrasformana

Il-Profeta Elija

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5.   Is-sħaba u d-dawl

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Mt 17:1-9 -- It-Trasfigurazzjoni - The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

F’dak iż-żmien: Ġesù ħa miegħu ‘l Pietru u ‘l Ġakbu u ‘l ħuh Ġwanni weħidhom, tellagħhom fuq muntanja għolja, u tbiddel quddiemhom. Wiċċu sar jiddi bħax-xemx, u lbiesu sar abjad bħad-dawl. U dehrulhom Mosè u Elija jitħaddtu miegħu. Qabeż Pietru u qal lil Ġesù: “Mulej, kemm hu sew li aħna hawn! Jekk trid, intella’ hawn tliet tined, waħda għalik, waħda għal Mosè u waħda għal Elija.”
Kif kien għadu jitkellem, sħaba kollha dawl għattiethom, u minn ġos-sħaba nstema’ leħen jgħid: “Dan hu Ibni l-għażiż, li fih sibt il-għaxqa tiegħi; isimgħu lilu.” Id-dixxipli, kif semgħu dan, waqgħu wiċċhom fl-art, mimlijin bil-biża’. Ġesù resaq lejhom, messhom u qalilhom: “Qumu, tibżgħux.” Huma refgħu għajnejhom u ma raw ’il ħadd ħlief ’il Ġesù waħdu.
Huma u niżlin minn fuq il-muntanja, Ġesù ordnalhom u qalilhom: “Tgħidu lil ħadd b’din id-dehra sa ma Bin il-bniedem ikun qam mill-imwiet.”


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6.   l-id

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7.   Is-saba'


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8.   l-ħamiema.


Is-Simboli tal-Ispirtu s-Santu (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap)


SEPTEMBER 24 - OUR LADY OF MERCY ( Our Lady for the Redemption of Captives) - IL-MADONNA TAL-ĦNIENA --- (Pope Francis: Migrants and refugees have a privileged place in the heart of the Church)

Madonna of Mercy_GHIRLANDAIO, Domenico

Illum l-Erbgħa 24 ta' Settembru, hija l festa tal-Madonna tal-Ħniena. ejjew flimkien inselmu lil din ommna tas-sema waqt li ngħidula;

Sliem għalik, Sultana, omm tal-ħniena, ħajja, ħlewwa u tama tagħna. Sliem għalik, lilek ingħajtu, aħna, turufnati, ulied Eva. Lilek nitniehdu, aħna li nibku u nolfqu f’dan il-wied tad-dmugħ.

Ejja mela, avukata tagħna; dawwar lejna dawk l-għajnejn tiegħek tal-ħniena. Urina, wara dan it-turufnament, lil Ġesù frott imbierek tal-ġuf tiegħek, o ħanina, o pija, o ħelwa, Verġni Marija

In the early part of the thirteenth century of the era of our Lord, the greatest and fairest part of Spain lay crushed under the yoke of the Sara
cens, and countless numbers of the faithful were held in brutal slavery, with the most lively danger of being made to deny the Christian faith and of losing everlasting salvation. Amid such sorrows the most Blessed Queen of heaven came mercifully to the rescue, and showed how the greatness of her motherly love was fain for their redemption. Holy Peter Nolasco, in the full bloom of the treasures of godliness as well as rich in earthly wealth, was earnestly pondering with himself how he could succour so many suffering Christians dwelling in bondage to the Moors. To him appeared with gracious visage the Most Blessed Virgin, and bade him know that it would be well pleasing in her own sight, and in the sight of her Only-begotten Son, that an Order of Religious men should be founded in her honour, whose work it should be to redeem prisoners from Mohammedan slavery. Strengthened by this heavenly vision, the man of God began to burn with wonderful charity, nursing in his heart the one desire that he himself and the Order which he should found might exercise that love, greater than which hath no man, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John xv. 13.)Upon the same night the same most holy Virgin appeared to the Blessed Raymund de Penafuerte, and to James, King of Aragon, charging them concerning the founding of the Order, and desiring them to help in raising up so great a work. Peter betook himself forthwith to the feet of Raymund, who was his confessor, and laid the matter before him, whom also he found taught from heaven, and to whose governance he right humbly submitted himself. Then came King James, who appointed to carry out this revelation, which himself also had received from the Most Blessed Virgin. The three took counsel together, and all with one consent entered upon the institution of an Order in honour of the said Virgin Mother, to be placed under the invocation of St Mary of Ransom, for the redemption of captives.
Upon the 10th of August, in the year of our Lord 1218, the above-named King James decreed the establishment of this Order, thus already conceived by these holy men. The brethren take, (in addition to the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience,) a fourth vow, whereby they bind themselves to remain in pawn with the unbelievers, if need so require, for the liberation of Christians. The King granted them the right to bear on their breasts his own Royal blazon, and obtained from Gregory IX. the confirmation of this Institute and Order so nobly marked by brotherly charity. God Himself, through the Virgin Mother, gave the increase, causing this Institute speedily and prosperously to spread through all the world, and to blossom with holy men, great in love and godliness, to spend in the redemption of their neighbours the alms which are committed to them by Christ’s faithful people, to that end, and some whiles to give themselves up for the ransom of many. That due thanks might be rendered to God and to the Virgin Mother for the great blessing of this Institute, the See Apostolic among other well-nigh countless favours bestowed upon it, permitted that this special Feast-day should be kept and this Office said.


Our Lady of Ransom  



Our Lady for the Redemption of Captives

Pope Francis: Migrants and refugees have a privileged place in the heart of the Church (Published on 23 Sep 2014)

Pope Francis: Martyrs show that the strength of the Church is not in its structures  

Mary, Our Mother of Mercy
