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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 8th, 2018 - 'The greatest mercy is to forgive your enemies' - The Archbishop on the feast of the Divine Mercy

"The greatest mercy is to forgive your enemies" - The Archbishop on the feast of the Divine Mercy

The Archbishop celebrating Mass organised by the Pope John Paul II Foundation, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the institution of the Divine Mercy Feast

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

Il-Katidral ta' San Pawl, l-Imdina
8 ta’ April 2018
L-Evanġelju li għadna kemm smajna jgħaqqad il-Ħadd tal-Għid ma’ dak li ġara tmint ijiem wara bħal-lum. Qegħdin niċċelebraw dan il-Ħadd bħala l-Ħadd tal-Ħniena Divina għaliex Ħadd fuq l-Għid, fit-tieni Ħadd tal-Għid, meta l-imgħammdin il-ġodda għall-ewwel darba jmorru għall-Ewkaristija tal-Ħadd bħala membri sħaħ tal-komunità, minn dejjem jinqara l-Evanġelju fejn il-Mulej jagħti l-aqwa don lid-dixxipli tiegħu: “Il-paċi magħkom, is-sliem għalikom” (Ġw 20, 19).

Jekk hemm rigal li l-Mulej jagħti u li huwa verament tiegħu, kif jgħid hu stess, huwa din il-paċi “mhux bħalma tagħtihielna d-dinja imma kif jagħtihielna hu” (ara Ġw 14, 27). Hija paċi li għandha prezz għażiż u għoli: il-pjagi tiegħu. Fil-fatt, it-tislima tiegħu tagħtina l-paċi imma hu jurina wkoll idejh u ġenbu biex aħna u nħarsu lejn il-pjagi qaddisa tiegħu, nifhmu kemm hu għażiż dan ir-rigal, beix nifhmu l-prezz għoli li l-Mulej kellu jħallas għar-rikonċiljazzjoni tagħna għax din il-paċi hija frott tal-maħfra li jagħtina.

Hu qalgħalna l-maħfra; seta’ jsejjaħ lil Alla tiegħu, Alla tagħna, seta’ jsejjaħ lill-Missieru tas-sema, Missierna. Aħna nistgħu nitolbu t-talba tal-Missierna għaliex aħna tassew ulied il-Missier u fl-istess talba l-Mulej jgħallimna nitolbu maħfra ta’ dnubietna u jgħallimna wkoll naħfru lil min hu ħati għalina “Aħfrilna dnubnietna bħalma naħfru lil min hu ħati għalina” (Lq 11, 3).  
It-triq tal-fidi hija t-triq li ma tibżax mill-pjagi tal-Mulej, li qegħdin fostna fit-tbatija ta’ min hu magħkus.
Tmint ijiem wara, Tumas, li ma kienx hemm fl-ewwel Ħadd filgħaxija, jiltaqa’ mal-Mulej u jkollu l-opportunità jmiss il-pjagi ta’ Ġesù. Il-Mulej stess jgħidlu: “Ġib sebgħek hawn u ara jdejja, ressaq idek u qegħedha fuq ġenbi”. Aħna u mmissu l-pjagi ta’ Ġesù, il-Mulej ukoll ifejjaqna min-nuqqas ta’ fidi. “Tkunx bniedem bla fidi, iżda emmen” (ara Ġw 20, 27-29).  

It-triq tal-fidi hija t-triq li ma tibżax mill-pjagi tal-Mulej, li qegħdin ukoll fostna fit-tbatija ta’ min hu magħkus. Fl-inġustizzji ta’ madwarna hemm il-pjagi ta’ Ġesù u l-Mulej ikompli jgħidilna biex inressqu jdejna u npoġġuhom fuq il-pjagi ta’ madwarna għaliex jekk aħna ma nħarsux lejn il-proxxmu kif jilmħu hu, ma nistgħux ngħidu li l-fidi tagħna hija vera. Għax il-fidi tagħna, li titqanqal bl-immaġini ta’ Ġesù fl-istatwi, fil-purċissjonijiet tagħna, fid-devozzjonijiet kollha tagħna li għaddejna minnhom fil-ġranet qaddisa tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, trid tkun ukoll fidi, li meta tiltaqa’ mal-pjagi ħajja ta’ Ġesù fis-sofferenza tal-bnedmin tal-lum, titqanqal ukoll fl-istess sentimenti ta’ ħniena, il-ħniena mhux biss biex nitolbu l-maħfra ta’ dnubietna, imma l-ħniena hija wkoll espressjoni tal-imħabba lejn il-proxxmu. U l-ikbar ħniena hija li taħfer lill-għedewwa u ta’ dan nitolbu l-grazzja speċjali mingħand il-Mulej.    

Jekk inħarsu lejn il-figura straordinarja ta’ San Ġwann Pawlu II, naraw eżempji qawwija u ħajjin ta’ dawn il-virtujiet. Min jista’ jinsa dik ix-xena tal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II jiltaqa’ ma’ Ali Agca fil-ħabs? Meta waqt li jitkellem miegħu jurih li fil-konfront ta’ min ried joqtlu għandu sentimenti ta’ ħniena u ta’ maħfra? Kemm-il darba talab maħfra tal-inġustizzji li aħna l-Insara stess nagħmlu lil xulxin u lill-proxxmu tagħna? Kemm-il darba l-kliem tiegħu qawwihom bl-eżempju?! U l-qdusija tiegħu hija kewkba kbira fil-firmament tal-Knisja.      

Illum nitolbu l-interċessjoni ta’ San Ġwann Pawlu II, li miet propju lejlet il-Ħadd tal-Ħniena Divina fl-2005, biex jieqaf mal-Knisja tiegħu u nimxu fuq il-passi li fihom jindikalna u li qiegħed jindikalna l-Papa Franġisku li sejjaħ is-Sena tal-Ħniena biex jagħti t-togħma, mhux biss lill-Pontifikat tiegħu, imma lill-missjoni imġedda tal-Knisja li twassal il-ħniena lil kulħadd u li tkun ukoll eżempju ta’ maħfra u ta’ rikonċiljazzjoni. 


I would like to share a few thoughts about the feast we are celebrating today after the Second Sunday in Easter and it is a very special Sunday. It is the Sunday when the catechumens that were baptized at the Easter Vigil, return to their communities wearing the white shawl or white dress of Baptism and are welcomed by the community as fully fletched Christians, members of the community participating at the Word of God and the Eucharist for the first time as full members of the Catholic Church. And we pray for them. 
All around the world we have hundreds of new Christians. In Malta, I had the blessing of baptizing seven adults who are now being received in their communities this morning as we speak.

But today is also Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast instituted by St John Paul II and it reminds us that Jesus in the Gospel today breathes his Spirit on the apostles and gives them his own divine power, the divine power to forgive sins. And this is something we really need to be grateful for, this divine power which is in the Church for the reconciliation of human kind.

Today, Thomas touches the wounds of Jesus and, touching the wounds of Jesus, he is healed of his unbelief. If we need to be strong in our faith, we need to touch the wounds of Jesus in people who suffer, where there is injustice, where there is war and so many wounds are there gaping at our own hearts asking to be approached to be healed in order to be strong in our faith. As Thomas, we need to touch the wounds of Jesus today and that is what we pray on this blessed Sunday.

 Charles J. Scicluna    Arċisqof ta’ Malta


Il-Qari tal-Quddiesa:

Qari I: Atti 4, 32-35

Salm: 117 (118), 2-4.16ab-18.22-24

Qari II: 1 Ġw 5, 1-6

Evanġelju: Ġw 20, 19-31


GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE - April 9th, 2018 - Apostolic Exhorttion by Pope Francis - THE CALL TO HOLINESS IN TODAY’S WORLD



Gaudete et Exsultate: Top 5 Takeaways from Pope Francis’ New Apostolic Exhortation





"Il-qdusija tista’ tinkiseb permezz ta’ ġesti żgħar ta’ mħabba kuljum u minn kulħadd"

"Holiness can be achieved by everyone through daily small gestures of love"


On April 9, which this year marks the transferred Solemnity of the Annunciation, the Vatican releases the latest Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: Gaudete et exsultate: On the call to holiness in today’s world.

A guide to Christianity for the 21st Century: the new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis

On April 9, which this year marks the transferred Solemnity of the Annunciation, the Vatican releases the latest Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: Gaudete et exsultate: On the call to holiness in today’s world.
By Christopher Wells
“The Lord asks everything of us, and in return offers us true life, the happiness for which we were created.”
In his third Apostolic Exhortation (following Evangelii gaudium and Amoris laetitia) Pope Francis reflects on the call to holiness, and how we can respond to that call in the modern world. “My modest goal” in the Exhortation, Pope Francis says, “is to repropose the call to holiness in a practical way for our own time.”
The five chapters of Gaudete et exsultate follow a logical progression, beginning with a consideration of the call to holiness as it is in itself. The Holy Father than examines two “subtle enemies of holiness,” namely, contemporary gnosticism and contemporary pelagianism. [ Video Embed: Guide to living Christianity in the 21st century] 

Holiness in living the Beatitudes

The heart of Gaudete et exsultate is dedicated to the idea that holiness means following Jesus. In this third chapter, Pope Francis considers each of the Beatitudes as embodying what it means to be holy. But if the Beatitudes show us what holiness means, the Gospel also shows us the criterion by which we will be judged: “I was hungry and you gave me food… thirsty and you gave me drink… a stranger and you welcomed me… naked and you clothed me… sick and you took care of me… in prison and you visited me.”
Pope Francis devotes the fourth chapter of Gaudete et exsultate to “certain aspects of the call to holiness” that he feels “will prove especially meaningful” in today’s world: perseverance, patience and meekness; joy and a sense of humour; boldness and passion; the communal dimension of holiness; constant prayer.

Spiritual combat and discernment

Finally, the Exhortation makes practical suggestions for living out the call to holiness. “The Christian life is a constant battle,” the Pope says. “We need strength and courage to withstand the temptations of the devil and to proclaim the Gospel.” In the fifth chapter, he speaks about the need for “combat” and vigilance, and calls us to exercise the gift of discernment, “which is all the more necessary today,” in a world with so many distractions that keep us from hearing the Lord’s voice.
“It is my hope,” Pope Francis concludes, “that these pages will prove helpful by enabling the whole Church to devote herself anew to promoting the desire for holiness.”
The full text of the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et exsultate can be found on the Holy See website.