blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 06/02/14

Monday, June 02, 2014

EWTN - Novena to the Holy Spirit for the Seven Gifts ---&--- The Week's Gospels, leading to - Pentecost Sunday - Year A, B, C

Novena to the Holy Spirit for the Seven Gifts

Monday, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 16:29-33 -- " I have overcome the world ! " - " Jiena rbaħt id-dinja ! "

Tuesday, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 17:1-11 -- Jesus Prays to Be Glorified - It-talba ta' Ġesù għad-dixxipli

Wednesday, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 17:11-19 -- Jesus Prays for His Disciples - It-talba ta' Ġesù għad-dixxipli

Thursday, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 17:20-26 -- Jesus Prays for All Believers - ' nitlob...għal dawk li għad jemmnu fija....

Friday, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 21:15-19 -- Jesus Reinstates Peter - Ġesù u Pietru

Pope Francis on Jesus' friendship: The Pope uses the faith and trials of St. Peter as an example for Rome priests.  Published on Mar 2, 2017

Saturday morning, after Sunday of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Jn 21:20-25 -- 'Jesus and the disciple He loved ' - Ġesù u d-dixxiplu li kien iħobb

Saturday evening - Pentecost Vigil Mass Gospel --
Jn 7:37-39 -- Rivers of Living Waters - Xmajjar ta' ilma ħaj

The Church's Birthday  

Year A - Pentecost Sunday Gospel --
Jn 20:19-23 -- L-Għid il-Ħamsin - Pentekoste

Year B - Pentecost Sunday Gospel -

Year C - Pentecost Sunday Gospel -
Jn 14:15-16. 23b-26 -- l-Għid il-Ħamsin - Pentekoste

Pope on Pentecost: The Holy Spirit shows us the way

