On Sunday, December 8, 2024, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, from Saint John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta, Malta.
Quddiesa fil-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni mill-Konkatidral ta' San Ġwann, il-Belt - 8 ta' Diċembru 2024
December 8 - The Immaculate Conception (Our Lady immaculately conceived (without Original Sin) in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne, wife of Saint Joachim
Is-sema' l-ġdida
ġiet tnissel f'ġuf Anna b'id Alla, l-ħallieq ta' kollox;
minnu ħarġet ix-xemx li qatt ma tinżel,
li ddawwal id-dinja kollha bir-raġġi tal-qdusija,
bl-imħabba bla qjies tiegħu - Hu, li hu l-ħabib waħdieni tal-bnedmin
(Liturġija Biżantina)

Novena 2022 minsuġa minn Fr. Kevin Schembri.
WHOLE PLAYLIST:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7OSreGH12d4wEKCZOG8AmoTRiTy0l1n
It-Tnissil bla tebgħa tal-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija - 8 ta' Diċembru
Advent #ShareJesus 6: The Immaculate Conception
8 December 2022 - Pope Francis' prayer for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
8 ta’ Diċembru
It-Tnissil bla Tebgħa tal-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija
Qari I
Ġen 3: 9-15.20
Qari mill-Ktieb tal-Ġenesi.
Wara li Adam kiel mis-siġra: Il-Mulej sejjaħlu u qallu: “Fejn int?” U wieġbu: “Għax smajt ħossok fil-ġnien, u billi jien għarwien, bżajt u staħbejt”.
U qallu: “Min qallek li int għarwien? Jaqaw kilt mis-siġra li għidtlek ma tikolx minnha?” U wieġeb Adam: “Il-mara li tajtni miegħi, hi tatni mis-siġra, u jiena kilt”. U l-Mulej Alla qal lill-mara: “X’inhu li għamilt?” U l-mara weġbitu: “Is-serp daħak bija, u kilt”. U l-Mulej Alla qal lis-serp: “Talli għamilt hekk, int tkun l-iżjed misħut fost il-bhejjem kollha u fost l-annimali selvaġġi kollha. Int timxi għal żaqqek u tiekol it-trab għal ħajtek kollha.
Innissel mibegħda bejnek u bejn il-mara, bejn nislek u bejn nisilha. Hu jgħaffiġlek rasek u inti tgħattanlu għarqubu”. U lil martu Adam semmieha Eva, għax kienet omm il-ħajjin kollha.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej.
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla.
Salm Responsorjali
Salm 97
R/. Għannu lill-Mulej għanja ġdida, għax għamel l-għeġubijiet!
Għannu lill-Mulej għanja ġdida,
għax għamel l-għeġubijiet.
Ġibitlu r-rebħa l-leminija tiegħu
u d-driegħ imqaddes tiegħu. R/.
Għarraf il-Mulej is-salvazzjoni tiegħu,
f’għajnejn il-ġnus wera l-ġustizzja tiegħu.
Ftakar fi tjubitu
u fil-fedeltà tiegħu għal dar Israel. R/.
Raw it-truf kollha tal-art
is-salvazzjoni ta’ Alla tagħna.
Għajtu bil-ferħ lill-Mulej fl-art kollha,
infexxu fil-hena, ifirħu u għannu. R/.
Qari II
Efes 1: 3-6.11-12
Qari mill-Ittra ta’ San Pawl Appostlu lill-Efesin.
Ħuti: Imbierek Alla u Missier Sidna Ġesù Kristu, li mliena b’kull xorta ta’ barka spiritwali, fis-smewwiet, fi Kristu. Hekk hu għażilna fih, sa minn qabel il-ħolqien tad-dinja, biex inkunu qaddisa u bla tebgħa quddiemu fl-imħabba; iddestinana li nkunu għalih ulied addottivi permezz ta’ Ġesù Kristu, skont ma għoġob lir-rieda tiegħu għat-tifħir tal-glorja tal-grazzja tiegħu, li biha mliena fil-Maħbub tiegħu.
Fih aħna wkoll konna magħżula, iddestinati minn qabel, skont il-pjan imfassal minn qabel minn min imexxi kollox skont il-fehma tar-rieda tiegħu, sabiex inkunu għat-tifħir tal-glorja tiegħu, aħna li, sa minn qabel, konna nittamaw fi Kristu.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej.
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla.
Akklamazzjoni qabel l-Evanġelju
Lq 1: 28
R/. Hallelujah.
Sliem għalik, Marija, mimlija bil-grazzja,
il-Mulej miegħek, imbierka inti fost in-nisa.
R/. Hallelujah.
Lq 1: 26-38
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa.
F’dak iż-żmien: L-anġlu Gabrijel kien mibgħut minn Alla f’belt tal-Galilija, jisimha Nazaret, għand xebba mgħarrsa ma’ raġel jismu Ġużeppi, mid-dar ta’ David; u x-xebba kien jisimha Marija. Daħal għandha u qalilha: “Sliem għalik, mimlija bil-grazzja, il-Mulej miegħek”. Għal dan il-kliem tħawdet, u bdiet titħasseb bejnha u bejn ruħha x’setgħet tfisser dik it-tislima. Iżda l-anġlu qalilha: “Tibżax, Marija, għax inti sa tnissel fi ħdanek u jkollok iben u ssemmih Ġesù. Hu jkun kbir, u jkun jissejjaħ Bin il-Għoli, u l-Mulej Alla jagħtih it-tron ta’ David missieru; u jsaltan fuq dar Ġakobb għal dejjem, u s-saltna tiegħu ma jkollhiex tmiem”.
Iżda, Marija qalet lill-anġlu: “Kif ikun dan, ladarba ma nagħrafx raġel?” Weġibha l-anġlu u qalilha: “L-Ispirtu s-Santu jiġi fuqek u l-qawwa tal-Għoli tixħet id-dell tagħha fuqek; u għalhekk dak li jitwieled minnek ikun qaddis u jkun jissejjaħ Bin Alla. U ara, il-qariba tiegħek Eliżabetta, hija wkoll nisslet iben fi ħdanha, u dan huwa s-sitt xahar għaliha li kienu jgħidu li ma jistax ikollha tfal; għax għal Alla ma hemm xejn li ma jistax isir”.
Imbagħad qalet Marija: “Hawn jien il-qaddejja tal-Mulej; ħa jsir minni skont kelmtek!” U l-anġlu telaq minn ħdejha.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej.
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu.
Lk 1:26-38 -- The Birth of Jesus Foretold - It-taħbira tat-twelid ta' Ġesù Kristu
At the Catholic Church of St. Kilian at Dingsheim, France
December 8, 2013 - Pope Francis explains the Immaculate Conception
What is the Immaculate Conception?
"Chaire, Kecharitomene" - Hail, Full of Grace
"Theotokos" - God bearer; Birth-Giver of God; The one who gives birth to God; Mother of God
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On the 8th of December, at noon, an Hour of Grace will be installed
Litanija ta’ Marija Warda Mistika
Request of Our Heavenly Mother for the Hour of Grace:
1. To be started from 12 noon until 1 p.m. (one full hour of prayer);
2. During this hour the person making the Hour of Grace either at home or in a church must put away all distractions;
3. Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms;
4. The rest of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent communication with God, adoring the Sacred Host, meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, saying the Holy Rosary, praising God in you own way or by using favourite prayers, singing hymns, etc.
History: During the period of November 24 1946 to December 8, 1947, the Blessed Mother appeared to Sister Pierina in a little church in Montichiari, Italy, eleven times.
3. Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms;
4. The rest of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent communication with God, adoring the Sacred Host, meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, saying the Holy Rosary, praising God in you own way or by using favourite prayers, singing hymns, etc.
History: During the period of November 24 1946 to December 8, 1947, the Blessed Mother appeared to Sister Pierina in a little church in Montichiari, Italy, eleven times.
On the first appearance the Blessed Mother told Sister Pierina She wanted to be known as the Mystical Rose and that an hour of grace should be kept at noon, December 8th, in all the Catholic Churches of the world. The Blessed Mother wanted this to be known through all Italy, and the entire world.
It was November 16, 1947 when Sister Pierina was finishing Her Thanksgiving after Holy Communion when she saw a great light. She then saw a vision of the Blessed Mother as the Mystical Rose.
Sister was so deeply moved by the stunning beauty of Our Lady that she began talking to Her. All of a sudden a gentle force made her kneel down in front of Our Lady. The Blessed Mother spoke these words. "My Son is so greatly offended by the sins of impurity. He is already planning to send the deluge upon the people, for their destruction, but I have asked Him to show mercy, and not send the destruction. So that is why I have appeared, to ask for penance and atonement for the sins of impurity."
On the 22nd of November, Sister Pierina felt the overwhelming urge to go to church at 4:00. The Mother Superior, four Sisters, and a group of friends accompanied her. They were all saying the Rosary when the Blessed Mother appeared as before.
Again, Our Lady asked for penance. She said, "Penance is nothing more than accepting all our crosses daily willingly. No matter how small, accept them with love." At this time She told Sister Pierina to come again on December 8th at noon. "This will be my Hour of Grace." The Sister asked how she was to prepare for this Hour of Grace? To which the Blessed Mother said, "with prayers and penance. Pray the 51st psalm with outstretched arms three times. During the Hour of Grace, many spiritual graces would be granted. The most hard-hearted sinners will be touched by the grace of God." The Blessed Mother promised that whatever a person asked her for during this Hour of Grace (even in impossible cases) would be granted to them, if it was in accordance with the Will of the Eternal Father.
On the morning of December 8th, people began arriving at the little church at 8:00 in the morning form neighbouring towns. By noon, some 10,000 people had gathered to see the Blessed Mother… In the most gentle and loving voice, Our Lady smiled and began to speak [to Sister Pierina]: "I am the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of my Beloved Son, Jesus. I want to be known as the Mystical Rose. My wish is that every year on the 8th of December, at noon, an Hour of Grace will be installed. Many spiritual graces and physical blessings will be received by those who pray, undisturbed, during this hour."
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The surprising day when the devil himself praised Mary’s Immaculate Conception - La donna che schiaccia il serpente - The woman who crushes the serpent
La donna che schiaccia il serpente - The woman who crushes the serpent
Vera Madre son io di un Dio che è Figlio
e son figlia di Lui, benché sua Madre.
Ab aeterno nacqu'Egli ed è mio Figlio,
nel tempo io nacqui, eppur gli sono Madre
nel tempo io nacqui, eppur gli sono Madre
- Egli è il mio Creator ed è mio Figlio;
son io sua creatura e Gli son Madre.
Fu prodigio divin l'essere mio Figlio
un Dio eterno, e me d'aver per Madre
un Dio eterno, e me d'aver per Madre
L'essere quasi è comun fra Madre e Figlio
perché l'esser dal Figlio ebbe la Madre
e l'esser dalla Madre ebbe anche il Figlio.
perché l'esser dal Figlio ebbe la Madre
e l'esser dalla Madre ebbe anche il Figlio.
Or, se l'esser dal Figlio ebbe la Madre,
o s'ha da dir che fu macchiato il Figlio,
o senza macchia s'ha da dir la Madre.
o s'ha da dir che fu macchiato il Figlio,
o senza macchia s'ha da dir la Madre.
Questa poesia fu composta niente di meno che da Satana in persona.
Nel 1823, ad Ariano Irpino (Avellino), due celebri predicatori domenicani, p. Cassiti e p. Pignataro, furono invitati a esorcizzare un ragazzo. Allora si discuteva ancora tra i teologi sulla verità della Immacolata Concezione, che fu poi proclamata dogma di fede trentuno anni dopo, nel 1854. Ebbene, i due frati imposero al demonio di dimostrare che Maria era Immacolata; e per di più gli ingiunsero di farlo mediante un sonetto: una poesia di quattordici versi endecasillabi, a rima obbligata. Si noti che l'indemoniato era un fanciullo di dodici anni e analfabeta. Subito Satana pronunciò i versi che abbiamo sopra esposti
(Fonte: Padre Gabriele Amorth, Nuovi Racconti di un esorcista).
--- Facebook - Padre Gabriele Amorth - 8 Dicembre 2014
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