Celebrating his morning Mass, January 21, Pope Francis said that some people believe themselves to be good Catholics but don’t even act like good Christians as indicated by the Beatitudes. The Christian style is that of the Beatitudes that St. Mark in the day’s Gospel describes as "new wine in new bottles".
By Robin Gomes
The Gospel, the Word of the Lord, is the "new wine" that has been gifted us, but to be good Christians we need a "new behaviour", a "new style" that is truly the "Christian style", and this style is indicated by the Beatitudes. This is the meaning of the " key word " that concludes today’s reading from the Gospel of Mark: "New wine in new wineskins". Pope Francis made this the theme of his homily at Mass, Monday morning, at the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta.
The Pope says that the accusatory style belongs to those who always try and live by accusing others, disqualifying others, acting as absent promoters of justice. But they don't realize that it's the style of the devil: in the Bible, the devil is called the "great accuser", who is always accusing others.
This was the same in the time of Jesus who in a few cases reproached the accusers: "Instead of looking at the speck in the eyes of others, look at the beam in yours"; or again: "Those who have not sinned can throw the first stone". Living by accusing others and looking for defects, the Pope says, is not "Christian", not new wineskin.
The Pope says that the Lord has offered you the new wine but you did not change the wineskin, you did not change yourself. This worldliness is what ruins so many who are good but they enter into this spirit of vanity, of pride, of being seen... Humility that is part of the Christian style, like that of Our Lady and St. Joseph, is lacking, the Pope says.
According to the Pope, the Christian style is that of the Beatitudes: meekness, humility, patience in suffering, love for justice, ability to endure persecution, not judging others... If a Catholic wants to learn the Christian style, so as not to fall into this accusatory style, the worldly style and the selfish style, he/ she must read the Beatitudes. They are the wineskins, the path we must take. To be a good Christian one must have the ability not only to recite the Creed with the heart but also the Our Father with the heart.
Pope Francis: Beatitudes are markers of Christian style
Il-Papa f’Santa Marta: L-istil tan-nisrani huma l-Beatitudnijiet
It-Tnejn, 21 ta’ Jannar 2019: Nistgħu naħsbu li aħna kattoliċi tajbin imma ma nġibux ruħna ta’ nsara tajbin. Il-veru stil tan-nisrani hu dak li nsibu fil-Beatitudnijiet. Illum it-Tnejn 21 ta’ Jannar il-Papa għamel dir-riflessjoni waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tad-Dar Santa Marta.
Miġjub mit-Taljan għall-Malti minn Joe Huber.
The Gospel, the Word of the Lord, is the "new wine" that has been gifted us, but to be good Christians we need a "new behaviour", a "new style" that is truly the "Christian style", and this style is indicated by the Beatitudes. This is the meaning of the "
Accusing others
According to the Pope, we can learn about the Christian style by first knowing our attitudes that don’t belong to the Christian style. In this regard, he points to 3 of them: the "accusatory style", the "worldly style" and the "selfish style":The Pope says that the accusatory style belongs to those who always try and live by accusing others, disqualifying others, acting as absent promoters of justice. But they don't realize that it's the style of the devil: in the Bible, the devil is called the "great accuser", who is always accusing others.
This was the same in the time of Jesus who in a few cases reproached the accusers: "Instead of looking at the speck in the eyes of others, look at the beam in yours"; or again: "Those who have not sinned can throw the first stone". Living by accusing others and looking for defects, the Pope says, is not "Christian", not new wineskin.
Speaking about worldliness, Pope Francis calls it an attitude of Catholics who can "recite the Creed", but live on "vanity, pride and attachment to money", believing themselves to be self-sufficient.The Pope says that the Lord has offered you the new wine but you did not change the wineskin, you did not change yourself. This worldliness is what ruins so many who are good but they enter into this spirit of vanity, of pride, of being seen...
Selfishness, indifference
Commenting on the third un-Christian style, the Pope says it is the selfish spirit, the spirit of indifference that is common in our communities. One believes oneself to be a good Catholic but doesn’t worry about the problems of others – wars, illnesses and the suffering of our neighbours. This, the Pope says, is the hypocrisy that Jesus reproached the doctors of the law for. What then is the Christian style?According to the Pope, the Christian style is that of the Beatitudes: meekness, humility, patience in suffering, love for justice, ability to endure persecution, not judging others... If a Catholic wants to learn the Christian style, so as not to fall into this accusatory style, the worldly style and the selfish style, he/ she must read the Beatitudes. They are the wineskins, the path we must take. To be a good Christian one must have the ability not only to recite the Creed with the heart but also the Our Father with the heart.
Pope Francis: Beatitudes are markers of Christian style
&&&&&&& in the Maltese language ...
Il-Papa f’Santa Marta: L-istil tan-nisrani huma l-Beatitudnijiet
It-Tnejn, 21 ta’ Jannar 2019: Nistgħu naħsbu li aħna kattoliċi tajbin imma ma nġibux ruħna ta’ nsara tajbin. Il-veru stil tan-nisrani hu dak li nsibu fil-Beatitudnijiet. Illum it-Tnejn 21 ta’ Jannar il-Papa għamel dir-riflessjoni waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tad-Dar Santa Marta.
Il-Vanġelu, il-Kelma tal-Mulej hija l-veru nbid ġdid, qal Franġisku fl-omelija li għamel dwar il-Vanġelu meħud minn San Mark. Inbid li nagħatalna imma biex inkunu nsara tajbin jeħtieġ li jkollna mġieba ġdida, stil ġdid, l-istil tan-nisrani li l-Beatitudnijiet biss jafu juruhulna.
Din hi t-tifsira tal-kelma li tagħlaq il-Vanġelu skont San Mark: inbid ġdid b’damiġjani ġodda. Biex nifhmu sewwa liema hu l-istil tan-nisrani, issokta l-Papa Franġisku, aħjar nirriflettu ftit biex naraw liema huma l-atteġġjamenti tagħna li mhumiex skont l-istil nisrani. Dawn huma: l-istil akkużatorju, l-istil tal-mondanità u l-istil egoistiku.
L-istil akkużatorju hu l-istil ta’ dawk li jemmnu iżda li dejjem lesti biex jakkużaw lill-oħrajn, jgħejxu jakkużaw lil ħaddieħor. Moħħhom biex jiġġudikaw min hu tajjeb u min mhux. Huwa stil, osserva l-Papa, ta’ promoturi tal-ġustizzja falluti li ma jindunawx li dak hu l-istil tax-xitan. Il-Bibbja tiddeskrivi lix-xitan bħala “l-akkużatur il-kbir”, li dejjem jakkuża lil ħaddieħor.
Fostna din hi moda, osserva l-Papa, kif kienet ukoll fi żmien Ġesù li bosta drabi ċanfar lill-akkużaturi: Minflok tara t-tibna f’għajn ħuk, l-ewwel ara t-travu li għandek f’għajnejk. Jew inkella meta qal: Min hu bla ħtija jitfa’ l-ewwel ġebla. Ifisser li min jgħejx jakkuża lill-oħrajn mhux nisrani tajjeb, mhuwiex damiġjana ġdida, tenna l-Papa.
L-istess ngħidu għall-istil mondan, tad-dinja, karatteristika ta’ dawk il-kattoliċi li jirreċitaw il-Kredu imma jgħejxu bil-vanità, bis-suppervja, marbutin mal-flus, jaħsbu li waħedhom jaslu. Il-Mulej offrielhom inbid ġdid imma huma ma biddlux id-damiġjana. Il-mondanità tirvina lil ħafna nies, nies twajba li jidħlu f’din ix-xibka ta’ vanità, tas-suppervja, li dejjem iridu jidhru. M’hemmx umiltà u l-umiltà hi parti mill-istil nisrani. Jeħtieġ nitgħallmu minn Ġesù, mill-Madonna, minn San Ġużepp, li kienu umli.
Hemm stil ieħor li jidher fil-komunitajiet tagħna li mhux stil nisrani; hu l-ispirtu egoistiku, l-ispirtu tal-indifferenza. Naħseb li jien kattoliku tajjeb, nagħmel l-affarijiet tiegħi u ma jimpurtanix mill-problemi tal-ieħor: il-gwerer, il-mard, min hu batut, il-proxxmu, ma nagħtix kashom. Hija l-ipokrisija li Ġesù kien jakkuża biha lid-dutturi tal-Liġi.
Allura liema hu l-istil nisrani awtentiku?, staqsa l-Papa. L-istil nisrani hu dak tal-Beatitudnijiet: manswetudni, umiltà, paċenzja waqt it-tbatija, imħabba għall-ġustizzja, ħila li ssofri l-persekuzzjonijiet, ma tiġġudikax lil ħaddieħor. Dak hu l-ispirtu nisrani, l-istil nisrani. Jekk trid taf kif inhu l-istil nisrani biex ma takkużax, ma tkunx tad-dinja, ma tkunx egoist, aqra l-Beatitudnijiet.
Dan hu l-istil tagħna. Il-Beatitudnijiet huma d-damiġjani l-ġodda, huma t-triq. Biex inkunu nsara tajbin jeħtieġ li jkollna ħila nirreċitaw il-Kredu bil-qalb, imma li nirreċitaw ukoll bil-qalb, it-talba tal-Missierna.