Sing My Tongue The Glorious Battle
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle,
Sing the last, the dread affray;
O'er the Cross, the Victor's trophy,
Sound the high triumphal lay,
How, the pains of death enduring,
Earth's Redeemer won the day.
He, our Maker, deeply grieving
That the first-made Adam fell,
When he ate the fruit forbidden
Whose reward was death and hell,
Marked e'en then this Tree, the ruin
Of the first tree to dispel.
Thus the work for our salvation,
He ordained it to be done;
To the traitor's art opposing,
Art yet deeper than his own;
Thence the remedy procuring
Whence the fatal wound begun.
Therefore, when at length the fullness
Of the appointed time was come,
He was sent, the world's Creator,
From the Father's heavenly home,
And was found in human fashion,
Offspring of the Virgin's womb.
Lo! He lies, an infant weeping,
Where the narrow manger stands,
While the Mother-Maid His members,
Wraps in mean and lowly bands,
And the swaddling clothes is winding
Round His helpless feet and hands.
Full text of "Good Friday :
the Mass of the Presanctified ; The seven last words"
the Mass of the Presanctified ; The seven last words"
In Maltese:
In the video below only two stanzas from the whole hymn are sung.
Other two stanzas from same hymn can be sung instead. The hymn
is sung during Lent, at the time of the Offertory during Holy Mass
(The lyrics sung in this video, are on praising God for all creation
and for offering His Son to suffer and die for our salvation; offering
Him bread and wine - being grateful for His mercy and providence)
In the video below only two stanzas from the whole hymn are sung.
Other two stanzas from same hymn can be sung instead. The hymn
is sung during Lent, at the time of the Offertory during Holy Mass
(The lyrics sung in this video, are on praising God for all creation
and for offering His Son to suffer and die for our salvation; offering
Him bread and wine - being grateful for His mercy and providence)
Missier twajjeb mill-ġid tiegħek
Tajtna doni mingħajr għadd
Il-barkiet ta’ Kristu Ibnek
Li b’salibu l-ħajja rat
U l-ġmiel kollu tan-natura
Biex iferraħ qalb kulħadd
Hawn miġbura qed noffrulek
Dawn l-għotjiet tal-ħobz u inbid
B’radt il-ħajr u bit-tpattija
Ta’ kemm magħna tagħmel ġid
Ħolqien ġdid mogħti lill-bniedem
Inroddulek bħala Sid.
Tajtna doni mingħajr għadd
Il-barkiet ta’ Kristu Ibnek
Li b’salibu l-ħajja rat
U l-ġmiel kollu tan-natura
Biex iferraħ qalb kulħadd
Hawn miġbura qed noffrulek
Dawn l-għotjiet tal-ħobz u inbid
B’radt il-ħajr u bit-tpattija
Ta’ kemm magħna tagħmel ġid
Ħolqien ġdid mogħti lill-bniedem
Inroddulek bħala Sid.
Sing My Tongue The Song of Triumph - PICARDY
(same melody)
GOOD FRIDAY, 3 pm - during the kissing of the Holy Cross
(same melody)
GOOD FRIDAY, 3 pm - during the kissing of the Holy Cross