10 “Who is this that looks forth like the dawn,
fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?”
Fr. Mark Goring - protection against monsters - Published on Jul 17, 2016
Recent Approved Marian Apparition Comes with Stark Warnings from Jesus… “Many souls are in danger, many will be lost”
http://www.mysticpost.com/2017/02/new-catholic-approved-marian-apparition-comes-with-stark-warnings-from-jesus-many-souls-are-in-danger-many-will-be-lost/Fr. Mark Goring - sparks of light from Bible - Published on Jun 14, 2016
[Lq:1:47] u l-ispirtu tiegħi jifraħ f'Alla s-Salvatur tiegħi, [Lq:1:48] għax hu xeħet għajnejh fuq iċ-ċokon tal-qaddejja tiegħu.
Iva, minn issa 'l quddiem kull nisel isejjaħli hienja,
[Lq:1:49] għax is-setgħani għamel miegħi ħwejjeġ kbar;
qaddis hu l-isem tiegħu.
[Lq:1:50] Il-ħniena tiegħu tinfirex f'kull żmien fuq dawk li jibżgħu minnu.
[Lq:1:51] Hu wera l-qawwa ta' driegħu,
xerred lil dawk li huma mkabbra f'qalbhom.
[Lq:1:52] Niżżel is-setgħana minn fuq it-tron tagħhom,
u għolla ċ-ċkejknin.
[Lq:1:53] Mela b'kull ġid lil min hu bil-ġuħ,
u l-għonja bagħathom 'il barra b'xejn.
[Lq:1:54] Ħa ħsieb Iżrael qaddej tiegħu,
għax ftakar fil-ħniena tiegħu,
[Lq:1:55] bħalma wiegħed lil missirijietna,
b'riżq Abraham u nislu għal dejjem."
Fr. Mark Goring -Apparitions of Mary in Argentina, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of St. Nicolas - Published on Jul 3, 2016
We practice this devotion praying every day, seven times the Hail Mary and the Glory while we meditate on the seven sorrows pains Maria (One Hail Mary and One Glory in each sorrow).
Maria wants us to meditate on her sorrows. For that reason when are praying each Hail Mary and each Glory, it is very important that closing our eyes and placing ourselves next to Her, we try to live with our heart the pains her pure and tender motherly heart experienced in each and every one of those so painful moments of her life. If we do this, we will start to discover the good fruits of this devotion: we will begin to live our sorrows in a different way and we will be responding to the Lord in the same manner and She did.
We will understand that sorrow and pain have a sense, because not even to the Most Holy Mother of God, the “three times” admirable Mother, - for being Daughter of God Father, Mother of God Son and Wife of God the Holy Spirit, was she exempt from them.
If Mary, who did not have any guilt, experienced the sorrows and pains, why should we not?
Seven graces that the Most Holy Mother confers to those that daily honor her (considering her tears and sorrows) with seven Hail Maries. Saint. Brigit
1. I will bring peace to their families.
2. They will be illuminated in the Divine Mysteries.
3. I will console them in their sorrows and I will join them in their endeavors.
4. I will give grant whatever they request provided it is not against the will of my Divine Son and the sanctification of their souls.
5. I will protect in their spiritual combats with the infernal foe, and I will protect them all their lives.
6. I will assist them at the hour of death, and they will see the face of their Mother.
7. I have obtained from my Divine Son that those that propagate this devotion (to my tears and sorrows) be transferred from this life to eternal happiness directly, because all their sins will be erased, and my Son and I will be "their eternal consolation and joy".
1. Simeón’s prophecy. (Lc. 2, 22-35) Oh my Sweet Mother! Upon the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple, the prophecy of old Simeón brought you considerable pain when you heard him say: "This Boy was born to ruin and resurrect many in Israel, and a sword will pierce your soul". Thus the Lord wanted to mix your joy with such a sad omen. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
2. King Herod’s persecution and flight to Egypt. (Mt. 2, 13-15) Oh Sweet Virgin I want to join you in all the hardships, tasks, and fears that you suffered when fleeing to Egypt in the company of St. Joseph to save the life of baby Jesus. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
3. Jesus lost for three days and found in the temple. (Lc. 2, 41-50) Immaculate Virgin! Who could imagine the suffering of the loss of Jesus for three long days and the tears shed during that long period? Allow me to wipe them and keep them in my heart that they may be my holocaust and gratitude towards you. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
4. Mary finds Jesus carrying the cross. (Vía Crucis, 4ª station) Truly, it was a street of bitterness and sorrow to find Jesus so dirty, disheveled, and covered with sores, carrying the cross, atoning for the sins of the world, past, present and future. Poor Mother! I want to console you wiping your tears with my love. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord. (Jn. 19, 17-30) Mary, Queen of martyrs, the pain and the love is the force that takes them after Jesus, what horrible punishment to watch the cruelty of those minions of hell piercing with nails the feet and hands of the Redeemer! You suffered all this for my love. Thank you, Mother, thank you. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
6. Mary receives the body of Jesus from the cross. (Mc. 15, 42-46) Mary has the body of Jesus in her arms. What did you feel Mother? Did you remember when he was a child curled up in your arms? For this pain, my Mother, I ask that I may die in your arms. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
7. The grave of Jesus (Jn. 19, 38-42) You accompanied your Son to the tomb and must leave him there, all alone. Now your sorrow increases, you must return amongst those that have killed your Son, because He died for all our sins. And You pardon us and You love us. Mother of mine, pardon and mercy. Pray one Hail Mary and one Glory.
Maria at San Nicolas, gave us this message on her seven sorrows today.:
Sept. 15, 1989 – (Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows)
"My daughter, at the present time, these are my Sorrows:
The rejection to my Son.
Lack of charity,
The unborn
The lack of understanding among families
The extreme selfishness days of many children in the world,
Those hearts that still refuse my Motherly love.
In the book "Las Glorias de Maria" of St. Alfonso Maria of Ligorio reads as follows:
"Jesus himself revealed to the very pious Mónica of Binasco that is pleases him to see the compassion felt for His Mother and thus told her: I am very grateful for the tears shed for my passion, but since I love my mother intensely, the meditation on her sorrows at my death are extremely pleasing to me.
Thus the graces promised by Jesus to the devotees of the Sorrows of Mary are so great. According to Pelbarto, it was revealed to St. Elizabeth, that St. John, after the Assumption of Mary, was so vehemently wishing to see Her, that such grace was granted when the Holy Mother and Jesus appeared to him. He heard Mary asking her Divine Son for special graces for the devotees of her sorrows. And Jesus promised these special graces to him:
1. Whoever invokes the Holy Mother of God remembering her sorrows, will have the grace of true penance of all sins.
2. She will console them through all their difficulties, especially at the time of death.
3. That the memory of His Passion will always be in their souls, and they will be rewarded in heaven.
4. “That these devotees will be entrusted to Mary, so that she decides as she pleases with them, granting them the graces She wishes to bestow on them”.
Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Fr. Gobbi, of the Priestly Marian Movement Mariano:
Sept. 15, 1986
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
I prepare you to cope with your sorrows.
"My chosen and beloved children, you learn of Me to say always Yes to the Celestial Father, even when it requests the precious contribution to you of your sufferings.
I am the Virgin of Sorrows.
I am the Mother of those who suffer.
My Son Jesus was born to immolate himself, like a victim of love, as your ransom.
Jesus is the docile and tame lamb, that without uttering a word, goes to the slaughter house.
Jesus is the true Lamb of God, that takes away all the sins of the world.
From the moment of his conception to my virginal being to the moment of his ascent to the Cross, Jesus has always acquiesced to the Will of the Father, having offered to Him with love and joy the precious gift of his entire ordeal.
I am the Mother of Sorrows, because, like Mother, I have shaped, I helped his growth, have followed, loved and offered my Son Jesus, like docile and tame victim, to the divine justice of the Father.
Thus I have been the greatest aid and consolation in his sorrowful passion.
In these so painful times, I am also like Mother next to each one of you for assist, console, aid, and encourage each one of you with your sorrows.
I prepare you to cope with your sufferings, when saying with you Yes to the Celestial Father, when He requests of you, like your personal contribution, to the redemption by my Son Jesus.
In this, I, your Mother, have been for you role model, because by my perfect cooperation to all sorrows of my Son, I became the first collaborator of the Redemption with my maternal pain.
I became a true co-redeemer, and now I can offer myself as a guide to each one of you when offering your own personal sorrows to the Lord, to help all follow the right way to salvation.
For this reason, my maternal duties, in these bloody times of purification, are to prepare you for the sorrows to come.
I also help you to suffer with my maternal presence, and I ask you to transform all your pain and sufferings into a perfect gift love.
By this I educate you in obedience, kindness, and humility of heart.
I help you in your suffering, with the joy of giving of yourselves, as Jesus did.
Then you will take your Cross with joy, your sorrow will become sweet and will be the route that will lead you to peace in your heart.
I comfort you in all the sufferings, and rest assured that I am next to you, as I was next to Jesus in the Cross.
Today, when the sorrows and pains increase everywhere, with more intensity, you will note the presence of the Heavenly Mother.
Because this one is my mission of Mother and Co-Redemptoress to take each drop of your pains and sufferings, and to transform them into a precious gift of love and repair and to offer it every day to the Justice of God.
Only then we will be able to forge the golden door to the Divine Heart of my Son Jesus so that soon a river of graces and fire of Merciful love will descend on the Church and mankind that will renew all things ".