Thursday, June 19, 2014

THURSDAY /or/ SUNDAY SOLEMNITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ -- Gospel Year A, B and C

Sunday after Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

When the creator says this is ..... IT IS!!
Homily of Fr. Mike O'Connor from Mass on June 2, 2024


Published on 4 Jun 2018
Pope Francis celebrated the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Italian seaside town of Ostia June 3, 2018.


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NADURAWK JA ĦOBŻ TAS-SEMA - We adore You, O Bread from Heaven
click over white arrow in the centre to start video


Talba li għallem l-Anġlu tal-Paċi fl-Ewwel Dehra lil Luċija, Ġjaċinta u Franġisku ġewwa Fatima, fl-1916
"Alla tiegħi, jiena nemmen fik, jiena nadurak, nittama' fik u nħobbok! Nitolbok maħfra għal dawk li ma jemmnux fik, ma jadurawkx, ma jittamawx fik u ma jħobbukx."...

Prayer taught by the Angel of Peace on his first apparition to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima, in 1916
"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not  love You"...


Prayer that Our Lady of Fatima taught to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in 1917
"Oh, Holy Trinity, we adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Blessed Sacrament."

Talba li għallmet il-Madonna lil Luċija, l- Ġaċinta u l-Franġisku ġewwa Fatima fl-1917
"O Trinità Qaddisa, aħna nadurawk. Alla tiegħi, Alla tiegħi, Inħobbok fis-Sagrament Imqaddes.

click over white arrow in the centre to start video

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Is-sekwenza tista’ ma tingħadx. Tista’ wkoll tingħad fil-forma l-qasira li tibda: Dan ħobż l-anġli, magħmul ikel.

Faħħar, Sijon, lill-Feddej,

ir-ragħaj tiegħek u l-mexxej,

bl-innijiet u bl-għana.


Ibqa’ faħħru daqskemm tista’,

għax hu ’l fuq minn kull tifħir,

qatt ma tfaħħru kemm jistħoqqlu.


Għat-tifħir ħaġa tal-għaġeb,

il-ħobż ħaj li jagħti l-ħajja,

hawn quddiemna f’dan il-jum.


Dak il-ħobż li fuq il-mejda

lill-appostli fl-ikla mqaddsa

kien ingħata biex jikluh.


Ikun sħiħ it-tifħir tiegħek,

b’qalb ferrieħa, b’leħen għoli,

ikun jixraq ferħ ir-ruħ.


Għax dal-jum ta’ festa kbira,

ta’ dik l-ikla hu t-tifkira,

meta saret l-ewwel darba.


F’dina l-ikla s-Sultan tagħna,

l-Għid il-ġdid tal-liġi l-ġdida,

temm għalkollox l-Għid qadim.


Il-qadim twarrab mill-ġdid,

dak li hu ġie flok ix-xbieha,

id-dawl biegħed dlam il-lejl.


Dak li twettaq fl-Aħħar Ċena,

Kristu ried jibqa’ jiġġedded,

biex ikun tifkira tiegħu.


Imgħallmin b’tagħlim imqaddes,

nibdlu l-ħobż u l-inbid tagħna

b’sagrifiċċju għas-saħħa tagħna.


Twemmin ġdid lilna l-Insara,

li dal-ħobż jinbidel f’Ġisem,

u l-inbid jinbidel f’Demm.


Dak li ma tarax jew tifhem,

it-twemmin isaħħu u jwettqu

fuq kull ordni tan-natura.


Taħt xbihat fejn aħna nilmħu

mhux il-ħajja, imma sinjali,

jinħbew ħwejjeġ hekk għeżież.


Ikel Ġismu, xorb hu Demmu;

iżda Kristu sħiħ hemm moħbi

taħt kull waħda mix-xbihat.


Sħiħ jittiekel Kristu kollu,

bla jitkisser, bla jitfarrak,

bla jinqasam minn min jieħdu.


Jieklu elf u jiekol wieħed,

kemm ħa dan, hekk jieħdu huma,

bla jintemm meta jittiekel.


Jieklu t-tajba, jieklu l-ħżiena;

imma ’l dawk iġib il-ħajja,

lil dawn jixħet fit-telfien.


Mewt għall-ħżiena, ħajja għat-tajba,

ara kif jinbidel fihom,

għalkemm jieħdu l-istess ikel.


Meta l-Ostja tkun maqsuma,

la tibżax, imm’inti ftakar,

taħt ix-xbieha ta’ kull farka

hemm jinsab daqs fl-Ostja sħiħa.


Ebda ksur ma jsir fi Kristu;

biss ix-xbieha tkun miksura:

u b’dal-ksur xejn ma jitnaqqas

f’Dak li hu taħt din ix-xbieha.

* * *

Dan ħobż l-anġli, magħmul ikel

għall-bnedmin fit-triq tal-ħajja,

ikel bnin għall-ulied kollha,

li m’għandux fix-xejn jintrema.


Bi xbihat kien ilu mħabbar,

f’dik l-offerta ta’ Iżakk,

fil-ħaruf li nqatel fl-Għid,

u fil-manna tad-deżert.


Int ragħaj tajjeb, ħobż tassew,

Ġesù tagħna, ħenn għalina;

int itmagħna u ħarisna:

inti lilna l-ġid urina

fl-art imbierka tal-ħajjin.


Int li taf u tista’ kollox,

li titmagħna hawn f’dil-ħajja,

hemm agħmilna lkoll imsieħba,

f’għaqda waħda lkoll werrieta

mal-qtajjiet tal-qaddisin.

Ammen. Hallelujah.


Lauda Sion Salvatorem,

lauda ducem et pastorem,

in hymnis et canticis.


Quantum potes, tantum aude:

quia maior omni laude,

nec laudare sufficis.


Laudis thema specialis,

panis vivus et vitalis

hodie proponitur.


Quem in sacræ mensa cenæ,

turbæ fratrum duodenæ

datum non ambigitur.


Sit laus plena, sit sonora,

sit iucunda, sit decora

mentis iubilatio.


Dies enim sollemnis agitur,

in qua mensæ prima recolitur

huius institutio.


In hac mensa novi Regis,

novum Pascha, novæ legis,

phase vetus terminat.


Vetustatem novitas,

umbram fugat veritas,

noctem lux eliminat.


Quod in cena Christus gessit,

faciendum hoc expressit

in sui memoriam.


Docti sacris institutis,

panem, vinum in salutis

consecramus hostiam.


Dogma datur christianis,

quod in carnem transit panis,

et vinum in sanguinem.


Quod non capis, quod non vides,

animosa firmat fides,

præter rerum ordinem.


Sub diversis speciebus,

signis tantum et non rebus,

latent res eximiæ.


Caro cibus, sanguis potus:

manet tamen Christus totus

sub utraque specie.


A sumente non concisus,

non confractus, non divisus:

integer accipitur.


Sumit unus, sumunt mille:

quantum isti, tantum ille:

nec sumptus consumitur.


Sumunt boni, sumunt mali:

sorte tamen inæquali,

vitæ vel interitus.


Mors est malis, vita bonis:

vide paris sumptionis

quam sit dispar exitus.


Fracto demum sacramento,

ne vacilles, sed memento

tantum esse sub fragmento,

quantum toto tegitur.


Nulla rei fit scissura:

signi tantum fit fractura,

qua nec status, nec statura

signati minuitur.


Ecce panis angelorum,

factus cibus viatorum:

vere panis filiorum,

non mittendus canibus.


In figuris præsignatur,

cum Isaac immolatur,

agnus Paschæ deputatur,

datur manna patribus.


Bone pastor, panis vere,

Iesu, nostri miserere:

Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,

Tu nos bona fac videre

in terra viventium.


Tu qui cuncta scis et vales,

qui nos pascis hic mortales:

tuos ibi commensales,

coheredes et sodales

fac sanctorum civium.

Amen. Alleluia.



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GOD gave us everything: He gave us Himself; He gives us Himself whole in the Holy Eucharist - to be crushed, to be eaten in our mouth; to flow in our veins; to be with us, to strengthen us.
Who loves you, likes to be with you all the time - and who else on earth loves you unconditionally, even if you abandon him, if not God who created you, who died for your sins and who always welcomes you back, whatever your mistakes, your pride, your crime, your folly...for He is only LOVE

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The Gospel, Year A - Corpus Christi - Jn 6:51-58 -- Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

...[Ġw:6:51] Jiena hu l-ħobż il-ħaj, li niżel mis-sema. Jekk xi ħadd jiekol minn dan il-ħobż jgħix għal dejjem. U l-ħobż li jiena nagħti huwa ġismi għall-ħajja tad-dinja."
[Ġw:6:52] Fuq hekk il-Lhud tlewwmu bejniethom, u bdew jgħidu: "Kif jista' dan jagħtina ġismu biex nikluh?" [Ġw:6:53] Ġesù mela qalilhom: "Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, jekk ma tiklux il-ġisem ta' Bin il-bniedem u ma tixorbux demmu, ma jkollkomx il-ħajja fikom. [Ġw:6:54] Min jiekol ġismi u jixrob demmi għandu l-ħajja ta' dejjem, u jiena nqajjmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum. [Ġw:6:55] Għax ġismi huwa tassew ikel, u demmi hu tassew xorb. [Ġw:6:56] Min jiekol ġismi u jixrob demmi jibqa' fija u jiena fih. [Ġw:6:57] Bħalma bagħatni l-Missier, li hu ħaj, u jiena ngħix b'Missieri, hekk ukoll min jiekol lili, hu wkoll jgħix bija. [Ġw:6:58] Dan huwa l-ħobż li niżel mis-sema; m'huwiex bħal dak li kielu missirijietkom u mietu; min jiekol dan il-ħobż jgħix għal dejjem."

The Gospel, Year B Mk 14:12-16. 22-26 -- "This is my body; this is my blood - Dan hu ġismi. Dan hu demmi."


Dan hu ġismi. Dan hu demmi.
Mk 14, 12-16.22-26

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark

[Mk:14:12] Fl-ewwel jum ta' l-Ażżmi, meta kienu jissagrifikaw il-ħaruf ta' l-Għid, id-dixxipli tiegħu qalulu: "Fejn tridna mmorru nħejju biex tiekol   l-ikla ta' l-Għid?"
[Mk:14:13] Imbagħad hu bagħat tnejn mid-dixxipli tiegħu u qalilhom: "Morru l-belt, u tiltaqgħu ma' raġel iġorr ġarra ilma. Morru warajh, [Mk:14:14] u għidu lil sid id-dar ta' fejn tarawh dieħel, 'Qallek l-Imgħallem: Fejn hi l-kamra tiegħi li fiha nista' niekol l-ikla ta'  l-Għid mad-dixxipli tiegħi?' [Mk:14:15] U hu jurikom kamra kbira fuq, mgħammra u lesta. Ħejjulna hemmhekk."

[Mk:14:16] U d-dixxipli marru u daħlu fil-belt, u sabu kollox kif kien qalilhom hu; u ħejjew l-ikla ta'  l-Għid.

[Mk:14:22] Huma u jieklu, ħa l-ħobż f'idejh, qal il-barka, qasmu, newwilhulhom u qal: "Ħudu, dan hu ġismi." [Mk:14:23] Imbagħad ħa kalċi f'idejh, radd il-ħajr, u newwilhulhom, u lkoll xorbu minnu. [Mk:14:24] U qalilhom: "Dan huwa demmi, id-demm tal-patt, li jixxerred għal ħafna. [Mk:14:25] Tassew ngħidilkom, li ma nixrobx iżjed mill-frott tad-dielja sa dak in-nhar li nixrob inbid ġdid fis-Saltna ta' Alla."

[Mk:14:26] Imbagħad kantaw is-salmi u ħarġu lejn l-Għolja taż-Żebbuġ.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


The Gospel, Year C -- Corpus Christi -- Lk 9:11b-17 -- Il-Ġisem u d-Demm ta’ Ġesù, Solennità

Kulħadd kiel u xaba’.
Lq 9, 11b-17

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù [Lq:9:11b] qagħad ikellem il-folol fuq is-Saltna ta' Alla, u fejjaq lil dawk li kienu jeħtieġu l-fejqan. [Lq:9:12] Il-jum kien wasal biex jintemm. Resqu lejh it-Tnax u qalulu: "Ibgħathom in-nies ħa jmorru fl-irħula u r-rziezet tal-qrib biex isibu fejn jistrieħu u jieklu xi ħaġa, għax hawnhekk qegħdin f'post imwarrab."

[Lq:9:13] Iżda hu qalilhom: "Agħtuhom intom x'jieklu." Qalulu: "Ma għandniex aktar minn ħames ħobżiet u żewġ ħutiet, jekk għallinqas ma mmorrux aħna stess nixtru l-ikel għal dawn in-nies kollha!"

[Lq:9:14] Għax kien hemm madwar il-ħamest elef raġel. U qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: "Qegħduhom bilqiegħda ħamsin ħamsin." [Lq:9:15] Hekk għamlu, u qiegħdu lil kulħadd bilqiegħda.

[Lq:9:16] Imbagħad ħa l-ħames ħobżiet u ż-żewġ ħutiet, rafa' għajnejh lejn is-sema, berikhom u qasamhom, u tahom lid-dixxipli biex inewwluhom lin-nies. [Lq:9:17] U kulħadd kiel u xaba' u l-bċejjeċ tal-ħobż li kien fadal ġabruhom fi tnax-il qoffa.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu




THE 7 SECRETS OF THE EUCHARIST by Vinny Flynn (based on his 'must read' book by the same name)  


Eucaristia Eccomi - The Holy Mass, The Eucharist and myself...


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Family of Faith Campaign - Archdiocese of Toronto



TEN HELPS TO GROW IN PRAYER - by Fr. Ed Broom ( 2nd July 2014)

The following is a short article to encourage all of us to desire to grow in our prayer life, seek the means to grow, but especially to persevere in this most important of activates—our salvation, the salvation of our families and loved ones, and the salvation of the whole world depends on men and women who have decided to dedicate their lives to prayer, which is the key to heaven!

1.    DESIRE to pray. We must pray for a firm desire to pray more and to pray better. Augustine says that we follow our hearts desire.  The same saints say: ‘We must choose the object of our desire and then to live with all our heart.” Of course the object of our desire should be God.

2.    CONVICTION as to the importance of prayer.  “As air is to the lungs, so should prayer be to our soul.”  As gasoline is to the tank of a car, so should prayer be our spiritual energy.” As wings are to the eagle to soar into the heights, so is prayer for the soul that wants to soar on high into the mystical heights.  As food and drink is to the hungry and thirsty body, so should prayer be to the thirsty soul.  The Psalmist expresses it in these beautiful words:  “As the deer yearns for the running streams so my soul yearns for you O God.”


3.    TEXT FOR PRAYER.  St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of prayer, as beginners we should never go to our prayer time without the help of a good book.  This will help to forms good ideas and eventually ignite the heart with noble and heavenly aspirations.  In other words, we have to be trained and educated in prayer.

4.    WHAT TEXTS TO PRAY WITH? Of course, the first and best of all texts should be the Bible, the Word of God. In this God speaks to us directly. Highly to be encouraged would be the Gospels, the very heart of the Bible and the Psalms, the best prayer book ever composed by the Holy Spirit, using as human instrument King David.
5.    PRAYER METHOD.  Methods are helpful to learn any new art. This applies to prayer.  A classical method is that of  LECTIO DIVINA.   These are the steps: Lectio—read attentively, Meditacio—think/ponder the Word of God, Contemplacio—use your imagination to enter the scene and be part of it, Oracio--- pray and talk to the Lord, Accio—make sure that you put into action the fruits of your prayer.   This method could prove invaluable to help us on the highway of prayer.

6.    READINGS ON PRAYER.    There are many texts written on prayer and we should educate ourselves by reading some of the best. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, part IV, could prove to be an excellent tool as teacher of prayer. Read it and follow its advice!

7.    RETREATS.  The prime time and prime place to grow in prayer are retreats.  Ignatian retreats, with a competent director, have proven most efficacious over the centuries. If you have time, a thirty day retreat, or an 8-day retreat, or at least a weekend retreat.   The best way to learn how to pray is simply to pray. Retreats have as their primary purpose to go deeper in prayer.  Set aside some time every year. Jesus Himself invited the Apostles to come apart and rest—to be with Him, which is of course prayer.  This is a good “spiritual tune-up.”

8.     PERSEVERE IN THE STRUGGLE.  Prayer is not always easy!   The Catechism of the Catholic Church compares prayer to a wrestling match. Actually the Catechism takes as example Jacob wrestling with the angel all-night as model for prayer.  St. Teresa of Avila puts it succinctly:  “We must have a determined determination to never give up prayer.”  The devil will do all he can to trick us into believing that we are wasting our time in prayer and that there are many more noble and worthy pursuits that should override prayer.
9.    GET A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS.  I find it to be of great help, while engaged in prayer, to beg for a little help from my friends. These friends are God’s faithful friends now and for all eternity: the angels and the saints. They passed the test and are confirmed in grace. They contemplate God face to face. They prove as most powerful intercessors before the throne of God and are patiently waiting for us to invoke them. Their prayers for us can help to enlighten our minds and ignite our wills to connect with God. Then read the lives of the saints.  The saints are all different in the sense that they come from a specific time, place, culture; they are sinners and have their own character and temperament. However, there is one point that all of the saints have in common: PRAYER!  Undoubtedly and universally, in all times and places, the saints were men of women who tenaciously clung to prayer, recognizing it as the breath and life of their souls and the key to success in their apostolic lives.
10. HOLY SPIRIT: THE INTERIOR MASTER.  St. Paul reminds us that we really do not know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit intercedes with ineffable groans so that we can say “Abba” Father.  St. Teresa of Avila, was struggling with her prayer life.  A Jesuit priest gave her the advice to pray to the Holy Spirit. From that time on her prayer life improved drastically.  The first Novena in the Church was in preparation for Pentecost and culminated in the descent of the Holy Spirit, transforming the Apostles into great warriors of prayer, warriors of Christ, and great saints. Praise and thanks be to the Holy Spirit—the Interior Master or Teacher. Why not also turn to the newly canonized Saint John XXIII who was presented as a man truly docile to the Holy Spirit and beg for his intercession, too.
In conclusion, let us turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who pondered the word of God in her Immaculate Heart as model for prayer and beg her for the grace to have a growing desire for prayer, love for prayer, growth in our daily prayer life, and perseverance in prayer. St. Augustine encourages us with these closing words: “He who prays well lives well; he who lives well dies well; he who dies well, all is well.”

ALSO - Ten ways to grow in prayer - by Fr. Ed Broom (17th June 2014)



and more…

Monday, June 16, 2014

Year B - 7th Sunday in Eastertide - John 17:11-19 - Consecration to the Truth

[Ġw:17:11] U jien ma għadnix aktar fid-dinja, iżda huma għadhom fid-dinja, u jiena ġej għandek. Missier qaddis, ħarishom f'ismek dawk li inti tajtni, biex ikunu ħaġa waħda bħalna. [Ġw:17:12] Kemm domt magħhom, jiena ħaristhom fl-isem tiegħek, l-isem li tajtni. U jiena ħadt ħsiebhom, u ħadd minnhom ma ntilef ħlief bin it-telfien, biex isseħħ l-Iskrittura. [Ġw:17:13] Imma issa jiena ġej għandek, u qiegħed ngħid dan, kif għadni fid-dinja, biex huma jkollhom fihom il-ferħ sħiħ tiegħi. [Ġw:17:14] Jiena tajthom il-kelma tiegħek, u d-dinja bagħdithom, għaliex huma m'humiex tad-dinja, kif jiena m'iniex tad-dinja. [Ġw:17:15] Ma nitolbokx li twarrabhom mid-dinja, imma li tħarishom mill-Ħażin. [Ġw:17:16] Huma m'humiex tad-dinja bħalma jiena m'iniex tad-dinja. [Ġw:17:17] Qaddishom permezz tal-verità; il-kelma tiegħek hi l-verità. [Ġw:17:18] Kif inti bgħatt lili fid-dinja, hekk jiena bgħatt lilhom fid-dinja. [Ġw:17:19] U jien minħabba fihom nagħti ħajti, biex huma wkoll ikunu mqaddsin permezz tal-verità.

Fr Ted Tyler
Consecration to the Truth (John 17, 11-19), B-1