Friday, March 14, 2014

Fr. Pontifex - Count The Cost - ALLOW JESUS TO FIND YOU !

Behind The Scenes - Count The Cost  

Fr. Pontifex - Count The Cost  
Count the Cost is part of the album "The Symphony and The Static" an album that highlights the joy and suffering of life. This piece is no different. It has many visuals that both remind us of the beauty of our faith and also the tension and suffering, especially the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ. The question is, how do we engage the passion of Jesus in our lives? What is the hope that we have through in the invitation of Jesus to come and follow after him?

Verse 1
Love is an attractive word, but it's not always what it seems
I wonder if I know what the true definition means.
The song from the 70's the Bee Gee's provokes questions in my head
"How deep is your Love?" Do you know what it all meant?
*When you laid down the floor and gave it all away,
did you really count the cost, do really live that way?
I'm looking at the cross and I'm picturing the sacred **kenosis. (Philippians 2:7)
He poured out his life in buckets, not in small doses.
And the truth is, I need to keep looking right at it
And seek to live passionately for the passion and not move past it.
It's so easy to guard myself from the essence of sacrifice
And play the same mind game and do just enough to get by.
But that's not what it is to be great. That's not what it is to be a saint.
I don't want to be dead bones in a box, washed white with paint. (Matthew
If I step out on the water I better stop and count the cost.
The stakes are too high, wandering in this land of the lost.

Note: * "laid down on the floor" Is a personal reflection from when I laid down at my priestly ordination to give my life to Jesus and his Church.
**Kenosis by definition is word from the Greek meaning "to empty" In this context it refers to Jesus relinquishing his status as God to become man and pour himself out for our salvation.

Verse 2
Eloquent words our King is so quotable
We print his verses everywhere, it's just so notable
And if I remember correctly Jesus said, "I am THE way." (John 14:6)
He is not one among wise men and the words they say.
If you put his words on your lips check the tag for the price.
You can't say that you know him unless you live sacrifice.
I never knew a Jesus piece to bring a man peace.
Head nods in God's direction don't make a restless heart cease.
Your cross, Your call, it's something specific for you to do
and without a deep yes and its actions, it's "I never knew you." (Matthew
Look for him, the heart only settles on what is true
His eyes indeed look for yours and mine, allow him to find you.

The Symphony and The Static on iTunes:

Fr. Pontifex:

A Spirit Juice Studios Production.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Intervista a Don Amorth Novembre 2013 - Interview with Fr Amorth - His opinion is that there exist no evil rosary beads...But there are other opinions...

"After all they are used to recite the Most Holy Rosary and so there is no need to destroy them..."


But there are other opinions... for example from Tv2000it in YouTube -

Vade Retro : Rosari satanici e massonici  
Puntata del 17 marzo 2012
A Padova un parroco brucia rosari satanici e massonici. Oggetti devozionali inquinati da strani simboli di chiara matrice massonica e satanica.
- Mons. Renzo Lavatori, demonologo

Vade Retro : Chi fabbrica i rosari massonici e satanici?  
Puntata del 24 marzo 2012
Chi è che fabbrica gli strani rosari massonici e satanici? Siamo andati dal titolare dell'azienda a chiedere perché fabbrica oggetti sacri e inquinati.
- padre Paolo Siano (frati francescani dell'Immacolata), esperto massoneria.


Mt 7:7-12 -- Ask, Seek, Knock - Fittxu, ħabbtu, itolbu


Fittxu, ħabbtu, itolbu
(Lq 11, 9-13)

[Mt:7:7] "Itolbu, u jingħatalkom; fittxu, u ssibu; ħabbtu, u jiftħulkom. Mt:7:8] Għax kull min jitlob, jaqla', min ifittex isib, u min iħabbat jiftħulu. [Mt:7:9] Min hu dak il-bniedem fostkom li, jekk ibnu jitolbu biċċa ħobż, sejjer jagħtih ġebla? [Mt:7:10] Jew jekk jitolbu ħuta, sejjer jagħtih serp? [Mt:7:11] Mela jekk intom, nies ħżiena bħalkom, tafu tagħtu lil uliedkom ħwejjeġ tajba, kemm aktar Missierkom li hu  fis-smewwiet jagħti ħwejjeġ tajba lil min jitlobhomlu? [Mt:7:12] Mela dak kollu li tridu li l-bnedmin jagħmlu lilkom, agħmluh ukoll intom lilhom; għax din hi l-Liġi u l-Profeti.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Poverty --- Mt 25:31-46 -- The Sheep and the Goats - Il-ħaqq mill-popli



Il-ħaqq mill-popli
[Mt:25:31] "Meta jiġi Bin il-bniedem fil-glorja tiegħu u bl-anġli kollha miegħu, mbagħad joqgħod fuq it-tron glorjuż tiegħu.  [Mt:25:32] U quddiemu jinġabru l-ġnus kollha, u hu jifridhom minn xulxin, bħalma r-ragħaj jifred in-nagħaġ mill-mogħoż: [Mt:25:33] in-nagħaġ iqegħedhom fuq il-lemin tiegħu u l-mogħoż fuq ix-xellug. [Mt:25:34] Mbagħad is-Sultan jgħid lil dawk ta' fuq il-lemin tiegħu, 'Ejjew, mberkin minn Missieri, ħudu b'wirt tagħkom is-Saltna li tħejjiet għalikom sa  mill-ħolqien tad-dinja. [Mt:25:35] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u tmajtuni, kont bil-għatx u sqejtuni, kont barrani u lqajtuni, [Mt:25:36] kont għeri u libbistuni, kont marid u ġejtu tarawni, kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni.' [Mt:25:37] Mbagħad iweġbuh il-ġusti, 'Mulej', jgħidulu, 'meta rajnik bil-ġuħ u tmajnik, jew bil-għatx u sqejnik ? [Mt:25:38] Meta rajnik barrani u lqajniek, jew għeri u libbisniek? [Mt:25:39] Meta rajnik marid jew fil-ħabs u ġejna nżuruk?' [Mt:25:40] U s-Sultan iweġibhom u jgħid, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, kull ma għamiltu ma' wieħed mill-iżgħar fost dawn ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.' 
 [Mt:25:41] Mbagħad jgħid ukoll lil dawk ta' fuq ix-xellug, 'Morru minn quddiemi, misħutin, fin-nar ta' dejjem li tħejja għax-xitan u għall-anġli tiegħu. [Mt:25:42] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u ma tmajtunix, kont bil-għatx u ma sqejtunix, [Mt:25:43] kont barrani u ma lqajtunix, kont għeri u ma libbistunix, kont marid u fil-ħabs u ma ġejtux iżżuruni! [Mt:25:44] Mbagħad huma wkoll iweġbuh, 'Mulej,' jgħidulu, 'meta rajniek bil-ġuħ, jew bil-għatx, jew barrani, jew għeri, jew marid, jew fil-ħabs, u aħna ma waqafniex miegħek?' [Mt:25:45] Iweġibhom imbagħad u jgħidilhom, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, dak li ma għamiltux ma' wieħed minn dawk iż-żgħar, anqas miegħi ma għamiltuh.' [Mt:25:46] U dawn imorru fit-tbatija ta' dejjem u l-ġusti fil-ħajja ta' dejjem.