The first ever Marian apparition was Our Lady of the Pillar (see
previous talk), but the first ever Marian devotion was Mary, Help of
Christians. If you don't understand why there is devotion to Mary, you might
want to learn what the earliest Christians did regarding her! Fr. Chris Alar
gives a fascinating and easy-to-follow explanation about this and why we need
it today more than ever because of persecution of Christianity.
Mary help of Christians and St John Bosco
The Salesians
Saint John Bosco's love and veneration of Mary, especially under her title "Help of Christians", began early in his life. When he was born, his mother consecrated him to our Lady. When he began his studies for the priesthood, she instructed her son to honor our Blessed Mother and to bring all his difficulties to her. And when he was ordained as a priest, she asked him to take Mary as his Queen.As a priest, John Bosco took note of the desperate condition of street children in Turin. Despite strong opposition, including attempts on his life by those who wanted to exploit the children as cheap labor, he founded homes and schools for the children.
These schools were the basis of the religious society founded by Saint John Bosco, the Society of Saint Francis de Sales (S.S.F .S.). Some time later, the name of the society was changed to Salesians of Don Bosco, or Salesians for short. Salesian priests today continue to work with and educate boys, under the protection of Our Lady, Help of Christians, and of Saint Francis de Sales.
When poor, abandoned girls began to come to his homes for boys, Father John Bosco founded the Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (F. M.A.), with the help of Saint Mary Mazzarello, to care for them. In English, this offshoot religious institute is called Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians.
Perhaps Saint John Bosco's continued devotion to Mary was inspired in part by seeing so vividly the need for a helpful Mother for the children in his care. With his love for Mary and for his fellow man, he would have clearly seen the need for such a Mother for all of us. "The help of God and of Mary will not fail you. ...I recommend devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, and frequent Holy Communion"—these were the words of Saint John Bosco on his deathbed.
JANUARY 31 - St John Bosco - Visionary Father of the Fatherless --- & --- THE VISION OF THE TWO COLUMNS: On May 30, 1862
Festa Franġiskana tad-Dedikazzjoni
tal-Bażilika ta' San Franġisk f 'Assisi.
Kif San Franġisk ta' Assisi kien imxandar b'Qaddis tal-Knisja, nhar is-16 ta' Lulju 1228, il-Papa Girgor IX ried li f'ġieħ il-Missier Serafiku timbena knisja mill-isbaħ fil-Belt ta' Assisi. F'din il-Knisja l-Papa ried li jinżamm il-ġisem ta' San Franġisk. Kien dan l-istess Papa li bierek l-ewwel ġebla tat-tempju, u kien hu wkoll li fis-sena 1230 amar li l-ġisem tal-Qaddis jinġarr mill-knisja ta' San Ġorġ lejn il-Bażilika il-ġdida. Minħabba l-preżenza tal-ġisem tal-Fundatur tal-Minuri fiha, din il-Knisja minnufih kisbet it-titlu ta' Ras u Omm tal-Ordni Franġiskan kollu. Fis-sena 1253 il-Papa Innoċenz IV kkonsagra il-Bażilika, waqt li fl-1754 il-Papa Benedittu XIV għoġbu jaħtarha Bażilika Patrijarkali u Kappella Papali, illum tissejjaħ Bażilika Papali, titlu li jgawduh biss il-Bażiliċi il-kbar ta' Ruma. Nawguraw il-festa t-tajba lil Franġiskani kollha !!!
Ave Maria!
Mass: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi - Feast
1st: rev 21:1-5
Resp: psa 95:1-7 0
Gsp: joh 10:22-30
Jn 10:22-30 -- The Father and I are one - Jien u l-Missier aħna ħaġa waħda.
Jien u l-Missier aħna ħaġa waħda.
Ġw 10, 22-30
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
[Ġw:10:22] F'Ġerusalemm ħabtet il-festa tal-Konsagrazzjoni tat-tempju. [Ġw:10:23] Kienet ix-xitwa, u Ġesù kien miexi minn naħa għal oħra tat-tempju, fil-loġġa ta' Salamun. [Ġw:10:24] Il- Lhud daru miegħu u qalulu: "Kemm se ddum taqlgħalna ruħna? Jekk inti l-Messija għidilna ċar u tond."
[Ġw:10:25] Weġibhom Ġesù: "Għedtilkom u intom ma temmnux. L-għemejjel li nagħmel jien f'isem Missieri jixhdu għalija. [Ġw:10:26] Iżda intom ma temmnux għax m'intomx min-nagħaġ tiegħi. [Ġw:10:27] In-nagħaġ tiegħi jisimgħu leħni, u jiena nagħrafhom, u huma jimxu warajja. [Ġw:10:28] U jiena nagħtihom il-ħajja ta' dejjem; u huma ma jintilfu qatt, u minn idejja ma jaħtafhomli ħadd. [Ġw:10:29] Missieri, li tahomli, hu akbar minn kulħadd, u ħadd ma jista' jaħtafhom minn id il-Missier. [Ġw:10:30] Jien u l-Missier aħna ħaġa waħda."
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu