Monday, February 28, 2011

PLAYING GAMES AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS - sung by Luke Garrett --- & --- reflection

You've heard the story, many times before -
How the soldiers gambled for the robe of the Lord.
Their laughter drowning out, the Saviour's cry,
"Father forgive them" as He bows His head and dies.

And they were playing games at the foot of the cross,
so close to His struggle, yet so far from the cost.
Never feeling the shame and never sensing the loss.
They were playing games at the foot of the cross.

We're so quick to judge them yet so slow to see
how their games resemble the ones played by you and me
As we fight for position in the Church of God
While the world just goes on dying without the Saviour's love.

We're just were playing games at the foot of the cross,
so close to His struggle yet so far from the cost.
Never feeling the shame and never sensing the loss.
We're just playing games at the foot of the cross.......

 Jn 8:31-42 -- Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus' Opponents Are - Il-Verità teħliskom

Il-verità teħliskom
[Ġw:8:31] Ġesù qal lil-Lhud li emmnu fih: "Jekk iżżommu fil-kelma tiegħi, tkunu tassew dixxipli tiegħi, [Ġw:8:32] u tagħrfu l-verità u l-verità teħliskom." [Ġw:8:33] Qalulu: "Aħna nisel Abraham, u qatt ma konna lsiera ta' ħadd. Kif tiġi tgħidilna li nkunu ħielsa?" [Ġw:8:34] Weġibhom Ġesù: "Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, li kull min jagħmel id-dnub huwa lsir tad-dnub. [Ġw:8:35] U l-ilsir ma jibqax fil-familja għal dejjem; imma l-iben għal dejjem jibqa'. [Ġw:8:36] Jekk l-Iben jeħliskom, tkunu tabilħaqq ħielsa. [Ġw:8:37] Jiena naf li intom nisel Abraham; madankollu qegħdin tfittxu li toqtluni, għax il-kelma tiegħi ma qabditx l-art fikom. [Ġw:8:38] Jiena qiegħed nitkellem fuq dak li rajt għand Missieri, u intom tagħmlu dak li smajtu mingħand missierkom."
Missierkom hu x-Xitan
[Ġw:8:39] Qabżu u qalulu: "Missierna hu Abraham." Qalilhom Ġesù: "Kieku kontu wlied Abraham, kontu tagħmlu bħalma għamel Abraham. [Ġw:8:40] Iżda issa qegħdin tfittxu li toqtlu lili, bniedem li għedtilkom il-verità li smajt mingħand Alla. Dan ma għamlux Abraham. [Ġw:8:41] Intom tagħmlu bħalma jagħmel missierkom." Qalulu: "Aħna m'aħniex ulied iż-żína! Missier wieħed għandna, lil Alla." [Ġw:8:42] Qalilhom Ġesù: "Li kieku Alla kien missierkom, lili kontu tħobbuni, għax jien ħriġt u ġejt mingħand Alla. Għax jien ma ġejtx minn rajja, imma kien hu li bagħatni.

Corrupt or Sinner ?
Reflection on the Gospel --- Jn 8:31-42


Friday, February 25, 2011


Thenna O Verġni Marija,
Għax il-Bxara t-tajba
Qed titwassal b'ferħ
B'grazzja qaddisa
Lit-trufijiet kollha tad-dinja
Għatxana, bħal art

Il-Kelma ta' Alla
li saret laħam
Fil-ġuf safi tiegħek,
Bħal irjiħ ta' Rebbiegħa
Tiżra hena u paċi
F'qalb il-bniedem.

Minn qalb Ommok
Għotja ta' kobor bla' qies
Twieldet u tkabbret fi
Ħdan il-Knisja
Radju Marija.
Għodda umli ta' servizz
Fl-għalqa tal-Mulej.

Il-Familja dinjija
li Int għaqqadt
Minn kull poplu u nazzjon,
Tikkonsagra lilha nnifisha
U tipproklamak
Reġina tal-qalb tagħna.

Fidi u mħabba,
Tama u paċi
Huma l-messaġġ
Li ż-żgħar tiegħek
Iwasslu b'umiltà u fedeltà
Lil ħuthom irġiel u nisa.

Ħaddan bil-mant tiegħek,
O Verġni Marija
It-tbatijiet tad-dinja.
Ħalli l-fqar u l-morda
L-imnikkta u l-imġarrba
U l-midinbin kollha
Li jgħarrxu għal verità,
Isibu kennhom fik.

Ħaffef iż-żmien tal-grazzja
Iż-żmien tat-trijonf finali
Tal-Qalb immakulata
Agħtina l-Grazzja
Li naqduk bl-għotja ta'
Ħalli d-dija tad-dawl
Ta' umanità li tħobb
Tfiġġ malajr fuq
Din l-art.
O Reġina ta' Radju Marija
Itlob għalina.


Urina l-għażliet tal-ħajja.
Farraġna fi żmien il-prova,
ħalli b’hekk, fidili
lejn Alla u lejn il-bniedem,
naffrontaw, b’umilta u kuraġġ,
it-triqat misterjużi tas-sema,
biex inwasslu f’moħħ u f’qalb
kull persuna, l-aħbar it-tajba
ta’ Kristu Redentur tal-bniedem.
Kewkba ta’ l-evanġelizazzjoni,
imxi magħna,
mexxi lil Radju Marija
u kun il-protettriċi tiegħu.


Sunday, January 02, 2011

JANUARY 31 - St John Bosco - Visionary Father of the Fatherless --- & --- THE VISION OF THE TWO COLUMNS: On May 30, 1862

Holy Mass on the Feast of St. John Bosco, from the Basilica di Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Mary, Help of Christians), Turin, Italy. Presided by Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, Metropolitan Archbishop of Turin. 31 January 2019

Don Bosco - John's dream at the age of nine (1825)

St John Bosco

Ordinary Time: January 31st
Memorial of St. John Bosco

Saint of the Day for January 31

(August 16, 1815 – January 31, 1888)

Jan 31 - Homily: St. John Bosco - Visionary Father to the Fatherless
St. John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Society and of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, dedicated himself to providing for the spiritual and material welfare of disadvantaged youth. To aid him in his mission, God gave him numerous mystical gifts, including the gift of prophetic dreams.

The Dreams and Visions of Saint John Bosco

The Lord used Dreams and Visions to Guide Saint John Bosco watch this short video to see what Bob and Penny Lord shared about his dreams and visions. Be prepared to be shocked

THE VISION OF THE TWO COLUMNS: On May 30, 1862, Don Bosco recounted: "In the midst of the endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar high into the sky. One is surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Virgin, at whose feet a large inscription reads: 'Auxilium Christianorum,' ('Help of Christians'). The other, far loftier and sturdier,supports a Host of proportionate size, and bears beneath it the inscription: 'Salus credentium,' ('Salvation of believers').
"The flagship commander- the Roman Pontiff - standing at the helm, strains every muscle to steer his sheep between the two columns, from whose summit hang many anchors, and strong hooks linked to chains. The entire enemy fleet closes in, to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They bombard it with everything they have: books, pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms, cannons...Beaked prows ram the flagship again and again, but to no avail, as, unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on its course.
"Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and sink to the bottom. In blind fury, the enemy takes to hand to hand combat, cursing and blaspheming. Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up, but, as he is struck a second time, he dies. A shout of victory rises up from the enemy...But no sooner is the Pope dead another takes his place...the new Pope steers his ships safely between the two columns...Some auxiliary ships, which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship, are the first to tie up at the two columns."

MAY 24 - Mary, Help of Christians
