blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: PLAYING GAMES AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS - sung by Luke Garrett --- & --- reflection

Monday, February 28, 2011

PLAYING GAMES AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS - sung by Luke Garrett --- & --- reflection

You've heard the story, many times before -
How the soldiers gambled for the robe of the Lord.
Their laughter drowning out, the Saviour's cry,
"Father forgive them" as He bows His head and dies.

And they were playing games at the foot of the cross,
so close to His struggle, yet so far from the cost.
Never feeling the shame and never sensing the loss.
They were playing games at the foot of the cross.

We're so quick to judge them yet so slow to see
how their games resemble the ones played by you and me
As we fight for position in the Church of God
While the world just goes on dying without the Saviour's love.

We're just were playing games at the foot of the cross,
so close to His struggle yet so far from the cost.
Never feeling the shame and never sensing the loss.
We're just playing games at the foot of the cross.......

 Jn 8:31-42 -- Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus' Opponents Are - Il-Verità teħliskom

Il-verità teħliskom
[Ġw:8:31] Ġesù qal lil-Lhud li emmnu fih: "Jekk iżżommu fil-kelma tiegħi, tkunu tassew dixxipli tiegħi, [Ġw:8:32] u tagħrfu l-verità u l-verità teħliskom." [Ġw:8:33] Qalulu: "Aħna nisel Abraham, u qatt ma konna lsiera ta' ħadd. Kif tiġi tgħidilna li nkunu ħielsa?" [Ġw:8:34] Weġibhom Ġesù: "Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, li kull min jagħmel id-dnub huwa lsir tad-dnub. [Ġw:8:35] U l-ilsir ma jibqax fil-familja għal dejjem; imma l-iben għal dejjem jibqa'. [Ġw:8:36] Jekk l-Iben jeħliskom, tkunu tabilħaqq ħielsa. [Ġw:8:37] Jiena naf li intom nisel Abraham; madankollu qegħdin tfittxu li toqtluni, għax il-kelma tiegħi ma qabditx l-art fikom. [Ġw:8:38] Jiena qiegħed nitkellem fuq dak li rajt għand Missieri, u intom tagħmlu dak li smajtu mingħand missierkom."
Missierkom hu x-Xitan
[Ġw:8:39] Qabżu u qalulu: "Missierna hu Abraham." Qalilhom Ġesù: "Kieku kontu wlied Abraham, kontu tagħmlu bħalma għamel Abraham. [Ġw:8:40] Iżda issa qegħdin tfittxu li toqtlu lili, bniedem li għedtilkom il-verità li smajt mingħand Alla. Dan ma għamlux Abraham. [Ġw:8:41] Intom tagħmlu bħalma jagħmel missierkom." Qalulu: "Aħna m'aħniex ulied iż-żína! Missier wieħed għandna, lil Alla." [Ġw:8:42] Qalilhom Ġesù: "Li kieku Alla kien missierkom, lili kontu tħobbuni, għax jien ħriġt u ġejt mingħand Alla. Għax jien ma ġejtx minn rajja, imma kien hu li bagħatni.

Corrupt or Sinner ?
Reflection on the Gospel --- Jn 8:31-42
