blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: A SENSE OF AWE ! Isaija / Isaiah 40:26

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A SENSE OF AWE ! Isaija / Isaiah 40:26

Is 40:26 Erfgħu għajnejkom 'il fuq u araw: min ħalaqhom dawn il-ħlejjaq kollha? Imexxi u jgħodd l-eżerċti tiegħu, u jsejjħilhom b'isimhom wieħed wieħed. Bis-saħħa ta' qawwietu, bil-qawwa ta' setegħtu, ħadd minnhom ma jonqos.

Look at the night skies: who do you think made all this? Isaiah 40:26
Author GK Chesterton wrote: 'The world is not lacking in wonders, but in a sense of wonder.' Listen to these facts which point to the wonders of our planet. If the earth were as small as the moon, its gravitation wouldn't sustain our needs. On the other hand, if it were as large as Jupiter its gravitation would be so extreme, it would make human movement almost impossible. If we were as close to the sun as Venus the heat would be unbearable, yet if we were as far away as Mars every region would experience snow and ice nightly. If the oceans were half their size we'd get only 25 percent of our present rainfall, and if they were one-eighth larger, the annual rainfall would increase 400 percent, turning the earth into a vast, uninhabitable swamp. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But if that happened in the oceans, the amount of thawing in the polar regions wouldn't balance out and we'd all end up living in an ice-age. To prevent this, God put salt in the sea to change its freezing point. How's that for a day's work? The Psalmist wrote: 'Lord, You have made many things ... the earth is full of your riches ... I will sing praise to my God as long as I live' (Psalm 104:24-33 NCV). If all that isn't enough to get you praising God, and wanting to know Him better, what would? John Stott said: 'Our greatest claim to nobility is our ability to know God, to be in personal relationship with Him, to love Him and to worship Him. We are most human when we are on our knees before our creator.'

UCB Word 4U 2Day 26 Jun 2010
