Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can Strangers See Jesus in You ?

[Atti:4:13] Meta l-kapijiet raw il-kuraġġ li bih Pietru u Ġwanni kienu tkellmu, baqgħu mistagħġba bihom, għax kienu jafu kemm dawn kienu nies sempliċi u bla tagħlim, u fehmu sewwa li kienu nies ta' madwar Ġesù.
Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

How would you like to be so full of the glory of God that it's unmistakable to those around you? How would you like for people to be able to know just by looking at you that you'd been with Jesus? It's entirely possible if you are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. The same mighty power that changed you inwardly when you were saved can so revolutionize you outwardly that even strangers on the street will be able to see Jesus in you. One of my favorite testimonies is the one Jerry Savelle tells of the time he was in a shopping mall with his wife Carolyn. He was sauntering from one store to another, casually passing time until Carolyn finished her shopping. A woman walked up to Jerry and said, "Will you pray for me?" Since he didn't know the woman, he was puzzled. "Out of all the people in that mall, how was it that she'd picked him out?" he asked. She said, "The Lord told me to come to this mall and someone would be here who could pray for me. I came here looking for that person. I noticed a beam of light. It would go into one store, wander around, then go to another store and wander around some more. I followed the light until I found where it was coming from--and it was coming from you!" What was that light? The glory of God! It was shining from Jerry much like it shone from the face of Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai. And that radiant presence of God brought healing to that woman when Jerry prayed. Just as the fact that Peter and John had been with Jesus was unmistakable, so was the fact that Jerry Savelle had been with Jesus when that lady walked up to him in the mall. When you spend time with Jesus, it will be undeniable. His power and His glory will be reflected in you to the world. And His presence upon you will meet needs everywhere you go. Take time to be with Jesus today!

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:1-20

Can Strangers See Jesus in You ? by Kenneth Copeland
From Faith to Faith -- Daily Devotional -- July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knowing why - Matthew 11:29

[Mt:11:29] Ħudu fuqkom il-madmad tiegħi u tgħallmu minni, għaliex jiena ta' qalb ħelwa u umli, u intom issibu l-mistrieħ għal ruħkom

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Accept my teachings and learn from me Matthew 11:29
When someone tells us to do something we often want to know why. Sometimes it's difficult for us to accept authority and when we're told to do something, especially if that something is something we don't want to do; we snap back, 'Why should I?' We don't often like doing things unless we think it's for a good reason. Jesus knows this about us, which is why He take times to explain why what He wants from us is good for us. Today Jesus is telling you to, 'Accept my teachings and learn from me'. Now depending what mood you're in today you may just reply, 'OK' and get on with it but, just as likely, you'll either respond by asking an inquisitive, 'Why?' or a more defensive, 'Why should I, eh?' But however you respond, Jesus answers you saying this: 'Because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives.' Jesus doesn't wait until you're feeling your best, or can answer Him without the attitude. Jesus always meets us exactly where we're at. So listen to what He is saying to you today. He is letting you know that He is a kind, gentle God, who speaks the truth and can teach you all you need to know to ensure you get the best out of life. More than that, you can walk through life with Him - you never have to go it alone.

UCB WORD 4U 2Day - 22/July/2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Biex inhobb biha
Biex nahfer biha
Biex naghder biha
Biex nifhem lil haddiehor
Biex naghraf ir-rieda tal-Missier
Biex inwettaq ir-rieda tal-Missier bhalek
Biex nara t-tajjeb madwari
Biex napprezza l-providenza
Biex nintebah bil-bzonnijiet ta' madwari
Biex naccetta c-cirkostanzi li jinqalghu
Biex inkun twajba f'ghemili
Biex nghix is-safa'
Biex nitghallem nobdi bil-ferh
Biex naghraf naqsam it-talenti tieghi
Biex insir umli u semplici bhalek
Biex nerfa' salibi bla tgergir
Biex ninghata bil-generozità
Biex ma nfittixx l-avvanz tieghi nnifsi
Biex inwiezen il-batut
Biex naghmel il-qalb lil min qata' jiesu.
Biex nifrah u nferrah.

Grazzi, Gesù, li trid tinqeda b'qalbna biex
tmiss il-qlub kollha gheziez ghalik. Ammen.

Sr Nancy Bezzina
Soru Agostinjana

Monday, July 05, 2010

Look up ! - Hares 'l fuq ! ...Abraham lifted his eyes ... Genesis 22:4

... Abraham lifted his eyes ... Genesis 22:4

Walk along the road with your head down and you're not going to be surprised when, 'Ouch!' You walk smack-bang into a lamppost. Look up; watch where you're going! That's the general rule of thumb to walk pain free. Did you know that three times the Bible says, 'Abraham lifted his eyes ...' Abe knew that in order to make the most of life he needed to shift his focus. To stop looking down on his situation, feeling battered down by his problems but to look up, look to God and see beyond his problems. Do you need to shift your focus today? Three things happened when Abraham shifted his focus: First, he knew God was with him and realised how much he needed God: 'He bowed himself to the ground, and said " not pass on by Your servant'' (Genesis 18: 1-3)-
{(Gen:18:1) U l-Mulej deher lil Abraham hdejn il-ballut ta' Mamri; u hu kien fil-bieb ta' l-gharix fl-aqwa tas-shana tal-jum.(Gen:18:2) U rafa' ghajnejh u hares, u ra tlitt irgiel weqfin quddiemu; u malli rahom mar jigri jilqaghhom mill-bieb ta' l-gharix u nxtehet wiccu fl-art quddiemhom.(Gen:18:3) U qal: ̋Sidi, jekk jien sibt hniena f'ghajnejk, tibqax ghaddej minn quddiem il-qaddej tieghek}....
Second, He understood what God was asking him to do and he received the strength to do it (Genesis 22:4)-
{Fit-tielet jum Abraham rafa' ghajnejh, u lemah il-post mill-boghod.}
Finally, He got convinced God would give him all he needed; God would not let him down '... Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there ... was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns ... Abraham said, "God will provide ..."' (Genesis 22:8) -
{U Abraham wiegbu: ̋Alla jahseb hu ghall-haruf ghas-sagrificcju, ibni. U baqghu sejrin it-tnejn flimkien.}
Today, shift your focus: Look up! See that God is with you. Look up! See beyond your problems. Look up! See that God will provide all you need. Look up! See the best way forward.

UCB Word 4U 2Day - 02 Jul 2010