Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HUMMING CEDARS - Acts 16:25-26 ---Matthew 14:25-32 --- Acts 5:29 --- Hebrews 12:2 --- Fix my eyes on You Jesus


Paul and Silas singing hymns of praise to God

The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it ISAIAH 35:2
Picture the wind blowing through the cedars of Lebanon and some of them 'humming' in response. And the greater the storm, the sweeter their song. These were called humming cedars. And God uses humming cedars to build strong churches. In Acts, a couple of humming cedars were incarcerated in a Philippian dungeon, their hands and feet locked in stocks, their backs flogged, the contempt of society heaped on them. How did they respond? 'At midnight Paul and Silas were...singing hymns to God...Suddenly there was a great earthquake...the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed' (Acts 16:25-26 NKJV). One old preacher said: 'God got so caught up in their praises that He began to tap His big foot. And when God taps His foot, you get earthquakes.' Praise breaks chains and opens doors; it's the strategy for victory. Satan will try to stop you from praising God because he knows: (a) The importance of praise. 'Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised' (Psalm 48:1 NKJV). (b) The healing effects of praise. God's answer to 'the spirit of heaviness' is 'the garment of praise' (Isaiah 61:3). But like any garment, you must put it on. (c) The power of praise in times of crisis. When Israel was outnumbered by the enemy, God told them to put a choir in front of the army and march into battle. And it worked! 'When they praise, the Lord set ambushes against the [enemy]' (2 Chronicles 20:22 NKJV). Don't wait until the battle is over to shout; go to war with the praise of God on your lips and watch Him turn your situation around.
from - UCB Word For Today (24/08/09)

Lhud 12:2 --- ...Inżommu ħarsitna fuq Ġesù...
Hebrews 12:2 --- ...keeping our eyes upon Jesus...

Inzommu harsitna fuq Gesù (Fr. Hayden)

Matthew 14:25-32
25 During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them, walking on the sea. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear. 27 At once [Jesus] spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” 28 Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw how [strong] the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 After they got into the boat, the wind died down.
...[Mt:14:25] Fir-raba' sahra tal-lejl mar lejn in-naħa tagħhom miexi fuq il-baħar. [Mt:14:26] Huma rawh miexi fuq il-baħar u twerwru. "Dan xi fantażma!" qalu; u qabdu jgħajjtu bil-biża'. [Mt:14:27] Iżda hu minnufih kellimhom u qalilhom: "Agħmlu l-qalb, jiena hu, tibżgħu xejn!" [Mt:14:28] Wieġeb Pietru u qallu: "Mulej, jekk huwa int, ordnali niġi ħdejk fuq l-ilma." [Mt:14:29] "Ejja," qallu Ġesù. Pietru niżel mid-dgħajsa, u qabad jimxi fuq l-ilma u jersaq lejn Ġesù. [Mt:14:30] Iżda meta ra li r-riħ kien qawwi, baża', ħabat jegħreq, u beda jgħajjat u jgħid: "Salvani, Mulej !" [Mt:14:31] Malajr Ġesù medd idu u qabdu: "Bniedem ta' fidi żgħira," qallu,"għaliex iddubitajt?" [Mt:14:32] Meta mbagħad it-tnejn telgħu fid-dgħajsa, ir-riħ waqaf...

Acts 16:25-26
Deliverance from Prison. 25 About midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God as the prisoners listened, 26 there was suddenly such a severe earthquake that the foundations of the jail shook; all the doors flew open, and the chains of all were pulled loose.
[Atti:16:25] Għal-ħabta ta' nofs il-lejl Pawlu u Sila bdew jitolbu u jfaħħru 'l Alla bl-innijiet, u l-ħabsin jisimgħuhom. [Atti:16:26] F'daqqa waħda sar terremot hekk kbir li s-sisien tal-ħabs theżhżu, minnufih il-bibien kollha nfetħu beraħ u nħall l-irbit ta' kulħadd.


Acts 5:29  But Peter and the apostles said in reply, “We must obey God rather than men.
[Atti:5:29] Iżda Pietru, flimkien ma' l-appostli, wieġeb u qal: "Jeħtieġ nobdu aktar lil Alla milli l-bnedmin.



FIX MY EYES by Mark Mallett ---


Sunday, August 23, 2009



by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val,(1865-1930), secretary of state to Pope Saint Pius X

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being honoured, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred to others, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, O Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,O Jesus,
grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, O Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

Litanija ta' l-umiltà

Litanija ta' l-umiltà – ta’ Rafael María José, Kardinal Merry del Val y de Zulueta (1865-1930), Segretarju tal-Istat għall-Papa Piju X (San Piju X)
Mix-xewqa li nkun stmata – EĦLISNI ĠESÙ
Mix-xewqa li nkun maħbuba - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li nkun ammirata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li niġi onorata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li niġi mfaħħra - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li nkun preferuta mill-oħrajn - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li niġi kkonsultata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mix-xewqa li niġi approvata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.

Mill-biża li niġi umiljata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li niġi ddisprezzata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li niġi mċanfra - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li niġi kkalunjata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li nkun minsija - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li nkun mwaqqa’ għaċ-ċajt - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li ma niġix emmnuta - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.
Mill-biża li niġi ssuspettata - EĦLISNI ĠESÙ.

Li oħrajn ikunu maħbuba aktar minni – ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li oħrajn ikunu stmati aktar minni - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li fl-opinjoni tad-dinja, oħrajn jikbru u jien niċċekken - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li oħrajn jintgħażlu u jien niġi mwarrba  - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li oħrajn ikunu mfaħħra u jien injorata  - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li oħrajn ikunu ppreferuti minni f’kollox - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA
Li oħrajn jitqaddsu aktar minni, basta li jien nitqaddes kif suppost - ĠESÙ AGĦTINI L-GRAZZJA LI NIXTIEQHA


Saturday, June 13, 2009

1 Corinthians 15:33

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.

1Kor:15:33 La titqarrqux: il-ħbiberija ħażina tħassar id-drawwiet tajba.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

PEOPLE GET READY, JESUS IS COMING - HE'S ALIVE ! --- Ezekiel 37:1-14 --- Jn 6:37-40 --- & --- Pope at Angelus: Resurrection is for everyone and not only to experience after death

Pope at Angelus: Resurrection is for everyone and not only to experience after death - Published on Nov 7, 2016

Ezekiel 37:1-14 = Resurrection is for everyone --- Qawmien għal kulħadd

37. Il-qawmien tal-poplu ta' Alla
[Eżek:37:1] U ġiet fuqi id il-Mulej u ħaditni fl-ispirtu tal-Mulej u qegħditni f'nofs il-wied. Dan kien miżgħud bl-għadam. [Eżek:37:2] Huwa għaddieni dawramejt madwarhom, u kien hemm kotra kbira mxerrda mal-wied, u kienu kollha niexfa qoxqox.

[Eżek:37:3] U l-Mulej qalli: "O bniedem, jista' dan l-għadam jerġa' jieħu l-ħajja?" Jiena weġibt: "Sidi Mulej, dan inti tafu." [Eżek:37:4] U qalli: 'Ħabbar lil dan l-għadam u għidlu: O għadam niexef, isma' l-kelma tal-Mulej. [Eżek:37:5] Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ara, jien se nġib fik ir-ruħ, inti terġa' tgħix. [Eżek:37:6] U nqiegħed fik in-nervi, u ntellagħlek il-laħam, u niksik bil-ġilda, u nqiegħed fik ir-ruħ. U inti terġa' tgħix, u tkun taf li jiena l-Mulej."
[Eżek:37:7] Mbagħad ħabbart kif ordnali. U jiena u nħabbar instama' ħoss, u ara, l-għadam tqanqal, u kollha bdew resqin lejn xulxin, għadma lejn għadma. [Eżek:37:8] Jien ħarist, u ara, ġew fihom. [Eżek:37:9] U qalli: "Ħabbar lir-ruħ, ħabbar, o bniedem, u għid lir-ruħ: Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ejja, ruħ, mill-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja, onfoħ fuq dawn il-mejtin, ħa jerġgħu jieħdu l-ħajja." [Eżek:37:10] Jien ħabbart kif ordnali, u r-ruħ daħlet fihom, u reġgħu ħadu l-ħajja, u waqfu fuq riġlejhom, eżerċtu kbir fuq li kbir.
[Eżek:37:11] U qalli: "O bniedem, dan l-għadam huwa d-dar kollha ta' Iżrael. Ara, huma jgħidu: 'Nixef għadamna, it-tama tagħna għabet, nqridna għalkollox.' [Eżek:37:12] Għalhekk ħabbrilhom u għidilhom: Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ara, jiena niftaħ l-oqbra tagħkom, poplu tiegħi, u nġibkom lura f'art Iżrael. [Eżek:37:13] Mbagħad tkunu tafu li jiena l-Mulej, meta niftaħ l-oqbra tagħkom u ntellagħkom mill-oqbra tagħkom, poplu tiegħi. [Eżek:37:14] U jiena nqiegħed ruħi fikom, u terġgħu tieħdu l-ħajja.
Nqegħedkom f'artkom u tkunu tafu li jiena l-Mulej.  Hekk għedt, u hekk nagħmel, oraklu tal-Mulej."

Jn 6:37-40 -- ...Jesus the Bread of Life - ...Ġesù hu l-ħobż tal-ħajja

[Ġw:6:37] Dawk kollha li jagħtini Missieri jiġu għandi, u min jiġi għandi ma nkeċċihx 'il barra; [Ġw:6:38] għax jiena nżilt mis-sema mhux biex nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħi, imma  r-rieda ta' min bagħatni. [Ġw:6:39] Issa r-rieda ta' min bagħatni hija din: li jiena ma nitlef xejn minn dak kollu li tani, iżda li nqajjmu mill-imwiet  fl-aħħar jum. [Ġw:6:40] Din hi tabilħaqq ir-rieda ta' Missieri: li kull min jara lill-Iben u jemmen fih, ikollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem u jiena nqajjmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum."

Mt 25:31-46 -- The Sheep and the Goats - Il-ħaqq mill-popli

Il-ħaqq mill-popli
[Mt:25:31] "Meta jiġi Bin il-bniedem fil-glorja tiegħu u bl-anġli kollha miegħu, mbagħad joqgħod fuq it-tron glorjuż tiegħu.  [Mt:25:32] U quddiemu jinġabru l-ġnus kollha, u hu jifridhom minn xulxin, bħalma r-ragħaj jifred in-nagħaġ mill-mogħoż: [Mt:25:33] in-nagħaġ iqegħedhom fuq il-lemin tiegħu u l-mogħoż fuq ix-xellug. [Mt:25:34] Mbagħad is-Sultan jgħid lil dawk ta' fuq il-lemin tiegħu, 'Ejjew, mberkin minn Missieri, ħudu b'wirt tagħkom is-Saltna li tħejjiet għalikom sa  mill-ħolqien tad-dinja. [Mt:25:35] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u tmajtuni, kont bil-għatx u sqejtuni, kont barrani u lqajtuni, [Mt:25:36] kont għeri u libbistuni, kont marid u ġejtu tarawni, kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni.' [Mt:25:37] Mbagħad iweġbuh il-ġusti, 'Mulej', jgħidulu, 'meta rajnik bil-ġuħ u tmajnik, jew bil-għatx u sqejnik ? [Mt:25:38] Meta rajnik barrani u                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              lqajniek, jew għeri u libbisniek? [Mt:25:39] Meta rajnik marid jew fil-ħabs u ġejna nżuruk?' [Mt:25:40] U s-Sultan iweġibhom u jgħid, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, kull ma għamiltu ma' wieħed mill-iżgħar fost dawn ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.' 
 [Mt:25:41] Mbagħad jgħid ukoll lil dawk ta' fuq ix-xellug, 'Morru minn quddiemi, misħutin, fin-nar ta' dejjem li tħejja għax-xitan u għall-anġli tiegħu. [Mt:25:42] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u ma tmajtunix, kont bil-għatx u ma sqejtunix, [Mt:25:43] kont barrani u ma lqajtunix, kont għeri u ma libbistunix, kont marid u fil-ħabs u ma ġejtux iżżuruni! [Mt:25:44] Mbagħad huma wkoll iweġbuh, 'Mulej,' jgħidulu, 'meta rajniek bil-ġuħ, jew bil-għatx, jew barrani, jew għeri, jew marid, jew fil-ħabs, u aħna ma waqafniex miegħek?' [Mt:25:45] Iweġibhom imbagħad u jgħidilhom, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, dak li ma għamiltux ma' wieħed minn dawk iż-żgħar, anqas miegħi ma għamiltuh.' [Mt:25:46] U dawn imorru fit-tbatija ta' dejjem u l-ġusti fil-ħajja ta' dejjem.
People Get Ready (Live) - Misty Edwards

Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this  
I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (4x)

Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this  
Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this, are you ready...
I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (4x)

He's doing a new thing so we're singing a new song,
because He's doing a new thing so we're singing a new song

He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever!
He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever! cause...
He's alive (15x)

People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x)

People walking around with their fingers in the their ears singing, "Da da da da da I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King"
and there are People walking around with their fingers in the their ears singing, "Da da da da da I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King"

But He says,
"I was silent like a lamb, I was silent like a lamb and
in my silence you thought that I was all together like you.

"and I've been silent, I've held my peace for a long, long, long, long time, I've held my peace and I've been praying for your soul, I've been praying for the nations, I've been pleading for your soul, I've been pleading for the nations, and I've held my peace for a long, long, long, long time.

Once again I'm going to shake
Everything that can't be shaken
Once again I'm going to break
Everything that can't be broken
Once again I'm going to shake
Everything that can't be shaken
Once again I'm going to break
Everything that can't be broken

People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x)

He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever!
He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever! cause...

He's alive (15x)
People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x) He's coming, He's coming............................

