Wednesday, July 30, 2014

THE 7 SECRETS OF THE EUCHARIST by Vinny Flynn (based on his 'must read' book by the same name)

(book was printed in 2006)


Discover amazing truths you never knew about the Eucharist. Rich in content and full of surprises, this powerful talk reveals hidden treasures which will change your life and bring you closer to Jesus the very next time you receive Holy Communion. Perfect for a variety of parish programs.


About the Speaker: Vinny Flynn

Vinny Flynn is the founder of Mercysong Ministries and is known to many as the man who sings the Divine Mercy Chaplet on EWTN. Along with his wife Donna, he has been serving the Church in active ministry for over thirty years through teaching, writing, retreats, speaking, counseling, and music. This talk is based on his new book from Ignatius Press, 7 Secrets of the Eucharist, and is the fruit of a lifetime of research and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Described as "a real gem" and "must reading for any Catholic" by Cardinal George Pell, Vinny's book is available directly from

More about Seven Secrets of the Eucharist

This is the first Mary Foundation talk based on a book. Pope John Paul II referred to the Holy Eucharist as "the greatest treasure of the Church," and yet most practicing Catholics have received very little in-depth or inspirational theological insight about this critical aspect of our spiritual lives since our school days.

Mr Flynn's "secrets" are actually a series of surprising principles, insights, and "hidden" truths, presented together for the first time in one exciting talk. All seven secrets are based on truths found in the Bible, the writings of the Saints, the Catechism, and recent teachings of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict. These truths have always been embraced by the saints, Church Fathers, theologians, and mystics, but have never before been presented together, and rarely in such a meaningful and accessible way.

This talk also includes two "bonus secrets" about Our Lady's relationship to the Eucharist which are not found in Vinny Flynn's book.Vinny Flynn will show you how reception of the Eucharist can be a life-changing experience the very next time you receive Holy Communion.


Listen also to Vinny Flynn interviewed on Catholic Spotlight (posted on 23rd July 2007)

The Transcript of the interview


MORE Free Catholic CDs, Booklets, Novels and Online resources - from the Mary Foundation 


Follow the Saints: Make a Spiritual Communion
The Benefits of Union With Christ Every Day
by Marge Fenelon
Paula Magliocco of Pewaukee, Wis., is a busy mother of three and a Catholic elementary-school teacher. Yet, in spite of her hectic life, she finds time to make a spiritual communion, not just once, but several times throughout the day. Why? Because it’s easy, takes only a moment, and offers benefits beyond compare.
“Receiving the Eucharist is really the joy of my life, so when I cannot receive sacramentally, I know that the next best way for union with Christ is a spiritual communion,” she said. “Jesus is always ready and waiting to unite his heart with ours; and all we need to do is turn to him in prayer, and he is there with his arms wide open and the graces flowing.”
A spiritual communion is different from an actual or sacramental communion, in which we receive the Real Presence in the consecrated Host and Precious Blood. A spiritual communion is a devotion that we can initiate on our own, either inside or outside of holy Mass. We can make a spiritual communion at any time and in any place, as long as we approach the devotion with “renewed faith, reverence, humility and in complete trust in the goodness of the divine Redeemer” and are “united to him in the spirit of the most ardent charity,” according to Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Mediator Dei (The Sacred Liturgy). In spiritual communion, we embrace Our Lord as if we had actually received him in the Eucharist.
Redemptorist Father Jim White, who runs the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc, Wis., suggests a four-step method of spiritual communion, one that he himself practices in the footsteps of St. Alphonsus Liguori as a retreat master. First, make an act of faith. This can be one using the formal prayer taught by the Church (see sidebar) or an extemporaneous one. The main point is to express to Our Lord our firm belief in his goodness and mercy and in his real presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Next, make an act of love, again either using the formal prayer of the Church or an extemporaneous one. The act should express our love for Jesus. Then, we express our desire to receive him. Finally, we invite Jesus to come into our hearts spiritually. St. Alphonsus recommended that we even open our mouths as if receiving actual communion.
“This puts us in the state of mind of being in union with Jesus,” Father White explained. “It’s very simple, it only takes a moment, and we can do it during our work, our studies or anything else we may be doing.”
Spiritual communion gives us a greater awareness of God’s overall presence in our lives and increases our faith in the Real Presence. So, the more we spiritually communicate, the more united we become with Christ. The Church recommends making spiritual communions as often as possible, even if we’re able to participate in Mass that day. It also is advisable to make at least three spiritual communions during Mass: at the beginning, at the consecration and at the end.
Joe Yank attends Mass nearly every day before work at an electrical supply company and prays the Rosary on his drive to work. This, he says, helps to unite him not only with Christ, but also with his Blessed Mother. On the drive home to Hubertus, Wis., from work, he makes a spiritual communion so as to frame his day both actually and spiritually around the Eucharist. Doing so helps to draw him more deeply into the mystery and reality of the Blessed Sacrament.
“I do like to go to daily holy Mass every morning, so I can receive holy Communion sacramentally to start my day. This is a very real help to me, especially when I know I am faced with many difficulties awaiting me at the office,” he said. “But as far as spiritual communions on my drive home, I like to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet. For me, it’s the perfect spiritual communion meditation. ‘Heavenly Father, I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ …’ This helps draw my day into perspective. “
Spiritual communion is valuable, not only for its unity with Jesus and ability to increase our faith in the Eucharist, but for other reasons as well. Whenever we make a spiritual communion, we please God and receive an abundance of his graces. St. Alphonsus taught that the Church grants a partial indulgence of 300 days with every act of spiritual communion and a plenary indulgence once monthly when made under the usual conditions. The Enchiridion on Indulgences defines an indulgence as, “the remission before God of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven as far as their guilt is concerned.” Indulgences are granted only when the person has a proper disposition and under certain conditions prescribed by the Church. A partial indulgence removes part of the temporal punishment due for sin. A plenary indulgence removes all of the temporal punishment due for sin and, according to the enchiridion, must be accompanied by confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayer for the intention of the Pope. The person also must be in the state of grace.
Saints throughout the ages have witnessed to the value of spiritual communion (see their prayers below). In a vision, Our Lord explained it to St. Catherine of Siena by showing her two chalices: one made of gold, the other of silver. He told her that her sacramental Communions were preserved in the gold chalice and that her spiritual communions were in the silver chalice. He told Blessed Jane of the Cross that each time she communicated spiritually, she received graces of the same kind as those received in sacramental Communion.
Blessed Pope John Paul II was a great advocate of spiritual communion. He wrote in his encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharitia (The Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church), “Precisely for this reason, it is good to cultivate in our hearts a constant desire for the sacrament of the Eucharist. This was the origin of the practice of ‘spiritual communion,’ which has happily been established in the Church for centuries and recommended by saints who were masters of the spiritual life. St. Teresa of Jesus wrote: ‘When you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you.’”
It can be especially fruitful to make a spiritual communion when we are before Our Lord in Eucharistic adoration, whether he is reverenced in the monstrance or protected within the tabernacle.
In McSherrystown, Pa., Pam Singleton, a Spanish teacher and mother of five, discovered the grace-filled bonus of making spiritual communions in a prayer booklet left in the pew at her parish: “I love it whenever I’m at adoration and I think to pray the spiritual communion prayer. Not only is it powerful, but it gives me great comfort and calm to feel tightly united with Jesus during adoration.”
Marge Fenelon writes from Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Spiritual Communion Prayers
We certainly can make a spiritual communion extemporaneously, but formulated prayers
 can be very helpful, especially when our concentration is being tried by the busyness of
 life. Here are some suggestions:

Send Your Angel to Holy Mass
O, holy angel at my side,
go to the church for me.
Kneel in my place at holy Mass,
where I desire to be.
At Offertory in my stead,
take all I am and own,
and place it as a sacrifice
upon the altar throne.
At holy consecration’s bell,
adore with seraph’s love,
my Jesus, hidden in the Host,
come down from heaven above.
And when the priest Communion takes,
O, bring my Lord to me,
that his sweet heart may rest on mine,
and I his temple be.
Then pray for those I dearly love,
and those who cause me grief,
Jesus’ love may cleanse all hearts
and suffering souls relieve.
Pray that this sacrifice divine,
may mankind’s sin’s efface,
then bring me Jesus’ blessing home,
the pledge of every grace. Amen.
— Author unknown
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you have already come and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. — St. Alphonsus Liguori
Act of Love
I believe thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament, O Jesus. I love thee and desire thee. Come into my heart; I embrace thee. O never leave me. I beseech thee, O Lord Jesus, may the burning and most sweet power of thy love absorb my mind, that I may die through love of thy love, who wast graciously pleased to die through love of my love. Amen. — St. Francis of Assisi
Brief Acts of Spiritual Communion
May the burning and must sweet power of thy love, O Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech thee, absorb my mind, that I may die through love of thy love, who wast graciously pleased to die through love of my love. Amen. — St. Francis of Assisi
“O love not loved! O love not known!” — St. M. Magdalene of Pazzi

THE 7 SECRETS OF THE EUCHARIST - video published on 16 Nov 2021


APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER for August 2014 - Oceania & Refugees - Fr. Kubicki reflects on Pope Francis' evangelization & universal intentions


Fr. Kubicki reflects on Pope Francis' evangelization intention for August 2014

REFUGEES - Fr. Kubicki reflects on Pope Francis' universal intention for August 2014


Friday, July 25, 2014

JULY 25 Feast of St James the elder, Apostle, son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother of John, Apostle - EMBRACING TRUE GREATNESS --- & In 1968 - Humanae Vitae - & also - Sunday Gospel of wk 29 in O.T. - Yr B



Appostlu:  L-ewwel Seklu

San Ġakbu, li jiġi ħu San Ġwann l-Appostlu, kien magħruf bħala Ġakbu l-Kbir biex jingħaraf mill-Appostlu Ġakbu l-ieħor li x’aktarx kien iżgħar fl-eta’.

Kien sajjied minn Betsajda, fil-Galilija.  Ġurnata waħda, hu u ħuħ Ġwanni kienu qed jistadu flimkien ma missierhom Żebedew meta Ġesù kien għaddej mill-inħawi u sejħilhom biex ikunu dixxipli tiegħu.  It-tnejn ħallew lil missierhom, ix-xbiek u kollox, u marru miegħu.

Lil dawn iż-żewġ aħwa, Ġesù tahom l-isem ta’ Boanerges, jiġifieri ”ulied ir-ragħad” (Mk. 3:17) x’aktarx għax kienu fuq tagħhom, bħal meta darba qalu lil Ġesù: ”Mgħallem, irridu li dak li nitolbuk tagħmilhulna” (Mk. 10: 35-41).  Darb’oħra meta s-Sammaritani ma laqgħux lil Ġesù, dawn it-tnejn staqsewh: ”Mulej, tridx ngħidu lin-nar jinżel mis-sema u jeqridhom?” (Lq. 9:54).
San Ġakbu kien ma San Pietru u San Ġwann meta Ġesù qajjem lit-tifla ta’ Ġajru mill-mewt; kien magħhom ukoll fit-Trasfigurazzjoni ta’ Ġesù fuq l-għolja Tabor; u wkoll fl-agunija ta’ Ġesù fil-ġnien taż-Żebbuġ.
Tradizzjoni tgħid li wara t-tlugħ tal-Mulej Ġesù fis-sema, San Ġakbu mar Spanja jippriedka l-Vanġelu.  F’Compostella hemm knisja famuża ddedikata f’ismu, u hemm jingħatalu ġieħ mill-ikbar.
Kien l-ewwel wieħed fost l-appostli li miet għal Ġesù, bil-qtugħ ir-ras, fil-Palestina, fis-sena 43, fi żmien is-Sultan Agrippa I.
Mhux minnu li wieħed ikun qaddis irid jitwieled qaddis jew irid ikun mingħajr nuqqasijiet.  L-Appostlu San Ġakbu huwa eżempju l-iktar ċar ta’ dan.  Kien ta’ karattru li malajr jixgħel; kellu demmu spont.  Minkejja dan, meta Ġesù sejjaħlu ħall kollox u mar warajh; inbidel u sar Qaddis.

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Quddiesa u Rużarju mill-Kurja tal-Arċisqof - 25 ta' Lulju, 9:30am

(2020 during the coronavirus pandemic)

GOSPEL --- Mt 20:20-28 -- 'Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?' - 'Il-kalċi tiegħi tixorbuh.'

JULY 25 - Saint James, Apostle. Feast
25 ta’ Lulju - Sant Ġakbu, Appostlu. Festa

'Il-kalċi tiegħi tixorbuh.'
Mt 20, 20-28

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew

F’dak iż-żmien: [Mt:20:20] Resqet fuq Ġesù omm ulied Żebedew flimkien ma' wliedha, u nxteħtet quddiemu titolbu xi ħaġa. [Mt:20:21] "Xi trid?" staqsieha. U hi qaltlu: "Ordna li dawn iż-żewġ uliedi joqogħdu wieħed fuq il-lemin tiegħek u l-ieħor fuq ix-xellug fis-Saltna tiegħek."

[Mt:20:22] Imma Ġesù wieġeb u qal : "Ma tafux x'intom titolbu. Għandkom il-ħila tixorbuh l-kalċi li għandi nixrob jien?" "Għandna," qalulu. [Mt:20:23] "Il-kalċi tiegħi tixorbuh tassew," qalilhom, "imma li wieħed joqgħod fuq il-lemin jew  ix-xellug tiegħi, din mhix ħaġa tiegħi biex nagħtiha jien, imma hi għal dawk li għalihom kienet imħejjija minn Missieri."

[Mt:20:24] Il-għaxra l-oħra, meta semgħu dan, inkorlaw għaż-żewġt aħwa. [Mt:20:25]  Imma Ġesù sejħilhom u qalilhom: “Tafu intom, il-kapijiet tan-nazzjonijiet jaħkmu fuqhom, u l-kbarat iħaddmu s-setgħa tagħhom fuqhom. [Mt:20:26] Fostkom m’għandux ikun hekk; imma min fostkom irid ikun kbir, għandu jkun qaddej tagħkom, [Mt:20:27]  u min irid ikun l-ewwel fostkom, għandu joqgħod l-ilsir tagħkom. [Mt:20:28] Hekk ukoll Bin il-bniedem; hu ma ġiex biex ikun moqdi, imma biex jaqdi u biex jagħti ħajtu b’fidwa għall-kotra”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu.

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--- The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many ---

Bin il-bniedem ġie biex jagħti ħajtu b’fidwa għall-kotra.
Mk 10, 35-45

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark

F’dak iż-żmien,  [Mk:10:35] Ġakbu u Ġwanni, ulied Żebedew, resqu lejh u qalulu: "Mgħallem, dak li se nitolbuk irriduk tagħtihulna." [Mk:10:36] "Xi triduni nagħmlilkom?" staqsiehom. [Mk:10:37] U huma weġbuh: "Ħallina noqogħdu wieħed fuq il-lemin u l-ieħor fuq ix-xellug fil-glorja tiegħek."

[Mk:10:38] Imma Ġesù qalilhom: "Ma tafux x'intom titolbu. Għandkom ħila tixorbu l-kalċi li se nixrob jien, u titgħammdu wkoll bil-magħmudija li biha se nitgħammed jien?" [Mk:10:39] "Ghandha," qalulu. Mbagħad qalilhom Ġesù: "Il-kalċi li se nixrob jien tixorbuh, iva, u titgħammdu wkoll bil-magħmudija li biha se nitgħammed jien; [Mk:10:40] imma li wieħed joqgħod fuq il-lemin jew fuq ix-xellug tiegħi, din m'hijiex ħaġa tiegħi li nagħtiha jien, imma hi għal dawk li għalihom kienet imħejjija."

[Mk:10:41] L-għaxra l-oħra, meta semgħu dan, saħnu għal Ġakbu u għal Ġwanni. [Mk:10:42] Imma Ġesù sejjħilhom u qalilhom: "Tafu intom, dawk in-nies, li l-bnedmin jgħodduhom  bħala kapijiet tal-pagani, jaħkmu fuqhom, u l-kbarat tagħhom iħaddmu s-setgħa tagħhom fuqhom. [Mk:10:43] Fostkom ma għandux ikun hekk, imma min irid ikun kbir fostkom, għandu jkun qaddej tagħkom, [Mk:10:44] u min irid ikun   l-ewwel fostkom, għandu joqgħod ilsir ta' kulħadd. [Mk:10:45] Għax hekk ukoll Bin il-bniedem, hu ma ġiex biex ikun moqdi, imma biex jaqdi u biex jagħti ħajtu b'fidwa għall-kotra."

 Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


Jew il-forma l-qasira

Bin il-bniedem ġie biex jagħti ħajtu b’fidwa għall-kotra.
Mk 10, 42-45

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù sejjaħ lejh it-Tnax u qalilhom: “Tafu intom, dawk in-nies, li l-bnedmin jgħodduhom bħala kapijiet tal-pagani, jaħkmu fuqhom, u l-kbarat tagħhom iħaddmu s-setgħa tagħhom fuqhom. Fostkom ma għandux ikun hekk, imma min irid ikun kbir fostkom, għandu jkun qaddej tagħkom, u min irid ikun l-ewwel fostkom, għandu joqgħod ilsir ta’ kulħadd. Għax hekk ukoll Bin il-bniedem, hu ma ġiex biex ikun moqdi, imma biex jaqdi u biex jagħti ħajtu b’fidwa għall-kotra”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


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This is a reflection given by Fr. Andre M. Feain on the readings for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, October 18th 2015.
Those places on the left and right of Jesus are for Mary and Joseph

Ambitious Apostles? Deo Gratias!
click over white arrow in the middle below to start video

IN PERSUIT OF GREATNESS (Matthew 20:20-28)

1. Embrace true greatness through suffering (v.22-23)  
2. Embrace true greatness through serving (v.24)
3. Embrace the true greatness of the Saviour (v.28)


Humanae Vitae  

Humanae Vitae, the most debated encyclical in modern history - Published on 25 Jul 2014  



Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lk 4:14-30 --- The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry - In-nies ta' Nazaret ma jilqgħux lil Ġesù --- Homily: He Passed Through Their Midst



Il-bidu tal-ministeru ta' Ġesù fil-Galilija(Mt 4, 12-17 ; Mk 1, 14-15)
[Lq:4:14] Ġesù, bil-qawwa ta' l-Ispirtu, reġa' mar il-Galilija; u l-fama tiegħu xterdet ma' dawk l-inħawi kollha, [Lq:4:15] għax hu kien jgħallem fis-sinagogi tagħhom fost it-tifħir ta' kulħadd.

In-nies ta' Nazaret ma jilqgħux lil Ġesù(Mk 13, 53-38 ; Mt 6, 1-6)
[Lq:4:16] U ġie Nazaret fejn kien trabba. Daħal fis-sinagoga tagħhom, kif kien imdorri jagħmel nhar ta' Sibt, u qam biex jaqra.[Lq:4:17] Tawh f'idejh il-ktieb ta' Isaija l-profeta, fetħu u sab fejn kien hemm miktub dan li ġej:
        [Lq:4:18] 'L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi,
        għax hu kkonsagrani,
        Bagħatni nħabbar il-ħelsien lill-imjassrin,
        nwassal il-bxara t-tajba lill-fqajrin,
        u d-dawl mill-ġdid lill-għomja,
        nrodd il-ħelsien lill-maħqurin
        [Lq:4:19] u nxandar sena tal-grazzja tal-Mulej.’

[Lq:4:20] Mbagħad raġa' għalaq il-ktieb, tah lura lill-qaddej u qagħad bilqiegħda. Għajnejn kulħadd fis-sinagoga kienu msammra fuqu. [Lq:4:21] U beda jgħidilhom: "Din il-kitba seħħet illum, intom u tisimgħu." [Lq:4:22] U lkoll laqgħu kliemu u stagħġbu għall-kliem mimli ħlewwa li kien ħiereġ minn fommu u bdew jgħidu: "Dan m'huwiex bin Ġużeppi?" [Lq:4:23] Iżda hu qalilhom: "Żgur li se tgħidu għalija dan il-proverbju, 'Tabib, fejjaq lilek innifsek : dak kollu li smajna li ġara f'Kafarnahum agħmlu hawn f'pajjiżek ukoll." [Lq:4:24] U żied jgħidilhom: "Tassew, ngħidilkom, ebda profeta ma jilqgħuh tajjeb f'pajjiżu. [Lq:4:25] Għax, ngħidilkom is-sewwa, kien hemm bosta romol f'Iżrael fi żmien Elija meta s-sema baqa' tliet snin u sitt xhur magħluq u waqa' ġuħ kbir fil-pajjiż kollu; [Lq:4:26] madankollu għand ħadd minnhom ma ntbagħat Elija, imma għand waħda armla minn Sarefta ta' Sidon. [Lq:4:27] U kien hemm bosta lebbrużi f'Iżrael fi żmien il-profeta Eliżew, imma ħadd minnhom ma ġie mfejjaq ħlief Nagħman tas-Sirja." [Lq:4:28] Meta semgħu dan fis-sinagoga kulħadd imtela bil-korla; [Lq:4:29] qamu, u ħarġuh 'il barra mill-belt, ħaduh fuq xifer ta' rdum ta' l-għolja li fuqha kienet mibnija l-belt tagħhom, u riedu jixħtuh minn hemm fuq għal isfel. [Lq:4:30] Iżda hu għadda minn ġo nofshom u baqa' sejjer.


Homily: He Passed Through Their Midst

'When Jesus was rejected by the citizens of His native Nazareth due to their lack of humility, He easily evaded the angry crowd by walking through their midst. This shows His power over those who reject his message and therefore how he laid down his life voluntarily on Calvary in an act of humility. Let us ask for the grace of humility whenever Jesus reveals himself to us.'