Tuesday, June 05, 2012

JULY 31 - St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Priest and founder of the Society of Jesus - Prayer Against Depression

Vatican Magazine "Sant’Ignazio, la fuga dalla vanità" 08.07.2016

Discernment: 14 Rules of St. Ignatius of Loyola - Jul 31 - Homily - Fr Matthias

In the homily for the memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola (Jul 31, 2019), Fr. Matthias summarizes and explains the principal points in St. Ignatius' doctrine on the discernment of spirits. While applying God's law to life can sometimes be complex and challenging, we can rest assured that it is always possible and never harmful to us or to others. Father uses logic in conjunction with Ignatius' principles to expose current errors in moral theology.


St. Ignatius of Loyola
--- even AUDIO ---

Saċerdot:  1491 - 1556
San Injazju twieled fil-kastell ta’ Loyala f’Azpeitia, Spanja, fl-1491, minn familja nobbli.  Kien l-iżgħar fost tużżana tfal, u tawh l-isem ta’ Inigo li hu stess bidel f’Injazju f’madwar l-1540.
Beda jaħdem bħala paġġ fil-qorti tar-Re Ferdinandu V, u mbagħad daħal suldat u sar Kaptan fl-armata tal-Viċire ta’ Navarra.
Fl-1521, fil-battalja ta’ Pamplona kontra l-Franċiżi, balla ta’ kanun qasmitlu l-qasba ta’ siequ l-leminija u fetħitlu beraħ il-pexxun ta’ siequ l-oħra.  Midrub kif kien, bagħtuh lura fil-kastell tal-familja tiegħu ta’ Loyola biex ifiq.
Meta kien qed jirkupra ġew żewġ kotba f’idejh: ”Il-Ħajja ta’ Ġesù” u ”Il-Ħajja tal-Qaddisin”.  Tant laqtuh li ddeċieda li jagħti ħajtu lil Ġesù, u jaħdem ”għall-ikbar glorja t’Alla”, kliem li kellu jsir il-motto tas-Soċjeta’.
Meta fieq għamel pellegrinaġġ lis-Santwarju tal-Madonna f’Montserrat.  Is-sentejn ta’ wara għaddiehom f’Manresa.  Kien f’dawn is-sentejn ta’ talb u ġabra li hu beda jikteb il-ktieb famuż tiegħu ”L-Eżerċizzi Spiritwali”.
Fl-1523 telaq minn Manresa u mar jagħmel pellegrinaġġ għall-Art Imqaddsa.  Meta reġa lura Spanja fl-1524, ra li mingħajr edukazzjoni soda ma setax iwettaq il-missjoni tiegħu, u telaq lejn Barċellona biex jibda jistudja l-Latin.
Fl-1528, mar l-Universita’ ta’ Pariġi.  Hawnhekk iltaqa’ u sar ħabib kbir ma’ sitt studenti li wieħed minnhom kien San Franġisk Saverju, u ieħor San Pietru Faber.
Fl-1534, San Injazju u sħabu għamlu l-vot tal-kastita’ u tal-poverta’ fil-kappella ta’ Montmartre, u wegħdu li jmorru jippridkaw il-Vanġelu fil-Palestina u joffru s-servizzi tagħhom dirett lill Papa Pawlu III.  Hekk twaqqfet is-Soċjeta’ ta’ Ġesù, jew il-Ġiżwiti kif huma magħrufin illum.
Fl-1537, San Injazju u l-kumpanmi tiegħu li issa kienu saru disgħa, marru Venezja u ġew ordnati saċerdoti.  Billi ma setgħux imorru l-Art Imqaddsa, marru Ruma u offre lilhom infushom lill-Papa Pawlu III.  Hekk l-Ordni ġie uffiċjalment imwaqqaf fl-1540.
Fl-1541, San Injazju ġie magħżul biex ikun l-ewwel Superjur Ġenerali, u għadda l-kumplament ta’ ħajtu f’Ruma, imexxi s-Soċjeta’ ta’ Ġesù.  Miet f’Ruma, fil-31 ta’ Lulju 1556.  Kien ikkanonizzat fl-1622.
Mulej Alla!  Int jistħoqqlok li tirċievi glorja u unur, għax Int ħlaqt kollox u bir-rieda tiegħek jeżisti kollox u jgħix.  Int għamilt is-sema u l-art u l-meravilji li jeżistu fihom.  Int is-Sid ta’ kollox.  Glorja lill-Missier, u lill-Iben u lill-Ispirtu s-Santu.

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Lectionary for Celebrations Proper to the Society of Jesus
Readings for Masses Commemorating Jesuit Saints and Blessedand Special Marian Celebrations

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"I keep the LORD always before me;
with him at my right hand, I shall never be shaken."
(Psalm 16.8)

(S:16:8) Inżomm il-Mulej dejjem quddiemi, għax bih f'leminti qatt ma nitħarrek

How St. Ignatius Recovered from Depression:


Prayer Before a Crucifix

Mary Is The Answer To Luke Warmness And Casual Catholicism!

Mary Is The Answer To Luke Warmness And Casual Catholicism!

Secular And Casual Catholicism Has Given Great Advantage To The Ideology Of Atheism!

From: The Catholic

By: Archbishop John Nienstedt

In my column of April 26, 2012, I shared with you an Easter homily delivered by a priest friend of mine in Detroit. I also spoke of a secular Catholicism that has slowly eroded a strong and enduring faith by taking a casual approach to the matters of religion, even in the passing on of our faith to our children and grandchildren.
This has given a great advantage to the ideology of atheism that seeks to educate children to despise the beliefs of their parents. Certainly this is the work of the Evil One, “prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Mary’s support
Often, we think of the devil as the counterpoint to God. And yet, the devil is in fact one of God’s creatures, a fallen angel. In that regard, it is more theologically precise to view Satan’s rebellion against God as set over and against the obedient “fiat” of Mary. In other words, her faith-filled obedience stands in marked contrast to the devil’s rejection of God’s will.
True to God’s prediction in Genesis 3:15, Satan despises Mary for allowing herself to be used as the instrument through whom our Savior entered the world. His intent is to do whatever it takes to thwart God’s plan for salvation.
Yet, as we have just celebrated in Holy Week, Christ’s death and resurrection has defeated the devil’s grasp on us and removed death’s dark hold over us. The wood of the Cross has become the sign of our salvation. And whenever we meet the Cross, Mary remains standing beneath it, offering her strong yet silent support.
As Pope Benedict XVI has observed: “In our day, Our Lady has been given to us as the best defense against the evils that afflict modern life; Marian devotion is the sure guarantee of her maternal protection and safeguard in the hour of temptation” (Aparecida, Brazil, May 2007).
In my family, we grew up with a regular practice of attending Our Mother of Perpetual Help devotions and praying the family rosary. I still believe that these are powerful means of growing in holiness. I highly recommend them, especially in this month dedicated to the Mother of God.
As Gerard Manly Hopkins wrote, Mary is “our tainted nature’s solitary boast.” She has been given to us as a model and a guide. How can we not but take advantage of so great a gift?

Monday, June 04, 2012



Sunlight, moonglow, bright stars
God, my God what an artist You are
The sky, the earth, the sea
How could You notice me

Father, I am too small
To be seen on Your canvas at all
An incidental speck
A grain of dust and yet
You love me
You love me
As if I were the only one to love

You have lavished on me
All Your kindness so unsparingly
My honour, wealth, and skill
Are worthlessness yet still
You love me
You love me
As if I were the only one to love.

How can You see me, how can You hear me
How can You feel, how can You reach
How can You touch, how can You love me ?

You love me
As if I were the only one to love.

                                                 Sung by LUKE GARRETT
