Friday, March 16, 2012

Preghiera alla Madre del Divino Amore - Papa San Gwanni Paolo II --- Saint John Paul II, Pope.


Salve o Madre, Regina del mondo, Tu sei la Madre del bell'Amor. Tu sei la Madre di Gesù, fonte di ogni grazia, il profumo di ogni virtù, lo specchio di ogni purezza. Tu sei gioia nel pianto, vittoria nella battaglia, spe­ranza nella morte. Quale dolce sapore il tuo nome nella nostra bocca, quale soave armonia nelle nostre orecchie, quale ebbrezza nel nostro cuore! Tu sei la felicità dei sofferenti la corona dei martiri, la bellezza delle vergini. Ti supplichiamo guidaci dopo questo esilio al possesso del tuo Figlio Gesù. Amen.

(Preghiera alla Madre del Divino Amore di Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II - 1 maggio 1979 - Santuario del Divino Amore - Roma)

Salve  Regina (in Maltese language)
Sliem għalik Sultana, Omm tal-ħniena, ħajja, ħlewwa u tama tagħna, sliem għalik lilek ingħajtu għaliex aħna tturufnati ulied Eva, lilek nitniehdu aħna u nibku u nolfqu f’dan il-wied tad-dmugh. Ejja mela avukata tagħna, dawwar lejna dawk l-għajnejn tiegħek tal-ħniena, urina wara dan it-turufnament, lil Ġesu`, frott imbierek tal-ġuf tiegħek. O ħanina, O pija, O ħelwa Verġni Marija


Wednesday, March 07, 2012

FALLING FORWARD - Your Redeemer somehow uses even what you most regret

Filippin 3:13-14
[Fil:3:13] Ħuti, ma jidhirlix li dan ġa lħaqtu; imma ħaġa waħda ngħid: waqt li ninsa 'l ta' warajja kollu, jiena nagħmel ħilti kollha biex nilħaq dak li hemm quddiemi;[Fil:3:14] niġri 'l quddiem lejn it-tmiem, biex nikseb il-premju li għalih Alla qed isejjħilna hemm fuq fi Kristu Ġesù.

Philippians 3:13-14
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus

There are moments on this journey
If you'll ask me how I feel
It seems I'm moving backward or else, just standing still
When I'm frozen in my failure
There's a whisper “don't forget”
Your Redeemer somehow uses even what you most regret

Step by Step, Day by Day, I'm completely undone by the miracle of grace and I'm amazed (I'm amazed)
Through it all even when I fall I'm falling forward

Your open arms are waiting
Your compassion takes me in
I have tasted sweet forgiveness
There is strength to stand again
As I'm caught up in your kindness, once again I find
In Heaven’s love there's always hope for every heart like mine.

And Step by Step, Day by Day, I'm completely undone by the miracle of grace and I'm amazed. . . .
Through it all even when I fall I'm falling forward.

I have tears for the compromise, I've known.
But even more for the mercy You have shown.

And Step by Step, Day by Day, I'm completely undone by the miracle of grace and I'm amazed. . . .
Through it all even when I fall I'm falling forward
and I'm amazed through it all, even when I fall I'm falling forward

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Take My Hand, Precious Lord - ŻOMMLI JDEJJA MULEJ - Jim Reeves

Meta d-dalma tal-lejl
Taqa’ fuqi, Mulej,
Meta għajnejja jitqalu bid-dmugħ.

Meta fl-hemm u fl-uġigħ
Fuq spallejk nistrieħ,
Żommli jdejja, Mulej, f’idejk.

Meta waħdi f’tiġrib
Nimxi t-triq tas-salib,
Meta ħbiebi ma jagħrfunix. Rit:

Meta fit-triq għajjien,
Dawl ma nara mkien,
Dawl ta’ ħajti kun int, Mulej. Rit:
