Franġiskana ta'
Berardu, Pietru, Akkursju, Adjutu u Ottone kienu l-ewwel hames missjunarji li baghat San Frangisk lejn l-artijiet tal-missjoni. Kif dawn waslu Spanja ma tawx kas tal-periklu u qabdu jippritkaw il-Bxara t-Tajba tal-Vangelu fil-moskej tal-Musulmani. Malajr qabduhom u haduhom quddiem is-sultan u dan amar li jixhtuhom il-habs. Imbaghad keccewhom lejn il-Marokk, izda qalulhom biex ma jibqghux jippritkaw izjed id-duttrina Nisranija. Imma huma xorta wahda baqghu jaqdu dmirhom bi qlubija kbira. Ghalhekk regghu qabduhom, tawhom bosta torturi horox u qatghuhielhom ghall-mewt. Il-qaddisin hadu l-martirju ta’ qtugh ir-ras nhar is-16 ta’ Jannar 1220. Meta San Frangisk sema’ b’dan il-martirju msebbah qal: “Issa nista’ nghid b’wicci minn quddiem li ghandi fl-Ordni tabilhaqq hames Patrijiet Minuri.” L-igsma tal-Martri ttiehdu lejn Coimbra fil-Portugall, u meta Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova, li sa dak iz-zmien kien ghadu Kanonku Agostinjan, sema’ l-grajja ta’ dawn il-hames Frangiskani, qataghha li jsir Frangiskan huwa wkoll biex, jekk tkun ir-rieda ta’ Alla, bhalhom imut martri. Il-Protomartri Frangiskani kitibhom fl-album tal-qaddisin il-Papa Frangiskan Sistu IV fl-1481.
Berardu, Pietru, Akkursju, Adjutu u Ottone kienu l-ewwel hames missjunarji li baghat San Frangisk lejn l-artijiet tal-missjoni. Kif dawn waslu Spanja ma tawx kas tal-periklu u qabdu jippritkaw il-Bxara t-Tajba tal-Vangelu fil-moskej tal-Musulmani. Malajr qabduhom u haduhom quddiem is-sultan u dan amar li jixhtuhom il-habs. Imbaghad keccewhom lejn il-Marokk, izda qalulhom biex ma jibqghux jippritkaw izjed id-duttrina Nisranija. Imma huma xorta wahda baqghu jaqdu dmirhom bi qlubija kbira. Ghalhekk regghu qabduhom, tawhom bosta torturi horox u qatghuhielhom ghall-mewt. Il-qaddisin hadu l-martirju ta’ qtugh ir-ras nhar is-16 ta’ Jannar 1220. Meta San Frangisk sema’ b’dan il-martirju msebbah qal: “Issa nista’ nghid b’wicci minn quddiem li ghandi fl-Ordni tabilhaqq hames Patrijiet Minuri.” L-igsma tal-Martri ttiehdu lejn Coimbra fil-Portugall, u meta Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova, li sa dak iz-zmien kien ghadu Kanonku Agostinjan, sema’ l-grajja ta’ dawn il-hames Frangiskani, qataghha li jsir Frangiskan huwa wkoll biex, jekk tkun ir-rieda ta’ Alla, bhalhom imut martri. Il-Protomartri Frangiskani kitibhom fl-album tal-qaddisin il-Papa Frangiskan Sistu IV fl-1481.
Psalm 125 (124) R. Min jiżra fid-dmugħ jaħsad bil-ferħ.
January 16 -- Mt 10:16 22 -- Jesus' disciples persecuted - Id-dixxipli ta' Ġesù jkunu ppersegwitati JANUARY 16 Proper Gospel - Memorial of Saint Berard and Companions, First Franciscan Martyrs -- JANNAR 16 - San Berardu u Sħabu, L-ewwel martru Franġiskani (Tifkira Obbligatorja)
January 16 -- Mt 10:16 22 -- Jesus' disciples persecuted - Id-dixxipli ta' Ġesù jkunu ppersegwitati JANUARY 16 Proper Gospel - Memorial of Saint Berard and Companions, First Franciscan Martyrs -- JANNAR 16 - San Berardu u Sħabu, L-ewwel martru Franġiskani (Tifkira Obbligatorja)
Mt 10, 16-23
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew
F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lill-Appostli tiegħu: [Mt:10:16] "Ara, jiena qiegħed nibgħatkom bħal nagħaġ qalb l-ilpup. Kunu mela għaqlin bħas-sriep u safjin bħall-ħamiem. [Mt:10:17] Oqogħdu attenti mill-bnedmin! Għax għad jerħukom f'idejn il-qrati, jagħtukom is-swat fis-sinagogi tagħhom, [Mt:10:18] itellgħukom quddiem gvernaturi u slaten minħabba fija, biex tagħtu xhieda quddiemhom u quddiem il-pagani. [Mt:10:19] Iżda meta jerħukom f'idejhom, tinkwetawx ruħkom kif se titkellmu jew x'se tgħidu, għax dak il-ħin stess jingħatalkom xi jkollkom tgħidu. [Mt:10:20] Għax mhux intom tkunu li titkellmu, imma l-Ispirtu ta' Missierkom ikun qiegħed jitkellem permezz tagħkom. [Mt:10:21] L-aħwa jwasslu lil xulxin għall-mewt u l-missier lil ibnu, u l-ulied iqumu kontra l-ġenituri tagħhom biex tinqatgħalhom għall-mewt. [Mt:10:22] U lilkom kulħadd isir jobgħodkom minħabba f'ismi. Imma min jibqa' jżomm sħiħ sa l-aħħar, dan isalva.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu
Jan 16 - Homily - Fr Alan: Love casts out all fear
Jan 16 - Homily - Fr Alan: Love casts out all fear
Jan 16 - Homily: True Friars Minor - St. Berard & Companion Protomartyrs
St Berard and Companions, Protomartyrs of the Franciscan Order – January 16
St Berard and Companions, Protomartyrs of the Franciscan Order – January 16
When our holy Father St
Francis learned by divine revelation that God had called him and the members of
his order not only to personal perfection but also for the salvation of the
souls of others, he entertained an ardent desire to convert the Mohammedans,
whose inroads at that time frequently endangered Christian countries and the
Christian Faith.
While he himself and a
companion traveled to the Orient in order to approach the Sultan, he sent 6 of
the brethren to the Mohammedans in the West; Votalis, Berard, Peter, Accursius,
Adjutus, and Otho.
On the journey, Vitalis,
the superior, fell sick in Spain, and when his illness refused to mend, he
submitted to the will of God and remained behind, while he permitted his
brethren under the guidance of Berard to proceed.
At Seville, in southern
Spain, which the Mohammedans occupied at the time, St Berard and Companions
preached fearlessly in the mosque that the teaching of Mohammed was falsehood
and deceit, and that salvation could be found only in the Faith of Christ.
Burning with rage, the
Mohammedan ruler, who had been listening to them, ordered that their heads be
cut off at once. But his son, who was with him, appeased the anger of his
father, and at his suggestion the friars were permitted to sail across the sea
to Morocco.
This was quite in
accordance with their wishes, since there among the Saracens they were right in
the midst of the Mohammedan people. Coming upon a group of Saracens, Berard,
who had a good command of the Arabic language, began at once to preach the
Faith of Christ to them.
On another day when King
Miramolin and his suite appeared on the scene, he again fearlessly preached the
doctrine of Christ and called Mohammed an imposter. The king gave orders that
Berard and his companions should be expelled from the country; but they escaped
from their guards and returned a second and then a third time.
Then it happened that on
their way through the desert St Berard and Companions came upon the royal army,
which was nearly perishing because of thirst and could find no water anywhere.
Berard prayed, struck his staff upon the ground, and at once a spring bubbled
forth, which refreshed and saved the entire army.
More gently disposed
because of this miracle, the king ordered the brethren to appear in his
presence, and promised them wealth, positions of high honor, and all the
conveniences of life if they would remain with him and become Mohammedans. But
the champions of the Faith answered:
"We despise all those
things for the sake of Christ."
They proceeded to urge upon
the king the necessity of his conversion to their Faith. Stung by
disappointment as well as by their audacity, Miramolin then seized his sword
and split the head of everyone in turn.
Thus St Berard and
Companions obtained the martyr's palm on January 16, 1220. Pope Sixtus IV
canonized them in 1481 after many miracles had occurred through their
*from: The Franciscan Book
of Saints, ed. by Marion Habig, ofm.
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