blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: “God is not calling you to be successful, but to be faithful" - The Archbishop of Malta diocese, Charles J. Scicluna

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

“God is not calling you to be successful, but to be faithful" - The Archbishop of Malta diocese, Charles J. Scicluna

“God is not calling you to be successful, but to be faithful" - The Archbishop

Archbishop's message on the Day of Christian Teaching with catechists and teachers of Religion at the start of a new catechetical year - Wednesday, September 28, 2016

“Alla mhux qed isejjaħlek għas-suċċess imma għall-fedeltà” - L-Arċisqof

Diskors tal-Arċisqof f’Jum it-Tagħlim Nisrani mal-Katekisti u l-għalliema tar-Reliġjon fil-bidu ta' sena kateketika ġdida

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