blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: March 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Holy Saturday: The Hour of the Blessed Mother

Our Lady consoles St. Peter on Holy-Saturday

 There is deep symbolism for Christian reflection on Holy Saturday. On this day, the Church waits at the Lord's tomb, and meditates on his passion and death, and descent to the dead. With prayer and fasting we await His glorious Easter resurrection. Mary is also a Holy Saturday symbol. According to Catholic tradition, Mary represents the entire body of the Church. As she awaited in faith for the victorious triumph of Her Son over death on the first Holy Saturday, so we too wait with Mary on the present Holy Saturday. This faithful and prayerful symbolic waiting has been called the Ora della Madre or Hour of the Mother.

Sibt il-Għid: Uffiċċju tal-Qari u Tifħir ta’ Sbiħ il-Jum – 16 ta’ April 2022

Is-Siegħa tal-Omm - 16.04.2022

Ċelebrazzjoni tas-Siegħa tal-Omm mis-Santwarju Ta' Pinu mmexxija mill-Isqof ta' Għawdex Anton Teuma - 03.04.2021


Is-Siegħa tal-Omm - 11/04/2020

Inti biss li emmint O Marija
Inti biss li fit-talb stennejt
Inti biss li emmint O Marija
Inti ħienja għaliex kliemu żammejt

Il-Mara ta’ Sibt il-Għid
Omelija fiċ-Ċelebrazzjoni tas-Siegħa tal-OmmSantwarju Nazzjonali tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu
Sibt il-Għid, 31 ta’ Marzu 2018
L-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex
Wara li lbieraħ fakkarna l-qtil ta’ Kristu fuq is-salib, matul il-ġurnata tal-lum is-Sibt nistgħu nħossu s-skiet ivenven f’widnejna. Il-ħemda tal-lum taħtafna!
Huwa s-skiet ta’ Kristu li issa jinsab midfun fil-qabar. Dik il-Kelma kollha tenerezza u qawwa fl-istess waqt ġiet imsikkta. Alla twaqqa’ fil-muta biex ilħna mondani jieħdu post il-leħen tiegħu u hekk il-vjolenza tipprova xxejjen il-Vanġelu tal-karità.
Anki jekk għaddew tant sekli minn din il-ġrajja, aħna llum ukoll ngħaddu minn waqtiet fejn nosservaw is-skiet ta’ Alla. Mhux tant għax Alla tilef il-kelma, imma għax il-bniedem bħal donnu jrid jagħlaqlu fommu billi jagħmillu sarima. Fil-fatt, il-vuċi ta’ Alla qed tiġi fgata fil-kuxjenzi, anki fil-kuxjenza kollettiva, peress li fil-kor tas-soċjetà qed jiżdiedu l-ilħna ta’ individwi li huma bla twemmin. Ma’ dawn hemm ukoll il-vuċijiet ta’ dawk li huma reliġjożament indifferenti, kif ukoll ilħna ta’ dawk li jippretendu li huma Kristjani imma mill-Kristjaneżmu għandhom biss il-qoxra! Huwa fatt li meta niċċensuraw lil Alla, inkunu qed nillimitaw id-dritt tal-espressjoni tal-bniedem!
Is-Sibt ta’ wara l-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, li kien il-jum li fih Alla nħeba u l-għajnejn tal-fidi bħal iċċajpru, huwa simbolu ta’ żminijietna fejn kultant tinstema’ l-għajta li “Alla miet” u fejn is -sekulariżmu bil-mod il-mod qed juri li s-soċjetà tgħaddi mingħajr il-komunità Nisranija.
L-għada tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, mhux biss il-ġisem fiżiku ta’ Kristu tqiegħed fil-qabar, imma bħal donnu anki “l-ġisem mistiku” tiegħu (il-Knisja) niżel fil-qabar li ħaffru l-membri tagħha stess. Għax meta l-Knisja ma tiġġeddidx, meta l-komunità ekkleżjali tagħmel bħal bebbuxu u tingħalaq fiha nfisha (awtoreferenzjali), meta l-komunità Nisranja jidhrilha li tista’ tidrob lir-ragħaj tagħha, meta d-duttrina ssir ideoloġija u ma tibqax esperjenza ta’ dixxipulat wara Kristu, allura l-Knisja stess titlef il-kelma jew, jekk titkellem, kliemha ma jkunx relevanti.
Bir-raġun, fl-1969, Joseph Ratzinger kien kiteb: “Forsi s-seklu tagħna mhux qed isir bħall-jum tas-Sibt (Holy Saturday), il-jum fejn Alla huwa assenti, fejn id-dixxipli wkoll ikollhom baħħ kbir f’qalbhom li dejjem qed jikber, tant li b’ħafna mistħija u niket jaqbdu t-triq lejn Għemmaws mingħajr ma jintebħu li dak li kienu jaħsbu li kien miet, kien f’nofshom?”.
Imma jekk il-qabar ta’ Kristu jidher imbarrat bi blata kbira, jekk madwar il-qabar hemm skiet taqtgħu b’sikkina, il-qamħa midfuna fl-art bdiet tnibbet; għalkemm hija qamħa li tħassret bil-mewt, issa telaq il-proċess li jagħti l-ħajja. Il-qabar sar ġuf u llum beda l-proċess tal-ġestazzjoni biex għada mas-sebħ titwieled ħajja ġdida. Fil-ġuf hemm il-Kelma li għalkemm bħalissa aħna ma nisimgħuhiex, hija Kelma qawwija li tasal “fl-inħawi l-aktar ta’ isfel tal-art” (Fil 2:10).
Fil-fatt, kien fil-jum tas-Sibt li seħħ dak li jgħid San Pietru: Ġesù niżel fil-qigħan tal-imwiet – discendit ad inferos: “Kien mogħti l-mewt fil-ġisem, imma ħa l-ħajja fl-ispirtu, li bih mar ixandar is-salvazzjoni lill-erwieħ li kienu magħluqa fil-ħabs. Dawn kienu dawk l-erwieħ li darba ma ridux jisimgħu, meta Alla qagħad jistenna bis-sabar fiż-żmien li Noè kien jibni l-arka. Ftit, jiġifieri tmienja biss, salvaw bis-saħħa tal-ilma” (1 Piet 3:18-20).
Meta nbela’ mill-mewt, Kristu niżel fl-imwiet fis-sens li wasal sal-ibxax kundizzjoni li jista’ jkun fiha l-bniedem meta jmut. L-inżul fl-imwiet huwa l-aktar punt baxx li minnu Kristu jitla’ għand il-Missier! B’dan l-inżul, Kristu jilħaq il-punti estremi tal-umanità – ma hemm ebda sitwazzjoni li Kristu ma jikkomunikalhiex il-qawwa feddejja tiegħu. L-imħabba li teħles ta’ Kristu tasal fil-profondità tal-bniedem, ukoll f’dik il-profondità li għadha mhix evanġelizzata! Jekk inħalluh, huwa jidħol fl-aktar irkejjen mudlama tal-ħajja personali, ekkleżjali u soċjali tagħna. Ukoll jekk il-bniedem jaqa’ fil-baxx ħafna, Ġesù jasal sa ħdejh. Ma jinsa lil ħadd u ma jeskludi lil ħadd. Huwa joffri l-ħajja lilna li ma nistgħux nagħtuha lilna nfusna. Anki jekk fil-ħajja spiritwali tagħna aħna mmissu l-qiegħ, insibu li hu jkun niżel hemmhekk qabilna!
Għalhekk, għalkemm madwarna llum hawn skiet itarrax, fil-qalba tal-imwiet (fil-profond ta’ ħajjitna) hemm il-Kelma vibranti ta’ Kristu! Ma nistagħġibx li aħna nkunu ftit xettiċi dwar dan. Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, wara li Kristu tqiegħed fil-qabar, anki d-dixxipli ntrebħu mid-dubji u abbandunawh. Dakinhar tas-Sibt, Marija biss baqgħet waħidha tistennieh iqum mill-mewt. Minkejja d-dlam, hija baqgħet sħiħa fil-fidi. L-Isqof Tonino Bello jgħid li “filwaqt li r-riħ tal-Golgota tefa’ l-fanali kollha, fanal wieħed baqa’ jixgħel: dak ta’ Marija. Għalhekk matul il-jum tas-Sibt, Marija tibqa’ l-uniku dawl li fih hemm miġbura n-nirien tal-imgħoddi u l-ħġejjeġ futuri. Illum Marija tgħaddi mit-toroq tagħna b’dan id-dawl f’idejha. Meta terfa’ l-fanal fuq naħa, hija toħroġ mil-lejl taż-żmien memorji ta’ qdusija; meta terfa’ l-fanal fuq banda oħra, hija tantiċipa minn ħdan Alla sinjali tal-isplużjoni li ser issir għada mas-sebħ”.
Marija, għalkemm hija l-Addolorata b’qalb materna miġruħa, hi li kienet toqgħod taħseb bejnha u bejn ruħha dwar kelmet Binha, f’dan il-jum tas-Sibt semgħet lil Kristu jgħid lil Adam li kien f’art l-imwiet: “Ħares lejn dirgħajja li kienu msammra mal-għuda għalik, int li darba żbaljajt u tawwalt idejk lejn is-siġra; jien li mitt fuq is-salib u lanza nifditli l-kustat għalik, meta lilek kont raqqadtek fil-ġenna tal-art biex ħriġt lil Eva mill-kustat tiegħek. Il-kustat tiegħi fejjaq it-tbatija tal-kustat tiegħek. Ir-raqda tiegħi teħilsek mir-raqda tal-infern. Il-lanza li laqtitni żżomm ’il bogħod il-lanza li kien hemm lesta għalik. Qum u ejja ħa nitbiegħdu minn hawn. L-għadu ħarġek mill-ġenna tal-art. Jien ma nerġax inqiegħdek aktar f’dak il-ġnien, imma npoġġik fuq it-tron tas-Sema… Issa nara li l-kerubini jadurawk qisek bħal Alla, anki jekk m’intix Alla” (Omelija antika ta’ nhar Sibt il-Għid; PG 43, 439. 451. 462-463).
Nitolbu lil Marija, il-mara li emmnet fil-Qawmien, il-Mara ta’ Sibt il-Għid, tgħinna biex f’dan il-jum ta’ skiet ikrah, nisimgħu lil Kristu minn qiegħ l-art jgħidilna dak li qal lil Adam: “Stenbaħ int li rieqed. Jien ma ħlaqtikx biex tibqa’ priġunier fl-infern. Qum mill-mewt. Jien il-ħajja tal-mejtin. Qum, int li int xogħol idejja. Qum, xebh tiegħi, int li int maħluq fuq xbieha tiegħi. Qum, noħorġu minn hawn. Inti fija u jiena fik, aħna niffurmaw natura waħda li ma tinqasamx” (ibid).

Eżerċizzju ta' Marija Addolorata



(can also be meditated upon on Friday Night)

When the body of the only son of the Blessed Virgin and Mother Mary was placed and enclosed in the tomb, Mary, accompanied by the apostle John, Mary Magdalene and other good women, returned to their home and there spent the night together.

In the quietness of that truly painful night, the Blessed Mother, sleepless because of the vivid impressions left in her mind after the tragic death of her innocent son, relives during that night watch each and every incident that took place before her very eyes during the day: 

Crowds of people - shouting - a darkened sun - the cross - the nails - the lance - the soldiers - the sponge - a receptacle with vinegar - ropes - the garment split in four pieces - the Centurion - Joseph of Arimathea - Nicodemus - the tomb - the shroud - the inscription - the carrying of the body to the grave - in her arms the divine body pierced and unrecognisable.

She imagines herself standing once again by her crucified son - she hears him pray for those who had crucified him - she hears him assure heaven to the repentant thief who reproached his companion for insulting Jesus. - she hears her beloved son speak to her as he gives her John for a son and then she hears him address John to take her as his own mother. - She hears him say to his Father: “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” At these words of Christ, she watches a soldier place a sponge dipped in vinegar against the lips of Jesus. - She hears her dying son, insulted and in tremendous pain, exclaims: “It is accomplished”.

She hears that great cry: “Father into your hands I commend my spirit”, and she sees him bow his head and die. 

What a terrible night it was for her! She imagines the soldiers breaking the knees of the two thieves crucified on the left and on the right of Jesus, and sees one of the soldiers piercing with a lance the side of Christ and as he pulls it back, blood and water flow out.
She looks at the crowd trembling with fear at the sudden darkness and the earthquake as they strike their chests on their way back home.
- Once again she feels in her arms the weight of Jesus’ dead body, covered with wounds.
- She sees Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus taking him away from her, anointing him with spices, and enshrouding him.
- She joins in the burial procession, like the widow of Nain.
- She looks at the tomb stone as it rolls back and hides from her the object of her love.  
Passing through those same places on her way back home, where she is now, she imagines seeing and hearing everything once more.
And you, sinner, can you fail to see how horrible sin is and how much you ought to love this mother through whom we have received our Redeemer and Saviour? Is it possible that after her example you fail to welcome all the sufferings that must necessarily come your way in this life?

O Blessed Virgin in your power grant that the sufferings and death of Christ, your Son, and your own suffering may not be in vain for me. Amen.

According to St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, Our Lady considers herself indebted to those who perform this devotion.
Marija Santissima tgħodd ruħha midjuna lejn min jagħmel dan l-eżerċizzju. - San Gabriel tal-Addolorata


Kitba:San Ġorġ Preca

Wara li l-Iben waħdieni tal-Verġni Mbierka Marija Santissma ġie mqiegħed, magħluq f'qabar, allura, din flimkien ma' l-appostlu Ġwanni, ma' Marija Madalena u mat-twajba nisa l-oħra reġgħet lura f'darha, fejn għaddew il-lejl flimkien.
Fil-ħemda ta' dak il-lejl tassew ta' niket, l-Omm Santissma, mingħajr ma tagħlaq għajn ma' għajn għall-impressjonijiet kbar tagħha fuq il-mewt traġika ta' l-innoċċentissimu Binha, f'dik il-velja,  tilmaħ għaddejja sfilata quddiem il-menti tagħha ħaġa ħaġa,  l-ħwejjeġ kollha, li ġraw taħt għajnejha mal-jum:
Folol ta' nies, għajat, dalma tax-xemx, salib, imsiemer, lanza, suldati, sponza, bieqja bil-ħall, ħbula, libsa maqsuma f'erba biċċiet, iċ-Ċenturjun, Ġużeppi minn Arimatea, Nikodemu, qabar, lożor, skrizzjoni, it-transport għad-difna, il-ġisem ippjagat u bla sura fi ħdanha.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda wieqfa ma' ġenb Binha msallab tisimgħu jitlob għall-mahfra ta' dawk li sallbuh;
li qiegħda tisimgħu jassigura l-Ġenna lill-ħalliel ikkonvertit, li kien ċanfar lil sieħbu li ddisprezza lil Ġesù.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma' lill-Iben maħbub tagħha jgħidilha biex tieħu b'iben tagħha lil Ġwanni, u lil Ġwanni jgħidlu biex jieħu lilha b'omm tiegħu;
li qiegħda tisimgħu jgħid lill-Missier tiegħu: "Alla tiegħi, Alla tiegħi għaliex tlaqtni?"
li qiegħda tara s-suldat iqiegħed max-xufftejn ta' Ġesù sponża bil-ħall għall-kelma: "Għandi l-għatx",
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma' lill-agonizzant iben tagħha f'baħar ta' disprezz u wġigħat jgħid: "Huwa mitmum";
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma' l-għajta l-kbira: "Missier, f'idejk nerħi l-Ispirtu tiegħi," u li tarah jinkina rasu u jmut.
Oh!  X'lejl!
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara s-suldati jiksru saqajn iż-żewġ ħallelin, li kienu msallbin wieħed kull naħa ma' ġenb Kristu, u li tara wieħed mis-suldati jgħaddas fil-kustat Divin, lanza u jislet b'ċarċir ta' demm u ilma.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara lil kulħadd imwerwer bil-biża’ għad-dalma u għat-terremot u jħabbtu fuq sidirhom jirriturnaw lejn djarhom.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tħoss il-piż tal-ġisem mejjet ippjagat fi ħdanha. 
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara lil Ġużeppi minn Arimatea u lil Nikodemu jeħduh minn ħdanha, jidilkuh bl-ingwent u jaħbuh fil-liżar.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda bħall-Armla ta' Najm tassoċja fl-akkompanjament għad-difna.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara l-ġebla taħbilha l-oġġett ta' qalbha għal kollox.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda terġa' tara u tisma' kollox fir-ritorn lejn darha minn dawk in-naħiet.
Inti, o midneb, tista' ma tarax kemm huwa ikrah id-dnub u kemm għandek raġun tħobb lil din l-Omm, li permezz tagħha ġie mogħti lilna l-Feddej u s-Salvatur tal-bnedmin ? Jista' jkun li ma titgħallimx quddiemha sabiex tapprezza is-sofferenzi li jissieħbu neċessarjament mal-ħajja ta' kull bniedem ?
O Verġni Mbierka, bil-qawwa tiegħek għamel li l-Passjoni u l-Mewt ta' Kristu Ibnek u lid-duluri tiegħek ma jkunux bla frott għalija.  Ammen.

 Ma' Marija wara l-mewt ta' Ġesù

Jn 19:38-42 -- The Burial of Jesus - Id-difna ta' Ġesù

Id-difna ta' Ġesù
(Mt 27, 57-61 ; Mk 15, 42-47 ; Lq 23, 50-56)
[Ġw:19:38] Wara dan, Ġużeppi minn Arimatija, li kien dixxiplu ta' Ġesù bil-moħbi għax kien jibża' mil-Lhud, mar u talab lil Pilatu biex jieħu l-ġisem ta' Ġesù. Pilatu ħallieh, u hu ġie u ħa l-ġisem tiegħu. [Ġw:19:39] Ġie wkoll Nikodemu, dak li qabel kien mar għand Ġesù billejl, u ġieb miegħu taħlita ta' morr u sabbara, tiżen xi mitt libbra. [Ġw:19:40] Dawn it-tnejn ħadu l-ġisem ta' Ġesù u kebbewh bil-faxex ta' l-għażel bil-fwejjaħ, kif soltu jagħmlu l-Lhud qabel id-difna. [Ġw:19:41] Fejn kienu sallbu lil Ġesù kien hemm ġnien, u f'dan il-ġnien kien hemm qabar ġdid li fih kienu għadhom ma difnu lil ħadd. [Ġw:19:42] Hemm qiegħdu lil Ġesù, għax kien Jum it-Tħejjija għal-Lhud, u għax il-qabar kien fil-qrib.


How Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus Risked All to Give Jesus An Honorable Burial

As a crucified criminal in the eyes of the Law, what kind of burial do you suppose Jesus of Nazareth would normally have received?
His body would probably have been thrown into a common grave set apart for criminals. It would be risky to ask for the body of a crucified criminal so that the deceased could be given a proper burial. For anyone to obtain such a corpse, permission would have to be granted by the proper authorities, but it could be dangerous to ask for that permission.
Two influential Jewish leaders were willing to take that risk. One of these men was the wealthy and honorable Joseph of Arimathea. He had not agreed with the other religious leaders to put Jesus to death. After Jesus died on the cross, Joseph courageously approached Governor Pilate and begged that Jesus' body be given to him. Pilate granted his request.
There was another secret disciple who risked his reputation that afternoon. His name was Nicodemus. Once one night, before this sorrowful day, he had privately interviewed Jesus under cover of darkness -- perhaps for fear of being observed.
Joseph of Arimathea owned a new tomb he probably planned to use himself. That is where he and Nicodemus placed the body of Jesus. Nicodemus brought a mixture of about 100 pounds of expensive myrrh and aloes to use to prepare Jesus' body for burial. Myrrh is a type of gum resin that acts as a kind of glue. Aloes is a sweet-smelling oil used for medicinal purposes, as a fragrance, and to use to bury the dead.
The two men worked together spreading this mixture between the encircling layers of a long linen cloth purchased by Joseph. They wrapped the fabric around and around His body until it was completely sealed with the fabric cocoon and perfumed resin. They also wrapped an additional cloth around his head. After they were satisfied they had properly prepared Jesus' body for burial, Joseph rolled a large stone over the cave's opening.
These men publicly declared they were Jesus' friends! Their last act of love for Him is recorded in the Gospels. They both risked their reputations and more to give their Friend a proper burial.
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus could not have known at the time that they were participating in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy from the book of Isaiah. Here is the Scripture telling about the Messiah written over 600 hundred years before Jesus' crucifixion:
"But he was struck down
for the rebellion of my people.
He had done no wrong
and had never deceived anyone.
But he was buried like a criminal;
he was put in a rich man’s grave." (Isaiah 53:8b-9, NLT).

To their great joy, Jesus did not remain in Joseph's tomb for long! He rose from the dead three days later and is alive forever!
Today too it's risky standing up for Jesus, but His true friends are willing to pay the price through God's grace.
And they will never be sorry!

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THE HOUR OF THE MOTHER - ON HOLY SATURDAY MORNING (in our parish church, the meditation starts at 7.30am).


A priest’s reflections on the Sacred Triduum, written from Jerusalem

The following reflection on the events of Holy Saturday was written by Fr Eamon Kelly, LC, Vice Chargé of the Pontifical Institute

The typical Jerusalem Jewish Sabbath is particularly quiet. Even in 2010 there are hardly any cars on the streets. No machines work the construction sites. Shops are closed. Everyone is at home, resting quietly, at ease. This is all the more on the Sabbath of the Passover week. Now add the eerie quiet, typically following tragedy, when people are numbed by the violent death of a close family member.
Mary wakes up on Holy Saturday morning, if she went to sleep at all! What mother can go to sleep the night of her son’s criminal death! People remember last words and keep mulling over them. His last words begin to come back to her. She cannot let them go. The charity-filled tones in which he spoke embedded them even more deeply into her consciousness, and her pure and perceptive heart noticed those nuances. She ponders them continually and they are to her advantage. Yesterday she saw his body placed in the tomb and the sorrow is great. His Good Friday continues in her Holy Saturday and in ours.
So often we Christians go through our various “Holy Saturdays.” Again and again we go through heavy moments and barely survive or are badly bleeding or seriously wounded.  We do know there will be some solution but we can’t really wait. We need something now to get through all this. We are once again living a personal Holy Saturday. Bad news and bad events strike quickly. Calvary was over in hours. But Holy Saturdays often lasts a long time.
At such times it might be to our advantage to draw close to Mary as she ponders these last minutes and words of Jesus’ life. We will need to use our brain to reflect and capture even a little bit of the reality. Mary picked up the state of his soul much more intuitively as mothers, and particularly she, are capable of doing.
“Today you will be with me in Paradise!” (Lk. 23:43)
How can he think of “Paradise,” let alone utter the word  with all his gaping wounds and butchered body, the pain and, even worse still, the total rejection of his person as his chosen people’s leaders incite them to demand his crucifixion and Barabbas’ release? His body and soul are experiencing an invasion of hell and yet his heart has the peace of victory declaring “Paradise is yours today alongside me.”
The smart thief really knows that it is “because of” him, not only ”with” him! That’s why he asked him in the first place. What peace must reign in his heart to be able to say these words with such certainty and evidently so contradicted by the surrounding reality.
When Maximilian Kolbe intoned hymns of divine praise in the hunger bunker where he was being starved to death in August 1942, his fellow inmates probably sensed some measure of this same confidence which Mary felt at these final Calvary words. The inmates’ paradigms are changed. Beyond the negative violence, other forces are also at work: Christ’s pervading peace in the dark night of Auschwitz.
Let’s penetrate beyond the words Christ utters and ponder our way with Mary into his heart of victory. Those dying cancer victims, like my mother in 1997, who give so much joy and hope to the family around them are making this Christ present in our midst once again. Peace reigns in his heart.
“Woman, behold your Son. … behold your mother” (Jn. 19:26).

He was thinking of us.
Despite his wounds!

It is not easy to think of others’ needs when one has a bad toothache! And he had more than a bad toothache, yesterday. What interior self-dominion reigned in his heart and transcended so much pain as to be able to consider others! Extraordinary inner peace enables this focus on the situation of others. He is sufficiently serene interiorly to be able to be centered on others’ needs. His deep serenity particularly touches Mary’s perceptive heart in these words directed to her. And the fact that her new son, John, is there now reminds her of this word, its tone and his heart from which it sprang. Her heart is broken with this new birth but from his broken heart some of that peace flows to hers.
“It is finished” (Jn. 19:30). The work his Father gave him to finish (Jn. 4:34).
Mary knows all about his sense of mission and purpose. This statement from the dying Jesus reveals two sources of peace.
Firstly a very clear inkling of what was to come grew in him as he read the Psalms, Isaiah, Zachariah, etc. So, he was able to accept this as he shows time and time again: “Get behind me, Satan!” (Mt 16), “The Son of Man must suffer …” “Not my will but yours be done!”  In order to be faithful to his mission he had reckoned with hard times that would surely come. He had already established “peace” with this future.
Secondly this mission is completely fulfilled to the last detail, the hardest mission ever assigned to anyone in all of history. What peace must have filled his heart, if we enjoy the relief and peace from minor duties accomplished relatively well!
Mary registered this peace-filled prayer of thanksgiving – that was the tone. He completed his life in peace. A mother wants her child to be at peace. Mary knows her own mission is not complete. Yet in some way it is, because she has shared in his mission. She can go ahead with her the rest of her mission with some of his peace in her heart.
“Father into your hands I commend my spirit” (Lk. 23:46).
Search these words for any trace of rebellion, defiance or complaint over so much injustice suffered! It’s hard to find a slightest sign. He simply is above any such reaction. He transcends the horrible agony and the intentionally intimidating aggression and simply offers up his life, laying it down into his Father’s hands.

No greater self-gift.
No greater peace.

At that moment Mother Mary must be overwhelmed by her son’s passing. How could it be otherwise for any mother! Yet now on Holy Saturday, as she gradually comes out of the dazed numbness of pain, these words come back and somehow she can also second this self-gift without complaint.
In the midst of the raging seas and the heated assaults on what we are and hold dearest, Christ’s peace on Calvary can also reach our hearts, especially if we live our sundry Holy Saturdays close to Mary, taking her into our home (cf. Jn. 19:27). Let’s ponder these words with her to our great advantage.



>>> THE EASTER TRIDUUM --- GOOD FRIDAY - Jn 18:1-19:42 -- 'Passion of Our Lord - Il-Passjoni tal-Mulej' - il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira

>>> THE EASTER TRIDUUM --- HOLY SATURDAY MORNING --- & --- HOLY SATURDAY EVENING - Gospels - YEAR A - Mt 28:1-10 ; YEAR B - Mk 16:1-8; YEAR C - Lk 24:1-12 -- Jesus Has Risen - Il-qawmien ta' Ġesù mill-imwiet


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ordinary Time Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli ta' Matul is-Sena

Ordinary Time Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli ta' Matul is-Sena ...minn wk 1

Gospel Videos in Ordinary Time - Videos tal-Evanġelji ta' Matul is-Sena

ORDINARY TIME 1 = WEEK 1 - From the day after THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD -- To Tuesday before ASH WEDNESDAY --- (Mon to Sat morning GOSPELS)
N.B. = THIS PLAYLIST - Ord Time 1 - consists of GOSPEL videos from WEEK 1 to WEEK 9 =

ORDINARY TIME  2 - STARTS ON MONDAY AFTER PENTECOST SUNDAY & ENDS on SAT, before 1st Sunday of ADVENT --- (Monday to Saturday morning GOSPELS)
N.B. = THIS PLAYLIST - Ord. Time 2 - consists of GOSPEL videos from WEEK 10 to WEEK 34 =


Advent, Christmas, Epiphany & Baptism of Jesus the Messiah Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli fl-Avvent, Milied, Epifanija u l-Maghmudija ta' Ġesù l-Messija

Advent, Christmas Epiphany & Baptism Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli fl-Avvent, Milied, Epifanija u l-Magħmudija ta' Ġesù, il-Messija


Lent & Easter Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli tar-Randan u ta' l-Għid

Lent & Easter Gospel Videos - Videos tal-Vanġeli tar-Randan u ta' l-Għid

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pope Francis visits Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - 23rd March 2013

Pope Francis visits Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - 23rd March 2013

Lk 19:28-40 -- Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King - Id-daħla messjanika f'Ġerusalemm

PALM SUNDAY ((This gospel is read at the procession with palms before Mass))

Id-daħla messjanika f'Ġerusalemm
(Mt 21, 1-11 ; Mk 11, 1-11, Ġw 12, 12-16)
[Lq:19:28] Kif qal dan, Ġesù qabad it-triq u beda tiela' lejn Ġerusalemm, miexi quddiem l-oħrajn. [Lq:19:29] U meta wasal qrib Bѐtfaġe u Betanja, ħdejn l-għolja li jgħidulha taż-Żebbuġ, bagħat tnejn mid-dixxipli tiegħu [Lq:19:30] u qalilhom: "Morru fir-raħal ta' biswitna; kif taslu, ssibu felu marbut li ħadd qatt għadu ma rikeb fuqu. Ħolluh u ġibuh. [Lq:19:31] Jekk xi ħadd jistaqsikom għalfejn qegħdin tħolluh, għidulu li l-Mulej għandu bżonnu." [Lq:19:32] Dawk li kienu mibgħuta marru u sabu kollox kif kien qalilhom. [Lq:19:33] Huma u jħollu l-felu, is-sidien tiegħu qalulhom: "Għalfejn qegħdin tħolluh il-felu?" [Lq:19:34] U huma wieġbu: "Għax il-Mulej jeħtieġu."
 [Lq:19:35] Mbagħad ġiebu l-felu lil Ġesù, qiegħdu l-imnatar tagħhom fuq il-felu, u rikkbu lil Ġesù fuqu. [Lq:19:36] Huwa u għaddej, firxu l-imnatar tagħhom fit-triq. [Lq:19:37] Xħin imbagħad kien qorob lejn in-niżla ta' l-Għolja taż- Żebbuġ, il-kotra kollha tad-dixxipli bdiet tfaħħar lil Alla b'għajat ta' ferħ u b'leħen għoli għall-għeġubijiet kollha li kienu raw, [Lq:19:38] u bdew jgħidu:
     " Mbierek is-Sultan
     li ġej f'isem il-Mulej!
     Sliem fis-sema,
     u glorja fl-ogħla tas-smewwiet!"
[Lq:19:39] Xi wħud mill-Fariżej li kienu qalb il-folla qalulu: "Mgħallem, ċanfarhom lid-dixxipli tiegħek!" [Lq:19:40] Iżda hu weġibhom u qal: "Ngħidilkom li, jekk jisktu huma, jgħajjat il-ġebel."


Moment of Grace ! - two Popes at the same time, praying for us


Let us pray for them. God bless them. Amen.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday of 5th wk of Lent - Jn 8:51-59 -- Jesus' Claims About Himself -..."min iħares il-kelma tiegħi ma jara qatt il-mewt."

Jn 8:51-59 -- Jesus' Claims About Himself -..."min iħares il-kelma tiegħi ma jara qatt il-mewt."

[Ġw:8:51] Tassew tassew ngħidilkom li min iħares  il-kelma tiegħi ma jara qatt il-mewt." [Ġw:8:52] Qalulu l-Lhud: "Issa tassew nafu li għandek Xitan fik. Abraham miet, u l-profeti wkoll; u inti tgħid li 'Jekk xi ħadd iħares kelmti ma jduq qatt il-mewt.' [Ġw:8:53] Jaqaw int akbar minn missierna Abraham li miet? U l-profeti wkoll mietu. Inti x'taħseb li int?" [Ġw:8:54] Wieġeb Ġesù: "Li kieku kelli nagħti glorja lili nnifsi, il-glorja tiegħi ma kienet tkun tiswa xejn. Imma dak li lili qiegħed jagħtini l-glorja huwa l-Missier, dak li intom tgħidu li hu Alla tagħkom, [Ġw:8:55] u madankollu ma għaraftuhx. Imma jiena nafu, u kieku kelli ngħid li ma nafux, kont inkun giddieb bħalkom. U mhux biss nafu, imma wkoll inħares il-kelma tiegħu. [Ġw:8:56] Missierkom Abraham qabeż bil-ferħ għall-ħsieb li kien se jara l-jum tiegħi, u rah u feraħ." [Ġw:8:57] Qalulu l-Lhud: "Għadek anqas għalaqt il-ħamsin u rajt lil Abraham?" [Ġw:8:58] Qalilhom Ġesù: "Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, qabel ma kien Abraham, jiena hu." [Ġw:8:59] Għalhekk il-Lhud qabdu l-ġebel biex iwaddbuhulu; imma Ġesù nħbielhom u ħareġ mit-tempju.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is-Sejħa ta' Sbieħ il-Jum - SALMI INVITATORJI = Salm 94(95), Salm 99(100), Salm 66(67), jew Salm 23(24)

Is-Sejħa ta' Sbieħ il-Jum - SALMI INVITATORJI = Salm 94(95), Salm 99(100), Salm 66(67), or Salm 23(24)

V/. Mulej, iftaħli xofftejja.

R/. U Fommi jxandar it-tifħir tiegħek.


 L-antifona tigi mtennija fejn hemm: Ant.  

(Fi żmien il-Għid, fl-aħħar ta' l-antifona, fejn m'hemmx diġa, tiżdied, Alleluja)

Salm 94(95)

Ejjew, ħa nfaħħru bl-hena l-Mulej,

   ħa ngħajtu bil-ferħ lill-blata tas-salvazzjoni tagħna!

Nersqu quddiemu b’għana ta’ radd il-ħajr,

   ngħannulu b’għajjat ta’ ferħ.  Ant:

Għax Alla kbir hu l-Mulej,

   sultan kbir fuq l-allat kollha.

F'idejh huma qigħan l-art,

   tiegħu huma l-qċaċet ta’ l-għoljiet.

Tiegħu l-baħar, għax hu għamlu;

   tiegħu l-art, għax b'idejh saret.  Ant:

Ejjew inqimuh u ninxteħtu quddiemu,

   għarkubbtejna quddiem il-Mulej li ħalaqna!

Għaliex hu Alla tagħna,

   u aħna l-poplu tal-mergħa tiegħu

      u n-nagħaġ tiegħu.  Ant:

Mhux li kontu llum tisimgħu leħnu !

   "La twebbsux qalbkom bħal f'Meribah,

bħal dakinhar f'Massah, fid-deżert,

   meta ġarrbuni u ttantawni missirijietkom,

   għalkemm raw dak li jien għamilt. Ant:

Għal erbgħin sena domt nistmellu dan in-nisel;

   u jien għedt: Qalbu mħassra dan il-poplu,   

   u triqati ma jagħrfux.

Għalhekk ħlift fl-għadab tiegħi:

   Ma jidħlux fil-mistrieħ tiegħi?"  Ant:

Glorja lill-Missier, u lil Iben, u lil Ispirtu s-Santu. Kif kien mill-bidu, issa u dejjem, u jibqa’ għal dejjem ta’ dejjem. Ammen. Ant:
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Salm 99(100)

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Salm 66(67)

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Salm 23(24)

V. Mulej iftaħli xufftejja

R. U fommi jxandar it-tifħir tiegħek

Ant: ...[tingħad tal-ġurnata]

Salm 23 (24)

Tal-Mulej hi l-art u kull ma fiha, *

id-dinja u kull ma jgħix fiha.

Għax hu fuq l-ibħra waqqafha, *

u fuq ix-xmajjar fis-sod qiegħdha. Ant:

Min jista’ jitla’ fuq l-għolja tal-Mulej, *

min joqgħod fil-post imqaddes tiegħu?

Min għandu jdejh indaf u qalbu safja, †

min ma jagħtix ruħu għall-frugħa, *

u anqas ma jaħlef bil-qerq. Ant:

Dan ikollu barka mingħand il-Mulej, *

u ħlas li ħaqqu minn Alla, is-Salvatur tiegħu.

Dan hu n-nisel ta’ dawk li jfittxuh; *

li jfittxu ‘l wiċċek, Alla ta’ Ġakobb. Ant:

Intrefgħu, bibien, infetħu, intom bibien ta’ dejjem, *

ħalli jidħol is-Sultan tal-glorja!

Min hu dan is-Sultan tal-glorja? *

Hu l-Mulej setgħan u qawwi,

il-Mulej qawwi fit-taqbida. Ant:

Intrefgħu, bibien, infetħu, intom bibien ta’ dejjem, *

ħalli jidħol is-Sultan tal-glorja!

Min hu dan is-Sultan tal-glorja? *

Hu l-Mulej ta’ l-eżerċti:

dan hu s-Sultan tal-glorja! Ant:


Monday, March 18, 2013

Mon 5th wk in Lent - Homily: Holding onto Innocence Fr. Elias on the two accounts of a woman caught in adultery, Susanna in the Old Testament, who was innocent, and the woman brought before Jesus in the New Testament, who was guilty, but both had fallen into the hands of wicked men who trapped them and were making a travesty of justice. Father points out that if faced with such terrible choices, as we are more and more often today, it is better to fall in the hands of the wicked by holding onto innocence than to give in to evil. Ave Maria! Mass: Monday 5th Week of Lent - Wkdy - Form: OF Readings: 1st: dan 13:41-62 Resp: psa 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 Gsp: joh 8:12-20 Year C

Saturday, March 16, 2013


We wouldn’t know God’s faithfulness
if we never had a need;
We wouldn’t know His answers
if we did not intercede.

We wouldn’t know God’s promises
if we chose not to believe;
We wouldn’t know His fullness
if our hearts did not receive.

We wouldn’t know God’s comforting
if we never shed a tear;
We wouldn’t know His preciousness
if we didn’t have Him near.

We wouldn’t know God’s victory
if we never faced a test;
We wouldn’t know His peacefulness
if He didn’t give us rest.

We wouldn’t know God’s mighty strength
if we were never weak;
We wouldn’t know His counsel
if we failed to hear Him speak.

We wouldn’t know God’s fruitfulness
if we had never grown;
We wouldn’t know His wondrous ways
if we laboured on our own.

Monday, March 11, 2013

JANUARY 1st - THE OCTAVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS --- Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Preghiera alla Madre del Divino Amore - dal Papa, Santo Giovanni Paolo II


2016.12.31 Celebration of the Vespers and the Te Deum

2017.01.01 Holy Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

JANUARY 1st - THE OCTAVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS --- Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

First reading                                                                Numbers 6:22-27

The Lord spoke to Moses and said, ‘Say this to Aaron and his sons: “This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.”

This is how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel, and I will bless them.’

Responsorial Psalm                                                 Psalm 66(67):2-3,5,6,8

O God, be gracious and bless us.

O God, be gracious and bless us

  and let your face shed its light upon us.

So will your ways be known upon earth

  and all nations learn your saving help.

O God, be gracious and bless us.

Let the nations be glad and exult

  for you rule the world with justice.

With fairness you rule the peoples,
  you guide the nations on earth.
O God, be gracious and bless us.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
  let all the peoples praise you.
May God still give us his blessing
  till the ends of the earth revere him.
O God, be gracious and bless us.
Second readingGalatians 4:4-7
When the appointed time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of the Law, to redeem the subjects of the Law and to enable us to be adopted as sons. The proof that you are sons is that God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts: the Spirit that cries, ‘Abba, Father’, and it is this that makes you a son, you are not a slave any more; and if God has made you son, then he has made you heir.
Gospel AcclamationHeb1:1-2
Alleluia, alleluia!
At various times in the past
and in various different ways,
God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets;
but in our own time, the last days,
he has spoken to us through his Son.
GospelLuke 2:16-21
The shepherds hurried away to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw the child they repeated what they had been told about him, and everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds had to say. As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds went back glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen; it was exactly as they had been told.
  When the eighth day came and the child was to be circumcised, they gave him the name Jesus, the name the angel had given him before his conception

Sabu lil Marija u lil Ġużeppi, bit-tarbija mimduda f’maxtura.
Lq 2, 16-21

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, ir-ragħajja marru jgħaġġlu, u sabu lil Marija u lil Ġużeppi, bit-tarbija mimduda f’maxtura. Kif raw dan, bdew jgħarrfu b’kulma kien intqal lilhom dwar dik it-tarbija, u kull min semagħhom baqa’ mistagħġeb b’dak li qalulhom ir-ragħajja. Marija, min-naħa tagħha, baqgħet tgħożż f’qalbha dawn il-ħwejjeġ kollha u taħseb fuqhom bejnha u bejn ruħha.
Ir-ragħajja mbagħad reġgħu lura, isebbħu u jfaħħru lil Alla għal kulma kienu raw u semgħu, kif l-anġlu kien qalilhom. Meta wasal it-tmien jum biex lit-tifel jagħmlulu ċ-ċirkonċiżjoni, semmewh Ġesù, bl-isem li kien tah l-anġlu qabel ma tnissel fil-ġuf.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

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To Treasure Revelation

Cycle AChristmasWeek Mary, Mother of God

by Bishop Robert Barron January 01, 2017


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Starting 2017, Pope highlights role of Mary - Published on Jan 1, 2017
Pope Francis said that Mary is a reminder that Catholics belong to a family

Four Reasons God Became Man

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Pope Francis: Mary's faith unties the knot of sin



Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary: Mary, a Stumbling Block or a Door to Unity? - Prof. Judith Povilus
- in Malta on December 6, 2018




THE ETERNAL HOLY TRINITY, ONE GOD...the Creator...who creates...

The embryo...immaculately conceived without original sin, to the pious, elderly and childless couple Joachim and Anna (by tradition, grounded on very old testimonies)

The born baby girl named Mary, nurtured, taught by her holy parents and consecrated to God...

·      ...It was their teaching that led her to respond to God's request with faith, "Let it be done to me as you will." It was their example of parenting that Mary must have followed, as she brought up her own Son, Jesus. It was their faith that laid the foundation of courage and strength that allowed her to stand by the cross as her Son was crucified....and still believe.

The prayerful youth, who pondered and meditated on the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, and totally believed in the prophecies that they reveal.

The attitude of Mary of Nazareth shows us that being comes before doing, and to leave the doing to God in order to be truly as he wants us. It is He who works so many marvels in us. Mary is receptive, but not passive. Because, on the physical level, she receives the power of the Holy Spirit and then gives flesh and blood to the Son of God who forms within her. Thus, on the spiritual level, she accepts the grace and corresponds to it with faith. That is why St Augustine affirms that the Virgin “conceived in her heart before her womb” (Discourses, 215, 4).

The obedient young virgin - who was pledged to be married to righteous and faithful Joseph, a descendant of David.

The virgin youth (Lk 1:34) ...visited by Angel Gabriel, pronouncing her the chosen one by God, to conceive immaculately through the power of the Holy Spirit and become the Mother of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah

Thus by the two immaculate conceptions, the stain of Adam's sin, the original sin, was never to touch the grace of the Messiah or His Mother


   [2 Sam 6:11] U l-arka tal-Mulej baqgħet f'dar Għobed-edom, il-Gitti, tliet xhur sħaħ. U l-Mulej bierek lil Għobed-edom u 'l daru kollha.

   [Eż 40:34] Mbagħad is-sħaba ksiet it-tinda tal-laqgħa; u l-glorja  tal-Mulej imliet it-tabernaklu. [Eż 40:35] Mosè ma setax jidħol fit-tinda tal-laqgħa, għax fuqha kien hemm tistrieħ is-sħaba, u l-glorja tal-Mulej kienet timla t-tabernaklu. [Eż 40:36] Kull meta s-sħaba kienet tintrefa' minn fuq it-tabernaklu, ulied Iżrael kienu jitilqu minn fejn ikunu. [Eż 40:37] U jekk is-sħaba ma kinetx tintrefa', anqas huma ma kienu jitilqu, qabel ma tintrefa' hi.

40:38] Binhar kien ikun hemm is-sħaba tal-Mulej tistrieħ fuq it-tabernaklu, imma bil-lejl kien ikun hemm in-nar, li kienu jarawh ulied Iżrael fil-mixi kollu tagħhom.

    [Apk 11:19] U nfetaħ it-tempju ta' Alla, li hemm fis-sema, u dehret l-Arka tal-Patt tiegħu fit-tempju tiegħu. Mbagħad beda jberraq u kien hemm ħafna ħsejjes u ragħad u theżhiż u silġ oħxon.

12. Id-dehra tal-mara u d-dragun

[Apk 12:1] U
deher sinjal kbir fis-sema: Mara, liebsa x-xemx, bil-qamar taħt riġlejha, u b'kuruna ta' tnax-il kewkba fuq rasha.

The perpetual Virgin Mother who surrendered all her God and who totally trusted in His will, to become the first fruit of evangelization !
The pregnant virgin, the first an intense and pure relationship with the Holy Trinity, wholeheartedly hurried off as the first missionary, in the first Eucharistic procession -  the living, travelling Monstrance, from Nazareth to Judea, to SERVE generously her relative Elizabeth, for three months, thus going beyond to the Angel Gabriel's deliverance of the incredibly startling news.

The humble young virgin, Mother of God in chastity, holiness and transparancy... showered her spontaneous out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, together with the outburst of inspirational praise from Elizabeth.

The pregnant mother in the desert, who travelled together with her spouse and protector, Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, Son of God - from Nazareth to Bethlehem (app 70 – 80 miles = long enough to reach their destination close to giving birth ) -- to obey to the Census by the Roman Empire. Thus the prophecy in Micah 5 is fulfilled.

The happy mother, giving birth to the Son of God amongst the animals in the cave, faithfully keeps all worries, all thoughts of fears, all the disappointments, all persecution, all the failures, in the silence of her heart, to God's Plan.

The overjoyed mother, welcoming the amazed shepherds who believed in the Angels' Good News, came to the cave to adore the Son of God.

The grateful mother who appreciates the heartfelt adoration of the shepherds who obeyed the Angel's directions; and the Wise Men who believed in the prophecies in the Holy Scriptures, by following the Star. Thus the prophesy that rich and poor come to adore the Messiah.

The refugee mother fled with baby Jesus, together with Joseph, obeying to the Angel's directions to flee from Bethlehem to Egypt, in order to escape from persecution and murder, ordered by Herod.
Again and again the Holy Family bow down to God's will, leave Egypt and go in a safer place to ultimately settle in Nazareth, as is prophesized in Holy Scriptures

Gospel Mt 2:13-15, 19-23

When the magi had departed, behold,
the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,
“Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt,
and stay there until I tell you.
Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.”
Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night
and departed for Egypt.
He stayed there until the death of Herod,
that what the Lord had said through the prophet might be fulfilled,
Out of Egypt I called my son.

When Herod had died, behold,
the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream
to Joseph in Egypt and said,
“Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel,
for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”
He rose, took the child and his mother,
and went to the land of Israel.
But when he heard that Archelaus was ruling over Judea
in place of his father Herod,
he was afraid to go back there.
And because he had been warned in a dream,
he departed for the region of Galilee.
He went and dwelt in a town called Nazareth,
so that what had been spoken through the prophets
might be fulfilled,
He shall be called a Nazorean.

The Blessed Virgin Mother encouraging Jesus (God) in His first steps !

The faithful wife who esteemed the love from her husband Joseph; cared for him; looked after him when he was sick; mourned his death.
The interceding widow, who believed in her Son’s love before He started His mission. She showed us how God's mercy is over-abundant to anyone with an open heart for Him - even through interceding for others! This is beautifully shown through Mary's empathy during the wedding at Cana when the servants obeyed to fill the jars with water, as Jesus had told them to do.

The caring widow, who served, cooked and took care of Jesus and all those who travelled with Him.

The grateful widow, who treasured the heavenly joy, the love, the peace, the justice, the authority, the abundance, the courage, the providence, the empathy, the miraculous powers, at work in her Son over injustice, sickness and evil.

The forgiving widow, who watched silently, with a painful heart - the repellence from the misled, the deceived, the doubt-minded; and the ingratitude and the opposition - to the disbelief that her Son is truly the Son of God - even today.

The loving mother, who marvelled over Her Son’s enduring patience.

The suffering widow, who felt in her heart His fears, the disappointment and the abandonment of His disciples: She suffered psychologically with Her Son’s sorrowful passion.

The silent widow, who persevered through her Son’s mission - that salvation and victory over evil...was through all the humiliation, suffering, pain, the agonizing death and the resurrection.

The protective Mother, who nourished God in her womb, brought Him forth to the world alive....and the world gave Him back to her to embrace Him dead, under the cross.

The Mother, Our Mother, was entrusted to the Apostle John's care by Jesus Himself, while He stood in agony on the cross.


Standing ...

She was standing by the cross supported by the virtue of faith, knowing that He would soon rise: There stood by the cross of Jesus His Mother. O wondrous stance! Nay, rather: O divine miracle! She was standing in body, but more in spirit, with the virtue of her faith undiminished; she was standing in astonishment admiring the divine love with which God so loved the world, admiring not only the divine mercy but also the divine justice in punishing sin for the sake of the sinner’s salvation; admiring the divine obedience of her Son to the Father, his divine strength against the demons, his boundless patience in suffering extreme torments.

Thus she stood in admiration, astounded by the divine mystery of human redemption; she stood also as an example for the whole Church of the future and as a model of invincible patience in enduring adversities. For truly it can be said about her, that: In all things she sinned not with her lips, no indeed, nor in her heart; nor spoke she nor did she even think any foolish thing against God; but kept saying in her mind: If we have received good things at the hand of the Lord, why should we not endure evil? The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, as it hath pleased the Lord so is it done. Thus, with extraordinarily great courage she drained to the dregs this most bitter chalice given to her by God to drink, saying with her Son: “The chalice which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it” “If it be possible, let this chalice pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. Not my will, but Thine be done.” Thus through it all she was like her suffering Son in courage and strength.

And if Christ suffered leaving for us an example, that we might follow in His footsteps, so clearly His Mother Mary also suffered; she gave us an example with her Son, that just as she has done, so also we might do; and let us always have before our eyes this saintly exemplar shown to us on the mountain; let us contemplate it, that we might imitate both Christ and His Most Holy Mother with the utmost zeal. Let us reflect upon her who endured such opposition from sinners, so that we may not become weary and discouraged or falter on the path of virtue, which is the way of salvation. May Mary always be for us an example of undaunted and invincible patience, of unconquerable strength, of invincible courage, in order that no tribulation, indeed, no creature whatsoever, may separate us from the love of Christ.

St. Lawrence of Brindisi
The untiring Mother, who waited during the hours Jesus, laid in the tomb...for the fulfillment of Her Son's mission - His Resurrection in Glory

The supportive Mother, who was nurtured herself by the Risen Christ in the consecrated bread and wine during the Celebration of the Eucharist by the chosen Apostles - by then, empowered by the Holy Spirit, breathed upon them by Jesus Himself !

Mary’s places: The Dormition and The Tomb

The Mother, the first tabernacle, the first missionary, the first disciple, the first apostle, was taken up to Heaven with body and soul and proclaimed Queen of Heaven and Earth by the Holy Trinity

AUGUST 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Impressive painting that reveals the ever-faithful humility of Our Lady: The face that shows the many difficult experiences you suffered; those hands that knew hard manual work; the hair that reveals the many years open to harsh elements and sorrows ... now glorified in Heaven united with the Holy Trinity, interceding for us, teaching us how to be grateful to Your Son JESUS, through your incessant revelations and apparitions !

The Mother still teaches us how to reach to God for help, trust and guidance - by communicating with Him in praise, prayer and in the Sacraments.

The Mother of God, Our Mother who gives us the most powerful weapon that keeps away all evil, from within us and around us - a blessed rosary beads and teaches us how to recite the 20 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The Mother of the Catholic Church, who inspires, teaches, guides and protects it.  

The Mother, who still shows us how GOD is our peace, love, tolerance, patience, gentleness, kindness, joy, faithfulness, self-control - by her messages in her apparitions around the world.

Dearest Mother, Our Spiritual Mother, whom God shared with you the grace of His mission of surrender and self-sacrifice, in order that every human He created, is creating and will create, experiences the way to Heaven --- PRAY FOR US. AMEN

God leaves man in full liberty to decide whether to choose Heaven or Hell...But God provides help, courage, love and salvation, even up to the last anyone who sincerely humbles himself to become conscious of God's unconditional love; to repent...and confess...through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God is love. He can never hate or accuse. He does not look at your falling into sin, He eagerly waits for your effort to stand up away from your sin ! Past forgiven sins are forgotten forever by God

Dear God. Help me not to keep on accusing myself of past forgiven sins. Teach me O God to forgive myself of forgiven sins now and forever because You Yourself had forgiven them through the priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and You have forgotten them forever. Help me to synchronize my life's pattern as You had designed it in the first place, blessed in tolerance, virtue and love. THANK YOU O GOD ! Thank you Holy Mother for your love and intercession !




Mary: Model of Spiritual Motherhood
