Friday, April 07, 2017

VIA MATRIS: Thursday evening in the Fifth Week of Lent, before FRIDAY dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows ID-DULURI --- A Week before Good Friday.

- Thursday evening of week 5 of Lent
( before Friday - Our Lady of Sorrows - ID-DULURI )

Il-Ħames Ġimgħa tar-Randan
Qari I
Nagħmel minnek missier ħafna ġnus.
Ġen 17, 3-9
Qari mill-Ktieb tal-Ġenesi
F’dak iż-żmien, Abram inxteħet wiċċu fl-art, u Alla kellmu u qallu:
“Hawn jien. Ara l-patt tiegħi miegħek:
Int tkun missier ta’ ħafna ġnus.
U ma tissejjaħx aktar Abram,
imma Abraham ikun ismek,
għax missier ħafna ġnus nagħmel minnek.
U jiena nkattrek fuq li nkattrek, u nagħmel minnek ġnus sħaħ, u slaten joħorġu minnek. U jien nagħmel il-patt tiegħi bejni u bejnek, bejni u bejn nislek warajk skont il-ġenerazzjonijiet tagħhom, patt għal dejjem, li nkun Alla tiegħek u ta’ nislek għal dejjem warajk. U jien nagħti lilek u lil nislek l-art fejn int frustier, l-art kollha ta’ Kangħan, biex tkun tiegħek għal dejjem, u jiena nkun Alla tagħhom”. U Alla żied jgħid lil Abraham: “U int iżżomm il-patt tiegħi, int u
nislek warajk, skont il-ġenerazzjonijiet tagħhom”.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla
Salm Responsorjali
Salm 104 (105), 4-5.6-7.8-9
R/. (8a): Il-Mulej jiftakar għal dejjem fil-patt tiegħu
Ħabirku biex tagħrfu l-Mulej u l-qawwa tiegħu,
fittxu ’l wiċċu l-ħin kollu.
Ftakru fil-ħwejjeġ kbar li għamel,
fl-għeġubijiet u l-ġudizzji tiegħu. R/.
Nisel Abraham, il-qaddej tiegħu,
ulied Ġakobb, il-maħtur tiegħu,
Jaħweh hu Alla tagħna!
Mal-art kollha l-ġudizzji tiegħu! R/.
Jiftakar għal dejjem fil-patt tiegħu,
fil-kelma li ta għal elf nisel,
fil-patt li għamel ma’ Abraham,
fil-wegħda li ħalef lil Iżakk. R/.
Akklamazzjoni qabel l-Evanġelju
ara Salm 94 (95), 8ab
Glorja u tifħir lilek, Kristu!
Illum la twebbsux qalbkom,
iżda isimgħu leħen il-Mulej.
R/. Glorja u tifħir lilek, Kristu!
Missierkom Abraham qabeż bil-ferħ għall-ħsieb li kien se jara l-jum tiegħi.
Ġw 8, 51-59
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lil-Lhud:Tassew tassew ngħidilkom li min iħares il-kelma tiegħi ma jara qatt il-mewt”. Qalulu l-Lhud: “Issa tassew nafu li għandek Xitan fik. Abraham miet, u l-profeti wkoll; u inti tgħid: “Jekk xi ħadd iħares kelmti ma jduq qatt il-mewt”. Jaqaw int akbar minn missierna Abraham li miet? U l-profeti wkoll mietu. Inti x’taħseb li int?”. Wieġeb Ġesù: “Li kieku kelli nagħti glorja lili nnifsi, il-glorja tiegħi ma kienet tkun tiswa xejn. Imma dak li lili qiegħed jagħtini l-glorja huwa l-Missier, dak li intom tgħidu li hu Alla tagħkom, u madankollu ma għaraftuhx. Imma jiena nafu, u kieku kelli ngħid li ma nafux, kont inkun giddieb bħalkom. U mhux biss nafu, imma wkoll inħares il-kelma tiegħu. Missierkom Abraham qabeż bil-ferħ għall-ħsieb li kien se jara l-jum tiegħi, u rah u feraħ”.
Qalulu l-Lhud: “Għadek anqas għalaqt il-ħamsin u rajt lil Abraham?”. Qalilhom Ġesù: “Tassew tassew ngħidilkom, qabel ma kien Abraham, jiena hu”. Għalhekk il-Lhud qabdu l-ġebel biex iwaddbuhulu; imma Ġesù nħbielhom u ħareġ mit-tempju.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


VIA MATRIS - Way of the Mother 
- a set of seven stations, marking the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.

Excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in Maltese (2014 edition) are included in the contemplative booklet of meditations in Maltese -
VIA MATRIS - Il-mixja tat-tiġrib kif għexitha - by Josef Sciberras OSA


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - KKK_mt_2014.pdf  - paġna 220

529 Il-preżentazzjoni ta’ Ġesù fit-Tempju (ara Lq 2,22-29)turi li bħala l-ewwel imwieled hu tal-Mulej (ara Eż 13,12-13). Ma’ Xmun u Anna, dawk kollha li kienu jistennew il-fidwa ta’ Iżrael imorru għal-laqgħa mal-Feddej (hekk issejjaħ din il-ġrajja t-tradizzjoni Biżantina). Ġesù jingħaraf bħala l-Messija mistenni, “dawl biex idawwal il-ġnus” u “glorja tal-poplu ta’ Iżrael”, iżda wkoll “sinjal li jmeruh”. Is-sejf ta’ niket imħabbar lil Marija hu tħabbira ta’ offerta oħra, perfetta u waħdanija, tal-offerta tas-salib li jagħti s-salvazzjoni, li Alla “ħejja għall-popli kollha”.


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 220

530 Il-ħarba fl-Eġittu u l-istraġi tal-innoċenti (ara Mt 2,13-18) juru l-oppożizzjoni bejn id-dawl u d-dlamijiet: “ġie f’daru, u niesu ma laqgħuhx” (Ġw 1,11). Il-ħajja kollha ta’ Kristu se tkun taħt is-sinjal tal-persekuzzjoni. Dawk li huma tiegħu jaqsmu dan miegħu (ara Ġw 15,20). It-tluq mill-Eġittu (ara Mt 2,15) jfakkar l-Eżodu (ara Hos 11,1) u juri ’l Ġesù bħala l-ħellies definittiv.

Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 221

532 Is-sottomissjoni ta’ Ġesù lejn ommu u lejn il-missier legali tiegħu twettaq ir-raba’ kmandament fil-perfezzjoni tiegħu. Hi xbieha taż-żmien tal-ubbidjenza tal-Iben għar-rieda tal-Missier tas-sema. Is-sottomissjoni ta’ Ġesù, jum wara l-ieħor, għar-rieda ta’ Ġużeppi u ta’ Marija tħabbar u turi minn qabel is-sottomissjoni tiegħu waqt it-talb fl-Ort: “Tkun magħmula r-rieda tiegħek, u mhux tiegħi ...” (Lq 22,42). L-ubbidjenza ta’ Ġesù, jum wara jum, tul il-ħajja moħbija tat bidu għat-twaqqif ġdid ta’ dak li d-diżubbidjenza ta’ Adam kienet ġarrfet (ara Rum 5,19).


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 222

534 Is-sejba ta’ Ġesù fit-Tempju (ara Lq 2,41-52) hu l-uniku fatt li jikser is-skiet tal-Evanġelji dwar is-snin moħbija ta’ Ġesù: Ġesù jħallina naraw ftit il-Misteru tal-konsagrazzjoni sħiħa tiegħu għall-missjoni li kienet ġejja mill-fatt li hu Bin Alla. “Ma tafux li jien għandi nkun f’dak li hu ta’ Missieri?” (Lq 2,49): Marija u Ġużeppi dan il-kliem “ma fehmuhx”, imma laqgħuh bil-fidi, u Marija “kienet tgħożż f’qalbha dawn il-ħwejjeġ kollha” (Lq 2,51), tul is-snin kollha li fihom Ġesù kien moħbi fis-skiet ta’ ħajja ordinarja.


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 378

967 Il-Verġni Marija, għax intrabtet kollha kemm hi mar-rieda tal-Missier, fl-opra tal-Fidwa ta’ Ibnu u ma’ kull ispirazzjoni tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, hi għall-Knisja eżempju ta’ fidi u ta’ mħabba. Minħabba f’hekk, hi l-membru l-aktar għoli, u għal kollox singulari tal-Knisja”320; hi “xbieha” tal-Knisja.321

968 Iżda l-ħidma tagħha mal-Knisja u mal-ġens kollu tal-bnedmin hi aktar minn hekk. “Hi ssieħbet b’mod tassew singulari mal-opra tal-Feddej, bl-ubbidjenza tagħha, bil-fidi tagħha, bit-tama tagħha, bl-imħabba kollha ħeġġa tagħha biex mill-ġdid tingħata l-ħajja sopranaturali lill-erwieħ; hu għalhekk li hi għalina Omm ukoll fl-ordni tal-grazzja.322


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 291

721 Marija, l-Omm qaddisa ta’ Alla u dejjem Verġni, hi l-aqwa opra tal-missjoni tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu fil-milja taż-żminijiet. Għall-ewwel darba fil-Pjan tas-salvazzjoni, il-Missier sab, għax ħejjieha l-Ispirtu s-Santu, għamara fejn Ibnu u l-Ispirtu s-Santu setgħu jgħammru fost il-bnedmin. Hu f’dan is-sens li t-Tradizzjoni tal-Knisja taqra b’riferenza għal Marija l-isbaħ siltiet dwar l-Għerf (ara Prov 8,1 – 9,6; Sir 24). Il-Liturġija fil-kant tagħha turi lil Marija bħala “Tron tal-Għerf”.

Fiha bdew jidhru “l-għeġubijiet ta’ Alla” li l-Ispirtu kiense jagħmel fi Kristu u fil-Knisja.

722 L-Ispirtu s-Santu ħejja lil Marija bil-grazzja tiegħu. Kien jaqbel li tkun “mimlija bil-grazzja” omm ta’ Dak li “fih hemm tgħammar il-milja sħiħa tad-divinità fil-ġisem” (Kol 2,9). Hu biss bil-qawwa tal-grazzja li Marija tnisslet ħielsa minn kull dnub, bħala l-iċken fost il-ħlejjaq kollha, u l-aqwa waħda biex tilqa’ fiha d-Don tal-għaġeb ta’ Dak li jista’ kollox. Bir-raġun kollu għalhekk l-Anġlu Gabrijel sellmilha bħala “Bint Sijon”: “Ifraħ” (ara Sof 3,14; Żak 2,14). Hu r-radd ta’ ħajr tal-Poplu kollu ta’ Alla, u għalhekk tal-Knisja, li Marija twassal lill-Missier fl-Ispirtu s-Santu bil-kantiku tagħha (ara Lq 1,46-55) meta kienet iġġorr f’ġufha Bin il-Missier etern.


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 376

964 Il-ħidma ta’ Marija favur il-Knisja ma tistax tinfired millgħaqda tagħha ma’ Kristu għax toħroġ direttament minnha. “Din l-għaqda ta’ Marija ma’ Binha fl-opra tas-salvazzjoni tidher sa mill-mument tat-tnissil verġinali ta’ Kristu u tibqa’

paġna 377
sal-mewt tiegħu”.314 B’mod partikulari tidher fis-siegħa tal-Passjoni tiegħu:

Il-Verġni Marija mxiet ’il quddiem fil-mixja tagħha tal-fidi, u żammet bil-fedeltà kollha r-rabta tagħha ma’ Binha sas-salib, u ħdejn issalib, wieqfa – f’dan ma kienx nieqes il-ħsieb ta’ Alla – u ssieħbet bil-qawwa kollha fit-tbatijiet u s-sagrifiċċju ta’ Binha l-Waħdieni b’qalb ta’ omm, hija u taċċetta bl-imħabba kollha li dak li hi nisslet ikun il-vittma
għas-sagrifiċċju u fl-aħħar nett ingħatat minn Binha stess qiegħed imut fuq is-salib, bħala omm lid-dixxiplu b’dan ilkliem: “Mara, hawn hu ibnek”
(Ġw 19,26-27).315


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika - paġna 254

624 “Għall-grazzja ta’ Alla, il-mewt li daq tkun għall-ġid ta’ kulħadd” (Lh 2,9). Fil-pjan tiegħu tas-salvazzjoni, Alla ried li Ibnu mhux biss imut għall-dnubietna (ara 1 Kor 15,3),

paġna 255

imma riedu wkoll “iduq il-mewt”, jiġifieri jagħraf il-qagħda tal-mewt, il-qagħda tal-firda tar-ruħ mill-ġisem, mill-mument tal-aħħar nifs tiegħu fuq is-salib sal-mument tal-qawmien mill-imwiet. Din il-qagħda ta’ Kristu mejjet hi l-Misteru tad-difna fil-qabar u tal-inżul tiegħu bejn l-imwiet. Hu l-Misteru tas-Sibt imqaddes tal-Għid meta Kristu midfun fil-qabar (ara Ġw 19,42) iħabbar il-mistrieħ kbir tas-Sibt ta’ Alla (ara Lh 4,7-9), wara li tintemm (ara Ġw 19,30) is-salvazzjoni tal-bnedmin kollha u jkun hemm is-sliem fis-sema u l-art (ara Kol 1,18-20).

Kristu fil-qabar b’ġismu

625 Il-qagħda ta’ Ġesù fil-qabar torbot sewwa l-istat ta’ tbatija ta’ Kristu qabel l-Għid mal-istat glorjuż tiegħu ta’ issa bħala Rxoxt. Hu l-istess persuna tal-“Ħaj” li jista’ jgħid: “Jien kont mejjet, u ara, jien issa ħaj għal dejjem ta’ dejjem” (Apok 1,18).

Alla (l-Iben) ma żammx il-mewt milli tifred ir-ruħ mill-ġisem, skont l-ordni meħtieġ tan-natura, imma issa reġa’ għaqqadhom flimkien bil-Qawmien mill-imwiet, biex ikun hu stess fil-Persuna tiegħu l-imkien fejn jiltaqgħu l-mewt u l-ħajja billi ma jħallix ikompli sejjer fih it-taħsir tan-natura li ġġib il-mewt u b’hekk ikun hu l-għajn tal-għaqda flimkien taż-żewġ elementi li nfirdu minn xulxin.109


The Seven Sorrows of Mary - Our Lady of Sorrows  

Salve Regina


 Quddiesa f'Jum id-Duluri mill-Knisja ta’ Ġieżu, il-Belt Valletta - 26 ta' Marzu 2021, 5:30pm

 The new statue from March 2018 at Saint Paul's Bay Parish Church for the Devotional Procession of Our Lady of Sorrows in St Paul's Bay, Malta, on Friday evening of week 5 of Lent


Litanija ta’ l-Addolorata
fil-Parrocca SPB

Mulej hniena
Kristu hniena
Mulej hniena
Kristu ismaghna
Kristu, ilqa’ t-talb taghna
Missier Etern Alla
Iben Alla li fdejt id dinja
Spirtu Qaddis Alla
Trinita Qaddisa Alla wiehed
Imqaddsa Marija
Imqaddsa Omm Alla
Imqaddsa xbejba tax-xbejbiet
Omm imsallba
Omm imnikkta
Omm imbikkijja
Omm li titniehed
Omm b’qalbek imwegggha
Omm f’bahar ta’ dwejjaq
Omm imdawwra b’kull tigrib
Omm b’qalbek bis-sejf minfuda
Omm minn ibnek imcahhda
Int li tibki u tolfoq
Int Omm tad-Duluri
Int, ghajn tad-dmugh
Int, imgarrba bit-tbatijiet kollha
Int, mera tas-sabar


Int, blata li ma ticcaqlaqx
Int, ankra tat-tama
Int, medicina ghad-dwejjaq
Int, il-farag ta’ min hu imnikket
Int, il-kenn ta’ dawk li tilfu t-tama
Inti t-tama ta’ dawk li huma oppressi
Inti rebbieha fuq in-nuqqas ta’ twemmin
Inti konsolazzjoni ta’ l-imsejknin
Inti s-sahha tal-morda
Int fejqan tal-mitluqin
Inti, qawwa tad-dghajfin
Inti, harsien ta’ dawk li qed jitqabdu
Inti, port ta’ dawk li se jeghrqu
Inti, li twaqqaf it-tempesti
Inti, is-siehba ta’ dawk li huma mnikktin
Inti, li ghandek jigu dawk li jitniehdu
Int, li tqawwi lil dawk li jgarrbu t-tbatija
Inti, it-tezor ta’ l-insara
Inti, l-imghallma ta’ l-Appostli
Inti, il-mexxejja tal-martri
Inti, id-dawl tal-Konfessuri
Inti, il-Gawhra tal-vergni
Int, il-gwida tal-familji
Inti l-farag tar-romol
Inti, l-hena tal-qaddisin kollha
Int, Patruna tal-Parrocca taghna
Imqaddsa Marija, Inti ‘l ghola fil-qdusija

Haruf t’Alla, li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja:  Ahfrilna, nitolbuk, Mulej.

Haruf t’Alla, li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja:  Ismaghna, nitolbuk, Mulej.

Haruf t’Alla li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja:   Henn ghalina.

V. Itlob ghalina Omm l-Imnikkta

R. Biex jisthoqqilna sehem fil-weghdiet ta’ Kristu.

Nitolbu:  O Alla taghna Hanin, hares harsa lejna, salvana u harisna mid-dwejjaq kollha, bil-qawwa ta’ l-Iben tieghek Gesu Kristu, u ghat-talb ta’ l-imqaddsa Vergni Marija. Ammen.

Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows
or from

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
God, the Father of heaven,
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, .
God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, One God
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of the Crucified,
Sorrowful Mother,
Mournful Mother,
Sighing Mother,
Afflicted Mother,
Foresaken Mother, .
Desolate Mother,
Mother most sad,
Mother set around with anguish,
Mother overwhelmed by grief,
Mother transfixed by a sword,
Mother crucified in thy heart,
Mother bereaved of thy Son,
Sighing Dove,
Mother of Dolors,
Fount of tears,
Sea of bitterness,
Field of tribulation,
Mass of suffering,
Mirror of patience,
Rock of constancy,
Remedy in perplexity,
Joy of the afflicted,
Ark of the desolate,
Refuge of the abandoned,.
Shiled of the oppressed,
Conqueror of the incredulous,
Solace of the wretched,
Medicine of the sick,
Help of the faint,
Strength of the weak,
Protectress of those who fight,
Haven of the shipwrecked,
Calmer of tempests,
Companion of the sorrowful,
Retreat of those who groan,
Terror of the treacherous,
Standard-bearer of the Martyrs,
Treasure of the Faithful,
Light of Confessors,
Pearl of Virgins, .
Comfort of Widows, .
Joy of all Saints,
Queen of thy Servants,
Holy Mary, who alone art unexampled,
Pray for us, most Sorrowful Virgin, 
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us
Christ, graciously hear us.
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.

Have mercy on us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.


That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.
Let us pray, --- O God, in whose Passion, according to the prophecy of Simeon, a sword of grief pierced through the most sweet soul of Thy glorious Blessed Virgin Mother Mary: grant that we, who celebrate the memory of her Seven Sorrows, may obtain the happy effect of Thy Passion, Who lives and reigns world without end,

The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

1. The Prophecy of Simeon
2. The Flight into Egypt .
3. The Loss of Jesus in the Temple
4. Mary meets Jesus Carrying the Cross
5. The Crucifixion
6. Mary Receives the Dead Body of Her Son
7. The Burial of Her Son and Closing of the Tomb.

Consecration to Our Lady of Sorrows

Most holy Virgin and Queen of Martyrs, Mary, would that I could be in Heaven, there to contemplate the honors rendered to thee by the Most Holy Trinity and by the whole Heavenly Court! But since I am still a pilgrim in this vale of tears, receive from me, thy unworthy servant and a poor sinner, the most sincere homage and the most perfect act of vassalage a human creature can offer thee.
In thy Immaculate Heart, pierced with so many swords of sorrow, I place today my poor soul forever; receive me as a partaker in thy dolors, and never suffer that I should depart from that Cross on which thy only begotten Son expired for me.
With thee, O Mary, I will endure all the sufferings, contradictions, infirmities, with which it will please thy Divine Son to visit me in this life. All of them I offer to thee, in memory of the Dolors which thou didst suffer during thy life, that every thought of my mind, every beating of my heart may henceforward be an act of compassion to thy Sorrows, and of complacency for the glory thou now enjoyest in Heaven.
Since then, O Dear Mother, I now compassionate thy Dolors, and rejoice in seeing thee glorified, do thou also have compassion on me, and reconcile me to thy Son Jesus, that I may become thy true and loyal son (daughter); come on my last day and assist me in my last agony, even as thou wert present at the Agony of thy Divine Son Jesus, that from this painful exile I may go to Heaven, there to be made partaker of thy glory.


HOMILY - Friday Morning of wk 5 of Lent - Our Lady of Sorrows - Santa Marta Mass, Pope Francis
video published on April 3rd, 2020 (during the coronavirus pandemic)

Friday, week 5 of Lent
Week before Good Friday -
- Our Lady of Sorrows - ID-DULURI

Homily: Compassion of Our Lady


O God, who in this season
give your Church the grace
to imitate devoutly the Blessed Virgin Mary
in contemplating the Passion of Christ,
grant, we pray, through her intercession,
that we may cling more firmly each day
to your Only Begotten Son
and come at last to the fullness of his grace.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.     



2017 -The last time this statue was used,
for the Devotional Procession of Our Lady of Sorrows in St Paul's Bay, Malta, on Friday evening of week 5 of Lent


The Gospel in the Holy Mass - Devotional Memorial, celebrated after the Procession of OUR LADY OF SORROWS ends back to the Parish Church

Jn 19:25-27 - His mother, standing close to Jesus crucified - Kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib, ommu


Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

F’dak iż-żmien, [Ġw:19:25] Kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib ta' Ġesù ommu, oħt ommu, Marija ta' Kleofa, u Marija ta' Magdala. [Ġw:19:26] Mela kif Ġesù lemaħ lil ommu u lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb wieqaf ħdejha, qal lil ommu: "Mara, hawn hu ibnek." [Ġw:19:27] Mbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Hawn hi ommok." U minn dak il-ħin id-dixxiplu ħadha għandu.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

Holy Mass celebrated on Friday evening - Our Lady of Sorrows - ID-DULURI

Standing at the Foot of the Cross w/ Our Lady

When the body of the only son of the Blessed Virgin and Mother Mary was placed and enclosed in the tomb, Mary, accompanied by the apostle John, Mary Magdalene and other good women, returned to their home and there spent the night together.
In the quietness of that truly painful night, the Blessed Mother, sleepless because of the vivid impressions left in her mind after the tragic death of her innocent son, relives during that night watch each and every incident that took place before her very eyes during the day: Crowds of people -shouting - a darkened sun - the cross - the nails - the lance - the soldiers -the sponge - a receptacle with vinegar - ropes - the garment split in four pieces - the Centurion - Joseph of Arimathea - Nicodemus - the tomb - the shroud - the inscription - the carrying of the body to the grave - in her arms
the divine body pierced and unrecognisable.
She imagines herself standing once again by her crucified son - she hears him pray for those who had crucified him - she hears him assure heaven to the repentant thief who reproached his companion for insulting Jesus. - she hears her beloved son speak to her as he gives her John for a son and then she hears him address John to take her as his own mother. - She hears him say to his Father: “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” At these
words of Christ, she watches a soldier place a sponge dipped in vinegar against the lips of Jesus. - She hears her dying son, insulted and in tremendous pain, exclaims: “It is accomplished”.
She hears that great cry: “Father into your hands I commend my spirit”, and she sees him bow his head and die.12
What a terrible night it was for her! She imagines the soldiers breaking the knees of the two thieves crucified on the left and on the right of Jesus, and sees one of the soldiers piercing with a lance the side of Christ and as he pulls it back, blood and water flow out.
She looks at the crowd trembling with fear at the sudden darkness and the earthquake as they strike their chests on their way back home. - Once again she feels in her arms the weight of Jesus’ dead body, covered with wounds.
- She sees Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus taking him away from her, anointing him with spices, and enshrouding him. - She joins in the burial procession, like the widow of Nain. - She looks at the tomb stone as it rolls back and hides from her the object of her love. Passing through those same places on her way back home, where she is now, she imagines seeing and hearing everything once more. And you, sinner, can you fail to see how horrible sin is and how much you ought to love this mother through whom we have received our Redeemer and Saviour? Is it possible that after her example you fail to welcome all the sufferings that must necessarily come your way in this life?
O Blessed Virgin in your power grant that the sufferings and death of Christ, your Son, and your own suffering may not be in vain for me. Amen
Kitba ta’ San Ġorġ Preca
Wara li l-Iben waħdieni tal-Verġni Mbierka Marija Santissma ġie mqiegħed, magħluq f'qabar, allura, din flimkien mal-appostlu Ġwanni, ma’ Marija Madalena u mat-twajba nisa l-oħra reġgħet lura f'darha, fejn għaddew il-lejl flimkien.
Fil-ħemda ta’ dak il-lejl tassew ta' niket, l-Omm Santissma, mingħajr ma tagħlaq għajn ma’ għajn għall-impressjonijiet kbar tagħha fuq il-mewt traġika tal-innoċċentissimu Binha, f’dik il-velja, tilmaħ għaddejja sfilata quddiem il-menti tagħha ħaġa ħaġa, l-ħwejjeġ kollha, li ġraw taħt għajnejha mal-jum:
Folol ta’ nies, għajat, dalma tax-xemx, salib, imsiemer, lanza, suldati,
sponza, bieqja bil-ħall, ħbula, libsa maqsuma f’erba biċċiet, iċ-Ċenturjun, Ġużeppi minn Arimatea, Nikodemu, qabar, lożor, skrizzjoni, it-transport għad-difna, il-ġisem ippjagat u bla sura fi ħdanha. Tistħajjel li qiegħda wieqfa maġenb Binha msallab tisimgħu jitlob għall-mahfra ta’ dawk li sallbuh; li qiegħda tisimgħu jassigura l-Ġenna lill-ħalliel ikkonvertit, li kien ċanfar lil sieħbu li ddisprezza lil Ġesù.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma’ lill-Iben maħbub tagħha jgħidilha biex tieħu b’iben tagħha lil Ġwanni, u lil Ġwanni jgħidlu biex jieħu lilha b’omm tiegħu; li qiegħda tisimgħu jgħid lill-Missier tiegħu: “Alla tiegħi, Alla tiegħi għaliex tlaqtni?” li qiegħda tara s-suldat iqiegħed max-xufftejn ta’ Ġesù sponża bil-ħall għall-kelma: “Għandi l-għatx”, tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma’ lill-agonizzant iben tagħha f’baħar ta' disprezz u wġigħat jgħid: “Huwa mitmum”;
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tisma’ l-għajta l-kbira: “Missier, f'idejk nerħi l-Ispirtu tiegħi,” u li tarah jinkina rasu u jmut.
Oh! X’lejl! Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara s-suldati jiksru saqajn iż-żewġ ħallelin, li kienu msallbin wieħed kull naħa ma' ġenb Kristu, u li tara wieħed mis-suldati jgħaddas fil-kustat Divin, lanza u jislet b’ċarċir ta’ demm u ilma.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara lil kulħadd imwerwer bil-biża’ għad-dalma u għat-terremot u jħabbtu fuq sidirhom jirriturnaw lejn djarhom.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tħoss il-piż tal-ġisem mejjet ippjagat fi ħdanha.
Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara lil Ġużeppi minn Arimatea u lil Nikodemu jeħduh minn ħdanha, jidilkuh bl-ingwent u jaħbuh fil-liżar. Tistħajjel li qiegħda bħall-Armla ta’ Najn tassoċja fl-akkompanjament għad-difna. Tistħajjel li qiegħda tara l-ġebla taħbilha l-oġġett ta’ qalbha għal kollox. Tistħajjel li qiegħda terġa’ tara u tisma’ kollox fir-ritorn lejn darha minn dawk in-naħiet.
Inti, o midneb, tista’ ma tarax kemm huwa ikrah id-dnub u kemm għandek raġun tħobb lil din l-Omm, li permezz tagħha ġie mogħti lilna l-Feddej u s-Salvatur tal-bnedmin? Jista’ jkun li ma titgħallimx quddiemha sabiex tapprezza is-sofferenzi li jissieħbu
neċessarjament mal-ħajja ta’ kull bniedem ?
O Verġni Mbierka, bil-qawwa tiegħek għamel li l-Passjoni u l-Mewt ta’Kristu Ibnek u lid-duluri tiegħek ma jkunux bla frott għalija. Ammen.

VIA MATRIS - Pjazza San Pietru, Is-Sibt, 12 ta' Ottubru 2013 - mir-rivista maħruġa mis-Santwarju Ta' Pinu - Għawdex - Ottubru-Diċembru 2013


Thursday, April 06, 2017

The special envoy of the Holy Father, Pope Francis celebrated Mass on April 1st 2017 in Medjugorje. It was an unprecedented event ! Beautiful homily & Press Conference from Archbishop Henryk Hoser, S.A.C., the Bishop of Warszawa-Praga

26 Jun 2024
What has the Church said about Medjugorje? Can priests lead pilgrimages there and can Catholics have a devotion to it? Hear Fr. Chris Alar read a letter from Fr. Jason Lewis explaining what the Church has said about this Marian apparition and what you need to know before you go. 

Can Catholics Go to Medjugorje? Fr. Chris Alar Explains Pilgrimages and Church Approval



Viva il Papa e il Rinnovamento youtube channel

Sister Emmanuel Maillard

ALSO videos from Mary tv Medjugorje



& - Important Updates on Medjugorje.

The Vatican announced on Thursday (May 31st, 2018 - the feast of THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY to Elizabeth) that Archbishop Henryk Hoser, now retired as the Archbishop of Warsaw in Poland, has been appointed Apostolic Visitor “for an undetermined time” to the Saint James parish of Medjugorje, which is run by the Franciscan friars.


Pope Francis has appointed a special Apostolic Visitor for the parish of Medjugorje - Archbishop Henryk Hoser
Exceptional Vatican Press Release about Medjugorje
I'm sure by now you've heard the good news, but I wanted to share it in a special way with you today too! On May 31, 2018, the feast of the Visitation, Our Lady gave us a wonderful gift!   The Vatican press room issued a statement regarding Medjugorje which made us rejoice: Pope Francis has appointed a special Apostolic Visitor for the parish of Medjugorje. To our great joy, this appointee is Archbishop Henryk Hoser, who was appointed with a short term mission in Medjugorje in February 2017.  At that time he was asked to acquire a deeper knowledge of the pastoral situation, and to assess the needs of the faithful in Medjugorje.

This mission proved to be very positive; Mgr. Hoser had stated that he was sent by the Pope to “comfort us.” “In Medjugorje, there are many spiritual fruits,” he said at the end of that mission.

Let us continue to pray for this new assignment given to Mgr. Hoser, with the renewed hope that this Vatican statement has given us! And most importantly, let us continue to respond to the calls of the Queen of Peace, because it is by living her messages that Medjugorje will bear all the spiritual fruits that Heaven expects. “Make further progress” as said St. Paul to the Thessalonians (4.1).

Here is the official text that Father Marinko (the parish priest of Medjugorje) read to us that day after the evening Mass. Needless to say it was greeted with much excitement and was widely applauded by the large numbers of faithful who had gathered for the feast of the Visitation and that of the Blessed Sacrament (Corpus Christi):

"On this day, the 31st of May, 2018, the Holy See has appointed Henrick Hoser, SAC, the retired Archbishop of Warsaw-Prague (Poland) as Apostolic Visitor with a special role for the parish of Medjugorje for an indefinite time, and ad nutum Sanctae Sedis. At the specific request of the Holy See, his appointment is for pastoral ministry, a continuation of the mission of the special envoy of the Holy See for the parish of Medjugorje, entrusted to Mgr.Hoser on February 11, 2017, and in which he completed in the previous months."

The purpose of the mission of the Apostolic Visitor is to provide a firm and permanent accompaniment of the parish community in Medjugorje and the faithful who come on pilgrimage here, whose needs require a special attention.”
Dearest Mother, we thank you so much for the gift of Mgr Henryk Hoser! Guide him and lead him in his work, and help him to provide the spiritual nourishment the parish community and pilgrims need.  May this step forward from the Vatican draw even more people closer to your Son Jesus. 

Sister Emmanuel +

La posizione della Chiesa su Medjugorie - Published on Jun 2, 2017
Lucia Ascione è insieme a padre Giammatteo Roggio e David Murgia per sapere qual è la posizione della Chiesa su Medjugorie


From the Desk of Sr. Emmanuel Maillard

Children of Medjugorje 2016
Permission is granted to publish this text under 2 conditions: 
1°) not a word may be changed
2°) indicate the source as 'Children of Medjugorje' as well as our French-language 


How to Interpret the Words of Pope Francis before his flight from Lisbon to Rome, 

May 13, 2017?


Before you re-read the words of the Pope, here are 2 quotes from Jesus that we must always keep in mind:
" A good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  People cannot pick figs from thorn bushes, nor gathergrapesfrom briars."  (Luke 6: 43-49)
Also:   " By their fruits you shall know them.  Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?"  (Matthew 7:16)
Another quote from Jesus to Saint Faustina Kowalska reads:
"Listen, my daughter, all the works that come into being by my will contain the risk of great suffering! Consider if any of them have been subject to greater difficulties than that work which is directly mine - the work of Redemption. You should not worry too much about difficulties." (Diary §1642)

After watching the interview of the Holy Father on the evening of May 13, many of those who love Medjugorje and who have found a renewal of their spiritual lives there were greatly hurt at first, and struck by disappointment and sadness.  Indeed, seeing the Pope shaking his head in a negative way while comparing the Blessed "Virgin" of Medjugorje to a post office clerk, could create disillusionment in many, including me.  But thanks be to God, we took time to carefully consider each point brought up by the Pope, and we have found several good reasons to rejoice!
1 -The Ruini Commission.  The essential point to focus on is that the Pope labeled as "very good" the document of the Ruini Commission instituted in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI on Medjugorje. The purpose of this Commission was to come to know and to explain the phenomenon. In this interview, Pope Francis used the word "good" 6 times and reinforced it twice by saying "very, very good." This amounts to very emphatic approval.  He basically gave high praise to the good work carried out by the good theologians, priests and cardinals.   He publically opposed sending the report to another Congress for inspection.  He said, "It doesn't seem right to me; it's like putting the Ruini report up for auction".  Now, according to the votes of the experts who participated in this Ruini Commission, 13 among them are in favor of the recognition of the supernatural character of the first seven apparitions in Medjugorje, a single person voted against this, and one member reserved judgment until later.  In other words, an overwhelming majority voted in favor of the supernatural character of the first apparitions.  

2 - That's an enormous step in the history of Medjugorje!  If we consider the last official statement from Zadar in 1991: "Non constat de supernaturalitate," it cannot be affirmed that this is supernatural (and not "We affirm that this phenomenon is not supernatural"), the question remains open.  Therefore today, Medjugorje can become a place of verifiable Marian apparitions!  Of course, we would prefer that this recognition be extended to a little more than those 7 days.  However there was no question of denying the following apparitions!  It's about maintaining doubt, and therefore, leaving a question mark.  Let's not forget that these apparitions still occur, and that it is difficult to canonize a saint who is still alive.  (Our Lady told the visionaries that she would appear to them once a year during their lifetimes.)  Let's not forget as well that the apparitions at the Rue de Bac (Paris) in 1830 and the Miraculous Medal have never been officially recognized, yet there is an authorized Sanctuary there that thousands of people from every country endlessly flow through every day.
3 - Freedom to Adherence.  The Pope made it clear that he was expressing his personal opinion, which means, in the language of the Church, that we are free to adhere to it or not, according to our own consciences.  Even John Paul II expressed his personal opinion when he declared Medjugorje "a center of spirituality" and repeated his desire to go there.  He wrote letters in which he made known his recognition of Medjugorje as a place visited by the Mother of God. (In my book "The Hidden Child of Medjugorje," I attached photos of these letters.)  He wrote, for example, to his friends, Marek and Zofia, in Krakow: "Madame Zofia, I thank you for everything you said about Medjugorje.  I, also, travel to Medjugorje each day in pilgrimage through prayer; I join spiritually to all those who pray there, or who feel a call to pray there."  However, he didn't express his personal opinion except in private to a number of reliable witnesses, among others, the President of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, and to Monsignor Paolo Hnilica.  He didn't speak out in a Press Conference, no doubt so as to respect the opinions of his fellow Priests and Bishops, opinions that were different from his own.  He could have used the influence of his position as Sovereign Pontiff, but he chose patience.
4 - A Comedy of Deception?  We know that at Mostar, the Bishop had a personal opinion different from that of John Paul II.  He actually denied the authenticity of the apparitions, characterizing them as some kind of deceitful comedy played from the very beginning by both the Franciscans and the visionaries.  But now we have a Pope who is open to the authenticity of the first apparitions and who recognizes the good fruits over time - 36 years.
The Pope also referred to the position of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, presided over by Cardinal Mueller, a man who has actively opposed Medjugorje for many years. Now, Pope Francis has openly dismissed the Cardinal's overly negative declarations.  According to the "habits and customs" of the Church, such a public dismissal of those negative comments carries weight, even if the Pope doesn't personally recognize all of the apparitions at Medjugorje.
5 - A Postmistress Virgin?  The Pope cannot believe that this "post office employee," could be the Blessed Virgin Mary.  He seems troubled by two facts:
1 - That she speaks every day,
2 - That she gives precise appointments to the visionaries.
Now, at Medjugorje, Our Lady doesn't speak every day, far from it. Yes, she does come every day to pray with the visionaries, just as she has already done at Notre Dame du Laus (France) for 54 years with the Venerable Benoite Rancurel. That said, we know that Pope Francis is bombarded with so-called messages from the "Virgin", which must certainly exasperate him!  But those messages have nothing to do with the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. 
As for setting up a time and date with the visionaries, she has often done that in the recognized apparitions of Lourdes, Fatima, Kibeho, etc.  It is part of her maternal care, to make sure no one will be in the dark about her next apparitions.  By doing so, she enables her children to gather together, to be with her and to pray with her.  That's her joy as a mother.  The miracle of the sun at Fatima was witnessed by 70,000 people on October 13, 1917.  Our Lady had announced that apparition to the 3 shepherds, and, therefore, permitted that great historic gathering. (See PS 1)

We could then conclude this: since the 2 major concerns brought up by the Pope against this "post office employee" are precisely those two hurdles, we can be reassured!  When it comes right down to it, it is not impossible that the Pope might take these points into account when he ultimately expresses his thoughts.
6 - A Positive Point:   The Pope has not rejected the messages. We can, therefore, continue to listen to them attentively, to share them, and to live them in all security according to the intense desire of the Queen of Peace.
7 - A Paradox?   Let's remember the words of Christ: "People don't pick figs from thorn bushes. . . A tree is recognized by its own fruits."  Pope Francis and the whole Ruini Commission recognize the good fruit of Medjugorje. The evidence is incontrovertible!  So, how can this good fruit continue to grow on a bad tree?
The special envoy of the Pope, Monsignor Henryk Hoser, came to Medjugorje, as you know.  The Holy Father praised him during this interview as a "good bishop whom he chose."  Monsignor Hoser conducted a very serious investigation on site ("Come and see," says Jesus). He met key people, the Franciscans and the visionaries, visited several local communities and has seen various charitable works born from the messages etc.  He will submit his report to Pope Francis by the end of June.  In view of the encouragement and the comfort he anxious to give to the entire parish as the "special envoy of the Pope," it is probable that the next words of the Holy Father on Medjugorje will be more favorable. Monsignor Hoser is an expert in matters of apparitions.  He was an active member of the commission which studied the apparitions of Kibeho in Rwanda, and these ended up being recognized.  Let us wait in prayer! (See PS2)


8 - Chase Away Sadness!   In any case, even if this personal opinion is that of a Pope, it remains an unofficial opinion and doesn't have the authority of the Church (See PS 3 on ex cathedra declarations).  Everyone remains free then to believe in good conscience that it is the Mother of God who is still appearing today or not to believe it. Free, also, to go to Medjugorje, to pray there, to read the messages and to live them out.  In spite of the sadness that this interview has brought to some people, when we look at it all closely, we find a lot of important and positive points.
The Pope concluded his interview by saying, "In the end, we will say something!" Let us wait in fervent prayer and trust, as Mary always did in her life. Let us cling to her as never before!
9 - Watch Out for Snares!  Given the anti-Christian waves and the persecutions the entire world is facing at the moment, I believe that we should prepare ourselves to experience great spiritual battles.  The confusion that reigns should drive us to be more vigilant than ever.
The traps that Satan could lead us into on the occasion of this interview are obvious, and falling into them would be a disaster.  Moreover, that would be a great disservice to the plans our Heavenly Mother has.  I see 2 important traps worth highlighting here:
- On the one hand, if we tell ourselves that the Pope does not look very favorably on Medjugorje, we might no longer go on pilgrimages there.  That would work against thousands of poor and humble souls (who otherwise claim the attention of the Pope, paradoxically!) Think of all those faithful of Medjugorje who found peace and hope again, who came back to life by embracing the sacraments, and who were finally able to find new courage in the face of very difficult situations!  They could feel wounded and discouraged.  Not to mention those who have never been to Medjugorje but whom Our Lady is inviting . . . May they not deprive themselves of this providential source of grace!
- On the other hand, some might be tempted to reject the Pope and perhaps even the Church in view of these contradictions within the institution.  God forbid!  It is out of the question to oppose the Pope/Gospa as if we had to choose between the two!  Let's continue to pray for the Holy Father with all our hearts and for the Church of Christ.
"Your shepherds do not need your judgments nor your criticisms.  They need your prayers, your love, and your help" (Message transmitted by Mirjana).  "My Son is with you.  He is everywhere.  He is invisible, but you can see Him if you live Him.  He is the light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace .  He is the Church that you must love , for which you must pray and always fight for."  (Message of August 2, 2015).
We love our shepherds and we pray for them.  It's quite simple: We love them because they are our shepherds!  Jesus chose them for us.  Didn't the Gospa say: "Only through your shepherds will my Heart triumph.  Don't allow the Evil One to separate you from your shepherds!" (Sept. 2, 2013)


Let us trust our dear Mother, because all of this is inscribed on a providential path that she is managing with the heart of a Queen.  As Queen and Sovereign, she will make everything work out for our good.  As Vicka often says, "The Gospa will fulfill her plan."  And, also, "The Gospa will defend herself."  Could she have been more clear at Fatima when she declared, " In the  end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph"?

Sister Emmanuel +

                                                                (Translated from French)

PS 1  - On May 13, 1917, at about noon, a light appeared in the sky, then a lady radiating light, dressed in white, holding a rosary in her right hand.  She alerted everyone as to her peaceful intentions. (Don't be afraid; I don't want to harm you").  She revealed that she came from Heaven and asked the children to return to that place six more times, every 13th of the month.  She made a precise appointment for the miracle of October 13.
PS 2 - Words of Monsignor Hoser at Medjugorje, at the end of March, 2017.  "This worship, which is so intense here, is extremely important and necessary for the entire world . . . Let us pray for peace, because today the forces of destruction are immense. . . We need an intervention from Heaven, and the presence of the Blessed Virgin is an intervention!  It's an initiative from God.  Therefore, I would like to encourage and comfort you in my office as the special envoy of the Pope!"  This sentence unleashed thunderous applause.


To the journalists, he declared: "Tell the whole world that at Medjugorje one finds light again!  I wish I could enroll you in a seminar here, so you could discover that you are no longer suspicious."
PS 3  - When a Pope speaks "ex cathedra," as Universal Pastor of the Church, he is infallible; his words become an object of faith, and every Catholic is required to believe them.  Pope Pius XII did this for the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in 1950, and it has not happened since.  When a Pope writes an "encyclical", his words are to be taken very seriously; they are part of the ordinary Magisterium of the Church.  They are neither dogma nor revelations of faith, but inspired direction and adapted to the times; for example, that of Paul VI, Humanae Vitae.  John Paul II wrote 7 of them, Benedict XVI 3, Francis one.   When a Pope writes an "Apostolic Letter," it is also direction offered by the Pope to the faithful, but not imposed on them.  Amoris Laetitia is a "post synod" "evangelical exhortation," as is Evangelii Gaudium.
(When the Pope shares a personal opinion in private, it is NEVER officially recognized by the Church.  For example, the words of John Paul II to certain prelates during private audiences were systematically denied, according to the uses and customs of the Vatican.  For security sake.)



May 17, 2017, Wednesday
Letter #22, 2017: Letter #22, 2017: After Fatima #3, Trump and Medjugorge: Francis Speaks

SEARCH Letter #22, 2017 IN:-

... Pope Francis, "I prefer the Madonna as Mother, our Mother, and not a woman who’s the head of a telegraphic office, who everyday sends a message at such hour. This is not the Mother of Jesus. And these presumed apparitions don’t have a lot of value. This I say as a personal opinion." —Pope Francis commenting on the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorge, Bosnia, which have been occurring regularly at 5 p.m. daily since 1981, for 36 years now. The Pope's words suggest he will not support a Church judgment that all of these appearances are authentic and supernatural. However, in another part of his remarks, he says that "the spiritual fact, the pastoral fact" must be taken into account, that "people go there and convert," "people who encounter God, change their lives." This suggests that there will be appreciation shown for the "fruits" of the Medjugorge phenomenon. A Vatican commission investigating Medjugorge recently concluded its work and a decision is expected soon"

Pope Francis' opinion on the Medjugorje apparitions - Published on May 15, 2017

Viaggio a Fatima, conferenza stampa volo di ritorno 13.05.2017  

From EWTN - Pope Francis' comments on Medjugorje -

Published on 17 May 2017

Dr. Matthew Bunson, EWTN Senior Contributor talks about the Holy Father's recent comments on Medjugorje.


Papal Envoy, Archbishop Henryk Hoser
Press Conference, April 5th, 2017


Published on 7 Apr 2017

Press Conference by Papal Envoy in Medjugorje on April 5th, 2017


Our conversion is part of our resurrection ...


From: Sister Emmanuel Maillard youtube channel -

Sr. Emmanuel Uniting Hearts in Prayer

The Envoy of the Pope--Archbishop Hoser Celebrated Mass at St James

"I would like to encourage you and comfort you as the special envoy of the Pope!"
Special envoy of the Pope, Archbishop Hoser

Archbishop Hoser Celebrates Mass in Medjugorje!

On April 1st, the whole parish of Medjugorje could witness an exceptional event!  After almost 36 years of apparitions, the special envoye of the Pope, Archbishop Hoser, has celebrated the international evening mass at St. James!  We were all wondering what he would say in his homily. It was beyond our expectation!  Mgr. Hoser actually meant to not only encourage us, but to comfort us!  He spoke (in French) about the presence of the Queen of Peace. You may listen to an extract of his homily by clicking here:

Here are the most striking words he said:
"This worship, which is so intense here, is extremely important and necessary for the entire world.... Let us pray for peace, because today the destructive forces are immense... It takes an intervention from Heaven. Now, the presence of the Holy Virgin, this is an intervention! It is an initiative from God! Therefore, I would like to encourage you and comfort you as the special envoy of the Pope...!"

If you want to listen to the whole homily, you may click here: 

This phrase was followed with a very strong applause. Many were weeping for joy (and I was too!).

 Sr Emmanuel +