Monday, May 25, 2015

HOLY BIBLE - Old Testament --- from the Book of Judith 8:25-27 - mill-Ktieb ta' Guditta 8:25-27

Judith 8:25-27 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
"25 Besides all this, let us give thanks to the Lord our God for putting us to the test as he did our ancestors. 26 Recall how he dealt with Abraham, and how he tested Isaac, and all that happened to Jacob in Syrian Mesopotamia while he was tending the flocks of Laban, his mother’s brother. 27 He has not tested us with fire, as he did them, to try their hearts, nor is he taking vengeance on us. But the Lord chastises those who are close to him in order to admonish them.”

Ġuditta 8:25-27

Niżżu ħajr lill-Mulej, Alla tagħna, li qiegħed iġarrab, bħalma għamel ma’ missirijietna. Ftakru x’għamel ma’ Abraham, u kemm ġarrab lil Iżakk, xi ġralu Ġakobb. Bħalma għadda lilhom minn-nar biex jara fejn kienet qalbhom, hekk issa qiegħed jagħmlilna l-Mulej, mhux biex jikkastigana, għax hu jsawwat lil min hu qrib lejh biex iwiddbu.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 26 - St Philip Neri --- 26 ta' Mejju - San Filippu Neri

25 Mar 2023 - Due puntate speciali di Indagine confine del Sacro, condotto da David Murgia, dedicate alla figura di San Filippo Neri il santo compatrono di Roma il cui corpo recentemente è stato oggetto di una ricognizione Canonica. Immagini suggestive che documentano cosa è stato ritrovato dentro il suo sarcofago. Durante l’operazione è stato anche confermato ciò che i medici avevano accertato durante le ricognizioni precedenti, ovvero il segreto di San Filippo. Infatti secondo i biografi e secondo le prime autopsie San Filippo Neri è stato destinatario di un fenomeno mistico molto particolare: quello della Pentecoste di fuoco. La sera della Pentecoste del 1544 quando Filippo Neri aveva 29 anni pare che vide dall’ alto un globo di fuoco. Questo entrò nella bocca fino al petto dilatando talmente il cuore da spezzargli due costole. Un fatto riscontrato nell’autopsia dopo la sua morte. 

Indagine ai confini del sacro (TV2000) - Il mistero di San Filippo Neri (Prima parte)  

Indagine ai confini del sacro (TV2000) - Il mistero di San Filippo Neri (Seconda parte)


Fool for Love: St. Philip Neri and the Reform of Rome - Published on 1 Aug 2013
This lecture by Dr. Gregory Roper (English) was given at the University of Dallas on November 30, 2012 as part of the Rome Lecture Series.



from Fr Nicholas...

I've just celebrated the Vigil Mass of Pentecost - and, this year (2007), there is a rather nice coincidence since today is the Feast of that great saint of the Holy Spirit, St Philip Neri.

As I'm sure you know, as a young man it was his custom to spend whole nights in prayer in the catacombs, the underground burial places of the early Christians outside the walls of the City. On the vigil of Pentecost in 1544, St Philip was praying in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian, on the Via Appia, as he had done many times, and asked God to give him the Holy Spirit. St Philip was suddenly filled with great joy, and had a vision of the Holy Spirit as a ball of fire. This fire entered into St Philip’s mouth, and descended to his heart, causing it to expand to twice its normal size, and breaking two of his ribs in the process (a fact later proven by his autopsy). He later said that it filled his whole body with such joy and consolation that he finally had to throw himself on the ground and cry out, “No more, Lord! No more!”

During his lifetime many people noticed that he seemed always to be warm; he was often flushed, and would walk around with his cassock unbuttoned at the chest, even in the middle of winter. Not only that, but several of his disciples reported that his heart used to beat violently when he prayed or preached, sometimes enough to shake the bench on which he was sitting. Some people could hear his heart beating across the room, and others experienced unspeakable peace and joy when he embraced them and held their heads to his breast.

St Philip's experience of the Holy Spirit was unique - but we pray that the same Spirit will come upon us this Pentecost. Leo XIII said that ‘if Christ is the head of the Church, the Holy Spirit is her soul.' He abides in each member of the Church as the dulcis hospes animae (sweet guest of the soul), so that we receive His consolation and strength and bear witness to Christ, just like the apostles on the day of Pentecost and just like the lives of countless saints down the centuries.

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Sermon for the feast of St Philip Neri 

St Philip, a saint for saints
My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad. (Psalm 33.2)
Fr Bowden in his Miniature Lives of the Saints says that the life of St Bernadine was St Philip’s favourite among the saints and the last he read before his death. Fr Bouyer on the other hand says that the last book he had read to him was the Fathers of the Desert. Perhaps we should make a distinction between reading or being read to; or perhaps St Philip inspired the two fathers with different information as a joke.

We can understand why St Philip loved St Bernadine when we think of the great gatherings of feuding renaissance factions listening to his sermons and then ending with an emotional reconciliation with the bacio di pace. The holy Franciscan’s withering attacks on homosexual vice would also have met with approval surely from the Holy Father who could smell the vice of impurity in some of his penitents.

On the other hand, we can imagine the attraction which the Desert Fathers held for St Philip. His nights of solitude in the catacombs, his frugal diet and his devotion to the ascetical life all speak of lessons learned from those holy Fathers.

Yet we know that St Philip’s ascetical life was combined with the love of genuine friendship and holy allegria. His was an asceticism that could also participate in a wine-drinking contest in the interest of the apostolate.

St Bernadines’ original bonfires of vanities, predated that of Savonarola (whom St Philip also admired greatly) by several decades. Those bonfires find an unexpected echo in the glee of St Philip’s companions at singing “vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas” (vanity of vanities, all is vanity) as they tramped through Rome from Church to Church.

In the history of the Church, there have been various ways of dealing with corruption and worldliness. Not the least of St Philip’s achievements was to trump the worldliness of Rome in has day with a vivid, existential demonstration of the joy of the Christian life of prayer, penance and charity lived without compromise. As Newman put it:
“he perceived that the mischief was to be met, not with argument, not with science, not with protests and warnings, not by the recluse or the preacher, but by means of the great counter-fascination of purity and truth”
In his lifetime too, of course, St Philip was the mentor and acquaintance of saints. Having such devotion to St Bernadine, it must have warmed his heart to have seen the see the completion of the Church of the Gesu for the now thriving company formed by his friend St Ignatius. We can recall the famous saying of St Ignatius that his friend Philip was like a Church bell, calling people to enter but remaining in his tower.

He was also a friend of St Francis Xavier and would have followed him to the missions but for the famous advice of his confessor “Rome will be your Indies”; advice for which I am sure we are all very grateful here.

St Charles Borromeo came to his assistance when he was falsely accused. St Charles’ cousin, Federico was, of course, one of St Philip’s most regular visitors. He was the confessor of St Camillus de Lellis and advised him to become a priest, thereby indirectly being responsible for the founding of the Camillan fathers, and incidentally for a major contribution to care for victims of HIV and AIDS today.

He was also a friend of St Felix of Cantalice and organised with him a procession with a crucifix during the carnival at the conclusion of which a famous fellow Capuchin preached, effectively wrecking the carnival for that year. St Philip managed to get Giuseppe de Cesari to sketch a portrait of St Felix surreptitiously – a portrait that he cherished ever afterwards. Then of course, the heroic virtue of his protégé, Baronius was recognised by Pope Benedict XIV.

It is rightly said of St Philip that he was very cautious and reserved about falling into bad company. However he seems to have been quite adept at falling into good company. Terrible as the reformation was for the Church, God raised up a new “great cloud of witnesses” in response, several of the most renowned being personal friends and confidantes of St Philip. He is almost like the president of a saints’ club. “Almost”, not because there wasn’t a saints’ club – I think that is quite a good description of these varied characters in 16th century Rome – but because the title “President” would never have fitted his unique self-effacing and humble way of influencing others to follow Christ.

His character was different from the determined and necessary vigour of St Charles to ensure that the decrees of the Council of Trent did not become a dead letter, excommunicating offenders where necessary. He did not require of his company the military obedience that was necessary for St Ignatius to organise the counter reformation. And he did not go around Rome with a shirt of mail studded with spikes as did his friend St Felix. He was radically different from all of them yet a cherished friend of each. He understood the importance of the unique and necessary contribution which God in his providence had called each of them to make to the to the life of the Church; yet he did not find it necessary to imitate their particular characteristics, being a large enough and saintly enough character to bring his own unique and universal attractiveness to his apostolate in Rome itself.

I believe that the “saints club” did not finish at his death. We may discern in St Philip’s life an anticipation of the characteristics of many saints who were to follow him.

When we consider the effect St Alphonsus had in preaching on the last things so graphically, we may recall the tactic of St Philip Neri in getting worldly young men to consider graphic reconstructions of being in the tomb or conversing with a poor soul in hell.

The long hours spent in the confessional by St John Vianney remind us of St Philip’s habit of hearing 40 confessions before dawn and even cutting short his thanksgiving after Mass in order to hear confessions until lunchtime.

Reading the life of the little flower, dear St Therese, we find that she wanted to be a missionary and even became the patron saint of the missions without leaving her native France. She echoes the desire of St Philip to follow his friend St Francis Xavier.

St Francis de Sales’ understanding of the world, St John Bosco’s skill at motivating boys, St John Eudes’ love for the Blessed Sacrament, St Vincent de Paul’s practical love for the poor could all be found in the life of St Philip.

Fr Bouyer said that St Philip lived in an age “captivated by beauty, freed from all control, and suspicious of any restraint…” Newman describes well his response to that age

“he preferred tranquilly to yield to the stream, and direct the current, which he could not stop, of science, literature, art, and fashion, and to sweeten and to sanctify what God had made very good and man had spoilt.”
It has often been said of St Philip that he was, in the best sense “all things to all men”. Perhaps that why he has retained such affection from his many followers in the Oratories and those who come to known him through their work.

Our age has many characteristics in common with his except perhaps that it is captivated less by beauty and more by excitement and sensual pleasure. His uncompromising insistence on purity is necessary today more than ever.

His jocularity and sense of fun is important but should always be seen in conjunction with his asceticism and love of the Mass. It would be easy enough to promote a Catholic life that was superficial and witty. The genius of St Philip is not that he could play jokes on others – any fool can do that. St Philip managed to do so as a part of his apostolate which had the determined aim of saving sinners from hell and producing saints instead.

It is that which the Church needs in any time of reform. It needs it today and we pray to dear St Philip to help us also to begin to do some good.


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 Fr Philip Neri gives an original penance for infamy !

Do not dishonour, do not judge, do not condemn.....Here Fr Philip Neri gives penance for spreading grievious lies on a person by......making the sinners (in this case a couple ) conscious of the gravity of their sin -- As penance he sends them to pluck the feathers from a dead chicken, spreading them along their way through the streets of the city -- When they finish they meet with Fr Philip Neri who  suggests to them to TRY to gather back the feathers...which is impossible.......THAT IS HOW GRIEVIOUS IS THE SIN OF MAKING UP STORIES ON SOMEONE AND SPREADING THEM TO OTHER PEOPLE.

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Prayer to St. Philip Neri (Detachment from Temporal Goods)  

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6.19-21)

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Saint Philip Neri was often consulted by bishops to judge the authenticity of mystics. The practice of humility and obedience allowed him to infallibly test false mystics, because the devil is proud and independent. One day in 1560, the cardinals were divided about a nun who was having visions. Since they sought his opinion, Philip went to see the young sister. He looked at her warmly and said, "Sister, I didn't want to see you, I wanted to see the saint." And the nun replied, "But I am the saint!" Philip turned on his heels, retorting, "Ah, you're the saint? Thank you." And the verdict he gave the Cardinals was, "It's not from God..."

Another time, one of his penitents confided to him that the Virgin had come in the night in her room, filling it with joy and light! So Philip said, "Listen, the next time she comes you should spit in her face." The following night, the apparition spoke to her of God, but remembering the promise she had made to her spiritual director she spat in her face. The apparition immediately disappeared in a cloud of sulphur smoke: it was the devil. That same night, she awoke in the room full of light with a new apparition that smiled at her. This time the figure was not sitting on her bed, she was standing in a corner of the room. The seer went over to spit again, but the apparition just said, "You can spit if you want." The apparition was too far to spit on, but she congratulated her for her obedience to her spiritual director!
And Father Neri told her that that time it was the Virgin Mary.

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San Filippu Neri - 26 ta' Mejju

Huwa wiehed mill-aktar qaddisin li jigbdu simpatija. Ghalkemm twieled Firenze fl-1515, izda aktar hu marbut mal-Belt Eterna. Kien bniedem imheggeg bl-imhabba ta' Alla li wrieha fl-imhabba lejn ghajru. Ghalhekk waqqaf ghaqda biex il-membri taghha jghinu u jiehdu hsieb il-morda foqra. Meta fl-1551 f'Ruma sar qassis inghata ghall-hidma fost it-tfal u z-zghazagh u beda l-opra ta' l-Oratorju ghat-tahrig fit-taghlim u fil-kant. Ghal dan il-ghan waqqaf il-kongregazzjoni ta' l-Oratorjani. Fost hwejjeg ohra fl-oratorju lit-tfal kien jghallimhom siltiet mill-Vangelu u jimmuzikahomlhom biex ikantawhom. Minn dan tnisslet l-idea ta' l-Oratorio -- generu muzikali li mbaghad zviluppawh kompozituri kbar bhal Mendelssohn, Hendel, Bach u ohrajn.

San Filippu Neri, magħruf ukoll bħala t-tieni Appostlu ta' Ruma (Firenze, 22 ta' Lulju 1515 -- Ruma, 25 ta' Mejju 1595) kien saċerdot Taljan, magħruf għat-twaqqif ta' soċjetà ta' qassisin sekulari msejħa "Il-Kongregazzjoni tal-Oratorju".

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 Holy Mass Proper Readings & Office of Readings

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Preferisco il Paradiso - Nippreferi l-Ġenna - I Prefer Heaven --- SAN FILIPPO NERI - SAINT PHILIP NERI, 2nd Apostle of Rome...


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gospel and reflections on the SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD --- Years A, B & C Gospels

Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo - Who Is the King of Glory?: A Biblical Study on the Ascension of Christ

The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord may be celebrated either on Thursday of week 6 or on the following Sunday. This holy Solemnity, which the Acts of the Apostles 1:3 situates forty days after the Resurrection, commemorates Jesus’ return to his Father in heaven.
This solemn blessing for the Feast expresses its significance for us:
Blessing for Ascension:

May almighty God bless you on this day when his only Son ascended into heaven to prepare a place for you.
R. Amen !

After his resurrection, Christ was seen by His disciples.
When He appears as judge may you be pleasing for ever in His sight.
R. Amen !

You believe that Jesus has taken His seat in majesty at the right hand of the Father. May you have the joy of experiencing that He is also with you to the end of time, according to His promise.
R. Amen !

IN YEAR A --- Mt 28:16-20 -- The Great Commission - Lili ngħatat kull setgħa fis-sema u fl-art.

Lili ngħatat kull setgħa fis-sema u fl-art.
Mt 28, 16-20

Għeluq tal-Evanġelju skont San Mattew

F' dak iż-żmien, [Mt:28:16] Il-ħdax-il dixxiplu telqu lejn il-Galilija u marru fuq il-muntanja fejn kien ordnalhom Ġesù. [Mt:28:17] Kif rawh, nxteħtu quddiemu, għalkemm xi wħud iddubitaw. [Mt:28:18] Ġesù resaq ikellimhom u qalilhom: "Lili ngħatat kull setgħa fis-sema u fl-art. [Mt:28:19] Morru, mela, agħmlu dixxipli mill-ġnus kollha, u għammduhom fl-isem tal-Missier u ta' l-Iben u ta' l-Ispirtu s-Santu, [Mt:28:20] u għallmuhom iħarsu dak kollu li ordnajtilkom jien. U ara, jiena magħkom dejjem, sa l-aħħar taż-żmien."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

Tlugħ il-Mulej fis-Sema Sena A Mt 28, 16-20 (Fr. Hayden)

IN YEAR B --- Mk 16:15-20 -- 'Jesus gives the mission to the Apostles' - Ġesù jagħti l-missjoni lill-Appostli

[Mk:16:15] U qalilhom: "Morru fid-dinja kollha, xandru l-Evanġelju lill-ħolqien kollu. [Mk:16:16] Min jemmen u jitgħammed, isalva; iżda min ma jemminx, ikun ikkundannat. [Mk:16:17] U dawn huma s-sinjali li jsieħbu lil dawk li jemmnu: f'ismi jkeċċu x-xjaten, jitkellmu b'ilsna ġodda, [Mk:16:18] jaqbdu s-sriep b'idejhom, u jekk jixorbu xi xorb li jġib il-mewt ma jagħmlilhomx ħsara; iqiegħdu idejhom fuq il-morda u dawn ifiqu."
[Mk:16:19] U hekk il-Mulej Ġesù, wara li kellimhom, kien imtella' fis-sema u qagħad in-naħa tal-lemin ta' Alla.  [Mk:16:20] Huma mbagħad marru jippridkaw kullimkien; il-Mulej kien jaħdem magħhom u jwettaq  il-kelma bil-mirakli li kienu jsiru magħha.

Tlugħ il-Mulej fis-Sema (Fr. Hayden)

The Sign of the Times -
This is a reflection given by Fr. Andre M. Feain on the readings for the Ascension of the Lord, May 17th 2015.

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- Jesus had trust in the Apostles He had chosen even through all their failures, disappointments and the Church through all times...but this remains so, so that we remain conscious of how we need the presence, help and guidance of God in our lives, for without God we are nothing and do not consider anything wrong: Without God we are deceived by the devil to think that we are doing everything right...

(( I believe, that Jesus would have forgiven Judas Iscariot if Judas had asked pardon for his horrific, gravest sin; but in his desperate isolation, even from the Pharisees who took advantage of his weakness; and bombarded by the devil for his sin, Judas gave in to thoughts of guilt and had chosen to end his life - even though in repentance (whether in good or bad intention), he had thrown away the thirty pieces of silver))


Repentance of Judas - Matthew 27:3-4 When Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he repented and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. He said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” But they said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.”
[Mt:27:3] Mbagħad Ġuda, it-traditur, meta ra li Ġesù kien ikkundannat, nidem u mar bit-tletin biċċa tal-fidda għand il-qassisin il-kbar u x-xjuħ biex jerġa' jagħtihomlhom lura; [Mt:27:4] u qalilhom: "Dnibt, għax ittradejt demm bla ħtija !" Iżda huma qalulu: 'Aħna din x'inhi affari tagħna? Dak arah int !"

Pope: Clericalism distances the people from the Church - 2016-Dic-13 Vatican Radio

Pope Francis criticizes clergymen who feel superior to lay people - Published on Dec 13, 2016

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"Later He appeared to the eleven themselves" --- 11= (incomplete, imperfect) --- but Jesus looks beyond and conquers over all: Though He has built His Church through limited, weak, failing humans, Jesus shows His Glory through His compassion, forgiveness, mercy and love and keeps on trusting in His Church for Jesus promised, "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18).
We must keep close to God, pray for guidance and for the virtues of courage, kindness, humility, patience, love - regardless the opposition and difficulties. We will be victorious, even through suffering for the Holy Spirit listens to the humble heart that prays and empowers it with His gifts and He had changed the Apostles - from fearful, weak persons, into courageous, humble teachers full of the Word of God !
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15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation." - ...starting from myself, to keep on learning about the immensity of God's Love that leads my life; teaching by my good examples --- in my environment, my family, my town, my country, in third world countries - regardless the knowledge, the colour and state - without preferences, without judging - for when I am close to God, it is the Holy Spirit who works in me and I begin to see Jesus in every person, trying to reveal Himself BEHIND the angered, the sick, the abandoned, the abused, the poor, the vulnerable, the rebel...

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"17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons" - Let us start from ourselves --- In the Name of Jesus I renounce all evil spirits in me or against me - evil spirits of revenge, hatred, vanity, vain-glory, greed, misjudgement, pride, presumption, jealousy, anxiety, fear, self-pity, despair (losing hope and trust in God)...that I am good for nothing...
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"...they will speak in new tongues; --- The tongues of LOVE: Being sensitive to others' needs; being all loving, all forgiving in pure humility - reflecting the Divine Mercy of Jesus to all the people that He meets me with !
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18 they will pick up snakes in their hands, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them --- stop envying, stop judging, stop gossiping, stop telling lies; stop the snakes of defamation, heresies...
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 "...they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” --- find time to listen to them, to be present with them, respect them, help them, pray with them...and they will feel secure and at peace by our sincere empathy, help and offering. 
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...while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it. --- The power is in the Word of God: Let us learn to listen and notice the awe and wonder His amazing miracles that He blesses our life with: Let us notice the CHANGE that He has done in us, in our character, in our self-control - by the grace of  unconditional Agape Love toward all others - even those who are living openly in sin; even our enemies.
We did nothing for God to choose us, on the contrary most of the time in our life we disappoint Him: God gives the merits to everyone, without anyone's merit - This is the beauty of the Sacrament of Baptism for everyone, right after we are born !

Pope: Do not refuse Baptism, don't give boring homilies

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Salm:84:6 Ħenjin dawk li jsibu fik il-qawwa tagħhom, li għandhom għal qalbhom il-pellegrinaġġ --- għat-tempju.

Psalm 84:5 Blessed those who find their strength in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage --- to the temple

IN YEAR C --- Lk 24:46-53 --  He withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven - Huwa u jberikhom,kien 
meħud fis-sema.


Huwa u jberikhom, kien meħud fis-sema.
Lq 24, 46-53

Għeluq tal-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: [Lq:24:46] "Hekk kien miktub, li  l-Messija jbati u fit-tielet jum iqum mill-imwiet, [Lq:24:47] u li l-indiema għall-maħfra tad-dnubiet tixxandar f'ismu lill-ġnus kollha, ibda minn Ġerusalemm. [Lq:24:48] Intom xhud ta' dan. [Lq:24:49] U jiena, araw, nibgħat fuqkom lil dak li wiegħed Missieri. Imma intom ibqgħu fil-belt, sa ma Alla jkun libbiskom bil-qawwa tiegħu."

[Lq:24:50] Mbagħad ħadhom sa ħdejn Betanja, u rafa' idejh u berikhom. [Lq:24:51] U ġara li, huwa u jberikhom, nfired minnhom u kien meħud fis-sema. [Lq:24:52] Huma nxteħtu fl-art jagħtuh qima, u mimlijin b'ferħ kbir reġgħu lura lejn Ġerusalemm, [Lq:24:53] u qagħdu l-ħin kollu fit-tempju jbierku lil Alla.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Conversion From Sinner to Saint - 5.8.2016

Present Everywhere

Pope at Santa Marta: The Holy Spirit makes real Christians, not "parlour" Christians - Published on May 9, 2016

JESUS the Messiah came down from Heaven  in total obedience to the Father, for his redemptive mission as the suffering Servant: Mark 10:45 “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many".
Whenever we receive the Holy Eucharist we are receiving Christ crucified. We are accepting the Cross, embracing it. The Holy Spirit teaches us to accept the Cross, that fills us with courage to conquer over shyness to confess our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
How important it is for each one of us to keep fixed to the True Vine, JESUS, to receive the 'juice' of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts overflow from us as Fruits of living waters on others - The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity
This is the true Evangelization - the only way that gives glory to the Word of God - to "love one another as I have loved you" John 15:12

The RESURRECTION is natural for God: The awe and wonder of JESUS is that He so humbled Himself to became human and offered His life to deliver us from the deceit of the devil, through His human death - He gave us everything. JESUS IS WITH US: He is offering us Himself - His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, united in the inseparable Holy Trinity - because it is Jesus Christ Himself who acts in and through the Holy Mass: He is offering Himself through the sacramental priest during the Consecration: We receive the Holy Trinity in Holy Communion !

Mother of the Church
Queen of the Apostles

You are called to one hour of Eucharistic Adoration...  



Friday, May 15, 2015

NOVENA LILL-ISPIRTU S-SANTU --- minn Fr Hayden Williams OFM Cap ... & from LAIKOS

Talba lill-Ispirtu S-Santu biex nitolbu kuljum waqt in-Novena.


Spirtu s-Santu Alla,
il-kumpann inseparabbli tiegħi,
illum nagħtik ħajti, imħabbti,
il-qima u l-libertà kollha tiegħi.

Nar, Imħabba msawba f’qalbi,
aħtafni u kkonsmani bik innifsek.
Tħalli xejn minni nnifsi, fija nnifsi.
Kun inti l-mewt totali tiegħi nnifsi.

Riħ inkontrollabbli,
Agħmilni doċli u ħafif fik u għalik.
Għinni nintelaq fik bħall-werqa li tittajjar fejn teħodha.
M’hemmx għalfejn turini fejn...
Ħudni fejn trid...
Agħmel bija li trid...

Spirtu li tgħammar fija,
agħmel li l-frott tiegħek jidher fija
għax il-ħajja tiegħi tkun int
u jiena mmut għalija nnifsi.

Qawwa ta’ Alla,
użani kif trid Int bid-dilka tiegħek.
Uri l-qawwa tal-imħabba tiegħek fija
bil-wiri tal-kariżmi kollha tiegħek
biex inkun xhud ta’ Ġesu flimkien miegħek
bl-eżempju, bil-Kelma u bis-sinjali.

Marija, għarusa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu,
proteġini mill-inganni tax-xitan.
Kun miegħi u għinni biex
ma nieqaf qatt,
ma nxekkel qatt,
u ma nnikket qatt
lill-kumpann inseparabbli tiegħi.
Ammen! Alleluia!
Fr Hayden  - 10 ta' Settembru 2014      .

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 1 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 2 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 3 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 4 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 5 - Fr Hayden

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 6 - Fr Hayden 

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 7 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 8 - Fr Hayden  

Novena lill-Ispirtu s-Santu - 9 - Fr Hayden  


Novena bi tħejjija għas-Solennita’ tal-Għid il-Ħamsin

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