Sunday, October 12, 2014

Panegyric on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - Paniġierku fil-Festa Marija Addolorata Sultana tal- Martri SPB, 27 ta' Lulju 2014 - minn PATRI MARTIN MAMO OFM Cap


Published on 12 Oct 2014          
Paniġierku Festa Marija Addolorata Sultana tal-Martri San Pawl il-Baħar - 27 ta' Lulju 2014, minsuġ minn Patri Martin Mamo OFM Cap. fis-sena speċjali ta' l-ewwel ċentinarju mill-wasla tal- istatwa Titulari u Devota.

Patri Martin Mamo OFM Cap.



Friday, October 10, 2014

(even Malta is mentioned) --- Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle

October 4th, 2014 | by Barbara Johnson
Rome - An Italian expert studying a first century document written by the Roman historian Marcus Velleius Paterculus that was recently discovered in the archives of the Vatican, found what is presumed to be the first eyewitness account ever recorded of a miracle of Jesus Christ. The author describes a scene that he allegedly witnessed, in which a prophet and teacher that he names Iēsous de Nazarenus, resuscitated a stillborn boy and handed him back to his mother.
Historian and archivist Ignazio Perrucci, was hired by the Vatican authorities in 2012, to sort, analyze and classify some 6,000 ancient documents that had been uncovered in the gigantic archive vaults. He was already very excited when he noticed that the author of the text was the famous Roman historian Velleius, but he was completely stunned when he realized the nature of the content.

The text as a whole is a narrative of the author’s return journey from Parthia to Rome that occurred in 31 AD, recorded in a highly rhetorical style of four sheets of parchment. He describes many different episodes taking place during his trip, like a a violent sandstorm in Mesopotamia and visit to a temple in Melitta (modern day Mdina, in Malta).
The part of the text that really caught M. Perrucci’s attention is an episode taking place in the city of Sebaste (near modern day Nablus, in the West Bank). The author first describes the arrival of a great leader  in the town with a group of disciples and followers, causing many of the lower class people from neighbouring villages to gather around them. According to Velleius, that great man’s name was Iēsous de Nazarenus, a Greco-Latin translation of Jesus’ Hebrew name, Yeshua haNotzri.
Upon entering town, Jesus would have visited the house of a woman named Elisheba, who had just given birth to a stillborn child. Jesus picked up the dead child and uttered a prayer in Aramaic to the heavens, which unfortunately the author describes as “immensus”, meaning incomprehensible.  To the crowd’s surprise and amazement,  the baby came back to life almost immediately, crying and squirming like a healthy newborn.
Many tests and analysis have been realized over the last weeks to determine the authenticity of the manuscript. The composition of the parchment and ink, the literary style and handwriting have all been carefully scrutinized and were considered to be entirely legitimate. The dating analysis also revealed that the sheepskin parchment on which the text is written, does indeed date from the 1st century of this era, more precisely from between 20-45 AD.
This new text from an author known for his reliability, brings a brand new perspective on the life of the historical character that is Jesus of Nazareth. It comes to confirm the Gospels on the facts that he was known for accomplishing miracles and that his sheer presence in a town was enough to attract crowds of people.
A complete and official translation of the document should be made available online in many different languages over the next few weeks, but the impact of the discovery is already felt in the scientific community. Many scholars have already saluted the finding as one of the greatest breakthrough ever realized in the study of the historical life of Jesus, while others have expressed doubts about the conclusions of Professor Perrucci and demand for more tests to be performed by other scientific institutions before drawing any conclusions.

Friday Gospel of week 27, in Ordinary Time --- Luke 11:15-26 -- Jesus and Beelzebul - Ġesù u Begħelżebul --- Pope's Mass: Do I allow demons in my heart ? & Nature abhors a Vacuum

Lk 11:15-26 -- Jesus and Beelzebul - Ġesù u Begħelżebul


Jekk jiena qiegħed inkeċċi x-xjaten bis-saħħa ta’ Alla, dan ifisser li waslitilkom is-Saltna ta’ Alla.
Lq 11, 15-26

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, [Lq:11:15] wara li Ġesù keċċa xitan, xi wħud qalulu: "Bis-saħħa ta' Begħelżebul, il-prinċep tax-xjaten, qiegħed ikeċċihom ix-xjaten." [Lq:11:16] Oħrajn, biex iġarrbuh, riedu mingħandu sinjal mis-sema. [Lq:11:17] Iżda hu ntebaħ x'kienet il-fehma tagħhom, u qalilhom: "Kull saltna maqsuma fiha nfisha ssir ħerba, u taqa' dar fuq oħra. [Lq:11:18] Jekk ix-Xitan ukoll hu kontra tiegħu nnifsu, kif se żżomm wieqfa s-saltna tiegħu? Għax intom tgħidu li jien bis-saħħa ta' Begħelżebul inkeċċihom ix-xjaten. Lq:11:19] Imma jekk jiena qiegħed inkeċċi x-xjaten bis-saħħa ta' Begħelżebul, uliedkom bis-saħħa ta' min ikeċċuhom? Għalhekk huma stess ikunu l-imħallfin tagħkom. [Lq:11:20] Iżda jekk jiena qiegħed inkeċċi x-xjaten bis-saħħa ta' Alla, dan ifisser li waslitilkom is-Saltna ta' Alla.

[Lq:11:21] Sakemm il-bniedem qawwi u armat tajjeb jgħasses il-palazz tiegħu, ħwejġu jkunu fiż-żgur. [Lq:11:22] Imma jekk wieħed aqwa minnu jaqbeż fuqu u jegħlbu, jaħtaflu l-armi kollha li fuqhom kien iserraħ rasu, u jqassam il-priża tiegħu. [Lq:11:23] Min m'huwiex miegħi huwa kontra tiegħi, u min ma jiġborx miegħi, ixerred.

[Lq:11:24] "Meta l-ispirtu mniġġes joħroġ minn bniedem, huwa jmur jiġġerra u jfittex il-mistrieħ f'art niexfa, u billi ma jsibu mkien, jgħid, 'Mela nerġa' lura lejn dari mnejn ħriġt.' [Lq:11:25] U x'ħin jiġi, isibha miknusa u kollox f'postu. [Lq:11:26] Mbagħad imur iġib seba' spirti oħra agħar minnu, u jidħlu joqogħdu hemm ġew. U fl-aħħar dak il-bniedem isib ruħu f'qagħda agħar minn ta' qabel."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

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Pope's Mass: Do I allow demons in my heart?  

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13 Oct 2023 - Homily of Fr. Michael O'Connor from Mass on Friday, October 13, 2023 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS 
 Referenced Readings: 
Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2 
Lk 11:15-26


KKK -  mill-Katekizmu tal-Knisja Kattolika
395 Iżda l-qawwa tax-Xitan mhijiex bla qies. Hu biss ħliqa. Setgħani għax spirtu pur, imma dejjem ħliqa; ma jistax iwaqqaf il-bini tas-Saltna ta’ Alla. Jagħmel x’jagħmel ix-Xitan fid-dinja b’mibegħda għal Alla u għas-Saltna tiegħu fi Kristu Ġesù, u kbar kemm huma kbar il-ħsarat li tagħmel il-ħidma tiegħu – ħsarat ta’ natura spiritwali u, indirettament, ta’ natura fiżika wkoll – lil kull bniedem u lis-soċjetà, il-ħidma tiegħu tippermettiha l-providenza ta’ Alla, li bil-qawwa u bil-ħlewwa tmexxi l-istorja tal-bniedem u tad-dinja. Hu misteru kbir li Alla jippermetti l-ħidma tax-xitan, iżda “aħna nafu li Alla, ma’ dawk li jħobbuh, ... f’kollox jaħdem id f’id għall-ġid tagħhom” (Rum 8,28).
1673  Meta l-Knisja titlob pubblikament u b’awtorità, f’isem Ġesù Kristu, biex xi persuna jew xi ħaġa tiġi mħarsa mit-theddid tal-Ħażin jew tiġi mwarrba minn taħt is-setgħa tiegħu, dan jissejjaħ eżorċiżmu. Kristu dan għamlu (ara Mk 1,25-26), u mingħandu l-Knisja rċeviet is-setgħa u d-dmir li teżorċizza (ara Mk 3,15; 6,7.13; 16,17). F’sura sempliċi, l-eżorċiżmu dejjem isir waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Magħmudija. L-eżorċiżmu solenni, jew "l-eżorċiżmu l-kbir”, jista’ jsir biss minn saċerdot u bil-permess tal-Isqof. Wieħed irid juża l-għaqal kollu u jħares bir-reqqa kollha r-regoli li għamlet il-Knisja. L-għan tal-eżorċiżmu hu li jkeċċi x-xjaten jew jeħles minn taħt is-setgħa tax-Xitan u dan bis-saħħa tal-awtorità spiritwali li Ġesù ried jafda lill-Knisja tiegħu. Il-mard, l-aktar dak tal-moħħ (psikiku), hu ħaġa għal kollox differenti li tinteressa x-xjenza medika. Hu għalhekk importanti ħafna, qabel ma wieħed jiċċelebra eżorċiżmu, li jkun żgur dwar il-preżenza tal-Ħażin u mhux li jkun xi każ ta’ mard.



Wednesday, October 08, 2014

WHY SUFFERING ? Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering? - Fr Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., explains. ---&--- Pope: Prayer heals suffering; prays in Saint Peter's with victims of unjust violence

Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering?
a) We’re not marionettes and
b) This earth – for our own greater good – is not a pleasure bubble floating in space.

Fr Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., explains.
 Published on 7 Oct 2014

Pope: Prayer heals suffering - Published on May 5, 2016

Jubilee: Pope prays in Saint Peter's with victims of unjust violence
