Saturday, January 05, 2013

A priest explains the Rosary and influence of Pope John Paul II


Jesus, who is God, saw His suffering and humiliation in advance .... and in the garden of Olives, in his humanity, feared and prayed ...... Jesus could have fled the passion as He did at other times ..... but obeyed until death, even to death on the cross, to win over the devil, who did not want Him to die because he knew that salvation for all men was near, with the victory over death, with the resurrection of Jesus from death - freedom from the domination of the devil on the human mind, God's creation .... Yes with Jesus we notice the disguise, deception and the illusion of the devil.
I can be my worst enemy if I listen to his suggestions of worldly pleasure, jealousy, envy, reprisal, or hatred; or to his suggestions for superiority and pride; or to his criticism that I am good at nothing.
TEACH ME O MY JESUS the beautiful virtue of self-control for with You only I am victorious. Teach me to bow before You in humility and accept what You permit. Thank you Jesus

Ġesu, li hu Alla, ra t-tbatija u l-umiljazzjoni minn qabel.... u fil-ġnien taż-Żebbuġ, fl-umanita tiegħU beża' u talab......Ġesu seta' jaħrab mill-passjoni bħal ma Hu ħarab drabi oħra.....imma obda sal-mewt, anzi sal-mewt tas-salib biex jirbaħ lix-xitan, li ma riedux imut għax kien jaf li kienet waslet is-salvazzjoni għall-bnedmin kollha bir-rebħa fuq il-mewt, bil-qawmien ta' Ġesu mill-mewt - il-ħelsien mill-ħakma tax-xitan fuq moħħ il-bniedem, ħolqien t'Alla....Iva ma' Ġesu nindunaw bil-qerq, bl-ingann u bl-illużjoni tax-xitan.
Jien nista' inkun l-akbar għadu tiegħi = jekk noqgħod għat-tfesfis tiegħu ta' pjaċir tad-dinja, pika, għira, tpattija, mibgħeda jew għall-ftaħir tiegħu ta'  suppervja, kburija....jew noqħod għat-tmaqdir tiegħu li jien ma jien tajba għal xejn.
AGĦLLIMNI O ĠESÙ l-virtù sabiħa li nikkontrolla lili nnifsi għax miegħek biss jien rebbieħ/rebbieħa. Agħllimni ninżel quddiemek b'umiltà u naċċetta dak li tippermetti. Grazzi Ġesù.


Friday, January 04, 2013

Saint Zdislava of Lemberk - 4th January --- Via Sacra - Basilika des Hl. Laurentius und der Hl. Zdislava in Deutsch-...

St Zdislava of Lemberk (Dominican tertiary) reminds us of  St Elizabeth of Thuringia (Franciiscan tertiary)
St Zdislava of Lemberk 1220 - 1252 - Patron saint of Difficult marriages; people ridiculed for their piety, was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1995

As a child of seven, Zdislava, the daughter of a Czech aristocratic family, ventured into the woods with the intent of becoming a hermitess, but she was soon tracked down and brought home from her adventure. Zdislava married a Czech nobleman, the Count of Lemberk. The couple had four children. Zdislava received Holy Communion almost daily, and experienced many ecstasies and visions.
She devoted herself to the poor, bathing the sick with her own hands, and taking homeless refugees into her home. When on one occasion her husband, exasperated by her charity, angrily went to expel from their castle a fever-stricken beggar she had given a bed to, he was stunned to find in the bed a crucifix instead. The mysterious incident moved him to accede to Zdislava’s desire to fund the foundation of a new Dominican convent. While still young, Zdislava was stricken with a fatal illness. She reassured her husband and children that she hoped to be of more help to them in the next life than she could ever be in this world. Soon after Zdislava’s death on January 1, 1252, her husband experienced a vision of her in glory.

4th January - St Elizabeth Ann Seton - With a Little Help from Your Friends