Thursday, February 12, 2009


"However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves" (II Corinthians 4:7, AMP).

Did you know that you have greatness inside of you? As a believer, the Holy Spirit actually dwells within you. You have all the power and authority in heaven and earth living on the inside of you!All throughout life, God gives us opportunities to discover that greatness on the inside of us. When we overcome obstacles, we are tapping into that strength and greatness within. One thing I've learned is that God doesn't allow big challenges to face small people.You may be facing something big today. It may seem like it's over your head, but that is a sure sign you’re a big person with a big destiny. You may feel small, you may not see how it's going to work out, but you've got to remember who you are; a child of The Most High God. You have been created in His image. You're wearing your crown of favour, and you are carrying His greatness on the inside of you. Have the attitude that says, "This may be extraordinary, but I know I'm an extraordinary person serving an extraordinary God." Stand in faith knowing that you have the victory because you have His greatness living on the inside of you!

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your greatness on the inside of me. I choose to stand in faith today knowing that with You, I will overcome every challenge and every obstacle. I bless Your holy Name. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, February 02, 2009


Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes
In Honour of the Power, Wisdom and Loving Mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I - Oh Immaculate Mary, Virgin most Powerful, I beseech you, through that immense Power which you have received from the Eternal Father, obtain for me
purity of heart,
strength to overcome all the enemies of my soul, and
the special favour I implore in my present necessity. {name special need}
Mother most Pure! Forsake me not, despise not my prayer, graciously hear me for God's glory, your honour, and the welfare of my soul. To obtain this favour I honour your Power by reciting one Hail Mary.
II - Oh Virgin Mary, my Mother, through that ineffable Wisdom bestowed upon you by the Incarnate Word of God, I humbly beseech you, obtain for me
meekness and humility of heart,
a perfect knowledge of the Divine Will, and
strength to accomplish it always.
Oh Mary, Seat of Wisdom, as a tender Mother, lead me in the path of Christian Virtue and perfection, enlighten and enable me to do what is most pleasing to your beloved Son, and obtain my petition. To obtain this grace I honour your Wisdom by reciting one Hail Mary.
III - Oh, Mother of Mercy, Mother of penitent sinners, I stand before you sinful and sorrowful, beseeching you through the immense Love given to you by the Holy Spirit for us poor sinners, obtain for me true and perfect contrition for my sins, which I hate and detest with all my heart, because I love God.
Mother most Merciful, help me in my present necessity. Turn then, those eyes of Mercy toward us, Oh Clement, Oh Loving, Oh Sweet Virgin Mary! To obtain this precious gift, I honour your Loving Mercy by reciting one Hail Mary.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Three ways God wants to use your experiences
by Rick Warren

I like chocolate chip cookies. I like them so much I know how to make them. I don’t even need a recipe. But if I eat the individual ingredients, they taste like turtle spit! Ever ate a little shortening? Don’t try it. Raw egg? Bad. Salt and sugar by itself ? Yuck. Baking soda? Not good. Chocolate chips ? Now that’s good. One out of six isn’t bad. Somehow when you mix five bad things with one good thing and stir them up together, it tastes so good that you eat half the dough before you make the cookies.
Pastor, that’s what God wants to do with your experiences. He wants to take bad+bad+bad+bad+bad+good and turn you into Mrs. Fields! He’s a pro at it. God does not want you to waste your experiences. He wants to use them to make you a more effective minister.
There are three ways that God wants to use your experiences to make you a better minister.

1. Use them to minister to others.Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:6-7 (LB): “We are in deep trouble for bringing you God’s comfort and salvation. But in our trouble God has comforted us – and this, too, to help you: to show you from our personal experience how God will tenderly comfort you when you undergo these same sufferings. He will give you the strength to endure.”
God comforts us, helps us, and strengthens us when we’re experiencing problems, so then we can comfort, help, and strengthen others when they go through the same things. God helps us, so we can help others. God wants to use every experience that you’ve gone through to help somebody else.
Who can better help somebody going through cancer than somebody who’s been through cancer? Who can help somebody dealing with an addiction than somebody who’s been through the addiction before? Who can better help parents who had a kid who went off the deep end, than somebody whose son or daughter went off the deep end?
God never wastes a hurt. I’ve said that a thousand times at Saddleback. It’s true for pastors as well. He wants you to use them to minister to other people. What you’re most embarrassed about, what you most regret, God wants to use to help others. But, pastor, before that can happen, you’ve got to be honest about it. If you open up about that pain, it can become you’re greatest ministry. You always help people more through your weaknesses than your strengths.

2. Use them to motivate others.
Your experiences can be inspirational to people because you have been through things and been places that they have not. And you can motivate them.
The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (TEV): “Encourage one another.”A big part of our job in ministry is to help, encourage, and build up others. Your experiences can help do this.
Your experiences give people hope. You show them they can get through their problems.
Give people hope and you take away the fear that plagues them. When you go on a roller coaster that you’ve never been on, it’s comforting when the guy in front of you in line says, “This is a great ride. I’ve been on it five times.” You realize that you're going to live. If the guy in front of you lived, you’ll probably live too. That’s encouraging!
Pastor, your preaching can do this for people. When you speak from personal experience, it’s always more effective than any other kind of teaching. The most powerful way to say anything is the most personal way to say it. When you speak from your own personal experiences, particularly difficult ones, you’ll motivate others to keep going through their troubles.

3. You use them to model for others.Paul says in Philippians 3:17 (NLT): “Dear brothers, pattern your lives after mine and learn from those who follow our example.” Paul tells the church of Philippi to follow his example; he’s going to be the model.
Paul knew that we all need models. It is human nature to imitate. Just about everything you learn in the first five years of life you learn by imitation.
There’s nothing wrong with your church members imitating you. You’re not perfect, and I’m not perfect; only Jesus is perfect. But it’s better to have people following you as a model than some Hollywood celebrity who is obsessed with himself or herself. You’re trying to follow Jesus. If you’re trying to follow Jesus, then it’s a good thing if others are following you.
You need to have models in your own life, and you need to be a model. If you’re not being a model, you’re wasting your experiences. God never wastes experiences – good or bad. He wants to use your experiences to make you a more effective minister. Will you let him?

Sunday, January 04, 2009

SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - - (either on January 6 or 1st Sunday after 1st January) - Is-Solennità ta' L-Epifanija tal-Mulej

A Prayer for the Feast of Epiphany

Lord God of heaven and earth,

you revealed your only begotten Son to every nation

by the guidance of a star.

Bless this home and all who inhabit it.

Fill us with the light of Christ

That our concern for others may reflect your love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


"...SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND..." - Mt 7:7...

Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
GOSPEL - Matthew 2:1-12

Readings in the Maltese Language:
Is-Solennità ta' L-Epifanija tal-Mulej

6 ta’ Jannar jew Il-Ħadd wara l-Ewwel tas-Sena
L-Epifanija tal-Mulej

Qari I
Is-sebħ tal-Mulej jiddi fuqek.
Is 60, 1-6

Qari mill-Ktieb tal-Profeta Isaija

Qum! Ħa jiddi wiċċek!
Id-dawl tiegħek wasal!
Jiddi fuqek sebħ il-Mulej!
Ara d-dlamijiet jiksu l-art, u sħab iswed il-popli:
iżda fuqek jiddi l-Mulej, u s-sebħ tiegħu jfiġġ fuqek.
Il-ġnus għad jimxu fid-dawl tiegħek,
u s-slaten fid-dija tas-sebħ tiegħek.
Għolli u dawwar għajnejk madwarek u ara:
ilkoll miġbura ġejjin għandek.
Uliedek ġejjin mill-bogħod,
u bnietek iġorruhom fuq id-dirgħajn.
Imbagħad tħares u wiċċek jiddi,
u tħabbat u timtela qalbek,
għax fuqek taqa’ l-kotra tal-ġid tal-ibħra,
u l-għana tal-ġnus jiġi għandek.
Imrieħel ta’ iġmla għad jgħattuk,
l-iġmla żgħar ta’ Midjan u Għefa;
ilkoll minn Seba jiġu, mgħobbija bid-deheb u l-inċens,
u jxandru t-tifħir tal-Mulej.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla
Salm Responsorjali
Salm 71 (72), 1-2.7-8.10-11,12-13
R/. (ara 11): Il-ġnus kollha tal-art jagħtuk qima, Mulej
O Alla, agħti lis-sultan il-ħaqq tiegħek,
il-ġustizzja tiegħek lil bin is-sultan,
biex jiġġudika l-poplu tiegħek bil-ġustizzja,
u bil-ħaqq l-imsejknin tiegħek. R/.
Tħaddar f’jiemu l-ġustizzja,
u sliem kotran sa ma jintemm il-qamar.
Isaltan minn baħar sa baħar,
u mix-xmara sa truf l-art. R/.
Is-slaten ta’ Tarsis u tal-gżejjer jagħtuh ir-rigali,
is-slaten ta’ Seba u ta’ Saba għotjiet iġibulu.
Iqimuh is-slaten kollha,
il-ġnus kollha lilu jaqdu. R/.
Għax hu jeħles lill-fqir li jsejjaħlu,
u lill-imsejken li m’għandux min jgħinu.
Iħenn għad-dgħajjef u għall-fqajjar;
il-ħajja tal-fqajrin isalva. R/.
Qari II
Issa ġie rrivelat li l-pagani huma msejħa biex ikollhom sehem mill-istess wegħda.
Ef 3, 2-3a. 5-6
Qari mill-Ittra ta’ San Pawl Appostlu lill-Efesin
Ħuti, intom smajtu bil-pjan tal-grazzja li Alla tani għall-ġid tagħkom, jiġifieri, li permezz ta’ rivelazzjoni għarrafni l-misteru. Dan hu l-misteru li fil-ġenerazzjonijiet l-imgħoddija ma kienx mgħarraf lill-bnedmin bħalma issa ġie rrivelat lill-appostli qaddisa tiegħu u lill-profeti fl-Ispirtu, jiġifieri, li l-pagani huma msejħa biex ikollhom sehem mill-istess wirt, ikunu membri tal-istess ġisem, ikollhom sehem mill-istess wegħda, fi Kristu Ġesù permezz tal-Evanġelju.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla

Akklamazzjoni qabel l-Evanġelju
ara Mt 2, 2
Hallelujah. R/. Hallelujah
Rajna l-kewkba tiegħu tielgħa mil-Lvant,
u ġejna nqimu l-Mulej.
R/. Hallelujah
Ġejna mil-Lvant nagħtu qima lis-Sultan.
Mt 2, 1-12
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew
Meta twieled Ġesù f’Betlehem tal-Lhudija, fi żmien is-sultan Erodi, xi maġi mil-Lvant ġew Ġerusalemm jistaqsu: Fejn hu dak li twieled sultan tal-Lhud? Għax rajna l-kewkba tiegħu tielgħa, u ġejna nqimuh”. Is-sultan Erodi sama’ bihom, u tħawwad hu u Ġerusalemm kollha miegħu. Ġabar flimkien il-qassisin il-kbar u l-kittieba kollha tal-poplu, u ried jaf mingħandhom fejn kellu jitwieled il-Messija. U huma qalulu: “F’Betlehem tal-Lhudija, għax hekk inkiteb mill-profeta: “U int, Betlehem, art ta’ Ġuda, le, m’intix l-iżgħar fost il-bliet il-kbar ta’ Ġuda, għax minnek joħroġ mexxej li jirgħa l-poplu tiegħi Iżrael”.
Erodi mbagħad sejjaħ lill-maġi bil-moħbi, u tkixxef bir-reqqa kollha mingħandhom iż-żmien li fih dehritilhom il-kewkba; bagħathom Betlehem u qalilhom: “Morru, staqsu sewwa għat-tifel, u meta ssibuh ejjew għiduli, ħalli jien ukoll niġi nqimu”.
Dawk, wara li semgħu lis-sultan, telqu, u ara, il-kewkba li kienu raw tielgħa bdiet miexja quddiemhom sakemm waslet u waqfet fuq il-post fejn kien hemm it-tifel. Kif raw il-kewkba mtlew b’ferħ kbir tassew. Meta mbagħad daħlu d-dar u raw lit-tifel ma’ ommu Marija, inxteħtu fl-art iqimuh; fetħu t-teżori tagħhom u offrewlu rigali deheb, inċens u mirra. Imbagħad, billi kienu mwissijin f’ħolma biex ma jerġgħux imorru għand Erodi, telqu lura lejn arthom minn triq oħra.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu



Mt 2:1-12 -- The Magi Visit the Messiah - Ġejna mil-Lvant nagħtu qima lis-Sultan - Solemnity of Epiphany

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Pope Francis: What should we give Jesus ? - Published on 6 Jan 2016

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The Poor and the Wise find Christ


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Audio - Homily by Bishop Robert Barron - FOLLOWING THE STAR - 

Cycle C Christmas Epiphany
Solemnity of Epiphany, Jan 03, 2016


The Light of the Nations

Cycle AChristmasWeek Epiphany

by Bishop Robert BarronJanuary 08, 2017
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Christmas is not really complete until the Feast of the Epiphany. On the night of Christ's birth, how amazed Joseph and Mary must have been to hear the song of the angels, followed by a whole procession of shepherds from the fields. And now, some months later, they must have been just as amazed to greet these foreign visitors whom tradition names as Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar. As Joseph and Mary graciously accepted the precious gold, frankincense and myrrh which they brought as gifts, they must have realized that their Child was somehow meant for a mysterious destiny much wider than His homeland. The word epiphany (a showing forth) has many meanings connected to the word. It suggests a burst of light, a sudden revelation. In literature, it often means a bringing together of many seemingly unrelated incidents into a breakthrough of meaning that connects all the threads together.

In the first reading from Isaiah, we hear the prophet proclaiming to Israel that "Your light has come!" and, with even more startling news, "Nations shall walk by your light." In the fourth verse of the reading, the prophet foretells an event that was fulfilled hundreds of years later as the Magi knelt in adoration in Bethlehem. He says, "Raise your eyes and look about; they all gather and come to you." What? All nations shall come to little weak Israel?

St. Paul proclaims the same message in the second reading to the Ephesians: ". . .the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel." So the Magi had it right. By trusting in the star and obediently following its light, they will share also in the fruits of the saving grace Jesus will earn by His Passion and Death. The Gospel narrates how the coming of the nations was nearly frustrated by the deceitful scheming of a power-hungry King Herod.

From that time to the present, political, social, and even religious leaders have tried to prevent the nations from following the star and finding the rich treasures that the Prince of Peace has waiting for them. The Child who has come from the heavens with his saving truth and love will never rest until all the nations have come into His light.

Msgr. Paul Whitmore email:


JANUARY 6 - before Epiphany - ( When EPIPHANY OF THE LORD is celebrated on Sunday 7th or 8th January )

Mass: Wkdays before Epiphany - Jan 6 Optn 3 - Wkdy
1st: 1John 5:5-13
Resp: Psalm 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 0
Gospel: luk 3:23, 31-34, 36, 38

Jan 06 - Homily: Genealogy of Jesus 
- Published on Jan 6, 2017

Fr. Ignatius explains the significance of the genealogy of Jesus and how Jesus was present at the first man Adam and throughout salvation history.



(1) Alternative Gospel

Lk 3:23-38 -- The ancestors of Jesus - Ktieb in-nisel ta’ Ġesù Kristu, bin Adam, bin Alla.

L-antenati ta' Ġesù Kristu
(Mt 1, 1-17 )

Ktieb in-nisel ta’ Ġesù Kristu, bin Adam, bin Alla.
Lq 3, 23-38

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

Fil-bidu tal-ministeru tiegħu Ġesù kellu madwar it-tletin sena. In-nies kienu jaħsbuh bin Ġużeppi, li kien bin Għeli, bin Mattat, bin Levi, bin Melki, bin Ġannaj, bin Ġużeppi, bin Mattatija, bin Għamos, bin Naħum, bin Ħesli, bin Naggaj, bin Maħat, bin Mattatija, bin Simgħi, bin Ġożè, bin Ġoda, bin Ġoħanan, bin Resa, bin Żorobabel, bin Salatjel, bin Neri, bin Melki, bin Għaddi, bin Kosam, bin Elmadan, bin Għer, bin Ġożwè, bin Eligħeżer, bin Ġorim, bin Mattat, bin Levi, bin Simgħon, bin Ġuda, bin Ġużeppi, bin Ġona, bin Eljakim, bin Melija, bin Menna, bin Mattata, bin Natan, bin David, bin Ġesse, bin Għobed, bin Bogħaż, bin Sala, bin Naħson, bin Għamminadab, bin Admin, bin Arni, bin Ħesron, bin Fares, bin Ġuda, bin Ġakobb, bin Iżakk, bin Abraham, bin Teraħ, bin Naħor, bin Serug, bin Regħu, bin Faleg, bin Għeber, bin Selaħ, bin Kajnan, bin Arfaksad, bin Sem, bin Noè, bin Lamek, bin Metuselaħ, bin Ħenok, bin Ġered, bin Maħalalel, bin Kajnan, bin Enos, bin Set, bin Adam, bin Alla.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


January 6 - Liturgy of the Word and Homily from Today's Mass - Published on Jan 6, 2017

(2)Alternative Gospel
Mk 1:7-11 -- John the Baptist and Jesus's Baptism - "Inti ibni l-għażiż; fik sibt l-għaxqa tiegħi."

Inti ibni l-għażiż; fik sibt l-għaxqa tiegħi.
Mk 1, 7-11

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġwanni kien ixandar u jgħid: “Ġej warajja min hu aqwa minni, li jien ma jistħoqqlix nitbaxxa quddiemu u nħoll il-qfieli tal-qorq tiegħu. Jiena għammidtkom bl-ilma, iżda huwa jgħammidkom bl-Ispirtu s-Santu”.

U ġara li f’dawk il-jiem ġie Ġesù minn Nazaret tal-Galilija, u tgħammed minn Ġwanni fil-Ġordan. U minnufih hu u tiela’ mill-ilma ra s-smewwiet jinfetħu, u l-Ispirtu bħal ħamiema nieżel fuqu; u mis-smewwiet instama’ leħen: “Inti ibni l-għażiż; fik sibt l-għaxqa tiegħi”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu