Wednesday, September 24, 2014

SEPTEMBER 24 - OUR LADY OF MERCY ( Our Lady for the Redemption of Captives) - IL-MADONNA TAL-ĦNIENA --- (Pope Francis: Migrants and refugees have a privileged place in the heart of the Church)

Madonna of Mercy_GHIRLANDAIO, Domenico

Illum l-Erbgħa 24 ta' Settembru, hija l festa tal-Madonna tal-Ħniena. ejjew flimkien inselmu lil din ommna tas-sema waqt li ngħidula;

Sliem għalik, Sultana, omm tal-ħniena, ħajja, ħlewwa u tama tagħna. Sliem għalik, lilek ingħajtu, aħna, turufnati, ulied Eva. Lilek nitniehdu, aħna li nibku u nolfqu f’dan il-wied tad-dmugħ.

Ejja mela, avukata tagħna; dawwar lejna dawk l-għajnejn tiegħek tal-ħniena. Urina, wara dan it-turufnament, lil Ġesù frott imbierek tal-ġuf tiegħek, o ħanina, o pija, o ħelwa, Verġni Marija

In the early part of the thirteenth century of the era of our Lord, the greatest and fairest part of Spain lay crushed under the yoke of the Sara
cens, and countless numbers of the faithful were held in brutal slavery, with the most lively danger of being made to deny the Christian faith and of losing everlasting salvation. Amid such sorrows the most Blessed Queen of heaven came mercifully to the rescue, and showed how the greatness of her motherly love was fain for their redemption. Holy Peter Nolasco, in the full bloom of the treasures of godliness as well as rich in earthly wealth, was earnestly pondering with himself how he could succour so many suffering Christians dwelling in bondage to the Moors. To him appeared with gracious visage the Most Blessed Virgin, and bade him know that it would be well pleasing in her own sight, and in the sight of her Only-begotten Son, that an Order of Religious men should be founded in her honour, whose work it should be to redeem prisoners from Mohammedan slavery. Strengthened by this heavenly vision, the man of God began to burn with wonderful charity, nursing in his heart the one desire that he himself and the Order which he should found might exercise that love, greater than which hath no man, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John xv. 13.)Upon the same night the same most holy Virgin appeared to the Blessed Raymund de Penafuerte, and to James, King of Aragon, charging them concerning the founding of the Order, and desiring them to help in raising up so great a work. Peter betook himself forthwith to the feet of Raymund, who was his confessor, and laid the matter before him, whom also he found taught from heaven, and to whose governance he right humbly submitted himself. Then came King James, who appointed to carry out this revelation, which himself also had received from the Most Blessed Virgin. The three took counsel together, and all with one consent entered upon the institution of an Order in honour of the said Virgin Mother, to be placed under the invocation of St Mary of Ransom, for the redemption of captives.
Upon the 10th of August, in the year of our Lord 1218, the above-named King James decreed the establishment of this Order, thus already conceived by these holy men. The brethren take, (in addition to the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience,) a fourth vow, whereby they bind themselves to remain in pawn with the unbelievers, if need so require, for the liberation of Christians. The King granted them the right to bear on their breasts his own Royal blazon, and obtained from Gregory IX. the confirmation of this Institute and Order so nobly marked by brotherly charity. God Himself, through the Virgin Mother, gave the increase, causing this Institute speedily and prosperously to spread through all the world, and to blossom with holy men, great in love and godliness, to spend in the redemption of their neighbours the alms which are committed to them by Christ’s faithful people, to that end, and some whiles to give themselves up for the ransom of many. That due thanks might be rendered to God and to the Virgin Mother for the great blessing of this Institute, the See Apostolic among other well-nigh countless favours bestowed upon it, permitted that this special Feast-day should be kept and this Office said.


Our Lady of Ransom  



Our Lady for the Redemption of Captives

Pope Francis: Migrants and refugees have a privileged place in the heart of the Church (Published on 23 Sep 2014)

Pope Francis: Martyrs show that the strength of the Church is not in its structures  

Mary, Our Mother of Mercy


Sunday, September 21, 2014

What a bird's nest taught me about God


Written by Jim Denison

Janet and I are a pet-less couple.  In our 34 years of marriage we have owned two dogs and a snake (actually, the snake belonged to our oldest son, but we paid his vet bills, which is another story entirely).  Since the snake died, we have been without a pet in our home.

From time to time, friends encourage us to get a dog.  We travel a great deal, however, so keeping up with a pet would be hard.  And we are aware of the fact that dogs want to be fed and walked and scooped-up after (euphemistically speaking), rain or shine.  If we could have a pet that required no maintenance, that would be ideal.

This spring we acquired just such a pet.  A robin made a nest in our backyard where the drain spout curves away from the brick wall and joins the gutter.  She then raised a family before our eyes.  She became very territorial, scolding us if we happened to come too close.  But she didn't ask to be fed, or sheltered, or scooped-up after.  Our détente was mutually beneficial.

Last week, she and her offspring left their nest for parts unknown.  So it fell my lot to climb up a ladder and remove their temporary home.  I was amazed by what I found.  As the picture shows, this mother engineered a remarkable nest.  Using nothing more than the sticks and twigs she found in our neighborhood, she was able to weave a protective, safe shelter for herself and her chicks.  I couldn't have done as well.

When I showed the nest to Janet, she commented on a mother's love for her children.  Her insight led me to think of that same love expressed in Scripture by our Father for us.  He protects us as a mother bird protects her young: "under his wings you will find refuge" (Psalm 91:4).  He teaches us to fly as an eagle teaches her young, pushing them from the nest but catching them when they fall until they learn to use their wings: "Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that hovers over its young, he spread his wings and caught them, he carried them on his pinions" (Deuteronomy 32:11).

But here's where the analogy breaks down: the chicks that were hatched and raised in our backyard nest had no choice in the matter.  You and I, however, can choose to trust our Father or not.  We can choose to stay in the nest he provides, or try to build our own.  We can face our enemies in his protection or our power.  We can accept his provision or seek our own.  But as a chick that falls from its nest to the ground and dies, our every effort at self-reliance is doomed ultimately to fail.

Grieving over the people who rejected his love, Jesus mourned: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!  How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" (Matthew 23:37).  How many times have we been like them?

If a bird can build a better nest than I can engineer, how much more can my omnipotent Father build a better life than I can construct?


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lk 7:31-35 -- To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation ? - Ma' min, mela se nxebbahhom in-nies ta' dan iż-żmien?

Lk 7:31-35 -- To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation ? - Ma' min, mela se...

--- 'We played the pipes, and you wouldn't dance' ---

Daqqejnielkom il-flawt u ma żfintux, għannejnielkom għanja ta’ niket u ma ħabbattux fuq sidirkom.
Lq 7, 31-35

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, il-Mulej qal: [Lq:7:31] "Ma' min, mela, se nxebbahhom in-nies ta' dan iż-żmien? Lil min jixbhu? [Lq:7:32] Jixbhu lil qabda tfal bilqiegħda fil-pjazza, jgħajjtu lil xulxin u jgħidu,
                    'Daqqejnielkom il-flawt
                    u ma żfintux,
                    għannejnielkom għanja ta' niket
                    u ma ħabbattux fuq sidirkom!'

[Lq:7:33] Għax tassew, ġie Ġwanni l-Battista, la jiekol ħobż u lanqas jixrob inbid, u intom tgħidu li 'għandu fih xitan'. [Lq:7:34] Ġie Bin il-bniedem, jiekol u jixrob, u tgħidu, 'Araw, xi bniedem wikkiel u sakranazz, ħabib tal-pubblikani u l-midinbin!' [Lq:7:35] Imma l-ulied ta' Alla kollha taw raġun lill-għerf tiegħu."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu



Lk 7:36-50 -- Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman - Ġesù għand Xmun il-Fariżew


Lk 7:36-50 -- Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman - Ġesù għand Xmun il-Fariżew

Ġesù għand Xmun il-Fariżew
[Lq:7:36] Wieħed mill-Fariżej stieden lil Ġesù biex jiekol miegħu; Ġesù daħal għand il-Fariżew u qagħad għall-ikel. [Lq:7:37] Issa fil-belt kien hemm midinba magħrufa. Din saret taf li kien qiegħed għall-ikel fid-dar tal-Fariżew; ġiebet vażett ta' l-alabastru biż-żejt ifuħ; [Lq:7:38] u marret qagħdet warajh ħdejn riġlejh, tibki u xxarrablu riġlejh bi dmugħha u tixxuttahomlu b'xuxitha; mbagħad bisitlu riġlejh u dilkithomlu biż-żejt ifuħ. [Lq:7:39] Kif ra hekk il-Fariżew li stiednu qal bejnu u bejn ruħu: "Dan, li kien profeta, kien ikun jaf min hi u x'mara hi din li qiegħda tmissu; kien ikun jaf, għax hi midinba!" [Lq:7:40] Imma Ġesù qabad u qallu: "Xmun, għandi ħaġa xi ngħidlek.""Għid, mgħallem" qallu dak. [Lq:7:41] "Tnejn min-nies kellhom id-dejn ma' wieħed li jislef il-flus; wieħed kellu jagħtih ħames mitt dinar u l-ieħor ħamsin. [Lq:7:42] Minn fejn iħallsu dejnhom ma kellhomx, u hu ħafrilhom it-tnejn. Min minnhom se jħobbu l-iżjed?" [Lq:7:43] Wieġeb Xmun u qal: "Jidhirli jien li dak li ħafirlu l-iżjed." "Ħsibtha tajjeb" qallu Ġesù. [Lq:7:44] Mbagħad dar lejn il-mara u qal lil Xmun: "Qiegħed taraha lil din il-mara? Dħalt għandek, u ilma għal riġlejja ma tajtnix, iżda hi riġlejja xarrbithomli bi dmugħha u xxuttathomli b'xuxitha. [Lq:7:45] Bewsa ma tajtnix, iżda hi minn xħin daħlet ma waqfitx tbusli riġlejja. [Lq:7:46] Rasi ma dlikthilix biż-żejt, imma hi dilkitli riġlejja b'żejt ifuħ. [Lq:7:47] Għalhekk ngħidlek li dnubietha, li kienu ħafna, nħafrulha, għax ħabbet ħafna; imma min jinħafirlu ftit, ftit iħobb." [Lq:7:48] Mbagħad qal lilha: "Dnubietek maħfura." [Lq:7:49] Dawk li kienu fuq il-mejda miegħu bdew jgħidu fihom infushom: "Dan min hu biex jaħfer id-dnubiet ukoll?" [Lq:7:50] Iżda hu qal lill-mara: "Il-fidi tiegħek salvatek; mur bis-sliem."


Pope Francis at Santa Marta: We experience Christ's forgiveness when recognizing our sins  



ĦNIENA SKANDALUŻA - SCANDALOUS MERCY --- and --- Pope Francis Mass at Santa Marta on 20th September 2018
