Saturday, September 13, 2014

SEPTEMBER 14 - Feast - Exaltation of the Holy Cross --- Jn 3:13-17 --- 14 ta' Settembru - L-Eżaltazzjoni tas-Salib Imqaddes

The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrates two historical events: the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, in 320 under the temple of Venus in Jerusalem, and the dedication in 335 of the basilica and shrine built on Calvary by Constantine, which mark the site of the Crucifixion.
The basilica, named the Martyrium, and the shrine, named the Calvarium, were destroyed by the Persians in 614. The Church of the Holy sepulcher which now stands on the site was built by the crusaders in 1149.
However the feast, more than anything else, is a celebration and commemoration of God's greatest work: his salvific death on the Cross and His Resurrection, through which death was defeated and the doors to Heaven opened.
The entrance antiphon for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is: "We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he is our salvation, our life and our resurrection: through him we are saved and made free."
Collect Prayer: O God, who willed that your Only Begotten Son should undergo the Cross to save the human race, grant, we pray, that we, who have known his mystery on earth, may merit the grace of his redemption in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Source: Catholic News Agency

 Informazzjoni fuq din il-festa għażiża.

Wara li l-Ġisem Imqaddes ta’ Ġesù tniżżel minn fuq is-salib u tpoġġa fil-qabar, neħħew is-salib minn postu, tefgħuh ġo ħofra u radmuh.

Xi tliet mitt sena wara, għall-ħabta ta’s-sena 327, fi żmien Kostantinu, meta fuq il-Knisja reġgħet feġġet il-paċi, San Makarju, Isqof ta’ Ġerusalemm, imħeġġeġ u megħjun minn Santa Elena waqt li kienet f’pellegrinaġġ fl-Artijiet Imqaddsa (326-327), ta ordni ħalli jinstabu l-imkejjen sagri. Hekk fost affarijiet oħra nstabu l-qabar ta’ Kristu, il-Kalvarju u s-Salib imqaddes.

Kostantinu bena knisja fuq il-post fejn instab is-Salib, li l-konsagrazzjoni tagħha saret fl-14 ta’ Settembru 335.

Fis-sena 614, ir-Re Kosroe II tal-Persjani kien għamel ħerba minn Ġerusalemm u mill-Artijiet Imqaddsa, u ġarraf jew ħaraq bosta knejjes u istituti reliġjużi nsara. Fost kollox kien karkar miegħu biċċa kbira tas-Salib li kienet miżmuma ġo relikwarju bil-ġawhar.

L-Imperatur Eraklju ta’ Kostantinopli, wara li ma rnexxilux jasal ftehim mal-Persjani, mexxa l-armati tiegħu kontriehom. Fis-sena 627, Kosroe II ħarab u ġie maqtul minn ibnu Siroe.

Eraklju wasal fi ftehim ma’ Siroe, u fost affarijiet oħra ħa r-relikwa tas-Salib f’Kostantionopli fejn kellh laqgħa trijonfali.

Fis-sena 629, Eraklju ħa s-Salib lura Ġerusalemm. Meta wasal fit-triq li kienet tagħti għall-Kalvarju, neħħa l-ilbies ta’ Imperatur minn fuqu, libes ilbies ordinarju u ħafi, wassal ir-relikwa tas-Salib u taha lill Żakkarija, Patrijarka ta’ Ġerusalemm. Din hi l-ġrajja li l-Knisja qed tfakkarna fiha llum.

Inċidentalment, Rohault de Fleury, għamel tfittix bir-reqqa, u wera (Memoire sue les Instruments de la Passion, Paris, 1870) li jekk tiġbor flimkien ir-relikwi kollha li huma mxerrdin ’l hawn u ’l hemm fid-dinja, ma jlaħħqux iktar mit-tlieta waħda (1/3) ta’ salib normali.

Ġesù twajjeb, aħna dnibna, dorna lura mit-triq tiegħek; o Mulej ħanin, aħfrilna l-għilt u l-ħażen kollu tagħna. Bis-salib imqaddes tiegħek, is-sinjal għażiż tal-fidwa, kullimkien u dejjem żommna taħt għajnejk, għax aħna wliedek. (Mill-Uffiċċju tal-Qari, Innu matul is-sena, l-I Ġimgħa, il-Ġimgħa)


on September 14


Quddiesa mill-Knisja ta’ Ġieżu, il-Belt Valletta - 14 ta' Settembru 2020

Book of Numbers 21:4b-9 -- The bronze serpent --- Ktieb tan-Numri 21:4b-9 -- Is-serp tal-bronż
If anyone was bitten by a serpent, he looked up at the bronze serpent and lived
1st Reading on SEPTEMBER 14 - on THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS, Feast 14 TA' SETTEMBRU - L-EŻALTAZZJONI TAS-SALIB IMQADDES, Festa - Jinħtieġ li Bin il- bniedem ikun merfugħ. Numri 21:4b-9 Qari mill-Ktieb tan-Numri
F’dak iż-żmien, [Num:21:4b] x’ħin refgħu il-kamp u telqu minn ħdejn il-muntanja Ħor, l-Iżraelin għaddew mat-triq tal-Baħar tal-Qasab biex jeħduha bid-dawra mal-art ta’ Edom, imma l-poplu ddejjaq jimxi, [Num:21:5] u beda jgerger kontra Alla u kontra Mosè: «Għala tellajtuna mill-Eġittu biex immutu fid-deżert? M’hawnx ħobż u lanqas ilma; aħna xbajna b’dan l-ikel ħafif.» [Num:21:6] U l-Mulej bagħat sriep velenużi f’nofs il-poplu u bdew jigdmuhom; u mietu ħafna mill-poplu ta’ Iżrael. [Num:21:7] U l-poplu mar għand Mosè, u qalulu: «Dnibna għax tkellimna kontra l-Mulej u kontra tiegħek. Itlob lill-Mulej ħa jwarrab is-sriep minn fostna.» U Mosè mar jitlob għall-poplu. [Num:21:8] U l-Mulej kellem lil Mosè u qallu: «Agħmel serp tal-bronż velenuż, u arbulah bħal stendard; u kull min jingidem u jħares lejh ifiq u jgħix.» [Num:21:9] U Mosè għamel serp tal-bronż, u arbulah bħal stendard. U ġara li kull min kien jigdmu s-serp kien iħares lejn is-serp tal-bronż, u kien ifiq u jgħix. Il-Kelma tal-Mulej. R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla.

 GOSPEL -- Jn 3:13-17 -- God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved - Jinħtieġ li Bin il-bniedem ikun merfugħ.

Ġw 3:13-17

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lil Nikodemu: "[Ġw:3:13] Ħadd ma tela' s-sema ħlief Bin il-bniedem, li niżel mis-sema. [Ġw:3:14] U kif Mosè rafa' s-serp  fid-deżert, hekk jeħtieġ li jkun merfugħ Bin il-bniedem, [Ġw:3:15] biex kull min jemmen fih ikollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem. [Ġw:3:16] Għax Alla hekk ħabb lid-dinja li ta lil Ibnu l-waħdieni, biex kull min jemmen fih ma jintilifx, iżda jkollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem. [Ġw:3:17] Għax Alla ma bagħatx lil Ibnu fid-dinja biex jagħmel ħaqq mid-dinja, imma biex id-dinja ssalva."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu.


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Triumph of the Cross

At the Mass for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Pope Francis said the mystery of the Cross is a great mystery for mankind, a mystery that can only be approached in prayer and in tears.

Pope Francis at Santa Marta explains the meaning of the Cross


Lk 6:39-42 -- Judging Others - Tiġġudikawx


Lk 6:39-42 -- Judging Others - Tiġġudikawx

Lq:6:39] Qalilhom parabbola: "Jista' agħma jmexxi agħma ieħor? Mhux it-tnejn jaqgħu fil-ħofra? Lq:6:40] Id-dixxiplu m'huwiex aqwa mill-imgħallem tiegħu; imma kull min itemm it-taħriġ tiegħu jsir  bħall-imgħallem tiegħu. [Lq:6:41] Għax tara t-tibna f'għajn ħuk, u ma tarax it-travu li għandek f'għajnek int? [Lq:6:42] Kif tista' tgħidlu lil ħuk, 'Ħi, ejja nneħħilek it-tibna li għandek f'għajnek', meta m'intix tara t-travu li għandek f'għajnek int? Ja wiċċ b'ieħor, neħħi l-ewwel it-travu minn għajnek int, ħalli mbagħad tara sewwa kif tneħħi t-tibna minn għajn ħuk.

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Filippu Neri u t Tigiega - Philip Neri and the Chicken
Adaptation of the story of the most unusual penance St. Philip Neri assigned to a woman for her sin of spreading gossip. The sixteenth-century saint instructed her to take a feather pillow to the top of the church bell tower, rip it open, and let the wind blow all the feathers away. This probably was not the kind of penance this woman, or any of us, would have been used to!

But the penance didn't end there. Philip Neri gave her a second and more difficult task. He told her to come down from the bell tower and collect all the feathers that had been scattered throughout the town. The poor lady, of course, could not do it-and that was the point Philip Neri was trying to make in order to underscore the destructive nature of gossip. When we detract from others in our speech, our malicious words are scattered around and cannot be gathered back. They continue to dishonour and divide for many days, months, and years after we had spoken them, as they linger in people's minds and pass from one tale-bearer to the next.

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Pope Francis: Don't celebrate the mistakes of others


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Rum:12:21--- Tħallix il-ħażen jirbħek, iżda irbaħ il-ħażen   bit-tajjeb.

Gospel of Thursday of week 23 in Ordinary Time
Lk 6:27-38 -- Love for Enemies - L-imħabba ta' l-għedewwa

Pope at Santa Marta “In order to be a good Christian, you should love your enemies without fear”  


Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Miracle Prayer + Hymns + HOW TO RECITE THE MOST HOLY ROSARY IN ENGLISH - as we Maltese generally recite it in the Maltese Language. + LITANY + CATECHESIS


THE MIRACLE PRAYER - by Fr. Peter M. Rookey, OSM. - (who died peacefully in his sleep in the overnight hours of September 9-10, 2014) R.I.P.

Lord, Jesus, I come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give You my entire self Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You into my life Jesus. I accept You as my Lord, my God and my Saviour.  Please heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I love You Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life.

Here I am Lord with lyrics


On June 20th, 2020 - Pope Francis' three new additions to Litany of Loreto and what they mean


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THE MOST HOLY ROSARY IN ENGLISH - as we Maltese generally recite it in the Maltese Language.(The translation from our language may vary)

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ROSARY page 1 of 2


20 ta' Ġunju 2020 - Il-Papa Franġisku jżid tliet invokazzjonijiet ġodda fil-Litanija

“Mater misericordiæ”, il-Latin għal “Omm tal-ħniena”; “Mater spei”, jew “Omm it-tama”; u “Solacium migrantium”, jew “Faraġ tal-migranti” huma l-invokazzjonijiet ġodda lill-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija fil-Litanija Lawretana, li spiss tingħad fi tmiem ir-Rużarju. 

Skont id-direttivi, l-invokazzjoni “Omm tal-ħniena” għandha tiddaħħal wara “Omm il-Knisja”, “Omm it-tama” wara “Omm tal-grazzja ta’ Alla”, u “Faraġ tal-migranti” wara “Kenn tal-midinbin”.


20th June 2020 - Pope adds three new invocations to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

“Mater misericordiae”, the Latin for “Mother of mercy”; "Mater spei", or “Mother of hope”; and “Solacium migrantium", or “Solace of migrants” are the new invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Litany of Loreto, which is often recited at the end of the Rosary. 

According to directions, the invocation, “Mother of mercy” is to be inserted after “Mother of the Church”, "Mother of hope” after “Mother of Divine Grace” and “Solace of migrants” after “Refuge of sinners”. 


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ROSARY page 2 of 2       

Litany updated with the three new invocations, after June 20th, 2020



The Benefits of Praying the Rosary in a Group
Published on 4 Oct 2014
Fr. Andre speaks on Our Lady during the “Day With Mary” held at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Rockingham, Western Australia on 4 October 2014.

Our Lady Help of Christians  
Published on 8 Sep 2014
Fr. Joseph Michael speaks on Our Lady during the “Day With Mary” held at St. Cecilia Parish in Floreat, Western Australia on 6 September 2014. 
