Thursday, August 28, 2014


Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church; Memorial - August 28“And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty billows of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, and pass themselves by;…” - St. Augustine, (Confessions, 221)St. Augustine was born in 354 in northern Africa to a Christian mother and a pagan father. He received a Christian education, but spent his teen years in worldly pursuits. He graduated with degrees in grammar and rhetoric and became a professor.
He resisted the Church, choosing to practice the Manichaean faith of Persia and later, Neo-platonism. Eventually, through the tireless efforts of his mother, St. Monica; and St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan; St. Augustine reasoned himself into the Christian faith, becoming baptized at age 33.
Content to ponder the mysteries of God and live a hermetic lifestyle, St. Augustine initially resisted the priesthood. Upon a trip to Hippo, the townspeople – knowing of St. Augustine’s holiness, begged the aging bishop, Valerius, to ordain him. St. Augustine accepted Holy Orders and took it on with his characteristic ardor. Four years later, he became Bishop of Hippo, blending a monastic lifestyle with clerical duties. 
St. Augustine is most beloved for his fount of doctrinal truths. He preached and wrote extensively on God, leaving a treasury of wisdom dear to all the faithful. Some of his most famous works include; Confessions, City of God, On Christian Doctrine, and Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love. He is the patron saint of theologians and was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1298 by Boniface VIII.


SAINT AUGUSTINE, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church; Memorial - August 28

“And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty billows of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, and pass themselves by;…” - St. Augustine, (Confessions, 221)

St. Augustine was born in 354 in northern Africa to a Christian mother and a pagan father. He received a Christian education, but spent his teen years in worldly pursuits. He graduated with degrees in grammar and rhetoric and became a professor.

He resisted the Church, choosing to practice the Manichaean faith of Persia and later, Neo-platonism. Eventually, through the tireless efforts of his mother, St. Monica; and St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan; St. Augustine reasoned himself into the Christian faith, becoming baptized at age 33.
Content to ponder the mysteries of God and live a hermetic lifestyle, St. Augustine initially resisted the priesthood. Upon a trip to Hippo, the townspeople – knowing of St. Augustine’s holiness, begged the aging bishop, Valerius, to ordain him. St. Augustine accepted Holy Orders and took it on with his characteristic ardor. Four years later, he became Bishop of Hippo, blending a monastic lifestyle with clerical duties. 
St. Augustine is most beloved for his fount of doctrinal truths. He preached and wrote extensively on God, leaving a treasury of wisdom dear to all the faithful.
Some of his most famous works include;

Confessions -,

City of God, On Christian Doctrine -

Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love.

He is the patron saint of theologians and was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1298 by Pope Boniface VIII.


Mt 23:8-12 - ...whoever humbles himself will be exalted - min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.

min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.
Mt 23, 8-12

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew

F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: [Mt:23:8] Intom tħallux min isejjħilkom Rabbi, għax l-Imgħallem tagħkom wieħed hu, u intom ilkoll aħwa. [Mt:23:9] U ssejjħu lil ħadd missierkom fuq din l-art, għax il-Missier tagħkom wieħed hu, dak li hu fis-smewwiet. [Mt:23:10] Hekk ukoll tħallux min isejjħilkom mexxejja, għax il-mexxej tagħkom wieħed hu, il-Messija. [Mt:23:11]  Il-kbir fostkom għandu jkun il-qaddej tagħkom; [Mt:23:12] min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu



--- mill Facebook - Parroċċa Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar - 27 ta' Awwissu, 2017 ---

28 ta' Awwissu - Festa ta' Santu Wistin, Isqof u Duttur tal-Knisja.

Ħajja u Storja 

Santu Wistin huwa wieħed mill-erba’ Santi Padri ewlenin tal-Punent, flimkien ma’ Sant'Ambroġju, San Ġlormu u l-Papa San Girgor il-Kbir. Huwa kien isqof ta’ Ippona, belt ewlenija tal-Afrika Rumana (illum Annaba fl-Alġerija) u wieħed mill-figuri ewlenin tal-Knisja tar-raba’ seklu.
Wistin twieled fit-13 ta’ Novembru 354 minn missier pagan, Patrizju, li kien Kunsillier ta’ muniċipju, u minn omm nisranija Kattolika, Monnika, ta’ razza bérbera f’Tagaste, fin-Numidja, Souk-Ahras, illum l-Alġerija. Minħabba l-edukazzjoni li kellu, hu kien marbut b’ruħu u b’ġismu ma’ Ruma, mal-Imperu Ruman, u mal-kultura Rumana. Studja f’Tagaste fejn twieled, wara kompla jistudja fil-belt ta’ Madawra (ġewwa l-Alġerija) u mbagħad temm l-istudji f’Kartaġni. L-ilsien Grieg ma setax jaqbdu fl-iskola, imma iżjed tard wara li kien kbir tgħallmu biżżejjed biex ikun jista’ jittraduċi għal-Latin. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-Puniku baqa’ ma tgħallmu qatt, neħħi xi ftit kliem ’l hawn u ’l hemm li laħaq tgħallem u li nqeda bih biex ifisser kliem Lhudi li kien jixxiebah etimoloġikament. Meta kellu tnax-il sena kien se jmut minħabba x-xedda li qabditu, u kien se jitgħammed. Imma billi għaddielu, hu baqa’ ma tgħammidx żgħir.
Ta’ dsatax-il sena tbiegħed mill-fidi Kattolika. Wara li qara l-ktieb l-Ortensju ta’ Ċiċerun li kien iħajjar għat-triq tal-filosofija, Wistin sar Manikew. Issa mietlu missieru (373), u reġa’ lura lejn Tagaste, u miegħu ħa l-mara li kien jgħix magħha u lil binhom Adeodat. Ommu ma laqgħethomx għandha. Hu beda jgħallem il-grammatika Latina fl-istess Tagaste (374). Wara dan huwa qabad jgħallem ir-retorika l-ewwel f’Kartaġni (375-383), imbagħad f’Ruma (384), u fl-aħħar Milan (Ħarifa 384 – Sajf 386). F’Milan stess hu ġie f’kuntatt mal-Isqof Sant'Ambroġju u mal-istudji tan-neoplatoniċi li għenuh iħoll il-problema tal-materjaliżmu u tal-ħażen. Bil-qari ta’ San Pawl hu għeleb il-problema tan-naturaliżmu, u fehem li Kristu mhux biss hu l-Imgħallem, imma wkoll il-Feddej. Hekk wasal biex aċċetta l-medjazzjoni divina u l-grazzja. U fl-aħħar wasal ukoll għall-konverżjoni tiegħu.
Wistin ikkonverta fl-ewwel jiem tax-xahar ta’ Awwissu tas-sena 386, jiġifieri 44 sena qabel ma miet bħala Isqof ta’ Ippona. Bejn il-konverżjoni u l-episkopat tiegħu għaddew ftit inqas minn għaxar snin, imma dan kien perjodu mimli progress spiritwali u kisba ta’ tagħlim tat-teoloġija Kattolika.
Hekk kif ikkonverta hu ħa żewġ deċiżjonijiet kbar: dik li jirrinunzja għat-tagħlim tar-retorika, u dik li jirrinunzja għaż-żwieġ. Hekk, qrib it-tmiem ta’ Ottubru tas-sena 386 Wistin irtira f’Kassiċijaku, x’aktarx Cossago fil-Brianza, biex hemm iħejji ruħu għall-magħmudija. F’dan il-post hu għamel inqas minn ħames xhur għaliex fl-ewwel ġranet ta’ Marzu tas-sena 387 hu reġa’ lura lejn Milan, inkiteb katekumenu, segwa l-kors tal-katekeżi li għamel Ambroġju u kien mgħammed flimkien ma’ Alipju, sieħbu, u Adeodat, ibnu, fil-lejl ta’ bejn l-24 u l-25 ta’ April, il-viġilja tal-Għid tas-sena 387. Minn hemm Wistin qatagħha li jerġa’ lura lejn l-Afrika, imma ftit wara li waslu f’Ostia Tiberina, ommu mardet u mietet. Wistin reġa’ lura lejn Ruma u baqa’ sas-sena ta’ wara jikteb il-kotba u jitkixxef iżjed dwar il-ħajja monastika. Wara l-mewt tal-Imperatur Massimu li ġrat f’Lulju jew f’Awissu tas-sena 388, Wisin ħalla Ruma u mar Tagaste fejn beda l-ħajja komunitarja flimkien mal-ħbieb tiegħu u ma’ Adeodat li mbagħad miet minn sena sa tliet snin wara (389-391).
Fis-sena 391, Wistin mar Ippona bil-ħsieb li jsib xi post fejn ikun jista’ jwaqqaf knisja. F’dik l-okkażjoni hu aċċetta kontra qalbu li jkun ordnat saċerdot. L-Isqof Valerju tah biċċa mill-kwartier nisrani biex iwaqqaf hemm il-monasteru tal-lajċi li xtaq jibni. Hawn beda jagħti ruħu għal iżjed ħajja axxetika, għal iżjed studji tat-teoloġija, u fl-istess ħin beda l-ħidma tiegħu tal-predikazzjoni. Fis-sena 395 jew 396 hu kien ikkonsagrat Isqof. Għadda xi żmien jgħin lill-Isqof Valerju, imbagħad, għallinqas minn Awissu tas-sena 397, hu beda l-ħidma tiegħu proprja bħala Isqof ta’ Ippona. Meta sar Isqof tal-post, Wistin ħalla l-monasteru tal-lajċi fejn qabel kien superjur, u mar fid-dar ta’ l-Isqof u għamel minn din monasteru tal-Kjeriċi.
Bħala Isqof, Santu Wistin ħadem bis-sħiħ kemm fid-djoċesi tiegħu, kemm fi djoċesijiet oħra fejn mar ħafna drabi l-iktar biex jipprietka, u kemm għall-Knisja universali l-iktar bil-kotba tiegħu. Fid-djoċesi tiegħu, Wistin kien jipprietka regolarment darbtejn fil-ġimgħa, jiġifieri s-Sibt u l-Ħadd. F’xi okkażjonijiet kien jipprietka għal ġranet sħaħ wara xulxin, meta mhux ukoll jagħmel żewġ prietki kuljum. Kellu wkoll laqgħat tal-Isqof mal-membri tad-djoċesi, li kienu jissejħu audientia episcopalia, u dan biex jisma’ u jaqta’ s-sentenzi fil-kawżi li kienu jippreżentawlu l-fidili. Xi kultant dawn il-laqgħat kienu jdumu l-ġurnata kollha. Kellu wkoll jieħu ħsieb il-fqar, ir-romol u l-iltiema permezz ta’ tqassim ta’ affarijiet meħtieġa għall-ikel u għall-ħajja mill-imħażen li kien hemm apposta fil-kwartier nisrani. Kien jieħu ħsieb it-tagħlim reliġjuż tal-kleru li fosthom ġab riforma kbira bil-ħsieb li s-saċerdoti jkunu iktar kapaċi teoloġikament u liturġikament. Organizza l-monasteri kemm tal-irġiel kif ukoll tan-nisa. Kien iżur il-morda fi djarhom stess. U kien jaqbeż għall-fidili quddiem l-awtorita’ ċivili. Kien ukoll jieħu ħsieb l-amministrazzjoni tal-ġid tal-Knisja, xogħol li kien jagħmel kontra qalbuGħall-Knisja ta’ l-Afrika u b’xi mod għall-Knisja Universali, hu ħa sehem f’diversi konċilji Afrikani. Kiteb ħafna ittri bħala tweġiba għall-problemi jew mistoqsijiet li kienu jagħmlulu. Ħa sehem f’disputi pubbliċi mal-eretiċi meta tqum l-okkażjoni, fosthom fil-konferenza tas-sena 411 bejn Isqfijiet Kattoliċi u Isqfijiet Donatisti. Hu ħadem ħafna għas-soluzzjoni tax-xiżma Donatista u tal-kontroversja Pelaġjana. Meta miet fit-28 ta’ Awissu tas-sena 430, fit-tielet xahar ta’ l-assedju ta Ippona mill-Vandali, ħalla warajh ħafna opri mhumiex mitmuma. L-aħħar xogħol tiegħu kienet l-Ittra 228 li x’aktarx li ddettaha fuq is-sodda ta’ mewtu u indirizzaha lis-saċerdoti tad-djoċesi dwar id-dmirijiet tagħhom għal waqt l-invażjoni barbarika. Hu kien midfun fil-Bażilika Pacis ġewwa Ippona. Iktar tard l-għadam tiegħu, f’data inċerta, ittieħed f’Sardinja, u qrib is-sena 725 kien ittrasportat f’Pavia fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru f’Ciel d’Oro, fejn għadu sal-lum.

Il-Belt ta’ Alla. Din hi l-aqwa biċċa xogħol ta’ Santu Wistin. Fiha hu jagħti fil-qosor il-ħsieb tiegħu filosofiku, teoloġiku u politiku. Kitbu bejn is-snin 413-426. Fir-Ritrattazzjonijiet Santu Wistin meta wasal sabiex jerġa’ jagħti daqqa t’għajn lejn ix-xogħol li kien għadu kemm temm, fuq il-Belt ta’ Alla, kiteb: “Waqt dan kollu, Ruma kollha kienet tinsab imfarrka taħt il-qilla ta’ l-invażjoni tal-Goti li kienu taħt it-tmexxija tar-re Alariku (370-410); kien diżastru kbir. Dawk li aħna mdorrijn insejħu l-pagani, dawk li jagħtu qima lil bosta allat foloz, għamlu l-almu tagħhom kollu sabiex iqiegħdu l-ħtija ta’ dan kollu wara bieb it-twemmin nisrani, u dan sabiex iżebilħu lil Alla l-veru bi lsien iniggeż aktar u bi ħdura mhux tas-soltu. Għalhekk jien mifni bil-ħeġġa għad-dar ta’ Alla, qtajtha illi nikteb kontra dawn id-dagħajja u l-iżbalji tagħhom, il-kotba ta’ l-Belt ta’ Alla.”

Mela skond Wistin dawn kienu raġunijiet ewlenija għaliex ried jikteb il-Belt ta’ Alla. L-idea ewlinija hi dik li l-Providenza divina ddawwal u tmexxi l-istorja kollha tal-bniedem. Fiha 22 ktieb. ~ertament hija l-‘Magnum Opus’ ta’ Santu Wistin - opra twila ħafna u trid iż-żmien biex taqraha kollha. Tinqasam f’żewġ partijiet. Il-kotba 1-10 fihom il-ħsieb ta’ apoloġetika u polemika. Fil-kotba 1-5 Santu Wistin jirrifjuta l-opinjoni pagana li l-politeiżmu, jew l-adorazzjoni ta’ ħafna allat, kien bżonnjuż sabiex tinstab hena fuq din id-dinja; fil-kotba 6-10 huma miktuba kontra l-filosfi Neo-Platoniċi li kien jżommu li l-adorazzjoni ta’ l-allat hija neċessarja għall-ħajja futura. Il-kotba 11-22 huma spekulattivi. Hemm żewġ saltniet kbar li fihom isir l-iżvilupp tal-ħajja u ta’ l-umanita’: ‘Regnum Dei, Regnum mundi’,- ‘ir-renju ta’ Alla u r-renju tad-dinja.’ Il-konflitt bejn dawn it-tnejn jifforma suġġett ta’ dan ix-xogħol.

Ir-renju ta’ Alla jikkonsisti: fl-anġli tiegħu u n-nies ġusti, u l-essenza tar-renju tad-dinja hi l-apostasiji minn Alla. Huwa hawn li dawn iż-żewġ renji jidħlu ġo xulxin għaliex iċ-ċittadini ta’ l-ewwel jgħixu bħala ċittadini qalb tat-tieni. Il-kotba 11-14 jiddeskrivu l-oriġini ta’ kull renju, bil-ħolqien tal-anġli u tal-waqgħa ta’ dawk apostati. Il-kotba 15-18 jittrattaw fuq l-iżvilupp u l-progress ta’ dawn iż-żewġ renji u l-kotba 19-22 l-għan ta’ kull renju u kif isib tmiemu.

Ix-xogħol fih ħafna tagħrif storiku u arkeoloġiku għax Wistin ħa ħafna minn Ċiċerun, Verro u mir-reċensjoni tal-‘Chronicon’ ta’ Ewsebju. Ċertament dan ix-xogħol kellu u għad għandu influwenza kbira mill-mewt ta’ Wistin l’ hawn. Għall-grazzja ta’ Alla għandna traduzzjoni tajba ħafna tal-Belt ta’ Alla, tradotta minn Valentin V. Barbara, maħruġa mill-Provinċja Agostinjana, Malta, fil-1996, bin-noti estiżi ta’ P. Salvino Caruana OSA.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

DECEMBER 28 - HOLY INNOCENTS, MARTYRS --- Gospel Matthew 2:13-18

The Dark Story of the Nativity



How many Holy Innocents were killed by King Herod?

Ever since the 5th century the Church has commemorated a separate day in memory of the children killed by King Herod after Jesus’ birth. Matthew is the only one to record the event and the details surrounding it are slim.
Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men. – Matthew 2:16
This type of senseless action was typical of Herod, a deranged ruler who also killed his wife and two sons during his lifetime. Herod’s immediate response to those who opposed him was to eliminate them.
The biblical episode is usually labeled a “massacre,” to emphasize the ruthless spilling of innocent blood. It was a terrible act, though it pales in comparison to the modern day killing of innocent children throughout the world.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “The Greek Liturgy asserts that Herod killed 14,000 boys (ton hagion id chiliadon Nepion), the Syrians speak of 64,000, [and] many medieval authors of 144,000.” However, this number of children is greater than the entire population of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth.
Professor William F. Albright “estimates that the population of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth to be about 300 people. The number of male children, two years old or younger, would be about six or seven.” Other scholars claim the number was between 10 – 20 male children in Bethlehem and the surrounding area.
This low number of deaths is the likely explanation for why there exist no secular historical accounts of the massacre. Simply put, a handful of children killed by a local ruler was not “noteworthy” enough.
Regardless of how many children were killed, their deaths were a horrible atrocity, and Jesus could have been part of that number if Joseph had not been warned to flee beforehand.
The Church’s commemoration of the event reminds us of the sanctity of all human life. In the end it doesn’t matter how many children were killed. The Church honors their memory whether it was 100 children or a single child that was killed.
All life is precious, especially any innocent child killed at the beginning of life.


Quddiesa u Rużarju mill-Kurja tal-Arċisqof - 28 ta' Diċembru

Holy Mass Readings on December 28
Reading 1 1 Jn 1:5–2:2
Responsorial Psalm Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8
Alleluia - See Te Deum
Gospel Mt 2:13-18

Dec 28 - Holy Innocents, martyrs --- Mt 2:13-18 -- The Escape to Egypt - Il-ħarba lejn l-Eġittu

Mt 2, 13-18
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew.
[Mt:2:13] Meta telqu l-maġi, deher anġlu tal-Mulej f''ħolma lil Ġużeppi u qallu: "Qum, ħu miegħek lit-tifel u 'l ommu, u aħrab lejn l-Eġittu. Ibqa' hemm sa ma ngħidlek jien, għax Erodi se jfittex lit-tifel biex joqtlu.
[Mt:2:14] Ġużeppi qam, ħa miegħu lit-tifel u 'l ommu bil-lejl u warrab lejn l-Eġittu, [Mt:2:15] u baqa' hemmhekk sal-mewt ta' Erodi, biex hekk iseħħ dak li kien qal il-Mulej permezz tal-profeta, meta qal, ‘Mill-Eġittu sejjaħt lil ibni.’ [Mt:2:16] Erodi mbagħad, meta ra li l-maġi kienu għaddewh ta’ tifel, inkorla bis-sħiħ, u bagħat joqtol f'Betlehem u fl-inħawi kollha tagħha lit-tfal subjien kollha ta' minn sentejn 'l isfel, skond iż-żmien li sar jaf mingħand il-maġi. [Mt:2:17] Mbagħad seħħ dak li kien ingħad permezz tal-profeta Ġeremija, meta qal, [Mt:2:18] 'F'Rama nstama' leħen, biki u lfiq kbir: Rakel tibki lil uliedha u ma tridx min ifarraġha, għax ma għadhomx iżjed.’
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej.
R/.  Tifħir lilek Kristu.


Dec 28 - HOMILY: The Devil, Herod and the Holy Innocents  

An evil of this magnitude must be demonically inspired...and the Lord said that only prayer and fasting can cast out certain demons ...
 Homily: Pray and Fast to end Abortion


Praying for the Unborn, Voting to Kill Them - Jan 22 - Homily - Fr Terrance

Video published on 22 January 2020 
"UNPLANNED" Movie Changes Hearts in Mexico. 
Over 7,000 women have asked for help NOT to have an abortion after seeing this movie, Unplanned.

Pope to Filipino authorities: Protect the unborn's right to life

Included in THE DIDACHE (written around 70 AD - only around  40 years after the death of Jesus Christ - and discovered around 1873)
“...Do  not  murder  children  in  abortion,  nor  kill  that  which  is  born...”

Remember: From the instant of His conception, the Word made flesh begins to teach man more fully who man is.


Pope Francis denounces “false compassion” behind abortion and euthanasia - Published on Nov 17, 2014

O God, who desired Your Word to become a human being in  the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary the angel announcing it: grant to your supplicants; that we who believe truly in the Mother of God, may be helped in Your sight by her intercessions, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

O Alla, int li ridt li mat-tħabbira tal-Anġlu, l-Iben tiegħek isir bniedem fil-ġuf tal-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija, agħtina nitolbuk, lilna li nistqarruha Omm Alla, li nkunu mgħejjuna mit-talb tagħha, bl-istess Kristu Sidna. Ammen.

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Absolution of Abortion during Year of Mercy explained: Confession, Forgiveness, Mercy - Published on 4 Sep 2015

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Saint Faustina and abortion - from her diary - no. 1276

1276  September 16, 1937. I wanted very much to make a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament today, but God’s will was otherwise. At eight o’clock I was seized with such violent pains that I had to go to bed at once. I was convulsed with pain for three hours; that is, until eleven o’clock at night. No medicine had any effect on me, and whatever I swallowed I threw up. At times, the pains caused me to lose consciousness. Jesus had me realize that in this way I took part in His Agony in the Garden, and that He Himself allowed these sufferings in order to make reparation to God for the souls murdered in the wombs of wicked mothers. I have gone through these sufferings three times now. They always start at eight o’clock in the evening and last until eleven. No medicine can lessen these sufferings. When eleven o’clock comes, they cease by themselves, and I fall asleep at that moment. The following day, I feel very weak.“This happened to me the first time when I was at the sanatorium. The doctors couldn’t get to the bottom of it, and no injection or medicine helped me at all nor did I myself have any idea of what the sufferings were about. I told the doctor that never before in my life had I experienced such sufferings, and he declared he did not know what sort of pains they are. But now I understand the nature of these pains, because the Lord himself has made this known to me. Yet when I think that I may perhaps suffer in this way again, I tremble. But I don’t know whether I’ll ever again suffer in this way; I leave that to God. What it pleases God to send, I will accept with submission and love. If only I could save even one soul from murder by means of these sufferings!

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These paragraphs are very powerful, and when we contemplate the meaning of the "three hours" of her pain we can know even to a greater degree how she was called by Christ to truly suffer with Him, for precisely the number of hours we are told He suffered, and for the sake of children murdered by abortion.

Something to keep in mind is that Saint Faustina was a victim soul. God called her to experience suffering on behalf of the world’s sins. As Christians, God calls all of us to pray for mercy on behalf of our own sins and the sins of the world. Saint Faustina’s Diary is not her own. She was God’s instrument to express His thoughts to the world. This diary is a diary of mercy not judgment. It is the mercy of God we seek in prayer, not the judgment of God. There are many women who have had abortions who today very much wish they had not. Jesus gave us the Divine Mercy Chaplet as a means to seek His mercy for all souls. And certainly it is no coincidence that Jesus arranged that the Divine Mercy Chaplet could be prayed using His Mother’s beads.

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Pro Life Power: The Rosary

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Prayer for Life
O God, our Creator,

all life is in your hands from conception until death.

Help us to cherish our children

and to reverence the awesome privilege 

of our share in creation.

May all people live and die in dignity and love.

Bless all those who defend the rights of 

the unborn, the handicapped and the aged.

Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love,

and give them peace.

Let freedom be tempered by responsibility,

integrity and morality.



FROM POPE FRANCIS' DOCUMENT 'MISERICORDIA ET MISERA --- MERCY AND MISERY, signed on 20th NOVEMBER 2016, the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Pope Francis: All priests will be able to absolve from the sin of abortion - Published on Nov 21, 2016


AUGUST 26 - MOTHER OF THE CHURCH - Our Lady of Czestochowa, Black Madonna of Poland

Numerous miracles have been attributed to the Marian icon, which is kept and venerated at Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa, Poland.

Sunday, September 5th, 2021 - 
This 600-year-old Marian icon in Poland receives a gift from Pope Francis

 Alter of the Black Madonna - Jasna-Gora


Pope Francis prays at the Black Madonna of Czestochowa - Published on Jul 28, 2016

Pope Francis in Poland: Holy Mass at Jasna Gora - Holy Mass on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland, in the area near the Shrine of Częstochowa - streamed live on July 28, 2016


Unveiling of Our Lady of Czestochowa - Uploaded on 13 Oct 2010

Our Lady of Czestochowa, Black Madonna of Poland

Emotional song-prayer by 1.5 million young people to Our Lady of Czestochowa in WYD 2016 - Published on Jul 30, 2016

Mother of the Church  - Published on 25 Aug 2014

Our Lady of Czestochowa (Feast Day 26-Aug) & The Rosary - Published on 26 Aug 2014

The shrine of Czestochowa is found in the heart of Poland. A highlight of Marian devotion, it attracts four to five million pilgrims each year from 80 countries worldwide. The icon of the Black Madonna and Child goes back to medieval tradition. According to historians, the painting follows the model of Byzantine iconography: it is an "Odigitria" icon, that is to say, the image of "one that points out and guides all along the path". A legend attributes the creation of this painting to St. Luke, who was a contemporary of Mary, and so could reproduce her true image. In 1382 the icon was brought to the hill of Jasna Gora, which means "Bright Mountain" in Polish and overlooks Czestochowa. At Prince Władysław of Opole's initiative, a hilltop monastery was built for the Pauline monks. The Child's face is turned towards the pilgrim. But Her gaze is elsewhere, as if looking into the distance, beyond time and space. Both the Mother and the Son seemed immersed in thought, yielding an aura of wisdom. The brown color of their skin contrasts with the bright surroundings. Mary shows the Child Jesus to the pilgrim, and the Christ Child holds a book in one hand, and with the other gives a simple yet noble gesture of blessing. In every moment of difficulty of Poland, the population has huddled around the Black Madonna of Czestochowa and the child Jesus, this merely increases the influx of pilgrims. Even today, tens of thousands of people walk to the shrine each summer. The image is dark .. made even darker by the smoke of candles that continuously burn before the icon.   Karol Wojtyla himself visited frequently as a pilgrimage to the shrine, especially in 1936, along with many other university students who pledged to build a new Poland with the help of the Virgin. 


"Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who place their hope in Divine Providence, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who are deceived, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who are betrayed, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who are imprisoned, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who suffer from cold, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Mother of those who are afraid, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Poland Mother of the suffering, pray for us.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Poland Mother of the faithful, pray for us.
Pray for us, Our Lady of Czestochowa, That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Week 20 in Ordinary Time - Saturday morning Gospel and Reflection - Mt 23:1-12 -- A Warning Against Hypocrisy - min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.


Mt 23:1-12 -- A Warning Against Hypocrisy - min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.


Kliem biss għandhom, imma fatti xejn.
Mt 23, 1-12

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew

F’dak iż-żmien, [Mt:23:1] Ġesù kellem lin-nies u lid- dixxipli tiegħu, u qalilhom: [Mt:23:2] "Fuq il-katedra ta' Mosè qagħdu l-kittieba u Fariżej. [Mt:23:3] Mela kull ma jgħidulkom huma agħmluh u ħarsuh, iżda tagħmlux kif jagħmlu huma, għax huma kliem biss għandhom, imma fatti xejn. [Mt:23:4] Huma jorbtu qatet kbar u tqal u jgħabbuhom fuq spallejn ħaddieħor, waqt li huma stess anqas b'sebagħhom wieħed ma jridu jħarrkuhom. [Mt:23:5] Kull ma jagħmlu, jagħmluh għal għajnejn in-nies; għalhekk ikabbru l-filatterji u jtawwlu l-ġmiemen tagħhom. [Mt:23:6] Iħobbu l-postijiet ewlenin fl-imwejjed, u s-siġġijiet ta' quddiem fis-sinagogi, [Mt:23:7] u jixtiequ min isellmilhom fil-pjazez u li n-nies isejjħulhom Rabbi.
[Mt:23:8] Imma intom tħallux min isejjħilkom Rabbi, għax l-Imgħallem tagħkom wieħed hu, u intom ilkoll aħwa. [Mt:23:9] U ssejjħu lil ħadd missierkom fuq din l-art, għax il-Missier tagħkom wieħed hu, dak li hu fis-smewwiet. [Mt:23:10] Hekk ukoll tħallux min isejjħilkom mexxejja, għax il-mexxej tagħkom wieħed hu, il-Messija. [Mt:23:11]  Il-kbir fostkom għandu jkun il-qaddej tagħkom; [Mt:23:12] min jitgħolla, jitbaxxa, u min jitbaxxa, jitgħolla.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


Homily: Good and Bad Example

Father Louis Maximilian takes two points from today's Gospel. First is the need for good example, both to ourselves (i.e. a sincere and consistent life) and to others. If we don't have this, not only will we not sweeten the message of the Gospel with our deeds, but we will embitter it. Second is how to react to bad example, especially by those in authority over us. We are not excused from living the faith, rather we can look to the teaching of the Holy Father as a dependable guide even in murky times. We also must not be quick to condemn, but seek first the Kingdom of God, even if it feels like we are alone. Let us imitate the Blessed Virgin, ponder the Word of God, and be docile to the inspirations of the Spirit.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Rose of Lima - Opt Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Saturday in the 20th Week in Ordinary Time
1st: eze 43:1-7
Resp: psa 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14
Gsp: mat 23:1-12
