Friday, August 15, 2014

August 15 2014 - POPE FRANCIS IN SOUTH KOREA - Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption, in Daejeon

Pope's first Mass in South Korea: Embrace hope, embrace life  

Streamed live on 15 Aug 2014
Starts at 3.30 am (Seoul time: 10.30 am)
Pope Francis celebrates the Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption at the World Cup Stadium in Daejeon , followed by the Angelus Prayer








Wednesday, August 13, 2014


O Alla, Int Alla kollok imħabba, kollok ħniena, kollok mogħdrija. Kemm ilek tgħallimna u tfakkarna li l-vjolenza ma tissolviex bil-vjolenza ! Kemm iddum tistenniena sa kemm niġu konxji ta' xi ssarraf il-għotja tal-vera imħabba ? Kemm iddum tissaportina O Alla ? Taf kemm m’aħna xejn mingħajrek: Mingħajrek aħna għar mill-annimali (kif ngħidu aħna l-bnedmin); mingħajrek jisbroffa l-monstru minn ġo fina: Il-monstru ta’ pika, għejra, mibgħeda, kburija, suppervja, rabja; kull ma’ jitwebbel moħħna nagħmluh bla rażan, bla ħsieb ta’ xejn tal-konsegwenzi. Mingħajrek O Alla naslu biex nagħmlu l-ħsara lil oħrajn u saħansitra lilna nfusna, anke lil dawk li min għalina nirrispettaw - Mingħajrek l-aqwa li jien l-aħjar, l-aqwa li għandi l-poter, l-aqwa li popolari, l-aqwa li jien komdu/a  – ma’ jimpurtaniex mill-eżempji ħżiena li qed nagħtu bi kliemna u b’għemilna. Mingħajrek O Alla tidħer sfaċċatament il-ħruxija fil-kattività, li jasal jagħmel il-bniedem lil dawk li ma jaqbilx magħħom. Mingħajrek iqumu l-qawwiet tal-ħażen, ta' l-abbuż, tal-persekuzzjoni, tal-qerda tal-massa, ta’ ġenoċidji. Sa fejn nistgħu naslu aktar mingħajrek O Alla ? Naslu sa neqirdu l-baħar minn kull  ħlejqa li tgħix fih, neqirdu l-arja li biha nistgħu nieħdu n-nifs, neqirdu l-art b’nuqqas ta’ ħsieb bil-ħmieġ u kimiki li jħallu konsegwenzi ta’ mard fil-prodotti u fina;  kif ukoll neqirduha bi ħdura waqt gwerer, nistaħbew wara l-iskuża ta’ twemmin differenti;  jew bl-iskuża li għandna id-dritt ta’ l-art jew/u l-baħar ! 
Mingħajrek O Alla ma naslux insalvaw lilna nfusna, lil familji tagħna, lil Knisja tiegħek, lil ħutna bnedmin ilkoll imseħbin fil-ħolqien tiegħek: Qawwilna l-Fidi fiK l-aktar f'mumenti ta' djufija, biża', abbuż, tortura, abbandun, iżolament, qtiegħ il-qalb; f'mumenti ta' inċertezzi, ta' diżappunti, ta' fallimenti; f'mumenti meta naħsbu li m'aħna tajbin għal xejn; f'mumenti meta niġu mwarrba; fi żminijiet ta' nuqqas ta' ikel, xorb u bżonnijiet essenzjali; fi żminijiet ta' epidemiji; fi żminijiet ta' theddid, fi żminijiet ta' gwerer.

Kemm qed nisimgħu u naraw b’imwiet ta’ eluf ta’ żgħażagħ, tfal u anzjani kollha maqtulin martri għax żammew it-twemmin nisrani sa l-aħħar ? Ħenn għalina O Alla; dawwlilna moħħna, fakkarna li aħna lkoll uliedek u aħwa f’ibneK Ġesù; imlilna moħħna bl-għerf tal-paċi u l-mogħdrija tiegħek. Għinna nħossu l-preżenza tiegħek f'ħajjitna - fi żmien ta' ferħ, saħħa u sigurtà imma l-aktar f’mumenti tant tal-biża. Agħallimna nuru bil-fatti xi jfissru l-kliem rispett, kompassjoni, tolleranza u maħfra. Agħallimna nitolbu għal min ma jaqbilx magħna. Agħllimna nbierku lil min jixtiqilna l-ħsara u nibqgħu nitolbu u nixtiequlu l-ġid, sa l-aħħar nifs, anke lil min joqtolna psikoloġikament u fiżikament. Fakkarna li wara t-tbatija f'din id-dinja hemm il-hena tal-glorja tiegħeK tistenniena.

Kemm nirrassenjaw ruħna, kemm nikkalmaw meta nemmnu bis-sħih li Int O Alla, kollok qawwa u setgħa, ddawwar kull esperjenza qarsa jew tal-biża', fi grazzja ta' konverzjoni, fejqan spiritwal u / jew fiziku - f'relazzjoni aktar intima miegħek !
Nitolbuk agħti l-glorja tal-mistrieħ ta' dejjem lil kull persuna li mietet martri għalik fi żminijietna O Alla
Dan kollu nitolbuhulek Missier, f’isem Ibnek, huna, Ġesù Kristu, is-Salvatur tagħna. Ammen.
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Is-Sliem għalik Marija bil-grazzja int mimlija, il-Mulej miegħek, imbierka inti fost in-nisa, imbierek il-frott tal-ġuf tiegħek Ġesù.

Qaddisa Marija Omm Alla, itlob għalina midimbin, issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna Ammen 
                                                                              Għal 3 darbiet

Marija, Għajnuna ta' l-Insara - idħol għal kull min qed isofri għal Ibnek Ġesù

Sultana tal-Paċi - itlob għalina lkoll  



Sunday, August 10, 2014

also on AUGUST 15, THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY--- Feast of Saint Tarcisius, the boy martyr for the Holy Eucharist --- San Tarċisju – il-Qaddis Protettur tal-Abbatini.


  St. Tarsitius - figure in the altar of the church of S. Lorenzo fuori le mura in Rome
Fr. PONTIFEX - Heart of Gold, is a song
that is about the beauty and perseverance of the Church,
the Body of Christ, and all of its members. 

Saint Tarcisius, pray for the children to preserve their innocence and to be prevented from bad example and abuse. Amen.
Also on August 15
St. Tarcisius: Boy Martyr of the Eucharist


 Vocazione: "La storia di San Tarcisio" 



Tarcisius was a twelve-year-old acolyte during one of the fierce Roman persecutions of the third century, probably during that of Valerian. Each day, from a secret meeting place in the catacombs where Christians gathered for Mass, a deacon would be sent to the prisons to carry the Eucharist to those Christians condemned to die. At one point, there was no deacon to send and so St. Tarcisius, an acolyte, was sent carrying the "Holy Mysteries" to those in prison. On the way, he was stopped by boys his own age who were not Christians but knew him as a playmate and lover of games. He was asked to join their games, but this time he refused and the crowd of boys noticed that he was carrying something. Somehow, he was also recognized as a Christian, and the small gang of boys, anxious to view the Christian "Mysteries," became a mob and turned upon Tarcisius with fury. He went down under the blows, and it is believed that a fellow Christian drove off the mob and rescued the young acolyte.
The mangled body of Tarcisius was carried back to the catacombs, but the boy died on the way from his injuries. He was buried in the cemetery of St. Callistus, and his relics are claimed by the church of San Silvestro in Capite.
In the fourth century, Pope St. Damasus wrote a poem about this "boy-martyr of the Eucharist" and says that, like another St. Stephen, he suffered a violent death at the hands of a mob rather than give up the Sacred Body to "raging dogs." His story became well known when Cardinal Wiseman made it a part of his novel Fabiola, in which the story of the young acolyte is dramatized and a very moving account given of his martyrdom and death.
Tarcisius, one of the patron saints of altar boys, has always been an example of youthful courage and devotion, and his story was one that was told again and again to urge others to a like heroism in suffering for their faith. In the Passion of Pope Stephen, written in the sixth century, Tarcisius is said to be an acolyte of the pope himself and, if so, this explains the great veneration in which he was held and the reason why he was chosen for so difficult a mission.
Thought for the Day: Mere boys can become saints, and youth is no barrier to holiness. The call to holiness begins at baptism, and we do not have to wait for old age and gray hair to serve God. Youthful saints tell us something about sanctity, and their example is especially luminous as they dedicate their young lives to God.
From 'The Catholic One Year Bible': In a race, everyone runs but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win. To win the contest you must deny yourselves many things that would keep you from doing your best. - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Taken from "The One Year Book of Saints" by Rev. Clifford Stevens, published by Our Sunday Visitor Books, Huntington, IN 46750.


St. Tarcisius

(3 Aug 2010) Saint Peter's Square has welcomed a new statute in its midst -- that of Saint Tarcisius -- patron of altar servers. The statue is here in this unique place for the international meeting of altar servers taking place in Rome from August 3rd to 4th.

 This is a Pyx. It is used to carry consecrated hosts to people who cannot attend mass.

"If you will not look with the eyes of your soul on the many mercies which I have bestowed on you, open at least the eyes of your body, and behold Me before you, enclosed in a little pyx [small round container used to carry the Consecrated Host], and know assuredly that the rigor of My justice is even thus limited within the bounds of the mercy which I exercise toward men in the dispensation of this Sacrament. Consider in how small a space I give you My entire Divinity and My Humanity. Compare the size of this with the size of the human body, and judge then the greatness of My love. For as the human body surpasses my Body in size - that is to say, the quantity of the species of bread under which My Body is contained - so My mercy and charity in this Sacrament reduce Me to this state, that the soul which loves Me is in some sort above Me, as the human body is greater than My Body.
In order that you may know that My mercy is above all My works, and that the abyss of My mercy cannot be exhausted, I am ready to grant you, through the merit of this life - giving Sacrament [Holy Eucharist], more than you dare ask Me." Jesus to St. Gertrude the Great.
"I praise, adore, bless and thank you to the best of my ability for your wise mercy and your merciful wisdom! For you, my Creator and my Redeemer, have sought to curb my stiff-necked obstinacy under your sweet yoke with the remedy best suited to my infirmity." St. Gertrude the Great


Friday, August 08, 2014

Il-Persekuzzjoni (Atti 5,17-32) (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap)

L-appostli ppersegwitati

[Atti:5:17] Mbagħad qam il-qassis il-kbir u sħabu kollha mill-partit tas-Sadduċej, u, mimlija bl-għira [Atti:5:18] meddew idejhom fuqhom u xeħtuhom fil-ħabs pubbliku. [Atti:5:19] Iżda billejl anġlu tal-Mulej fetaħ il-bibien tal-ħabs, ħariġhom barra u qalilhom: [Atti:5:20] "Morru fit-tempju, u xandru lill-poplu kull ma għandu x'jaqsam ma' din il-ħajja." [Atti:5:21] Huma semgħu minnu, u filgħodu kmieni daħlu fit-tempju u bdew jgħallmu. Mbagħad ġie l-qassis il-kbir flimkien ma' sħabu, sejjaħ laqgħa tas-Sinedriju, il-Kunsill kollu tax-xjuħ ta' Iżrael, u bagħat iġib l-appostli mill-ħabs. [Atti:5:22] Il-qaddejja marru, u ma sabuhomx fil-ħabs; u reġgħu lura bl-aħbar [Atti:5:23] u qalulhom: "Il-ħabs sibnieh imsakkar tajjeb, u l-għassiesa kienu ħdejn il-bibien. Iżda xħin ftaħna, ma sibna lil ħadd hemm ġew." [Atti:5:24] Għal din l-aħbar  il-kmandant tat-tempju u l-qassisin il-kbar baqgħu mħassbin fuqhom u fuq x'sata' ġara. [Atti:5:25] Mbagħad ġie xi ħadd jgħidilhom: "Dawk li intom xħettu fil-ħabs qegħdin fit-tempju jgħallmu 'l-poplu." [Atti:5:26]  Il-kmandant tat-tempju mar għalihom mal-qaddejja u ġiebhom miegħu, iżda mhux bil-forza, għax kienu jibżgħu li l-poplu jħaġġarhom.
[Atti:5:27] Daħħluhom u ressquhom quddiem is-Sinedriju. U l-qassis il-kbir [Atti:5:28] qalilhom: "Aħna għednielkom fuq li għednielkom biex ma tgħallmux fuq dan l-isem. U araw, issa mlejtu 'l Ġerusalemm bit-tagħlim tagħkom, u tridu titfgħu fuqna l-ħtija ta' demm dan il-bniedem!" [Atti:5:29] Iżda Pietru, flimkien ma' l-appostli, wieġeb u qal: "Jeħtieġ nobdu aktar lil Alla milli l-bnedmin. [Atti:5:30] Alla ta' missirijietna qajjem lil Ġesù li intom qtiltuh billi dendiltuh ma' għuda. [Atti:5:31] Alla għollieh bil-leminija tiegħu u għamlu kap u salvatur, biex jagħti lil Iżrael l-indiema u l-maħfra tad-dnubiet. [Atti:5:32] U ta' dan kollu hawn xhieda aħna flimkien ma' l-Ispirtu s-Santu li Alla ta lil dawk li jobduh."

Il-Persekuzzjoni (Atti 5,17-32) (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap)
