Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Quddiesa fil-festa tad-Duluri, mill-Kappella taċ-Ċentru tal-Onkoloġija - 15 ta' Settembru 2023


Quddiesa u Rużarju fil-festa tad-Duluri, minn ta' Ġieżu, fil-Belt Valletta - 15 ta' Settembru 2022 

Our Lady Of Sorrows statue
at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Church
in St Paul's Bay, Malta, Europe
Luqa 2:35 “- u inti wkoll, sejf jinfidlek ruħek! - biex jinkixfu l-ħsibijiet moħbija fil-qlub ta’ ħafna.”
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition – Luke 2
Luke 2:35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed."

 The Sword Revealeth the Heart 

And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed (Luke 2:35).

The four Gospels are not without passages that need explanation. That is why we have an ecclesia docens (a Church teaching). And that is why the Church has given us in the earliest Christian centuries holy doctors to enlighten theirs and all generations to come. Of course the Church has many saints that have been given the title doctor over the centuries (thirty six as of today) but the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries have been blessed with the most illustrious. Four in the West and four in the East stand out. They are Saints Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine, and Pope Gregory in the West and Saints Athanasius, Gregory Nazianzen, John Chrysostom, and Basil in the East.

If I find a verse, primarily in the Gospels, to be troublesome or too enigmatic for my literal reading, I know where to go to get an answer. First, I go to Cornelius a Lapide, who has the best of all commentaries on the Gospels, and, if I am not satisfied there I go to another scholar’s commentary, Reverend George Leo Haydock’s, whose Douay English translation of the Vulgate is the best in our language.

A Lapide has a good collection of patristic exegesis for the enigmatic verse I introduced above. The actual name of our trusty Jesuit from Flanders was Cornelis van den Steen. (In his time, saddling the sixteenth and seventeenth century, it was not uncommon for scholars to Latinize their names.) As is always the case with a Lapide he begins with commentators whose opinions, although pious, are somewhat stretched and ends with the more acceptable and easily understood interpretations.

And thy own soul a sword shall pierce . . .
Right away we learn that “sword,” in the Arabic text and the Greek can mean lance as well as sword. Hence, when Our Savior was already dead on the Cross, the centurion came and pierced His side with a lance. Who felt the pain of this lance thrust into the Heart of the Son of God but His holy mother Mary? Her soul, which was continually being pierced on Calvary by the mocking blasphemies of the Jews and the pagan executioners, was now, after Jesus had expired, pierced unto death. Only by the Will of God did she not expire then and there. “The sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword” (Psalm 56:5).

What is this sword?

A Lapide tells us that Saint Eucherius of Lyons (Hom. in Dominicam), understands the sword of the Spirit to be the word of God, i.e., the spirit of prophecy, To Mary, he says, was revealed the secrets of Holy Scripture and the hidden thoughts of men. Even the hidden thoughts of her divine Son as we see at the wedding of Cana when the Mother with authority told the waiters: “Whatsoever He telleth you, do it.” Perhaps, too, we can apply this to the message of Saint Paul to the Hebrews: “The word of the Lord is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (4:12).

A more literal interpretation of “sword” here is with reference to the sufferings inflicted on Christ, that is the sign of contradiction spoken of above; for the contradiction of the tongue is a kind of sword, as in Psalm 56:5, “The sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword”; and Psalm 63:4, “Who whetted their tongues like a sword.” This sword, a Lapide notes, is twofold. (1) The sword of the tongue. For the Blessed Virgin, hearing the insults, calumnies, and blasphemies with which Christ was assailed by the Jews, even when He was crucified, suffered intense tortures, just as though a sword had been struck through her soul. (2) The sword of iron – the nails and other torments which not only pierced the body and soul of Christ, but also pierced the soul of the Virgin. ”They humbled his feet in fetters: the iron pierced his soul” (Psalm 104:18). Such is the interpretation of Saint Augustine (Ep. 59, ad Paulinum).

How great was the torture inflicted by this sword we may gather, with Franciscus Toletus, S.J., from the fact that it was her Son who suffered, whom the Mother of God loved more than herself, so that she would far rather have suffered and been crucified herself. For, though the Blessed Virgin stood by Him and suffered with Him, yet did the Mother’s anguish but add a new pang to the Son’s torments, and this grief again had its echo in the Mother’s soul. Knowing His Heart perfectly this too was a sword piercing her Immaculate Heart.

In this vein, a Lapide cites Saint John of Damascus, “The pains she had escaped in childbirth she bore at the time of His Passion, so that she felt her bosom torn asunder by reason of the depth of her maternal love” (de Fide, lib. iv. cap. xv).

And, too, Saint Bernard: “The chosen arrow,” he says, “is the love of Christ, which not only pierced, but pierced through and through, the soul of Mary, so that it left in her virginal breast not the smallest part void of love, but with all her heart, and all her soul, and all her strength, she loved. And truly, again, it penetrated through her to come to us, that of that fullness we might all receive, and she might be the Mother of that Love whose father is the Love of God. . . . And in her whole self did she receive the vast sweet wound of love. Happy shall I think myself if sometimes I may feel pricked with but the very tip of that sword’s point, that my soul too may say, ‘I am wounded with love’.”

That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

This passage is surely difficult to interpret.

A Lapide prefers the explanation of the sixteenth century Jesuit, Toletus: “The sword that shall pierce thy soul, O Virgin, shall be the occasion of revealing the thoughts of many hearts that before lay hidden. For, long before Christ was slain, the leaders of the Jews had the intention of slaying Him, but dared make no attempt against Him, for fear of the people. But then the Jews had already before the Passion made manifest their thoughts about Christ, by caviling at His words and works, although they concealed their desire to slay Him.”

The “that” that begins the passage is expressive both of the purpose and its attainment. It refers back to the preceding verse, “This child is set for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign that shall be contradicted.” Thus, we see it exhibited manifestly in the scribes and pharisees who, like heretics of all times, appeared to be the upholders of justice and truth. Their “thoughts would be revealed” in their murderous designs against the Messiah and His justice, and all the Jews were about to see this antagonism. For, before the advent of Christ, their leaders were in hopes that He would come with pomp, might, and splendor, even as Solomon, and certainly deliver them from the Romans. Too, they hoped to be exalted with Him as His champions. Therefore, when they saw Him in His humility and poverty opposing Himself to their ambition and avarice, and publicly rebuking them for it, they schemed how they might have Him put to death. Let us see with what detail their hateful scheme was prophesied:

He boasteth that he hath the knowledge of God, and calleth himself the son of God. He is become a censurer of our thoughts. He is grievous unto us, even to behold: for his life is not like other men’s, and his ways are very different.We are esteemed by him as triflers, and he abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness, and he preferreth the latter end of the just, and glorieth that he hath God for his father. Let us see then if his words be true, and let us prove what shall happen to him, and we shall know what his end shall be. For if he be the true son of God, he will defend him, and will deliver him from the hands of his enemies. Let us examine him by outrages and tortures, that we may know his meekness and try his patience. Let us condemn him to a most shameful death: for there shall be respect had unto him by his words. These things they thought, and were deceived: for their own malice blinded them. And they knew not the secrets of God, nor hoped for the wages of justice (Wisdom 2: 13-22).

Thus, the thoughts of men were revealed in Israel manifesting who were the just who loved Christ and who were the unjust who hated Him.

But, you may still be wondering, why is the piercing of Our Lady’s soul with this sword or lance the cause of the revelation of the thoughts of men’s hearts?

Perhaps we may think here of Dismas. He was first moved by hearing the King of the Jews forgive His enemies. Prior to that it seems that he also was blaspheming along with his companion in crime: “Let Christ the king of Israel come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And they that were crucified with him reviled him” (Mark 15:32).

My own belief is that Dismas was moved also by seeing the grief of Jesus’ mother. There is a tradition that on their flight into Egypt the Holy Family was accosted by robbers and that one of the robbers, seeing Mary, took pity on them and caused the others to leave the Family alone. Tradition is that this was Dismas. (See Abbe Gaume’s book, The Life of the Good Thiefavailable from our bookstore.) If this be true, he merited the prayers of the Mother of God who remembered him as she stood beneath the Cross. The thoughts of Saint Dismas were then opened to grace and, after his conversion, they were revealed. So it is through the centuries. The thoughts of those who love Mary and those who scorn her or snub her will always be revealed.

What dark thoughts the heretics have in their disregard for the Mother of God! They see her soul pierced with that lance on Calvary and they are unmoved. They will not call her “Blessed.” They will not proclaim her perpetual virginity, her Immaculate Conception, and sinlessness. Their protests of “Lord, Lord” will be of no avail before the Judge. Love of Mary is the sign of contradiction for all who claim to be Christian. He who will not have Mary for his mother cannot have God for his Father.

What did Saint Elizabeth say when she saw Mary at her door for the Visitation? “Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” She first praises the mother and then her Son.

This is the way of God: To Jesus through Mary. It is the way God came to us.

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also ...

Nine Day Prayer For Life from EWTN
Novena to Our Lady Of Sorrows

Il-Knisja tfakkar id-duluri tal-Madonna darbtejn matul is-sena:  nhar il-Ġimgħa tal-ġimgħa tal-Passjoni (il-Ġimgħa ta’ qabel il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira), u llum 15 ta’ Settembru.  L-ewwel waħda inbdiet f’Cologne, il-Ġermanja, fis-seklu ħmistax bħala tpattija ta’ l-ereżija ta’ Ġovanni Hus.  Dik tal-lum bdewha l-Patrijiet Serviti meta fl-1668 qalgħu permess mingħand il-Papa biex jiċċelebraw il-festa tas-Seba’ Duluri fit-tielet Ħadd ta’ settembru.  Meta mbagħad il-Papa Piju VII fl-1814 rritorna mill-eżilju estenda din il-festa għall-Knisja kollha bħala tifkira ra’ kemm il-Knisja (u hu personalment) batiet minn Napuljun.
Imbagħad, il-Papa san Piju X, meta għamel ir-riforma tal-Kalendarju liturġiku, iffissa d-data tal-festa meta għamel fil-15 ta’ Settembru, fl-Ottava tat-Twelid tal-Verġni Marija.
Il-Madonna sofriet mhux għax kellha xi dnub.  It-tnissil tagħha kien immakulat.  Il-ħajja tagħha kienet bla l-iċken dnub.
Is-Seba’ Duluri nistgħu nniżżluhom hekk:
  1. Il-Profezija ta’ Xmun fit-tempju.
  2. Il-ħarba lejn l-Eġittu, triq ta’ 480 kilometri, bit-tarbija Ġesù ta’ inqas minn sena.
  3. It-telfa ta’ Ġesù.
  4. Il-laqgħa tagħha ma’ Ġesù jġorr is-salib fi triqtu lejn il-Kalvarju.
  5. Il-kruċifissjoni.
  6. Ġesù mejjet fi ħdanha.
  7. Id-difna ta’ Ġesù.
Kollox nieħu bis-sabar għal dawk li huma magħżulin biex huma wkoll jiksbu  s-salvazzjoni li hi s-sebħ għal dejjem fi Kristu Ġesù.  Din hi kelma ta’ min joqgħod fuqha:  jekk aħna mitna miegħu, għad ngħixu miegħu wkoll;  jekk insofru bis-sabar, għad insaltnu miegħu wkoll. (2 Tim. 2:10-12)

5th Sorrowful Mystery - Il-5 Misteru tat-Tbatija 
Mosaic at Ta' Pinu Sanctuary, Gozo.

Stabat Mater (At the cross her stations keeping) 

Panegyric to Our Lady of Sorrows - Paniġierku Festa Marija Addolorata Sultana tal- Martri SPB, 27 ta' Lulju 2014 - minn Patri Martin Mamo OFM Cap  

An Unutterable Heart-Rending Grief

Perhaps someone will say: "Had she not known before that he would not die?" Undoubtedly. "Did she not expect him to rise again at once?" Surely. "And still she grieved over her crucified Son?" Intensely. Who are you and what is the source of your wisdom that you are more surprised at the compassion of Mary than at the passion of Mary's Son? For if he could die in body, could she not die with him in spirit? He died in body through a love greater than anyone had known. She died in spirit through a love unlike any other since his. (from a Sermon of St. Bernard)

~excerpts from Bd. Henry Suso's A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom: On The Unutterable Heart-Rending Grief of The Pure Queen of Heaven ~





Jn 19:25-27 - His mother, standing close to Jesus crucified - X’weġgħa ġarrbet u x’kefrija meta ratu fit-tbatija l-Omm lil Binha Alla.


X’weġgħa ġarrbet u x’kefrija meta ratu fit-tbatija l-Omm lil Binha Alla. 
Ġw 19, 25-27

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

F’dak iż-żmien, [Ġw:19:25] Kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib ta' Ġesù ommu, oħt ommu, Marija ta' Kleofa, u Marija ta' Magdala. [Ġw:19:26] Mela kif Ġesù lemaħ lil ommu u lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb wieqaf ħdejha, qal lil ommu: "Mara, hawn hu ibnek." [Ġw:19:27] Mbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Hawn hi ommok." U minn dak il-ħin id-dixxiplu ħadha għandu.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

GOSPEL (2nd alternative)
Lk 2:33-35 -- a sword will pierce your own soul too / u inti wkoll, sejf jinfidlek ruħek - 15 Sept

Lq 2, 33-35

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F’dak iż-żmien, [Lq:2:33] Missieru u ommu baqgħu mistagħġba b'dak li kien qiegħed jingħad fuqu. [Lq:2:34] Xmun berikhom, u qal lil ommu Marija: "Ara, dan se jġib il-waqgħa u l-qawmien ta' ħafna f'Iżrael; se jkun sinjal li jmeruh, [Lq:2:35] - u inti wkoll, sejf jinfidlek ruħek! - biex jinkixfu l-ħsibijiet moħbija fil-qlub ta' ħafna."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

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 Homily: Our Ladys Compassion  

The Seven Sorrows of Mary  - Our Lady of Sorrows   

Graces from the Sorrows  

IL-KURUNELLA LIL MADONNA TAD-DULURI - Chaplet to Our Lady of Sorrows (in Maltese)


The Mother of the Word

L-Omm il-Kelma

The Mother of the Word - Home of the Mother

... The Rosary of the seven sorrows ...


7 Modern-Day Sorrows of Our Lady 

“Apparently when people came to Padre Pio in Confession he often asked them as a ‘penance’ to recite seven Hail Mary’s while reflecting on the so-called seven ‘dolors,’ or ‘sorrows,’ of Mary”

By Staff Reporter

Ireland, September 21, 2015 (

Here is the homily given Sunday by Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland, at the annual Padre Pio pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine of Knock.

* * *

Mother of Sorrows – Mother of Mercy

On Monday last while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land with other European bishops, I knelt to touch the very spot where Jesus was crucified.  Our visit to the shrine of Golgotha was all the more special because we were there on both the Feast of the Holy Cross and the Feast of Mary, Mother of Sorrows.  At Golgotha I could not help thinking of our Blessed Mother standing at the foot of the Cross.

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina had a great devotion to Our Lady, as Mother of Sorrows.  He once wrote: “The Mother of Sorrows is my confidante, my teacher, my counsellor, and my powerful advocate”.

Apparently when people came to him in Confession he often asked them as a ‘penance’ to recite seven Hail Mary’s while reflecting on the so-called seven ‘dolors’ , or ‘sorrows’ of Mary. My Granny used to pray the seven sorrows on her ‘dolor’ beads: first, the prophecy of holy Simeon; second the flight into Egypt; third, the loss of the child Jesus for three days at Jerusalem; fourth, Mary meets her Son on the way to Calvary; fifth, Mary stands beneath the Cross; sixth, Mary receives the dead body of Jesus taken down from the Cross; seventh, Mary arranges the body of Jesus in the tomb with her own hands.

No wonder Padre Pio felt such empathy with the seven sorrows of the ‘Mater Dolorosa’, for he too experienced, in a mystical way, the Passion of the Crucified Christ.  His sorrows mirrored the sorrows of Mary, and this is why we can so readily turn to him and of course to our Blessed Mother when we experience suffering, anxiety, loneliness or any of life’s daily trials.  Padre Pio wrote: “Our Lord sometimes makes you feel the weight of the Cross.  This weight seems unbearable but you carry it because in His love and mercy, the Lord helps you and gives you strength”.

This week I have been reflecting on seven modern-day ‘dolors’ or ‘sorrows’:

- First, the abortion of millions of innocent unborn children in the world, and how this seems to be taken so much for granted, even though every human life is precious.

- Second, neglect of the earth – ‘our common home’ – as Pope Francis called it in his recently published and compelling encyclical, Laudato Si.  That so many people on this planet suffer poverty, are exploited and starved of the world’s resources, calls each of us to conversion, to make some sacrifices and never to waste or take for granted what we have.

- My third example of a modern-day ‘dolor’, or sorrow, is the displacement of people as refugees through war and persecution.  Sadly, it is one that we have become shockingly aware of in recent months.  Let us commit ourselves and our parishes to embrace refugees and migrants to Ireland with open arms and Christian charity.

- Human trafficking is my fourth modern-day sorrow.  Millions of people – particularly women and children – are trafficked like slaves around the world each year and exploited for cheap labour and prostitution including, sadly, even here in Ireland.  We must act and be ever vigilant to prevent human trafficking.

- Fifth, I mention the sorrow of addiction which sadly affects too many of our people – be it addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling or, increasingly nowadays, addiction on the Internet, for example to gaming or pornography.  All kinds of addiction disrupt relationships and drain the joy out of daily life.  Pray for addicts and support recovery programmes.

- My sixth sorrow is the quest in many countries to pass legislation that will allow assisted suicide or euthanasia. I think our energies should be directed towards quality hospice care so that the elderly are never made feel a burden and terminally ill patients, and so that their families are always entitled to the best of dignified support in their final days.

- Finally, as a seventh ‘dolor’ of the modern world, I choose ‘indifference‘ which, in many ways, ‘indifference’ links the other ‘sorrows’ together.  It is that “I don’t really care?” attitude which sadly is more and more common today – indifference to the problems of the world, to the sins against the sacredness of human life, to modern forms of enslavement, to the waste of the earth’s resources, to the plight of the poor and the suffering.  Indifference turns us more and more in on ourselves.  It makes us more selfish and demanding, so conscious of our individual rights and personal autonomy, that we don’t really care about our responsibilities to others, especially the weakest and most vulnerable.  Indifference says, “it’s my money, my land, my relationship, it’s my body, it’s my life and I shall do what I want with it.”  I think the root of indifference is not wanting Jesus into your life in any meaningful way which would make a difference to how you live or what you do.

The reality of these immense modern day ‘dolors’ or sorrows, presents Christians today with great challenges, but also with a huge responsibility and mission to encourage real friendships with Jesus that will make the world a better place.  In face of these modern day sorrows there is sometimes a temptation among believers to react in a judgemental way to those who have fallen, rather than showing mercy and compassion.

Today’s scripture readings illustrate the conflict that is often involved in following Christ.  The writer of the Book of Wisdom speaks of the opposition that goodness encounters as it attempts to flourish.  The Letter of Saint James notes the need for wisdom from above in order to discern true good and evil.  In the Gospel the disciples of Jesus are shown fighting among themselves and misunderstanding the reason for Christ’s forthcoming Passion, death and Resurrection.

Pope Francis offers us a key to unlock the indifference to the Gospel that is at the root of so much suffering and sorrow in the world.  The Holy Father has proclaimed a Jubilee Year of Mercy, beginning on 8 December next, as a call to re-position mercy at the centre of what we’re about.  He says, “Wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy” (Misericordiae Vultus 12).  Pope Francis does not see mercy, as some people might, as a sign of weakness.  Rather, he describes it as a strength or a “force that reawakens us to new life and instils in us the courage to look to the future with hope (Misericordiae Vultus 10).”

Padre Pio epitomised the mercy which the Pope is talking about.  His commitment to poverty, chastity and obedience as a Capuchin, his acceptance of ecclesiastical discipline, his suffering, his hours spent hearing confession, his construction of a hospital to alleviate illness, his intense prayer – all of these things are indicators of someone who had mercy burning within him.  He was a lamp of God’s mercy.

Padre Pio calls us to be merciful after the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary.  No wonder he himself turned to Mary so often as the ‘Mother of Sorrows’ and the ‘Mother of Mercy’.  After all, at the foot of the Cross Mary witnessed the supreme expression of forgiveness when Jesus was merciful even towards those who crucified Him.  For that reason we can be sure that just as Mary carried the bitter sword of the seven dolors so patiently and lovingly, so also she carries the sorrows of the modern world to the merciful heart of Jesus.  Misericordiae Vultus movingly puts it: “Mary attests that the mercy of the Son of God knows no bounds and extends to everyone, without exception.”  That is why we say in the Salve Regina, “turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile in this valley of tears, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”

Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Mercy, 

pray for us.

Saint Pio pray for us.  Amen.


Friday, September 06, 2013

IL-KONVERŻJONI TANT MIXTIEQHA LI TIĠI MĠEDDHA - THE CONVERSION SO MUCH WISHED TO BE RENEWED. --- From Saul to Paul --- & --- Pope Francis: Fight evil, say no to fratricidal hatred

Pope Francis: Fight evil, say no to fratricidal hatred - Published on 9 Sep 2013


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Conversion of Saul on the Road to Damascus  

"Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me ?"
"Who are you ?"
"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting"

From SAUL to PAUL - The greatest conversion part 1

From SAUL to PAUL - The greatest conversion part 2



On September 6th 2017 - Mother Teresa to be co-patron of Calcutta Archdiocese

Sept 3, 2016 - Vatican - Jubilee for Workers of Mercy and Volunteers - Mother Teresa of Kolkata

Pope Francis: Mother Teresa, saint for the poor and for volunteers

Holy Mass and Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta - September 4, 2016 - Original sound  

Mother Teresa - Her life and work


In August 1948 Mother Teresa exchanged her black Loreto habit with a white cotton saree, with a blue border.

 “No matter how great your sufferings are, your victory over them is in silence.”


"God has not called us to be successful. He has called us to be faithful."

MARK 4:26-29
Seed Grows of Itself. 26 He said, “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land  27 and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. 28 Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 29 And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.”

MARK 4:26-29
Il-parabbola taż-żerriegħa li tinbet weħidha
[Mk:4:26] U qal: "Is-Saltna ta' Alla hi bħal meta raġel ikun xeħet  iż-żerriegħa fl-art. [Mk:4:27] Rieqed jew imqajjem, billejl jew binhar, iż-żerriegħa tinbet u tikber, bla ma jaf kif. [Mk:4:28] L-art trodd minnha nfisha l-ewwel il-barma, mbagħad is-sbula, mbagħad il-qamħ mimli fis-sbula. [Mk:4:29] U meta l-frott isir, malajr il-bidwi jmidd idu  għall-minġel, għax ikun wasal żmien il-ħsad."


from Facebook - Parroċċa Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar - 4th September 2017

Fr. Joseph Cilia OFM Conv. and Fr Manuel Gatt OFM Conv. with Saint Teresa of Calcutta

The authentic relic on the feast of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Saint Paul's Bay Parish Church

Fil-Knisja Parrokjali tagħna tinsab relikwa awtentika ta ftit xaghar u biċċa mil-libsa ta' Madre Teresa. Din inġabret hawn mill-mibki Kappillan Patri Joe Cilia minħabba li huwa nnifsu ħadem 24 sena l-India u b hekk kellu aktar opportunita' viċina li jiltaqa' magħha kif fil-fatt għamel għall-aktar minn darba. Fil-kunvent tagħna San Pawl il-Baħar, tinsab miżmuma b'għożża wkoll ittra miktuba u ffirmata minn Madre Tereza nnfisha, fejn liema ittra u relikwa tant baqa jgħożż sal-aħħar jiem ta' ħajtu.


5 ta' Settembru
Tifkira liturġika ta'
Madre Tereża ta' Kalkutta

Fil-pjan terren tal-Mother House, fil-Lower Circular Road ta’ Kalkutta, wieħed isib il-kappella sempliċi u mneżża’ minn kollox, fejn mit-13 Settembru ta’ 1997, wara l-funeral statali li ngħatalha, jinsab midfun il-ġisem ta’ Madre Tereża. Barra, l-istorbju li jtarrax tal-metropoli Indjana, mimli faqar u miżerja. Ġewwa, iżda l-ħin bħal jieqaf quddiem qabar fqir: blokka siment abjad u fuqu l-Bibbja personali ta’ Madre Tereża u statwa tal-Madonna b’kuruna ta’ fjuri m’għonqha. Ħdejha lapida ta’ l-irħam b’versett bl-Ingliż mill-Vanġelu ta’ San Ġwann: “Ħobbu lil xulxin kif ħabbejtkom jien” (15,12).
Madre Tereża ta’ Kalkutta twieldet fis-26 ta' Awwissu 1910 f’familja Kattolika Albaniża fi Skopje, illum parti mill-Maċedonja. Ta’ 18-il sena ddeċidiet li tidħol fil-Kongregazzjoni tas-Sorijiet Missjonarji tal-Madonna ta’ Loreto. Fl-1928 telqet lejn l-Irlanda, u sena wara kienet l-Indja. Fl-1931 iż-żagħżugħa Ineż ħadet l-ewwel voti u l-isem ġdid ta’ Swor Marija Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù (għad-devozzjoni tagħha lejn il-qaddisa ta’ Lisieux), u ta 20 sena kienet tgħallem l-istorja u l-ġografija lil studenti bniet sinjuri fil-kulleġġ tas-sorijiet ta’ Loreto f’Entally, żona fil-lvant ta’ Kalkutta.
Wara l-ħajt tal-kunvent kien hemm il-kwartier ta’ Motti bl-intiena soffokanti tiegħu, wieħed mill-ifqar slums ta’ Kalkutta, il-miżbla tad-dinja. Mill-bogħod swor Tereża setgħet tisma’ l-ħsejjes li kienu jaslu sal-kulleġġ lussuż iżda ma kinitx taf x’kienu. Kienu l-wiċċ l-ieħor ta’ l-Indja, dinja oħra ‘l bogħod minnha, għallinqas sa dik il-lejla ta’ l-10 ta’ Settembru 1946, meta kienet f’ferrovija diretta lejn Darjeeling għall-eżerċizzji spiritwali u hemm ġietha t-“tieni sejħa”: matul dak il-lejl frażi baqgħet imwaħħla f’moħħha tul il-vjaġġ kollu, l-għajta muġugħa ta’ Ġesù msallab: “Għandi l-għatx!” Hija kellha tħalli l-kunvent biex tiddedika ruħha għall-ifqar fost il-fqar: dawk li huma x-xejn, l-emarġinati f’kollox, l-abbandunati li kuljum kienu jmutu fuq il-bankini ta’ Kalkutta, mingħajr lanqas id-dinjità li jistgħu jmutu fil-paċi ta dejjem.
Ordni Ġdid: Il-Missjunarji tal-Karità
Swor Tereża ħalliet il-kunvent ta’ Entally b’ħames rupiji fil-but u s-sari abjad bit-tarf ikħal ta’ l-ifqar Indjani, wara kważi 20 sena mas-sorijiet ta’ Loreto. Kien is-16 t’Awissu 1948. Iż-żgħira Ineż saret Madre Tereża. Fl-1950 id-djoċesi approvat il-kongregazzjoni ġdida tagħha tal-Missjunarji tal-Karità. Kien is-7 ta’ Ottubru, il-festa tar-Rużarju, u mhux b’kumbinazzjoni għax għal Marija hija ddedikata din il-kongregazzjoni ġdida. L-imħabba profonda ta’ Madre Tereża lejn il-Madonna kellha għeruq fit-tfulija tagħha, meta ommha kienet tieħu lilha u lil ħutha Lazar u Age l-knisja, iżuru l-foqra u jitolbu flimkien ir-rużarju.
Barra t-tliet voti tal-faqar, kastità u ubbidjenza, kull Missjonarju tal-Karità jieħu ieħor, dak ta’ "servizz gratwit lejn l-ifqar fost il-fqar". Enfasi fuq l-imitazzjoni tal-virtujiet tal-Madonna, speċjalment l-umiltà, is-silenzju, u l-karità. "I thirst" (għandi l-għatx), hemm miktub fuq il-kurċifiss tal-Casa Madre u f’kull kappella – f’kull parti tad-dinja – f’kull dar tal-kongregazzjoni ta’ Madre Tereża. Din il-frażi tat-"tieni sejħa tagħha", tiġbor f’żewġ kelmiet l-ispiritwalità tagħha.
Illum il-figura rqiqa ta’ Madre Tereża, il-ġisem fraġli tagħha mgħawweġ bl-għejja tax-xogħol, u wiċċha mkemmex saru magħrufin mad-dinja kollha. Kull min iltaqa’ magħha, anke darba, ma jistax jinsieha: id-dija tat-tbissima tagħha kienet tirrifletti l-imħabba immensa tagħha. Meta hi tħares lejk, b’dawk għajnejha profondi, amorevoli, limpidi, kont tħoss li qed iħarsu lejk l-istess għajnejn ta’ Alla l-Imbierek.
Attiva u kontemplattiva fl-istess ħin, fiha kien hemm idealiżmu u konkretezza, pragmatiżmu u utopja. Kienet tħobb tiddefinixxi lilha nnifisha bħala "l-lapes żgħir ta’ Alla", strument żgħir u sempliċi f’idejh. Kienet tagħraf b’umiltà li meta l-lapes jispiċċa, il-Mulej jarmih u jafda lil ħaddieħor il-missjoni appostolika tagħha: "Min jemmen fija jagħmel hu ukoll l-għemejjel li qed nagħmel jien, u ikbar minnhom ukoll" (Ġwanni 14, 12).
Wara mewta
Madre Tereża mietet f’Kalkutta filgħaxija tal-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Settembru 1997, fid-9.30pm Kellha 87 sena. Fis-26 ta’ Lulju 1999 infetaħ il-proċess tagħha ta’ beatifikazzjoni, 3 snin qabel suppost; għalkemm għall-poplu Madre Tereża kienet diġà qaddisa. Nhar id-19 ta' Ottubru 2003, il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II iddikjaraha Beata. Il-messaġġ tagħha huwa dejjem attwali: li kulħadd ifittex il-Kalkutta tiegħu, li tinsab ukoll fit-toroq ta’ l-Oċċident sinjur, fir-ritmu frenetiku ta’ l-ibliet tagħna. “Tista’ ssib Kalkutta fid-dinja kollha jekk għandek għajnejn biex tara. Kull fejn hemm persuni mhux maħbuba, li ma jridhom ħadd, imwarrbin u minsijin minn kulħadd”.
L-ulied spiritwali tagħha għadhom jaqdu lill-“ifqar fost il-fqar” fl-orfanotrofji, fil-lebbrożarji, fid-djar ta’ l-anzjani, ommijiet xebbiet, u moribondi. B’kollox qegħdin 5000 f’madwar 600 dar imferrxin madwar id-dinja. “Meta mmut – kienet tgħid hi –, inkun nista’ ngħinkom iktar…”
Premju Nobel
Il-Kumitat Nobel Norveġiż ippremja l-Premju Nobel għall-Paċi għall-1979 lil Madre Tereża.
Tletin sena ilu, il-madre Omm Teresa ħalliet il-post tat-tagħlim tagħha fl-iskola tal-bniet Kattolika Rumana f'Kalcutta sabiex tiddedika l-ħajja tagħha biex taħdem fost l-ifqar fost il-foqra fil-kwartieri fqar ta' dik il-belt.
L-ordni Kattolika Rumana li tagħha issa hi l-kap fl-aħħar snin estendiet l-attivitajiet tagħha biex tinkludi għadd ta' bliet Indjani oħra u partijiet oħra tad-dinja.
Meta għamel l-għotja, il-Kumitat Nobel Norveġiż esprima r-rikonoxximent tiegħu tal-ħidma ta' Madre Tereża biex iġġib għajnuna biex tbati l-umanità. Din is-sena d-dinja tatha l-attenzjoni tagħha fuq il-qagħda mwiegħra tat-tfal u r-refuġjati, u dawn huma preċiżament il-kategoriji li għaliha Madre Tereża ilha għal ħafna snin ħarġiet hekk.
Il-Kumitat għamel enfasi speċjali fuq l-ispirtu li ispira l-attivitajiet tagħha u li hija l-espressjoni tanġibbli ta 'l-attitudni personali u l-kwalitajiet umani tagħha.
Karatteristika tal-ħidma tagħha kienet ir-rispett għall-bniedem individwali, għad-dinjità tiegħu u għall-valur intrinsiku tiegħu. L-iktar solitarju, l-aktar żvantaġġuż u l-mewt, f'idejh, irċivew il-kompassjoni mingħajr kundanna, ibbażata fuq reverenza għall-bniedem.
Fil-każ ta' Madre Tereża, din il-filosofija bażika tal-ħajja hija msejsa sew fil-fidi nisranija tagħha. F'C Calcutta u bnadi oħra, hija nkludiet l-għajnuna ta' assistenti minn denominazzjonijiet reliġjużi oħra. Hija ġiet rikonoxxuta wkoll mill-awtoritajiet Indjani u mis-Segretarju Ġenerali Asjatiku tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti, l-U Thant Buddista.
Din mhix l-ewwel darba li l-Kumitat Nobel Norveġiż ta l-Premju għall-Paċi għax-xogħol imwettaq fil-ġlieda biex jingħeleb il-faqar u d-dwejjaq fid-dinja, li jikkostitwixxu wkoll theddida għall-paċi. Huwa rċieva l-Premju tal-Paċi liċ-ċampjins tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, inklużi dawk li ġġieldu għall-ugwaljanza razzjali.
Fl-għajnejn tal-Kumitat Nobel Norveġiż, l-isforzi kostruttivi biex jitneħħew il-ġuħ u l-faqar, u biex tkun żgurata għall-bnedmin aktar sikuri u komunità dinjija aħjar li fiha jiżviluppaw, għandhom ikunu ispirati mill-ispirtu ta' Madre Teresa, b'rispett għall-valur u id-dinjità tal-bniedem individwali.
from Facebook - Parroċċa Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar - 4th September 2019




... Saint Teresa of Calcutta knew what she was talking about when she said:"...just do it anyway !"


Tuesday, September 03, 2013

September 3 - St. Gregory the Great

Prayer of St. Gregory the Great

Acclaim To The Suffering Christ
 O Lord, You received affronts
 without number from Your blasphemers,
 yet each day You free captive souls
 from the grip of the ancient enemy.

You did not avert Your face
 from the spittle of perfidy,
 yet You wash souls in saving waters.

You accepted Your scourging without murmur,
 yet through your meditation
 You deliver us from endless chastisements.

You endured ill-treatment of all kinds,
 yet You want to give us a share
 in the choirs of angels in glory everlasting.

You did not refuse to be crowned with thorns,
 yet You save us from the wounds of sin.

In your thirst You accepted the bitterness of gall,
 yet You prepare Yourself to fill us with eternal delights.

You kept silence under the derisive homage
 rendered You by Your executioners,
 yet You petition the Father for us
 although You are his equal in Divinity.

You came to taste death,
 yet You were the Life
 and had come to bring it to the dead.