Monday, January 14, 2013

At every celebration of the HOLY MASS - Waqt kull ċelebrazzjoni tal-QUDDIESA MQADDSA ---& --- IL-QUDDIESA - spjegazzjoni --- HOLY MASS - THE LITURGICAL PARTS AND PURPOSES

Pope Francis' homily: Mass is "God's time

Mass at Santa Marta-At Mass without a watch
At Mass without a watch (10 February 2014) | Francis (

2014-02-10 L’Osservatore Romano
You do not attend Mass looking at your watch, as if you were attending a performance and counting the minutes. You go to participate in the mystery of God. This was the theme of Pope Francis' homily during the Mass he celebrated on Monday morning, 10 February, in the Chapel of Santa Marta. This “is not a tourist excursion. No! You came here, we are gathered here, to enter into the mystery. And this is the liturgy”.
To explain the meaning of this encounter with the mystery, Pope Francis said that the Lord has spoken to his people not only with words. “The prophets”, he said “recounted the Lord's words. The prophets proclaimed them. The great prophet Moses gave the commandments, which is the Word of God. Many other prophets too have told the people what the Lord wanted”. However, “the Lord”, he added, “also spoke in another way and in another form to his people: with teophanies. That is, when he comes close to his people and makes them feel, makes them feel his presence among them”. The Holy Father referred to the First Reading (1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13) which refers to other prophets.
“The same thing happens in the Church”, the Pope said. He does this through his Word which is recounted in the Gospels and in the Bible; he speaks through the catechesis, through homilies. He not only speaks to us but “He makes himself present”, the Pope said, “in the midst of his people, in the midst of his Church. The Lord's presence is there. The Lord draws close to his people; he is present with his people and shares his time with them”. This is what is taking place during this liturgical celebration, which is certainly “not a social affair”, he said, “nor a gathering for the faithful to pray together. It is something else”, because “in the Eucharistic liturgy God is present” and, if possible, he makes himself present in “the closest way”. His presence, the Pope said, “is a real presence”. “When I speak of liturgy”, the Pope explained, “I am mainly referring to the Holy Mass. When we celebrate the Mass, we are not representing the Last Supper”. The Mass “is not a representation; it is something else. It trulyis the Last Supper; is truly living again the redemptive passion and death of Our Lord. It is a visible manifestation: the Lord makes himself present on the altar to be offered to the Father for the salvation of the world”.
Pope Francis then proposed, as he usually does, actions that are common among the faithful: “We hear and we say, 'I cannot now, I have to go to Mass, I have to go to listen to Mass'. But you do not listen to Mass, you participate in it. And you are participating in a visible manifestation, in the mystery of the Lord's presence among us”. It is something that is different from all other forms of our devotion, he pointed out, using the example of the living nativity scenes “that are organized by parishes at Christmas time, or the Way of the Cross that we do during Holy Week”. These, he explained, are representations; the Eucharist is “a real commemoration, a theophany. God draws near and is with us as we participate in the mystery of redemption”.
The Pope then referred to another very common behaviour among Christians: “How many times”, he noted “do we count the minutes... 'I only have a half an hour, I have to go to Mass...'”. This “is not the right attitude that the liturgy asks of us: the liturgy is God's time and space, and we must put ourselves there in God's time, in God's space, without looking at our watches. The liturgy is precisely entering into the mystery of God; bringing ourselves to the mystery and being present in the mystery”.
The Holy Father continued, looking at the faithful who were gathered there for the celebration, saying: “For example, I am sure that all of you here have come to enter into the mystery. But perhaps someone has said 'I have to go to Mass at Santa Marta, because it is one of Rome's touristic excursions, to go and visit the Pope at Santa Marta every morning... No! You came here, we are gathered here, to enter into the mystery. And this is the liturgy, God's time, God's space, the cloud of God that surrounds all of us”.
Pope Francis went on to share some childhood memories: “I remember as a child, when we were preparing for our First Holy Communion, they made us sing 'O holy altar guarded by angels', and this made us realize that the altar is guarded by angels, and it gave us a sense of God's glory, of God's space, and of his time. Then, when we were practicing for our First Communion, we brought forward the hosts and said 'these are not the hosts which you will receive; they are not worth anything, because the consecration comes later'. It was good for us to distinguish one from the other: it is a memory of the commemoration”. Therefore to celebrate the liturgy means “to be willing to enter into the mystery of God”, in his space and his time.
Concluding his homily, the Pope invited those present to “ask the Lord today to give us all this sense of what is sacred, to understand that it is one thing to pray at home, to pray in Church, to pray the rosary, to pray many beautiful prayers, to do the Way of the Cross, and to read the Bible; but it is quite another to celebrate the Eucharist. In this celebration we enter into the mystery of God, on that path which we cannot control: he is the only one, he is the glory, he is in power. We ask for this grace, that the Lord may teach us to enter into the mystery of God”.

At every Holy Mass, we are called to:
  • CELEBRATE what we believe. We express our faith in the risen Christ, who gave his life for us out of love.
  • LIVE what we believe. We give witness to the risen Christ by our way of life.

What takes place during the celebration of the Holy Mass and the way to live it --- as it was revealed by Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Catalina Rivas

Audio in Maltese --- Catalina Rivas - Il-Quddiesa Mqaddsa

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FATIMA - Centennial of the Apparitions --- 1916 - Angel of Peace - L-anġlu tal-Paċi - & - Our Lady of Fatima in 1917

Holy Mass in Honour of Our Lady of Fatima - May 13, 2022 

"My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph": How Our Lady of Fatima Changed the World


Fil-għodwa tat-13 t’Ottubru 1917 omm Luċija qajmitha għall-quddies kmieni, għax kienet qed tibża’ li jekk il-miraklu ma jseħħx il-folol kienu joqtluha. Imma Luċija żgura li s-Sinjura żżomm kelmitha.

Kienet ix-xita. Eluf kienu ilhom il-lejl kollu jterrqu lejn Fatima, jieqfu jistkennu ftit kull fejn isibu rdoss. Xmajjar ta’ nies kienu jidhru resqin lejn il-Cova da Iria. It-tfal stagħġbu mhux ftit meta f’dik il-għodwa waslu fil-Cova u sabu miġbura folla ta’ iktar minn 70,000 ruħ. Kien għalihom kważi impossibbli li jaslu fejn il-balluta. It-tfal kienu għarkubbtejhom jitolbu meta qassis li kien qrib staqsa lil Luċija x’ħin kienet ġejja s-Sinjura. Qalilha wkoll li nofsinhar kien diġa’ daqq. Kulħadd kien jistenna fi skiet l-aktar profound. Is-Sinjura dehret fil-Cova għall-aħħar darba. Lil Luċija qaltilha:`Jiena l-Madonna tar-Rużarju Mqaddes. Irrid li hawnhekk tinbena kappella għall-gieħ tiegħi. Il-gwerra issa għoddha ntemmet. Għidu r-Rużarju.’ Hija fetħet idejha u bdiet tielgħa ‘l fuq bil-mod, lejn is-sema. Imbagħad beda jleħħ il-beraq u sħaba bajda għattiet il-balluta. `Inżlu għarkubbtejkom,’ għajtet Luċija, `Is-Sinjura reġgħet ġejja.’ Imbagħad ix-xemx ġibdet ħarset in-nies. Ix-xita kienet waqfet, is-sħab infetaħ beraħ. Ix-xemx bidet tagħqad bħal rota ġganteska. Ir-raġġi tagħha bdew jarmu sħana tal-biża’ u jdawlu s-sema b’dija tal-għaġeb. Imbagħad dehret tinxteħet ‘l isfel lejn l-art.
Din id-dehra damet għaxar minuti. Matulhom it-tfal lemħu fix-xemx dehriet tas-Sagra Familja, id-Duluri w il-Madonna tal-Karmnu. Fl-istess waqt il-folla nhakmet minn paniku kbir li dam sakemm ix-xemx reġgħet lura għall-post normali tagħha fis-sema. Madwar, kollox u kulħadd kien niexef….il-ħwejjeġ, is-siġar, l-art…kollox. Ma kien fadal ebda ħjiel tax-xita li kienet ilha nieżla minn bil-lejl. L-entużjażmu tal-folla kien bla tarf. Ġaċinta kienet twerwret u xi ħadd mill-folla kien warrabha f’ġenb u ħa ħsiebha.
Imma lil Luċija ma messithiex l-istess xorti tajba. In-nies bdew jiffullaw fuqha u jġebbdu fiha. Qattgħulha l-velu ta’ rasha u għamlulha ħwejjiġha trietaq. Kulħadd ried jieħu tifkira…Qatgħulha saħansitra troffi minn xagħarha! Minn dak in-nhar, it-13 t’Ottubru 1917, il-messaġġ ta’ Fatima xtered mad-dinja kollha. Id-drawwa tar-Rużarju fil-familja saret tradizzjoni. Id-devozzjoni lejn il-Qalb Bla Tebgħa ta’ Marija waslet għal ħafna konverżjonijiet. It-tfal infushom bdew jagħmlu ħafna sagrifiċċji wara l-miraklu. Luċija kienet ta’ sikwit issawwat lilha nfisha bil-ħurrieq bħala penitenza.

Mensagem Papa Francisco 13 de outubro 2017 em Inglês

Oct 13, 2017 - Homily: 100th Anniv. of Fatima Miracle


The moment Jacinta and Francisco Marto became saints   - Published on 13 May 2017

Fatima, Omelia di Papa Francesco nella Messa di canonizzazione di Francesco e Giacinta Marto

2017.05.13 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Holy Mass and canonization of Jacinta and Francisco

Praying for the world on the 100th anniversary of the "Miracle of the Sun."

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
Most Holy Virgin
who hast deigned to come to Fatima,
to reveal the treasures of graces
hidden in the recitation of the Rosary,
inspire our hearts with a sincere love of this devotion
that meditating on the
Mysteries of our Redemption recalled therein,
we may obtain the conversion of sinners
and the favours we ask you now,
for the greater glory of God,
for your own honour,
and for the good of souls.



Jubilee Prayers for the Centennial of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima

Prayer for Peace
O God, All-Holy Father,
who gave us Your peace through Jesus and through Him you wished to lead us to Your Heart – in this place where the Virgin Mary invites us to pray for peace in the world and where the Angel of Peace exhorts us to adore God alone –, grant us, we pray, that peace may reign among all peoples; that the leaders of the nations find ways towards justice, that we may all reach the peace of heart and that, through the intercession of the Queen of Peace, we may become builders of a more fraternal world. Through Christ, Our Lord.

Jubilee Prayer of Consecration
Hail, Mother of the Lord, Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary of Fatima! Blessed among all women, you are the image of the Church dressed in the Paschal light, you are the honour of our people, you are the triumph over the mark of evil.
Prophecy of the merciful Love of the Father, Teacher of the Annunciation of the Good News of the Son, Sign of the burning Fire of the Holy Spirit, teach us, in this valley of joys and sorrows, the eternal truths that the Father reveals to the little ones.
Show us the strength of your mantle of protection. In your Immaculate Heart, be the refuge of sinners and the way that leads to God.
In unity with my brethren,
In Faith, Hope and Love,
I surrender myself to you.
In unity with my brethren, through you, I consecrate myself to God,
O Virgin of the Rosary of Fatima.
And thus surrounded by the Light that comes from your hands, I will give Glory to the Lord for ever and ever.
Prayer for the Pope
O Lord,
Good shepherd of Humanity,
who entrusted to Peter and his successors
the mission of strengthening the brothers in the faith
and to enlighten them in the hearing of the Word
– in this place where the little shepherds of Fatima
bore witness to a profound devotion to the Holy Father
and to an intense love for the Church –,
we ask You that Your Spirit of Wisdom
illumines Pope N in his mission as the Successor of Peter;
may Your mercy protect and comfort him;
may the testimony of Your faithful hearten him in his mission,
and may the tender presence of Mary be for him a sign of Your love;
may he be strong in faith, courageous in hope, and zealous in charity.
Who live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory.
 Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge
the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of the saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
                                                                           Source: Shrine of Fatima Official Web Page


Fake News on Hell ?
Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jul 13, 2019 on the fake news that hell could be empty or is not eternal. The eternity of hell is a reality revealed in public and private revelation and we need to live a life necessary to avoid it. God wants everyone to be saved and gives sufficient grace to be saved. However, not everyone responds to this grace. He references scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and private revelation including from the children of Fatima and St. Veronica Giuliani.


Shrine of Fatima, Portugal - Online Transmissions
Transmissão em direto de Santuário de Fátima Oficial

In the official website


FATIMA - Centennial of the Apparitions  --- 1916 - Angel of Peace - L-anġlu tal-Paċi - & - Our Lady of Fatima in 1917



Get to Know the Prayers of Fatima


Fatima 1916 -- 1st Apparition of the Angel of Peace - L-Ewwel dehra tal-Anġlu tal-Paċi 

L-Ewwel Dehra ta' l-Anġlu tal-Paċi

Luċija tirrakonta li waqt li hija flimkien ma' Franġisku u Ġaċinta kienu qegħdin jilgħabu, dehrilhom żagħżugħ ta' xi erbatax il-sena, li kien abjad iktar mis-silġ, u trasparenti bħall-kristall meta tiddi x-xemx minn ġo fih, u sabiħ ħafna. Meta wasal ħdejhom qalilhom "La tibżgħux: Jiena l-Anġlu tal-Paċi. Itolbu miegħi.
Waqt li niżel għarkuptejh, tbaxxa sakemm ġbinu mess l-art, u ġagħlhom jtennu għall-tlett darbiet il-kliem: -


"Lord, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust  and do not love You."

Dawn il-kliem baqgħu stampati f'moħħhom tant li ma setgħux jinsewhom. Minn dak in-nhar il-quddiem kienu jgħaddu ħinijiet twal, baxxuti bħalma għamel l-Anġlu, jtennu kliemu, sakemm xi kultant kienu jaqgħu ma' l-art, mifnijin. 


Fatima 1916 -- 2nd Apparition of the Angel of Peace - It-Tieni dehra tal-Anġlu tal-Paci 
It-Tieni dehra tal-Anġlu tal-Paċi
Kien għadda ftit taż-żmien mill-ewwel dehra.  Jum wieħed waqt li t-tlett itfal kienu qegħdin jilgħabu, f'daqqa waħda, raw maġenbhom lil Anġlu li staqsihom: 'X'intom tagħmlu?  Itolbu, itolbu ħafna!  Il-Qlub Imqaddsa ta' Ġesù u ta' Marija għandhom pjanijiet ta' ħniena għalikom.  Offru kontinwament talb u sagrifiċċji lil Aktar Għoli."

 Luċija staqsiet: -  "Kif nistgħu nagħmlu sagrifiċċji?"

"Għamlu sagrifiċċju b'kull ħaġa li tistgħu, u offruh lil Alla bħala att ta' tpattija għad-dnubiet li bihom Huwa offiż, u bħala talba ħerqana għall-konverżjoni tal-midinbin.  B'hekk intom iġġibu l-paċi għall-pajjiżkom.  Jiena l-Anġlu Kustodju tagħha, l-Anġlu tal-Portugal.  Fuq kollox, aċċettaw u sofru bis-sabar, it-tbatijiet li l-Mulej (jippermetti)."    


Fatima 1916 -- 3rd Apparition of the Angel of Peace - It-Tielet dehra tal-Anġlu tal-Paċi 

It-Tielet Dehra ta' l-Anġlu tal-Paċi

Kien għadda ħafna żmien mit-tieni dehra ta' l-Anġlu, meta jum wieħed it-tlett itfal niżlu għarkupptejhom, bi ġbinhom imiss ma' l-art, itennu t-talba li kien għallimhom fl-ewwel dehra tiegħu:


dawl mhux tas-soltu idda fuqhom. Huma qamu biex jaraw x'kien qed jiġri, u raw l-Anġlu. 

Hu kellu kalċi f'idejh ix-xellugija, b'Ostja sospiża 'l fuq minnu li minnha waqgħu ftit qtar tad-demm fil-kalċi; filwaqt li ħalla l-kalċi sospiż fl-arja, l-Anġlu niżel għarkuptejh quddiemhom, bi ġbinu jmiss ma' l-art u ġegħel lit-tfal itennu għal tliet darbiet: -

"O TRINITÀ QADDISA, Missier, Iben u Spirtu s-Santu, jien nadurak minn qiegħ qalbi, u noffrilek il-Ġisem l-aktar prezzjuż, id-Demm, ir-Ruħ u d-Divinita' ta' Ġesù Kristu, li jinsab fit-tabernakli kollha tad-dinja, bi tpattija għall-insulti, is-sagrileġġi u l-indifferenza, li qed joffenduk. Għall--merti infiniti tal-Qalb Qaddisa ta' Ġesù u l-Qalb Immakulata ta' Marija, nitolbok għall-konverżjoni tal-imsejkna midimbin."

Imbagħad, qam, ħa f'idejh il-Kalċi u l-Ostja, u qarben lil Luċija bl-Ostja mqaddsa u lil Ġaċinta u Franġisku bid-Demm mill-kalċi, filwaqt li qal: "Ħudu l-Ġisem u ixorbu d-Demm ta' Ġesù Kristu, offiż bl-akbar mod ikrah min-nies bla qalb ! Agħmlu tpattija għal dawn l-offiżi, u ikkunslaw lil Alla."

Għal darb'oħra, mixħut ma' l-art huwa tenna' magħhom għal tliet darbiet oħra, l-istess talba "O Trinità Qaddisa...." u mbagħad għeb. Huma damu għal ħin twil f'din il-qagħda, jtennu l-istess kliem għal ħafna drabi. 

Eucharistic Prayer as an act of Reparation - FATIMA 1916 -- Angel of Peace - L-anġlu tal-Paċi

The 3rd Apparition of the angel of Peace....

....The Angel left the chalice and host suspended in the air, and prostrated himself upon the ground with the children and prayed the following prayer with them three times:

"Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly and I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He Himself is offended and through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners." Amen


.....L-Anġlu ħalla l-kalċi u l-Ewkaristija sospiżi fl-arja, u niżel wiċċu fl-art mat-tfal u talab din it-talba magħhom għal tliet darbiet:

"O TRINITÀ QADDISA, Missier, Iben u Spirtu s-Santu, jien nadurak minn qiegħ qalbi, u noffrilek il-Ġisem l-aktar prezzjuż, id-Demm, ir-Ruħ u d-Divinita' ta' Ġesù Kristu, li jinsab fit-tabernakli kollha tad-dinja, bi tpattija għall-insulti, is-sagrileġġi u l-indifferenza, li qed joffenduk. Għall--merti infiniti tal-Qalb Qaddisa ta' Ġesù u l-Qalb Immakulata ta' Marija, nitolbok għall-konverżjoni tal-imsejkna midimbin. Ammen"  


MAY 13 - Your Motherly Presence

Dear Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
Pray for us 

13th MAY 1917 --- 1st of a series of monthly Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, till October 13th 1917

Our Lady of the Rosary --- 13th September & 13th October 1917 at Fatima


A photostatic copy of a page from Ilustração Portugueza, October 29, 1917, showing the crowd looking at the Miracle of the Sun (on October 13th) during the Fátima apparitions.

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IS-SIGRIET TA' FATIMA - Ħajr lil Harry Agius Ordway

Benedict XVI insists: The Secret of Fatima has already been fully published
- video published on May 23, 2016


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Published on 15 Jul 2014 --- Document revealing 'secret' of Our Lady of Fatima is now online  

ONLINE   ............



Apparizioni a Fatima - Costelle (1991)  MOVIE

OUR LADY OF FATIMA TO JACINTA - If the government of a country leaves the Church in peace and gives liberty to our Holy Religion, it will be blessed by God.”

FATIMA PRAYERS - by the Angel of Peace in 1916 & by Our Lady in 1917


Prayer of Consecration at Baptism -- Another Christ