Saturday, June 23, 2012

Emotional goodbye for young Italian mother who died for unborn child --- L'inno all'amore di Chiara Corbella Petrillo = Siamo nati e non moriremo mai più !

La storia di Chiara Corbella e il giubileo degli ammalati, disabili e anziani -
Published on Jun 10, 2016
La storia di Chiara Corbella, ricordata con Enrico Petrillo, suo marito, e Suor Veronica Donatello, Resp. Catechesi persone disabili Ufficio catechistico CEI

L'inno all'amore di Chiara Corbella

Emotional goodbye for young Italian mother who died for unborn child :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

.- Hundreds of Italians gathered at the Church of St. Francisca Romana in Rome on June 16 for the funeral Mass of Chiara Corbella, a young Catholic woman who died after postponing her cancer treatments in order to protect her unborn child.

At 28 years of age, Chiara was happily married to Enrico Petrillo. They had already suffered the loss of two children in recent years who died from birth defects. The couple became popular speakers at pro-life events, in which they shared their testimony about the few minutes they were able to spend with their children, David and Maria, before they died.

In 2010, Chiara became pregnant for the third time, and according to doctors the child was developing normally. However, Chiara was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and was advised to begin receiving treatment that would have posed a risk to her pregnancy.

Chiara decided to protect the baby – named Francisco – and opted to forgo treatment until after his birth, which took place on May 30, 2011.

Her cancer quickly progressed and eventually she lost sight in one eye. After a year-long battle Chiara died on June 13, surrounded by her loved ones and convinced that she would be reunited with her two children in heaven.

“I am going to heaven to take care of Maria and David, you stay here with Dad. I will pray for you,” Chiara said in a letter for Francisco that she wrote one week before her death.

The funeral Mass was celebrated by the Vicar General of Rome, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, who recalled Chiara as “the second Gianna Beretta,” the 20th century saint who sacrificed her life in similar circumstances to save her unborn baby.

Chiara’s spiritual director, Father Vito, delivered the homily and remembered Chiara as a young woman who chose to risk her own life in order to be an example to other pregnant women, “a testimony that could save so many people,” he said.

Chiara’s husband, Enrico, said he experienced “a story of love on the cross.” Speaking to Vatican Radio, he said that they learned from their three children that there is no difference in a life that lasts 30 minutes or 100 years.

“It was wonderful to discover this love that grew more and more in the face of so many problems,” he said.

“We grew more and more in love with each other and Jesus. We were never disappointed by this love, and for this reason, we never lost time, even though those around us said, 'Wait, don’t be in a hurry to have another child,'” Enrico said.

The world today encourages people to make wrong choices about the unborn, the sick and the elderly, he noted, “but the Lord responds with stories like ours.”

“We are the ones who like to philosophize about life, about who created it, and therefore, in the end, we confuse ourselves in wanting to become the owners of life and to escape from the cross the Lord gives us,” he continued.

“The truth is that this cross – if you embrace it with Christ – ceases to be as ugly as it looks. If you trust in him, you discover that this fire, this cross, does not burn, and that peace can be found in suffering and joy in death,” Enrico explained.

“I spent a lot of time this year reflecting on this phrase from the Gospel that says the Lord gives a cross that is sweet and a burden that is light. When I would look at Chiara when she was about to die, I obviously became very upset. But I mustered the courage and a few hours before – it was about eight in the morning, Chiara died at noon – I asked her.

I said: 'But Chiara, my love, is this cross really sweet, like the Lord says? She looked at me and she smiled, and in a soft voice she said, 'Yes, Enrico, it is very sweet.' In this sense, the entire family didn’t see Chiara die peacefully, but happily, which is totally different,” Ernico said.

When his son grows up, he added, he will tell him “how beautiful it is to let oneself be loved by God, because if you feel loved you can do anything,” and this is “the most important thing in life: to let yourself be loved in order to love and die happy.”

“I will tell him that this is what his mother, Chiara, did. She allowed herself to be loved, and in a certain sense, I think she loved everyone in this way. I feel her more alive than ever. To be able to see her die happy was to me a challenge to death.”

Siamo nati e non moriremo mai più! Storia di Chiara Corbella Petrillo  


St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Memorare --- Remember! Oh Most Gracious Virgin Mary --- Ftakar ja l-iżjed ħanina

The Memorare is a very popular Marian prayer that is sometimes attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), Confessor, Abbot, and Doctor of the Church.

MEMORARE - sung by Mina Mazzini - Testo attribuito a San Bernardo di Chiaravalle

Ftakar ja l-iżjed ħanina Omm Verġni Marija, li qatt ma nstema’ li xi ħadd intefa’ taħt il-ħarsien tiegħek, talbek l-għajnuna jew fittex li tidħol għalih u inti ma smajtux. Imqanqal minn dan il-ħsieb għal għandek niġri, ja Verġni Omm tiegħi: għandek niġi, quddiemek noqgħod midneb u niedem, ja Omm l-Iben t’Alla magħmul bniedem.  La tistmerx it-talb tiegħi, iżda ismagħni u weġibni. Ammen


Friday, June 22, 2012

King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant - WHEN THE SPIRIET OF THE LORD - simple guitar chords

Mieghek O Alla aħna rebbieħa, rebbieħa fuq kull għawġ; minkejja il-mard; rebbieħa fuq id-dnub. Int il-kuraġġ tagħna; Int il-għerf u l-għaqal tagħna; Int l-imħabba tagħna, Int il-ferħ tagħna !

With You Oh God, we are victorious, even in our troubles, in our sickness, with You we are victorious over sin. You are our courage; You are our knowledge and wisdom; You are our love, You are our heavenly joy !


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayer of St. Benedict of Norcia

"In Benedictine prayer, our hearts are the vessel empty of thoughts and intellectual striving. All that remains is the trust in God's providence to fill us. Emptying ourselves this way brings God's abundant goodness bubbling up in our hearts, first with an inspiration or two, and finally overflowing our heart with contemplative love."
(Terry Matz

Life of St. Benedict: