Saturday, June 23, 2012

St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Memorare --- Remember! Oh Most Gracious Virgin Mary --- Ftakar ja l-iżjed ħanina

The Memorare is a very popular Marian prayer that is sometimes attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), Confessor, Abbot, and Doctor of the Church.

MEMORARE - sung by Mina Mazzini - Testo attribuito a San Bernardo di Chiaravalle

Ftakar ja l-iżjed ħanina Omm Verġni Marija, li qatt ma nstema’ li xi ħadd intefa’ taħt il-ħarsien tiegħek, talbek l-għajnuna jew fittex li tidħol għalih u inti ma smajtux. Imqanqal minn dan il-ħsieb għal għandek niġri, ja Verġni Omm tiegħi: għandek niġi, quddiemek noqgħod midneb u niedem, ja Omm l-Iben t’Alla magħmul bniedem.  La tistmerx it-talb tiegħi, iżda ismagħni u weġibni. Ammen


Friday, June 22, 2012

King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant - WHEN THE SPIRIET OF THE LORD - simple guitar chords

Mieghek O Alla aħna rebbieħa, rebbieħa fuq kull għawġ; minkejja il-mard; rebbieħa fuq id-dnub. Int il-kuraġġ tagħna; Int il-għerf u l-għaqal tagħna; Int l-imħabba tagħna, Int il-ferħ tagħna !

With You Oh God, we are victorious, even in our troubles, in our sickness, with You we are victorious over sin. You are our courage; You are our knowledge and wisdom; You are our love, You are our heavenly joy !


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayer of St. Benedict of Norcia

"In Benedictine prayer, our hearts are the vessel empty of thoughts and intellectual striving. All that remains is the trust in God's providence to fill us. Emptying ourselves this way brings God's abundant goodness bubbling up in our hearts, first with an inspiration or two, and finally overflowing our heart with contemplative love."
(Terry Matz

Life of St. Benedict:

Prayer of Thanksgiving to the Trinity (St. Catherine of Siena)