Monday, May 24, 2010

What Kind of Soil Are You? Luke 8:5

"...A sower went out to sow his seed..." Luke 8:5

The seed of God's Word is always productive. The only variable is the soil of our hearts. In the parable of the sower Jesus discusses different kinds of soil:

1) Hard soil. In Bible times hard-packed footpaths ran alongside the farmer's field. Any seed falling there just shriveled and died. Be careful; when you've been walked on and disappointed, you can become callous; you can develop a tough, impenetrable shield that makes it easy for satan to come along and steal the seed of God's Word before it has a chance to grow. Prayer will keep that from happening, so '...break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord...' (Hosea 10:12 NIV).

2) Superficial soil. In Jesus' day much of the farmland was just a few inches of topsoil over rock, with nothing to sustain roots. One Bible teacher writes: 'Superficiality is the curse of the age. We live in a world of shallow relationships, superficial conversations, and hurried moments of prayer. We bounce from one spiritual activity to another without any real root system.'

3) Cluttered soil. This ground was overgrown with weeds. There was no room for anything else. Clutter happens so easily, and it's dangerous because it's so subtle. Ever notice how often you're bombarded with guarantees that material things will bring you happiness? Like the car manufacturer who advertises, 'You can't buy happiness, but you can drive it!' Get real! Do a soil analysis and weed out anything that's hindering your spiritual growth. Once your heart's tender, your devotion deep, and your life uncluttered, you'll be good ground that yields fruit for God.

UCB Word For Today 23 May 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Go All the Way - Philippians 3:10

Go All the Way

...And go all the way with him... Philippians 3:10
While John was a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos, far from his loved ones and surrounded by the cries of abused captives, he had a vision of Jesus. He writes, '...When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead...' (Revelation 1:17 NKJV). Incredible revelation in the midst of confinement, chaos and pain; that's how it works! The difficult circumstances you're going through right now can actually clear your perceptions, cause you to seek God as never before, and find answers for your life. John's predicament proves that negative experiences don't hide the Lord; they reveal Him. Instead of destroying you, Satan's attack can actually develop you. Yes, it stresses you, but it also stretches you spiritually. In Hebrews chapter 11 we see two things: the deeds of their faith and the depth of their faith. Where did God prove His faithfulness to Daniel? In the lions' den. Where did the Lord reveal Himself to the three Hebrew children? In a fire heated seven times over. There's a place in God where fiery trials consume everything except your desire to know Him. Though that place may sometimes escape your grasp, never let it escape your gaze. It was Paul's all-consuming goal: 'I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him.' There it is: no reservations, no retreat, and no regrets; just a desire to know God intimately and a commitment to 'go all the way with him.' Let that be your heart's desire today!

- UCB Word For Today 21/May/2010

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Refuse to Let Fear Stop You! - Luke 19:21

"I was afraid..." Luke 19:21
Ask yourself, 'What would I attempt, if I weren't afraid of failing?' Jesus told of a man who entrusted his business to three key workers. He gave the first worker five talents, the second two, and the third one. In Bible times one talent was about fifteen years' salary, so you begin to grasp what an opportunity this was. It was a defining moment which gave each of them the chance to test their skills, develop initiative, practice good judgment, and profit from their investment. The first two men did exactly that, doubling theirs. But the third was afraid of failing, so he buried his talent. Jesus described this man as 'wicked' and said his talents would be taken from him and given to the man who used his profitably. He wasn't judged for what he did, he was judged for doing nothing. Fear of people, fear of failure, and fear of rejection can tempt you to bury your gift. Don't do it! Unless you've the courage to start-you're already finished. When God called people like Moses, Gideon, Deborah and Esther they all had to overcome their natural fears; so will you. When they were in the wilderness, fear of lack made the Israelites want to go back to Egyptian slavery. Fear of persecution caused the disciples to forsake Jesus in His darkest hour, and caused Peter to deny Him-three times. Refuse to let fear stop you! How you use your talents is a matter of the utmost importance. The truth is, it's the basis upon which God will finally judge and reward you.

7/May/2010 UCB word for today

Saturday, April 24, 2010

INNU Madonna Ta' Pinu

Our Lady of ta' Pinu - L-inkwadru fil-Knisja tal-Mosta 22 April 2010

L-Inkwadru tal-Madonna ta' Pinu fil-Knisja tal-Mosta 22 April 2010. Bews tal-inkwadru bil-Warda tad-deheb li nagħtat mill-Papa Beneditto XVI, qabel ma ttieħed lura fis-Santwarju ta' Pinu f'Għawdex, f'pellegrinaġġ nazzjonali 'l għada 23 ta' April 2010.

Our Lady of ta' Pinu devotional Painting entrance - back in Gharb Sanctuary Gozo 23 April 2010

Minn Malta... lura lejn is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu, Għawdex.

Madonna Ta’ Pinu
Omm taghna l-Maltin
Hawn f’darek gejn’ahna
Ghax inti tilqaghna
Madonna Ta’ Pinu
Quddiemek herqana
gejn’ahna nitolbu
Biex tfittex tismaghana

Gewwa darek, f’dik is-sikta, gie jkellmek il-Mulej;

Lilna ukoll fis-skiet u l-gabra, ikellimna l-Mulej.


Lejn l-gholjiet int erhejtilha, taqdi u tfahhar lill-Mulej;
Ahna wkoll, bhalek nixtiequ, illi nservu lill-Feddej;


Fuq gholja ohra tlajt imnikkta, ma’ genb ibnek mislub bqajt;
Vergni mbierka, Omm qalbiena, uri mieghi din il-hniena.


F’das-Santwarju ahna gejna, f ‘ din id-dar minn tal-Mulej,
Id f ‘di mieghek, lkoll nimxu lejn l-ghamara tal-Feddej.

+ (....Biex tfittex tismaghana - Ave, Ave Marija, Ave Marija)

Our Lady of ta' Pinu Marian Sanctuary Gozo - The Gospel - John 2:1-11 - 23rd April 2010
