Thursday, June 04, 2009

PEOPLE GET READY, JESUS IS COMING - HE'S ALIVE ! --- Ezekiel 37:1-14 --- Jn 6:37-40 --- & --- Pope at Angelus: Resurrection is for everyone and not only to experience after death

Pope at Angelus: Resurrection is for everyone and not only to experience after death - Published on Nov 7, 2016

Ezekiel 37:1-14 = Resurrection is for everyone --- Qawmien għal kulħadd

37. Il-qawmien tal-poplu ta' Alla
[Eżek:37:1] U ġiet fuqi id il-Mulej u ħaditni fl-ispirtu tal-Mulej u qegħditni f'nofs il-wied. Dan kien miżgħud bl-għadam. [Eżek:37:2] Huwa għaddieni dawramejt madwarhom, u kien hemm kotra kbira mxerrda mal-wied, u kienu kollha niexfa qoxqox.

[Eżek:37:3] U l-Mulej qalli: "O bniedem, jista' dan l-għadam jerġa' jieħu l-ħajja?" Jiena weġibt: "Sidi Mulej, dan inti tafu." [Eżek:37:4] U qalli: 'Ħabbar lil dan l-għadam u għidlu: O għadam niexef, isma' l-kelma tal-Mulej. [Eżek:37:5] Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ara, jien se nġib fik ir-ruħ, inti terġa' tgħix. [Eżek:37:6] U nqiegħed fik in-nervi, u ntellagħlek il-laħam, u niksik bil-ġilda, u nqiegħed fik ir-ruħ. U inti terġa' tgħix, u tkun taf li jiena l-Mulej."
[Eżek:37:7] Mbagħad ħabbart kif ordnali. U jiena u nħabbar instama' ħoss, u ara, l-għadam tqanqal, u kollha bdew resqin lejn xulxin, għadma lejn għadma. [Eżek:37:8] Jien ħarist, u ara, ġew fihom. [Eżek:37:9] U qalli: "Ħabbar lir-ruħ, ħabbar, o bniedem, u għid lir-ruħ: Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ejja, ruħ, mill-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja, onfoħ fuq dawn il-mejtin, ħa jerġgħu jieħdu l-ħajja." [Eżek:37:10] Jien ħabbart kif ordnali, u r-ruħ daħlet fihom, u reġgħu ħadu l-ħajja, u waqfu fuq riġlejhom, eżerċtu kbir fuq li kbir.
[Eżek:37:11] U qalli: "O bniedem, dan l-għadam huwa d-dar kollha ta' Iżrael. Ara, huma jgħidu: 'Nixef għadamna, it-tama tagħna għabet, nqridna għalkollox.' [Eżek:37:12] Għalhekk ħabbrilhom u għidilhom: Hekk qal Sidi l-Mulej: Ara, jiena niftaħ l-oqbra tagħkom, poplu tiegħi, u nġibkom lura f'art Iżrael. [Eżek:37:13] Mbagħad tkunu tafu li jiena l-Mulej, meta niftaħ l-oqbra tagħkom u ntellagħkom mill-oqbra tagħkom, poplu tiegħi. [Eżek:37:14] U jiena nqiegħed ruħi fikom, u terġgħu tieħdu l-ħajja.
Nqegħedkom f'artkom u tkunu tafu li jiena l-Mulej.  Hekk għedt, u hekk nagħmel, oraklu tal-Mulej."

Jn 6:37-40 -- ...Jesus the Bread of Life - ...Ġesù hu l-ħobż tal-ħajja

[Ġw:6:37] Dawk kollha li jagħtini Missieri jiġu għandi, u min jiġi għandi ma nkeċċihx 'il barra; [Ġw:6:38] għax jiena nżilt mis-sema mhux biex nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħi, imma  r-rieda ta' min bagħatni. [Ġw:6:39] Issa r-rieda ta' min bagħatni hija din: li jiena ma nitlef xejn minn dak kollu li tani, iżda li nqajjmu mill-imwiet  fl-aħħar jum. [Ġw:6:40] Din hi tabilħaqq ir-rieda ta' Missieri: li kull min jara lill-Iben u jemmen fih, ikollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem u jiena nqajjmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum."

Mt 25:31-46 -- The Sheep and the Goats - Il-ħaqq mill-popli

Il-ħaqq mill-popli
[Mt:25:31] "Meta jiġi Bin il-bniedem fil-glorja tiegħu u bl-anġli kollha miegħu, mbagħad joqgħod fuq it-tron glorjuż tiegħu.  [Mt:25:32] U quddiemu jinġabru l-ġnus kollha, u hu jifridhom minn xulxin, bħalma r-ragħaj jifred in-nagħaġ mill-mogħoż: [Mt:25:33] in-nagħaġ iqegħedhom fuq il-lemin tiegħu u l-mogħoż fuq ix-xellug. [Mt:25:34] Mbagħad is-Sultan jgħid lil dawk ta' fuq il-lemin tiegħu, 'Ejjew, mberkin minn Missieri, ħudu b'wirt tagħkom is-Saltna li tħejjiet għalikom sa  mill-ħolqien tad-dinja. [Mt:25:35] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u tmajtuni, kont bil-għatx u sqejtuni, kont barrani u lqajtuni, [Mt:25:36] kont għeri u libbistuni, kont marid u ġejtu tarawni, kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni.' [Mt:25:37] Mbagħad iweġbuh il-ġusti, 'Mulej', jgħidulu, 'meta rajnik bil-ġuħ u tmajnik, jew bil-għatx u sqejnik ? [Mt:25:38] Meta rajnik barrani u                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              lqajniek, jew għeri u libbisniek? [Mt:25:39] Meta rajnik marid jew fil-ħabs u ġejna nżuruk?' [Mt:25:40] U s-Sultan iweġibhom u jgħid, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, kull ma għamiltu ma' wieħed mill-iżgħar fost dawn ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.' 
 [Mt:25:41] Mbagħad jgħid ukoll lil dawk ta' fuq ix-xellug, 'Morru minn quddiemi, misħutin, fin-nar ta' dejjem li tħejja għax-xitan u għall-anġli tiegħu. [Mt:25:42] Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u ma tmajtunix, kont bil-għatx u ma sqejtunix, [Mt:25:43] kont barrani u ma lqajtunix, kont għeri u ma libbistunix, kont marid u fil-ħabs u ma ġejtux iżżuruni! [Mt:25:44] Mbagħad huma wkoll iweġbuh, 'Mulej,' jgħidulu, 'meta rajniek bil-ġuħ, jew bil-għatx, jew barrani, jew għeri, jew marid, jew fil-ħabs, u aħna ma waqafniex miegħek?' [Mt:25:45] Iweġibhom imbagħad u jgħidilhom, 'Tassew, ngħidilkom, dak li ma għamiltux ma' wieħed minn dawk iż-żgħar, anqas miegħi ma għamiltuh.' [Mt:25:46] U dawn imorru fit-tbatija ta' dejjem u l-ġusti fil-ħajja ta' dejjem.
People Get Ready (Live) - Misty Edwards

Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this  
I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (4x)

Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this  
Are you ready, are you ready for this, Are you ready, are you ready for this, are you ready...
I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (4x)

He's doing a new thing so we're singing a new song,
because He's doing a new thing so we're singing a new song

He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever!
He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever! cause...
He's alive (15x)

People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x)

People walking around with their fingers in the their ears singing, "Da da da da da I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King"
and there are People walking around with their fingers in the their ears singing, "Da da da da da I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King"

But He says,
"I was silent like a lamb, I was silent like a lamb and
in my silence you thought that I was all together like you.

"and I've been silent, I've held my peace for a long, long, long, long time, I've held my peace and I've been praying for your soul, I've been praying for the nations, I've been pleading for your soul, I've been pleading for the nations, and I've held my peace for a long, long, long, long time.

Once again I'm going to shake
Everything that can't be shaken
Once again I'm going to break
Everything that can't be broken
Once again I'm going to shake
Everything that can't be shaken
Once again I'm going to break
Everything that can't be broken

People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x)

He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever!
He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in Heaven forever! cause...

He's alive (15x)
People get ready Jesus is coming! (4x) He's coming, He's coming............................



Friday, May 29, 2009

Through Faith and Patience

"...imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises"
(Hebrews 6:12, NKJ).

Did you know that in the Bible, David was 17 years old when he was anointed to be king, but yet he did not take the throne until he was 30? I’m sure during those 13 years there were plenty of times that David was tempted to think it wasn’t going to happen. I’m sure he was tempted to get frustrated or even feel like a failure, thinking “God, did I hear You? I thought You said You were going to do something great with my life, but nothing is going my way.” Here he was being faithful, but all those years he saw no sign of the promise coming to pass.

I’m sure David had to fight the same negative thoughts that we do; thoughts that were telling him “It’s not going to happen. David, you didn’t hear from God. Just accept it.” The battle was taking place in his mind just like our battles take place in our minds. During those times when it seems like you aren’t getting any closer to seeing your dream come to pass, remember, the scripture tells us that through faith and patience we inherit the promises of God.


Father God, I humbly come to You, believing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I trust that Your Word is true and believe that through faith and patience, I will see Your promises come to pass in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rejoice in Difficult Times

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation"
(Romans 5:3-4, NLT).

Did you know that the way you handle your adversities has a huge impact on your success in life? If you shrink back, choose to get bitter, and lose your enthusiasm, then you are allowing the difficulties of life to bury you. You are allowing hardship to keep you from your God-given destiny. But if you choose to keep pressing forward with a smile on your face, rejoicing even in the hard times, you are allowing God’s character to be developed inside of you. You are setting yourself up for promotion.

Did you know that the only difference between a piece of black coal and a priceless diamond is the amount of pressure that it’s endured? When you stand strong in the midst of the trials and difficulties in life, when you allow God to shape and mould your character, it’s like going from a piece of coal to a priceless diamond. Those difficulties are going to give way to new growth, new potential, new talent, new friendships, new opportunities, new vision. You’re going to see God develop your life in ways that you’ve never even dreamed!

Father in heaven, thank You for giving me strength to overcome every obstacle in life. I choose to rejoice no matter what may come against me because I know You are working all things together for my good. Thank You for developing Your character in me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Psalm / Salm 39


Rit: Hawn jien, Mulej, gej naghmel ir-rieda tieghek!

Ittamajt b’tama qawwija fil-Mulej,

u miel lejja u sema’ l-ghajta tieghi.

Qeghidli f’fommi ghanja gdida,

ghanja ta’ tifhir lil Alla taghna.

Hafna jaraw u jibzghu,

u jittamaw fil-Mulej. Rit...

Sagrificcju u offerta int ma tghaxxaqtx bihom;

imma widnejja int ftahtli.

Vittma tal-hruq u tat-tpattija int ma tlabtx.

Imbaghad jien ghidt: “Hawn jien, gej.” Rit...

Fil-ftuh tal-Ktieb hemm miktub fuqi

li naghmel ir-rieda tieghek.

Alla tieghi, joghgobni,

u l-ligi tieghek gewwa qalbi qieghda. Rit...

Xandart il-gustizzja f’gemgha kbira;

ara, xofftejja ma zammejthomx maghluqa:

Mulejja, inti taf. Rit...