Wednesday, October 18, 2023

PRAYING FOR PEACE --- 2023 OCT-NOV-DEC --- 2024 JAN-DEC --- 2025 JAN-Feb

24 Feb 2025 - National Day of Prayer in Ukraine ... 
Ukraine, at three years since the start of the war

 Pope speaks on Gaza ceasefire 
20 Jan 2025 - Pope Francis said he hopes Israeli, Palestinian leaders say "yes" to dialogue, reconciliation, peace, and the existence of two states.

Pope: May Advent bring peace to Ukraine
Pope Francis prayed for peace in Ukraine Dec. 1, 2024


Pope: 1,000 Days of War in Ukraine 
Wednesday, 20 Nov 2024 - In the presence of Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska, Pope Francis reads a letter from a Ukrainian university student at his general audience.


2024, Lunedì 11 novembre la facciata del Palazzo Senatorio della piazza romana è stata illuminata con la scritta ispirata all’articolo 11 della Costituzione Italiana. L’iniziativa, organizzata da Emergency, si inserisce all’interno della campagna dell’associazione umanitaria in favore delle popolazioni colpite dai conflitti
Roma “R1pud1a” la guerra, Campidoglio illuminato per la pace

From the Basilica of St. Mary Major, Prayer of the Holy Rosary presided over by Pope Francis to invoke the gift of Peace for the world 

 ROSARY FOR PEACE, Pope Francis, October 6, 2024

2 October 2024 - During the opening Mass for the Synod, the Pope invited all members to join him in praying a rosary for peace on October 6th in Rome's St. Mary Major Basilica. 


7 Jun 2024 - La supplica del Papa nei Giardini Vaticani: finisca la guerra. Gli Stati di Palestina e Israele vivano l'uno accanto all’altro 

Francesco presiede un momento di preghiera e commemorazione nel decennale della “Invocazione per la pace in Terra Santa” con i presidenti Peres e Abbas: “Sotto i nostri occhi muoiono tanti innocenti. La guerra fallimento di politica e umanità, lascia il mondo peggiore di come lo ha trovato”. Dal Pontefice nuovo appello per il cessate il fuoco a Gaza, la liberazione degli ostaggi israeliani, l’accesso agli aiuti umanitari per i palestinesi 

Papa Francesco: finisca la guerra. Gli Stati di Palestina e Israele vivano l'uno accanto all’altro

On May 25, Pope Francis met with some 50,000 children, parents and educators at the Olympic Stadium in Rome to kick off the first World Children's Day. The event featured a parade of delegations and musical entertainment, creating a joyful and hopeful atmosphere. 

 Pope to children: Be peacemakers

“Think of children in Gaza, machine-gunned; those in Ukraine who are no longer smiling”
19 Apr 2024 - The Pope met with thousands of young people as part of an initiative of the Community of Sant'Egidio that promotes the teaching of human rights in classrooms. 

3 Apr 2024 - 

A look at Pope Francis' general audience April 3.
Pope prays for fallen Ukrainian soldier

Pope: Pray for war-torn regions this Holy Week

 24 Mar 2024 A look at Pope Francis' Palm Sunday.

March 20, 2024 Pope Francis during general audiance.

Pope entrusts war-torn regions to St. Joseph

Pope redoubles prayers for Israel, Palestine.

After praying the Angelus March 3, Pope Francis called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Pope Francis calls for humanitarian aid in Gaza following U.S. shipment of food 

3 Mar 2024 - The Pope called for a ceasefire and insisted on the need for humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip, where the “little ones see their future jeopardized.”

Pope Francis marked the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine Feb. 25. 2024  

Il Papa: le guerre sono una sconfitta e inutili. Le popolazioni sono sfinite 18 Feb 2024 - Dopo l'Angelus, Francesco lancia i suoi appelli alla fine della violenza in Sudan, dove chiede di fermare un conflitto che “ha provocato una gravissima situazione umanitaria”, e nel Nord del Mozambico. Il pensiero all’Ucraina e alla Palestina.

GAZA: "Our presence is a mission"

Parish priest in Gaza: “If Gaza is not hell, it is because Jesus is still there in the Eucharist” 7 Feb 2024

Pope Francis said war is a "crime against humanity" Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024

6 Jan 2024 - Nel dopo Angelus del giorno dell’Epifania, Francesco parla dei 60 anni dallo storico "storico gesto di fraternità compiuto a Gerusalemme" e guarda ai conflitti che stanno insanguinando Palestina, Israele, Ucraina e altri luoghi nel mondo intero.

Il Papa: il ricordo dell’abbraccio tra Paolo VI e Atenagora spinga a lavorare per la pace

4 Jan 2024 - Nel gennaio del 1964 Papa Montini si recò in pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa e incontrò il patriarca ecumenico di Costantinopoli. "Ho avuto la grande fortuna questa mattina - furono le parole del Pontefice - di abbracciare dopo secoli, dopo secoli il patriarca ecumenico e scambiare con lui parole di pace e di fraternità, e di desiderio di unione, concordia e onore a Cristo e all'umanità. Speriamo che questi inizi diano buon frutto, il seme porti a maturità". Lo spirito dell’incontro tra è stato rinnovato nel 2014 da Francesco e Bartolomeo

Paolo VI e Atenagora, 60 anni fa lo storico abbraccio a Gerusalemme

26 Dec 2023 - Il Papa: Siria, Gaza, Ucraina, un deserto di morti. Preghiamo e lottiamo per la pace

22 Dec 2023 - Padre Francesco Patton, per le festività natalizie, si rivolge ai fedeli incoraggiandoli a guardare alla luce della grotta di Betlemme in questo momento segnato da guerra e odio

Pope asks for Advent prayers for war-torn nations 11 Dec 2023

Pope renews prayers for war-torn countries 6 Dec 2023 - Pope Francis opened his weekly general audience Dec. 6 by explaining that an aide would read his prepared remarks, as he was still recovering from illness.


Israeli hostages freed, Palestinian prisoners released | EWTN News In Depth December 1, 2023

28 Nov 2023 - The Sisters of Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta are one of three of the women's congregations in Gaza; they too chose to remain there despite having the option to evacuate. The sisters remained among the suffering as they always do. 

The Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins, His Beatitude Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, on the occasion of his pastoral visit to Gaza had visited the home where the Sisters of Charity house disabled children and young people. 

I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was naked and you clothed me, a stranger and you welcomed me, in prison and you visited me. Every time you have done these things to one of my least brothers you have done it to me. 

On that occasion the patriarch had touched the work that these mothers carry on, silent, hidden. Loving the Lord and walking in the midst of His people, the sisters of Mother Teresa, even here in the Holy Land heal the wounded limbs of humanity, protect those most exposed and guard the body of Christ, even under the bombs.

Pope: Enough with war in the Holy Land!
13 Nov 2023 - A look at Pope Francis' appeal for peace in the Holy Land Nov. 12


Two peoples, one land,
Three faiths, one root,
One earth, one mother,
One sky, one beginning, one future, one destiny,
One broken heart,
One God.
We pray to You:
Grant us a vision of unity.
May we see the many in the one and the one in the many.
May you, Life of All the Worlds,
Source of All Amazing Differences
Help us to see clearly.
Guide us gently and firmly toward each other,
Toward peace. Amen.


7 Nov 2023 - Tuesday marks one month since the Hamas terrorist group attacked Israel, resulting in more than 1,300 deaths. Soldier, surgeon and religious sister, Sr. Deirdre Byrne was stationed with the US Army on the Sinai Peninsula and has been on several missions to Israel for the past 25 years. She retired from the US Army with the rank of colonel and is double Board certified in family medicine and general surgery. After a life of medical and military service, she was ultimately led to the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts community. Sr. Deirdre joins to share what her reaction to the news of the Israel-Hamas war in the Holy Land was. She discusses what she is hearing about the needs for medical missionary work in Israel and in Gaza. Pope Francis has called for the faithful to fast and pray for peace in the Middle East. Sr. Deirdre tells us how we can expand on the importance of joining the afflicted in prayer and fasting right now. She gives advice to young men or women who are discerning the religious life, as it is National Vocation Awareness Week.


30 Oct 2023 - Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale dell’Onu, che gestisce il magazzino preso d’assalto ieri da migliaia di palestinesi della Striscia affamati, sottolinea che solo due panifici su 24 sostenuti dall’agenzia funzionano. “E’ indispensabile una pausa umanitaria dei combattimenti – è l’appello del dirigente locale del Pam – per raggiungere le persone in difficoltà con cibo, acqua e beni di prima necessità in modo sicuro”
A Gaza scarseggiano pane e carburante. Il Pam chiede una “pausa umanitaria”


29 Oct 2023 -- Fr. Ibrahim Faltas, the Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, whom Pope Francis cited on Sunday, thanks the Pope for calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, saying no one has heeded the needs of the people of Gaza.


27 Oct 2023 - Anziani, disabili e ammalati. Sono loro a pagare il prezzo più alto nella Striscia di Gaza. “Molte persone stanno morendo”, dice Fabrizio Cavalletti, responsabile di Caritas Italiana per il Medio Oriente, che chiede di continuare a pregare al fianco del Papa per la tregua e per l’arrivo di beni di prima necessità e medicinali.


I bambini della parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia a Gaza pregano per la pace


October 28 2023, Prayer of the Holy Rosary and torchlight procession


October 27 2023, Prayer for Peace, Pope Francis

fi tmiem is-siegħa ta’ talb
Pacem in terris
Bażilika ta’ San Pietru
Il-Ġimgħa, 27 ta’ Ottubru, 2023

Marija, ħares lejna! Ninsabu hawn quddiemek. Inti Omm, taf x’inhuma t-toqol tagħna u l-ġrieħi tagħna. Inti, Reġina tal-Paċi, tbati magħna u għalina xħin tara lil uliedek għajjiena minħabba l-kunflitti, bid-djieqa f’qalbhom minħabba l-gwerer li qed ikissru d-dinja.
Siegħa ta’ dlam. Din hi siegħa ta’ dlam, Omm tagħna. U f’dis-siegħa ta’ dlam aħna nintilfu f’għajnejk ileqqu u nafdaw ruħna fil-qalb ħanina tiegħek, sensibbli għall-problemi tagħna. Qalbek ma kinitx meħlusa mill-inkwiet u l-biża’: kemm ansjetà meta ma kienx hemm post għal Ġesù fil-lukanda, kemm biża’ meta bil-ħeffa ħrabtu lejn l-Eġittu għax Erodi ried joqtlu, kemm swied il-qalb meta tliftuh fit-tempju! Imma, Omm tagħna, waqt il-provi int kont kuraġġuża, ma qtajtx qalbek: afdajt f’Alla u għal dawk il-preokkupazzjonijiet weġibt bil-kura, għall-biża’ bl-imħabba, għall-ansjetà bl-offerta. Omm tagħna, inti ma bqajtx lura, iżda fil-mumenti deċisivi ħadt l-inizjattiva: bil-ħeffa mort għand Eliżabetta, fit-tieġ ta’ Kana ksibt mingħand Ġesù l-ewwel miraklu, fiċ-Ċenaklu żammejt lid-dixxipli magħqudin. U meta fuq il-Kalvarju sejf nifidlek ruħek, Omm tagħna, mara umli, mara qawwija, il-lejl tad-dulur insiġtu bit-tama tal-Għid.
Issa, Omm tagħna, erġa’ ħu l-inizjattiva għal darb’oħra; ħudha f’isimna, f’dawn iż-żminijiet mifnijin bil-gwerer u mkissrin bl-armi. Dawwar ħarstek ħanina fuq il-familja umana, li nsiet it-triq tal-paċi, li għażlet lil Kajin minflok lil Abel u, għax tilfet is-sens tal-fraternità mhix qed issib l-atmosfera tad-dar. Interċedi għad-dinja tagħna li tinsab fil-periklu u ta’ taħt fuq. Għallimna nilqgħu u nieħdu ħsieb il-ħajja - kull ħajja umana! – u għallimna nirrifjutaw il-ġenn tal-gwerra, li tiżra’ l-mewt u xxejjen il-ġejjieni.
Marija, bosta drabi ġejt tiltaqa’ magħna, titlobna t-talb u l-penitenza. Però, aħna, moħħna biss fil-ħtiġijiet tagħna u aljenati mill-interessi tad-dinja, bqajna torox għall-istedin tiegħek. Iżda itni, li tħobbna, ma taqtax qalbek minna, Omm tagħna. Aqbadna minn idejna. Aqbadna min idejna u mexxina lejn il-konverżjoni, agħmel li nerġgħu nqiegħdu lil Alla fl-ewwel post. Għinna nħarsu l-għaqda fil-Knisja u nkunu artiġġjani tal-komunjoni fid-dinja. Erġa’ fakkarna fl-importanza tar-rwol tagħna, agħmilna responsabbli tal-paċi, imsejħin biex nitolbu u naduraw, biex ninterċedu u npattu għall-ġeneru uman kollu kemm hu.
Omm tagħna, waħedna ma naslux, mingħajr Ibnek ma nistgħu nagħmlu xejn. Imma int terġa’ toħodna għand Ġesù li hu l-paċi tagħna. Għalhekk, Omm Alla u Ommna, aħna niġu għandek, infittxu kenn fil-Qalb Immakulata tiegħek. Ninvokaw il-ħniena, Omm tal-ħniena; paċi, Reġina tal-paċi! Ċaqlaq il-qlub ta’ min hu maqbud fin-nassa tal-mibegħda, ikkonverti lil min ixewwex u jkebbes il-kunflitti. Imsaħ id-dmugħ tat-tfal – f’dis-siegħa qalbhom maqsuma bil-biki! -, għin lil min hu waħdu jew anzjan, wieżen lill-feruti u lill-morda, ħares lil min kellu jħalli pajjiżu u kulma hu l-aktar għażiż għalih, farraġ lil min tilef il-fiduċja, erġa’ kebbes it-tama.
Nafdaw f’idejk u nikkonsagrawlek ħajjietna, kull fibra ta’ dak li aħna, ta’ dak li għandna, għal dejjem. Nikkonsagrawlek il-Knisja sabiex bħala xhud tal-imħabba ta’ Kristu lid-dinja, tkun sinjal ta’ armonija, strument tal-paċi. Nikkonsagrawlek id-dinja tagħna, nikkonsagrawlek b’mod speċjali il-pajjiżi u r-reġjuni li qiegħdin fi gwerra.
Il-poplu tal-fidili jagħrfek bħala ż-żerniq tas-salvazzjoni: Omm tagħna, iftaħ raġġi ta’ dawl f’dal-lejl ta’ kunflitti. Int, għamara tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, nebbaħ it-toroq tal-paċi lil min hu responsabbli min-nazzjonijiet. Int, Sinjura tal-popli kollha, irrikonċilja ‘l-uliedek, imsaħħrin mill-ħażen, mogħmija mis-setgħa u mill-mibegħda. Int, li int qrib kulħadd, naqqas id-distanzi ta’ bejnietna. Inti li tħenn għal kulħadd, għallimna nieħdu ħsieb l-oħrajn, agħmilna xhieda tal-faraġ tiegħek. Omm tagħna, Int, Reġina tal-paċi, sawwab l-armonija ta’ Alla fil-qlub. Ammen.
Miġjub għall-Malti mit-Taljan minn Joe Huber

Fi kriżi bħal ma hija dik li bħalissa għaddejin minnha r-residenti kollha tal-strippa ta' Gaza, kif ukoll l-Lvant Nofsani b'mod partikolari l-art Imqaddsa, ikolli nieqaf u nirrifletti kif dak kollu li qed nisimgħu ta' kuljum qed jolqot lil dawn ħutna Palestinjani u Iżraeljani. Fi gwerer bħal dawn (inkluż dak li għadu sfortunatament għaddej fl-Ukrajna) huwa il-bniedem iż-żgħir illi dejjem isofri u jbati. Deċiżjoni ta' grupp terroristiku jew ta' politikant malajr tbiddel il-ħajja ta' numru ta' familji għal ġenerazzjonijiet sħaħ. U b'dan il-ħsieb, bħala Kristjani, ma nistawx ma nifmhux li dak kollu li qed isir lil dawn ħutna fl-strippa ta' Gaza qed isir fuq Sidna Ġesu' Kristu għaliex kif jgħidilna Kristu stess, ‘Tassew, ngħidilkom, kulma għamiltu ma’ wieħed mill-iżgħar fost dawn ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.’ (Mattew 25:40). Mela ejja, aħna li aħna parroċċa Marjana, nifmhu li b'dak kollu li qed jiġri, il-bniedem qed idur kontra x-xewqa ta' Ġesu' (Alla) u permezz ta' hekk anke ta' Ommna Marija. Forsi ma tantx nistaw inbiddlu d-dinja mill-mikorkosm tad-dar tagħna imma kull pass jgħin. Ejja għalhekk, f'dan ix-xahar t'Ottubru, xahar iddedikat lil Ommna Marija taħt it-titlu tar-Rużarju, nitolbu din it-talba flimkien bħala familja u noffruha għal bżonnijiet ta' dawk li qed jgħaddu min dan l-att barbariku. Kull min jitlob bil-qalb lil Ommna Marija, żgur li din tieqaf miegħu u tilqgħha x-xewqa tiegħu. Ejja ukoll inkunu aktar kawti fi kliemna. F'sitwazzjonijiet bħal dawn ma hemmx tajjeb u ħażin iżda biss mrar u tbatija għal min qed isofri dawn l-inġustizzji. Ommna Marija idħol int għalina.



Fis-Santwarju Madonna ta' Pinu, Għawdex.  17 t'Ottubru, 2023 .

video published on 16 Oct 2023
Here is a message of peace from my friend Michal Halev, the mother of Laor Avramov who was murdered last week. I share this with you and stand behind her:
My name is Michal Halev. My son La’or was murdered last week by Hamas terrorists. I made this appeal for love and healing instead of vengeance because I don’t want other mothers to experience the unbearable pain I’m going through. Please help people the world over hear my anguish, and maybe seeds of peace can be planted in the fields of battle and hatred.
No Vengeance in my name - the call of Michal Halev


October 19, Thursday Evening - 
Moment of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis, 19 October 2023


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